Divine Card Creator

Chapter 109: If you want to become stronger... (Fifth update!)


"Super-order ability?!"

Lu Ming was amazed.

This is his first time encapsulating super-level abilities!

"Of course, otherwise why abuse them?"

Lu Yan was very calm, "This is a low-level ability that I specially improved. The power has been reduced a lot, but it should be within your reasonable range."


Lu Ming sensed the original card, showing horror.

Package energy consumption: 2400 points!

Card energy requirement: 800 points!

Encapsulating the card just now almost exhausted all his energy! And the energy requirement of this card itself is only 800 points!

That is.

800 points of energy can cause an effect of 2400 points, a three-fold increase, amazing power!

It is indeed a super-order card!

As expected of a sword repair card!

tough! .

What Mr. Tan said in class was right, the multiplier is what should be done.


This one-star card didn't do much for him.

too weak!

It's not that Lu Yan's sword energy is weak, but that his own energy requirements are too low, so he can only package it like this. It is estimated that it will not be easy for Lu Yan to reduce it to this point.

So, try fusion

Lu Ming cheered up, this is a super card!


He tried to make seven pieces of sword energy, and merged them again, and actually merged into a two-star ultra-level sword energy card, which was still the familiar blue color!

Energy consumption: 3600 points.

"It seems that the fusion of super-order cards must be super-order cards."

Lu Ming thought about it.


Brand new cards appear.

Although it is an ultra-level card, fortunately it only has two stars.

For Lu Ming at the current stage, the foundation of the two stars has already been mastered. Apart from the complexity and inherent technical lines, there is not much difficulty.


This energy requirement...

Lu Ming paused, and stacked a layer of two-star energy cards.



A brand new two-star sword repair card was born in Lu Ming's hands.


super order.

After stacking reduces consumption, only 2600 points are needed!

Ready to use!

Lu Ming's eyes brightened.

In this way, I can be regarded as having a real attack card! This card is also in line with what Teacher Tan said, the multiplier is extremely high, and it is powerful enough!

With this card, he can completely regret three stars!


He skipped the 'false three-star stage' and finally possessed the real three-star fighting level!


Lu Ming was very satisfied.

He suddenly felt that maybe he underestimated himself too much


The geniuses of the First Academy are alright too!


I am also a genius!

Lu Ming thought so.


The wristband vibrates.

Xiaobai called.

"Xiaobai, do you want to be a teacher?"

Lu Ming was in a good mood.


Xiaobai was very happy, and reported a good news to Lu Ming by the way: "Master, Master, I am two stars."


Lu Ming's heart swelled in shock.

Two stars

It seems that he taught her new cards before he left! The speed at which this child improves is amazing! Is this the real genius

"Master, Master, is the First Academy fun?"

Xiaobai is very happy.


Lu Ming smiled and chatted with her for a while, "Create the card well, and go back to find your acceptance results for the teacher."


Xiaobai hung up the phone obediently.


Lu Ming fell into deep thought, he must be talented...

"Sister, when did you learn this ability?"

Lu Ming asked suddenly.

"This sword energy?"

Lu Yan thought for a while, "It's been a few years, I don't remember much."

Lu Ming: "..."

several years

How old were you then

Can't afford to provoke.

Lu Ming's swelling state of mind returned to calm.


Lu Yan took him out to eat, strolled around the college, saw the background of the first college, walked around, and then took him back to the room.

"You have a good rest today."

Lu Yan said, "I guess it will be almost done in two days."


Lu Ming nodded.

He's fine with none of this, but...


"Can't you live somewhere else?"

Lu Ming's face was dark.

Because his sister actually arranged him in her room directly!

What about trouble? !

Is this the girls' dormitory? !


"They dare not say anything."

Lu Yan remained calm.

That's not the point, is it? !

Lu Ming's heart is lying, the point is that it's inappropriate? ! He really didn't expect that on the first night he came to the First Academy, he would ask someone to be in the girls' dormitory...

Still on my sister's bed.

"It's safer here."

Lu Yan calmly helped him make the bed, "I can protect you."

protect him

Is it because of the change of owner of the Moon Shadow Card


Lu Ming could only compromise.

It was a matter of personal safety, so he reluctantly slept with his sister...

"I'm at Li Tiantian's next door."

After making the bed, Lu Yan said, "Call me if you need anything."

"Aren't you sleeping here?"

Lu Ming was surprised.


Lu Yan gave him a strange look, "Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem."

Lu Ming coughed.

"rest assured."

Lu Yan said softly, "This distance is no problem. If you are in danger, I can come here in an instant."

"Oh, all right."

Lu Ming paused, "I was also worried about the distance just now."


It must be.

He said so in his heart.


the next day.

Lu Ming went to Teacher Tan's class again.

After listening to the class yesterday, he gained a lot. He felt that it would be of great help if he could listen to a few more classes before stepping into the Moon Shadow Inheritance.

"Attend class."

Tan Yaoming habitually called the roll call.

It was a little surprising that four people were absent in the class that was always full.

"Where are the four of them?"

Tan Yaoming asked.

"Wang Xiaoming went to work."

The class representative stood up and said, "Li Er seems to have gone out to discuss business with those people from the business school. According to Zhang Zu... his milk tea shop opened today."


Tan Yaoming's face darkened.

His unkind eyes swept over Lu Ming again.

Lu Ming looked innocent.

What does this have to do with him


"We did theory and simulations."

Tan Yaoming started to give a lecture, and found that many students were still playing with their mobile phones, searching for how to make money faster, so the conversation changed, "Today, let's do a real battle!"


The students all of a sudden came to the spirit.

Actual combat? !

"Lu Ming's battle yesterday was actually not worthwhile."


"low efficiency."


Tan Yaoming said bluntly, "What do you think?"

"The teacher is right."

Lu Ming took it for granted.

He really felt that the previous fighting methods were too wasteful, mainly because the effect of every bit of energy was too weak, and it was all piled up with massive amounts of energy!

After all, it's just an ordinary card!

What should a normal card maker pursue


Save more!

That is, the legendary advanced cards and super-level cards!

"very good."

Tan Yaoming was very satisfied, "Then, you can come up."


Lu Ming was stunned.

It's him again? !

"You come to fight with me."

The teacher said, "I only use two-star cards, you can play them at will, let everyone see how much energy will be wasted during the release!"

"Teacher, this is not good."

Lu Ming smiled wryly, "Simulation is simulation, in reality..."

"What are you afraid of?"

Tan Yaoming glared at him, "Don't worry, I will make up for the consumption."

The students suddenly became excited.

This is actual combat!

Lu Ming was speechless.

This is not a matter of compensation, but that he doesn't have those cards at all! Grave card, demolition card, which one would he dare to use in school? !

Isn't this courting death


If you don't show it, hehe, was the mock battle yesterday a fake

Even more embarrassing!

This is also a problem.

Lu Ming took a look. In his card bag, there was only one card that could be used.

"come over!"

Tan Yaoming shouted.

"Really want to fight?"

Lu Ming felt guilty.


Tan Yaoming sneered.

"I can use any method?"

Lu Ming said weakly.

"bring it on!"

Tan Yaoming said calmly.

This time, it was to correct that unhealthy atmosphere!

He deliberately made preparations. If Lu Ming used low-level cards to get angry again, even if he won, it would cause ten times or a hundred times the consumption!

He will let this group of students see clearly what fighting is!

"Teacher, you should defend well."

Lu Ming smiled wryly, "I have used up those low-level cards, and my current attack cards may be very powerful."

"It's okay, just come here."

Tan Yaoming is mentally prepared.

Since he was so rich, the cards probably wouldn't be weak, um... He pinched a few two-star powerful defensive cards in his hands, green fluorescent flashing.

"bring it on!"

Tan Yaoming spoke.

"it is good."

Lu Ming was no longer polite.


A card in his hand dissipated, and a faint blue light flickered.

blue? !

Tan Yaoming suddenly had a bad feeling.

call out!

A terrifying sword light flashed.



Several defenses in front of Tan Yaoming's eyes collapsed in an instant. All ordinary defenses and advanced defenses became extremely ridiculous in front of this attack.

call out!

The sword light flashed and was nailed to the blackboard.

Although Tan Yaoming repeatedly asked to use it on him, Lu Ming still didn't dare to aim, so this sword light was crooked.


There was silence in the classroom.

"That, teacher, I said..."

Lu Ming said weakly.

Tan Yaoming was silent.

for a long time.

He came to his senses.

It doesn't matter, although I have become a negative teaching material, it just happens to prove that my thoughts are correct! Didn't Lu Ming use the same way he taught him


This is a more efficient thing!

That's right.

Tan Yaoming is going to give the students some correct guidance.


At this moment, he vaguely heard the discussion of the students.

"What a powerful card!"

"As expected of a local tyrant, I checked just now, this is a super-level card, or a sword repair card, the price is very expensive!"


"If we want to become stronger..."

"make money!"

"That's right, make more money!"

Tan Yaoming looked confused, what does it mean to make more money

This rhythm is wrong!

Such a good classroom, how did it become like this

Most of this group of people who are still learning card making technology and experience are freshmen or sophomores who have just entered school, and they were made such a fuss by Lu Ming...

Don't really go to make money!

"Cough cough."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lu Ming quickly slipped away.

Although he firmly believes that he is innocent, Teacher Tan doesn't seem to think so... Forget it, there seems to be Teacher Tan's class in the afternoon, come again in the afternoon.


Lu Ming also had a headache.

He really just wants to study hard!


Lu Ming still wanted to study there, but suddenly received a message—sorry, you have been added to the prohibited list of this course, please contact the teacher or the school to cancel it.

Lu Ming: "???"

What do you mean? !

These teachers are too petty!

never mind.

Lu Ming looked at his authority, so he might as well go to the library to read.

The library of the First Academy has many books that are not available in other places, and even no matter how much money you spend outside, these books are very precious!

Lu Ming has also been fascinated for a long time.

He opened the book.

Mysterious and unique prohibition...

A wonderful legacy…

Otherworldly poses... oh, got this one wrong.

Lu Ming watched mesmerized.

For Lu Ming who lacks basic concepts, the library is also a good place. Besides, here, you won't offend any teacher or student, right


Lu Ming really read the book quietly all day.

Quiet as a chicken.


He didn't know it was.

At this time, the academy forum exploded again because of him.