Divine Card Creator

Chapter 102: Why don't you go to heaven? !


late at night.

Xiaobai has already fallen asleep.

"Not a peaceful night."

Lu Ming sighed inwardly.


It's amazing.

Not only those powerful practitioners, but also the goldfish themselves!


Lu Ming spread his palms.

In his hand, he held a golden scale.


This is what the goldfish gave it.

Lu Ming squeezed and bit again, it turned out to be true! This is amazing, has the purely energy-based goldfish also produced something physical

Lu Ming's senses swept over, and he seemed to be able to feel a wonderful power.

this is…


The time and place where it appeared were too accurate!

At the beginning, Lu Ming only appeared here by accident, with a simple black face, but after thinking about it carefully, perhaps, this itself is its ability!


That wondrous ability counts as being able to save it!

But that strange ability that brought it here...


That's all.

Lu Ming didn't know, he just guessed like this.

In this magical world, he has heard of too many wonderful powers, curses, elements, etc., and now there is one more lucky, it seems nothing strange.

"Is this a lucky halo?"

Lu Ming thought about it.



Maybe it should be called a koi

After thinking about it, he carefully put the scale into the card case.

This time Moon Shadow Inheritance.


Can bring him good luck.


He will remember what happened today very clearly.


That one is Zhou Yang!

"We'll meet."

Lu Ming was very serious.

after all.

He can be a salted fish.

Salted fish is very vengeful.

the next day.

Only then did people know what happened.

"Mysterious Goldfish Appears! "

"Four-star spiritual body, who will get it?" "

"The Mysterious Strong Rescued the Goldfish, Sweeping the Four-Star Practitioners, No One Can Fight"

Whose fault is the cemetery destroyed? "

Massive news swept across, and Qingming City became lively again.

"Have you heard that the mysterious strongman summoned the herd of cattle yesterday?"

"The Bull Demon King again?"

"It is said that it is not. I heard that this time it is a powerful summoner or charmer, who attracted all the nearby cattle and almost slaughtered the whole audience!"

"Really? Gao Sirius and Zhou Yang are still there."

"Is it still fake? Gao Tianlang's sister was seriously injured. I heard that someone saw him holding his sister and rushed back overnight to heal her injuries."


"What about the goldfish?"

"I don't know, I ran away. Someone woke up in the middle of the night and secretly took pictures, only to find a golden light... nothing can be seen."

Everyone is talking about it.

There is no way, the movement yesterday was too great.

I can't hide it at all!

"Who gave them the guts?"

"Check it out for me!"

"Everyone who shot yesterday, everyone fined me!"

"All the money for the reconstruction of the cemetery and the spiritual loss of those people must be given to me!"

The top officials of Qingming City were furious.

If these four-star cultivators were settled quietly in the suburbs, it would be fine, but they chased them into the city and almost caused a big mess. Isn't this courting death? !


What's more, the cemetery was wiped out by them!

This is the big trouble.

It is said.

All major departments were blocked early in the morning.

Do you know what is most discussed in Qingming City today



"Woooooo, the sacrifice I prepared for my mother was eaten by a cow."

"You're okay, my grandfather's grave was blown up by those damn four-star practitioners!"

"Depend on!"

"What are you guys doing?"

"Damn it, my grandpa's ashes were all taken away!"

Everyone's popularity exploded.

This is more terrifying than the ancestral grave being dug up!

This is a cemetery!

Public Cemetery!

Countless dead are buried here!

The results of it

Because of these damn four-stars!

If they choose to fight, can't they change the location

"They must pay the price!"

Someone roared.

"They must pay the price!"

Some people follow.


It soon turned into a mighty parade movement.

The family members of those practitioners held signs angrily and marched on the street, blocking all departments, hoping they would give an explanation!

And at this moment.

Lu Ming was eating breakfast at the entrance of the shop.

Then I saw a group of people holding four stars, goldfish and other news, and shouting slogans to make them pay the price, walking past.

This situation...

Could it be...


Lu Ming gasped for a mouthful of Liangpi.


Xiaobai puffed up his steamed stuffed bun face angrily, and took away the half bowl of Liangpi in front of Lu Ming.

Hate it!

Master is too much!

Suck and suck every time I eat!


What's so disgusting about Liangpi!

"It's over."

Lu Ming's scalp was numb at the moment.


He has no time to care about Liangpi.



If what happened yesterday was found out... he wouldn't even know how he died!

He is innocent!

The battlefield is chosen by those four-star practitioners!

It has nothing to do with him!

He just put a grave card to clear the field, who knows those cows will tear down the cemetery? Oh, that's not right, before the cattle came, the graves had already been demolished!

Who told them to catch goldfish there!


No one knew him either.

Lu Ming thought about it carefully, and after making sure that he didn't leave any flaws, he was relieved.


This is the fault of the four-star boss, and has nothing to do with me.



I heard that most of the four-star bosses haven't left yet

Lu Ming thought about it.

Those cultivators seemed to be injured last night, so they could only recuperate here and did not leave. Now, it seems that they can't leave.

Lu Ming suddenly gloated a little.

"Master, what are you laughing at?"

Xiaobai was curious.

Master's smirk is so stupid.


Lu Ming laughed.

Although the strongest in Qingming City are only four-star cultivators, all major departments can send personnel to their superiors, and these guys are afraid that they will suffer.


Lu Ming's happy mood did not last long.

Just half an hour.

Lu Ming received a familiar call.


"Hello? Is this Comrade Lu Ming?"

A steady baritone came.

Lu Ming...


This style of painting...

Lu Ming suddenly had a very bad premonition.


Lu Ming sighed.

"Your friend Zhang Xueyao is here, I hope you can come over when you have time."

The baritone said calmly.


Lu Ming rolled his eyes, what could he say? This fat man will die if he doesn't do anything for a day! You don't even look at what time it is!


Protest the four-star boss!

Why are you being arrested at this time to join in the fun

"What crime?"

Lu Ming sighed.

"He is suspected of racketeering..."

The baritone spoke skillfully.


Lu Ming thought he heard it wrong, extortion? ? Are you mistaken? With Zhang Xiaopang's cowardly character, the most prostitutes are prostitutes.


This has nothing to do with his style of painting at all!

"you sure?"

He was very suspicious.

"You'd better come and see, we might as well."

The voice of the baritone seems to have some speechless feeling.

Lu Ming: "..."


"Xiaobai, I'm going out for a while."

Lu Ming explained, "Be careful at home."


Xiaobai waved his hand.


Lu Ming arrived at the detention center skillfully.


Lu Ming rubbed his head. I am so proficient in this kind of place now

This damn chubby smashed it!


Lu Ming walked over.

"you again."

Last time, the girl who was a summoner and law enforcement officer looked at Lu Ming with an unfriendly expression. Hehe, she remembered clearly that the little fat man yelled at him to blow his own asshole.

Lu Ming: "..."

"He's inside."

The little girl said coldly, "However, it's so easy to come out this time."


Lu Ming was surprised, isn't it just a fine

"You can see for yourself."

The little girl curled her mouth.

"it is good."

Lu Ming nodded slightly.

He walked inside and found that Zhang Xiaopang was being questioned inside, and the most interesting thing was that the law enforcement officer in charge of the questioning was actually Zhang Wei!

"Brother Lu."

Zhang Xiaopang was delighted.

"You do it."

Zhang Wei had a headache on his face, "This time the matter is quite special, it's best to resolve it as soon as possible."


Lu Ming was at a loss.


About this matter, he heard some wonderful words before it even started.

Special, not so easy, extortionate...


What the hell did this little fat man do? !

"It's actually nothing."

Zhang Xiaopang was a little embarrassed, "Didn't many four-star seniors come here yesterday to look for goldfish spirit bodies? I just want to join in the fun."


Lu Ming interrupted him, "You know that too?!"

He was really shocked.

spirit body!


The general public will only know after today's end!

This chubby smashed it!

I knew it yesterday!

You know, even he himself asked Jiang Feng's deceitful questions.

"Uh, I know."

Zhang Xiaopang scratched his head.

"How did you know?"

Zhang Wei looked serious.

He has to ask, that's the key.

If the news spreads all over the sky before every powerful cultivator takes action, it will cause great panic and even bring more casualties!


Zhang Xiaopang scratched his head, "Well... didn't many four-star cultivators come a few days in advance? Some of them went to discuss and communicate with young ladies about cultivation. I also know many young ladies, so I accidentally Then I knew about the goldfish spirit body."


The whole room fell silent.

Zhang Wei and Lu Ming looked at each other and looked at each other in blank dismay. This method of obtaining information...

never mind.

Zhang Wei was too lazy to care.

This kind of thing is estimated to be able to do it!

Lu Ming was also speechless.

what can i say

"and then?"

Lu Ming sighed.

"Then… "

Zhang Xiaopang felt a little embarrassed, "Yesterday I wanted to join in the fun, but found that those people were too fast to keep up, and then I thought of a good way."

"any solution?"

Lu Ming was expressionless.

"Don't those big guys like Miss Sister?"

Zhang Xiaopang said solemnly, "Their battle is over and they are exhausted physically and mentally. At this time, if there are warm and kind ladies who are willing to take care of them, they must be happy! So, I found some ladies I know and went to Appease these powerful cultivators who have returned from battle!"


Zhang Wei suddenly snorted coldly, "This is the reason why you blackmailed me after secretly filming the video?!"

Lu Ming: "???"



It turned out to be this!


Lu Ming suddenly came back to his senses.


This is no ordinary cultivator, but a four-star cultivator! This is a real boss! How dare Zhang Xiaopang blackmail them? !

"You don't even let four stars go?"

Lu Ming was shocked!


Zhang Xiaopang said honestly, "Didn't they get injured yesterday?"

Lu Ming: "..."


What else can he say

I've seen someone who is going to die, but I've never seen someone who is going to die like this, you fucking dare to extort even a four-star cultivator? !

Why don't you go to heaven? !