Divine Card Creator

Chapter 116: There is no inheritance and self-made!


heritage relics.

call out!

call out!

The sword light flickered.

Wu Hongfei walked out of the waterfall with a happy expression on his face.

So strong!

This waterfall, mountain and river seems to have mysterious power, which can increase the concentration of his sword energy several times. When fighting, the power that can be erupted is even stronger!

"I finally became stronger."

Wu Hongfei was delighted.

Where is the gap between him and those geniuses

right here!

With great strength, the gap in energy cultivation is only part of it!

Sword Embryo, Sword Qi...


All-round improvement is really powerful!

this time.

Earn big!

He has gone through several trials and is very satisfied. This level of cultivation can greatly reduce the gap between him and those people. This inheritance...

Might be able to fight!


"There are no resources for a card maker."

The five-star card maker who came with him was a little disappointed.


Wu Hongfei patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't let you lose money."


The five-star card maker sighed.

this time.

I'm afraid that's the only way to go.


Gao Sirius walked out from a trial.

After being tempered by the fire of the red lotus, his sword embryo is even stronger!

Every part of the trials in the Moon Shadow inheritance is extremely powerful. After he has gone through a few places, his strength has improved a lot, and his combat power has increased significantly!

Lu Yan...

Zhao Yunshan...

The gap between me and you is getting smaller and smaller!

Gao Sirius looked firmly.

He also has no shortage of resources.

But there are some things, there is really no way to do it if you have resources. The only thing that can be piled up with massive resources is energy cultivation, what else

Can only practice!


He was always one step away from those top talents.

And now...

It's all there!

He Gao Sirius is fully approaching the five-star peak!


The only pity is that this time there was no competition for resources for my sister.


On the contrary, Gao Xiaoqing was very happy.

This ban is not too difficult, just a waste of some time.

Although her fighting power is not good, she is still a formation mage with inheritance, so it is not too difficult to crack it.

As for the four stars...

She believes it won't be too long.

As long as he can help his brother improve his strength, the inheritance of Moon Shadow will not be in vain!

"rest assured."

Gao Sirius got up.

A terrifying aura rose from him.

This inheritance, I will definitely go to the end!


All sword cultivators have greatly increased in strength.

They entered the inheritance relics at different positions, and the order of trials they went through was also different, but it seemed that they had gone through every inheritance.

Sword fetus, sword gall, sword heart...

None of these should be lifted.


They went through untold hardships and came to the foot of the mountain.

The first one to come over was Wu Hongfei!

Although his strength is good, some trials did not reach the end after all, so he ended the fastest, so he was the first to come here.

at the foot of the mountain.

There seems to be a huge mountain gate.

"Teleportation array?"

The card maker beside him was thoughtful.

At this moment, the only way to the mountain peak is here. Moon Shadow left such a door, probably because he wanted them to pass through here.


The will is weak and inaccessible.

moon shadow.

"Is this a test of will?"

Wu Hongfei regained his spirit.

It seems that their will can also be improved.

"Let's go."

He stepped into the portal first.


Nothing happens.


Wu Hongfei scratched his head, the way is wrong

"Did it go directly?"

Wu Hongfei tried to rush directly through the gate and rushed towards the top of the mountain.


A strong force bounced him back.


Wu Hongfei frowned.

It seems impossible to step into the mountain without passing through here and without Moon Shadow's approval!


How should I live here


Lying down

Ever lay down

The assessment of this idea seems a bit weird.


Wu Hongfei stared at the portal in front of him, feeling something was wrong? Generally speaking, this kind of portal is very common in inheritance and is used for…


Wu Hongfei suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Where is the door? !

Shouldn't the center of the portal be a gate of light and shadow

And now...

Only the door frame remained!

Where is the door

"It should be that the teleportation array is not activated."

The card maker pondered.

"Let me take a look."

He looked left and right, but found no restrictions.


Wu Hongfei was a little puzzled.

They have been going all the way, all kinds of trials are very straightforward, how did they become weird here

Damn it!

They searched for a while, but found nothing, and they couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

And at this moment.

Lu Ming and his sister came out of the forest.

"You are here too."

Wu Hongfei became vigilant.

Although Lu Yan does not participate in the inheritance, what if

"rest assured."

"I'm not interested in your broken inheritance."

Lu Yan looked flat.


Wu Hongfei laughed dryly.

"What are you looking for?"

Seeing them researching near the gate, Lu Ming walked over curiously, and was suddenly surprised, "It's actually the legendary invisible restriction?"


Wu Hongfei's eyes brightened, "What invisible restriction?"

"Haven't you heard?"

Lu Ming gave them a strange look, "The invisible restriction is just..."

"Lu Ming!"

Lu Yan spoke suddenly.

"Oh, nothing."

Lu Ming quickly shut up, "Wrong, wrong, hehe."

something wrong!

Wu Hongfei and Wu Hongfei looked at each other and understood.

There is indeed a ban on this place.


This prohibition seems to involve some kind of secret, they are not willing to say.

"Lu Yan."

Wu Hongfei leaned over, "That restriction..."

"Inheritance competition, each depends on its strength."

Lu Yan said with a normal expression, "Wu Hongfei, have you forgotten what you said? We have stepped into the inheritance, we are competitors, and we owe nothing to anyone!"

"I know."

Wu Hongfei was embarrassed, "Isn't it because you don't participate in the competition?"

"so what?"

Lu Yan looked indifferent.


"We are relatively weak."

"I haven't finished the trial yet, so I can only go in early to talk about the market situation, but if I spend too long here, I won't have any advantage when they come."

Wu Hongfei prayed.

"Each according to his own ability."

Lu Yan said calmly.


Wu Hongfei was discouraged.

He also knows.

This is clearly a competition for inheritance, so it's unreliable to ask a competitor for help, but he is really greedy.

Think about it…

The trials in the first half of Moon Shadow Inheritance were so powerful, what about the second half? If he gets stuck here because the restriction cannot be broken, he will go crazy!

"that is."

Lu Ming murmured a few words at this time, "Break the inheritance, it's all sword cultivators. We didn't get anything when we came in, so we can only run away with you."

it means...

Wu Hongfei's heart fluttered suddenly.


Wu Hongfei gritted his teeth, "How about I give you a five-star energy card?"


Lu Ming's eyes lit up.

Five star!

"elder sister?"

He looked at Lu Yan quietly.

Lu Yan looked as usual, as if he hadn't heard this sentence at all.


Lu Ming was discouraged.

"Another one?"

Wu Hongfei said cautiously, but Lu Yan still didn't respond.

And at this time.

The card maker pulled Wu Hongfei aside and began to mutter.

He still has some ideas.

Think about it.

Why is there an extra invisible restriction in the inheritance of a good sword repairer

Could it be that the first half is the inheritance of sword cultivators, and the second half has the benefits of their assistants? Probably! It's just that his level is limited!

But Lu Ming knows...

It is naturally impossible under normal circumstances, but he is Lu Yan's younger brother, and it is normal for Lu Yan to occasionally obtain some ancient books and give them to his younger brother.

The opportunity is right in front of you, can you not seize it

"inherited… "

"Do you really have a chance to compete?"

asked the card maker.

"Probably not."

Wu Hongfei sighed.

He originally wanted to come in to see if Yueying would fall in love with him at first sight. After all, sometimes candidates for many inheritances don't need to be the strongest...

Now it seems that there is no play!

"That's right."

"We don't want the inheritance anymore. Anyway, we can't fight for it. What's the use of the prepared resources?"

"It's better to go to the mountains and have a look."

"If there are other trials, you can still improve your strength!"


The card maker whispered.

"You mean..."

Wu Hongfei was moved.


Anyway, I don't plan to compete for inheritance!

The odds are too small!

In this Moon Shadow Inheritance, the trial greatly improves the strength. Instead of fighting for an almost impossible inheritance, it is better to improve the strength!

That being the case, what's the use of keeping those hole cards

All useless!

"Give them all!"

Wu Hongfei figured it out.


The two walked up to Lu Yan and threw out everything they had prepared.

energy card...

defense card...

Various medicines…

There are even some precious spiritual herbs that are rare in the market!

These things are expensive!

This is something that Wu Hongfei and the card maker have prepared for a long time, and it is almost what they will use when they are preparing to compete for inheritance this time!

And now...

They all took it out!

"It's done!"

Lu Ming was ecstatic in his heart.

When Wu Hongfei took out these things, a barrage stud appeared in his mind to cooperate with Wu Hongfei!


He looked at Lu Yan.

"Forget it."

Lu Yan waved her hand, "You can do whatever you want."

"it is good."

Lu Ming put these things away excitedly.

Then, he walked to the portal and fiddled for a while, seemingly busy, but he was actually waiting for the time, five, four, three, two, one!


Lu Ming waved his hand.


Inside the huge door frame, a door of ideas emerged!


Wu Hongfei was ecstatic.

I see!

The door of thought!

This is to pass the mind test before stepping into the inheritance!

"Invisible Restriction..."

The Card Creator was deeply ashamed.

Do you look at others

A two-star card maker can crack it!

As a five-star card maker, he can only watch!

Is it an invisible restriction


Think of it as paying tuition fees, I hope Moon Shadow can really teach some ancient prohibitions...

"Let's go."

The two stepped into the door of thought.


A strong will descends.


These wills did not cause any harm to them, the thoughts disappeared, and the two were imprinted with moon shadows and disappeared into the portal.


Lu Yan was thoughtful.

Mind test...

The moon shadow imprints on the two people were actually related to the time they endured!

The longer you persist, the stronger the moon shadow imprint, and the greater the chance of accepting the inheritance. It seems that the inheritance assessment has already begun at this moment!


These have nothing to do with them.


Lu Ming happily looked at the 'tolls' left by Wu Hongfei and the others!

So cool!

This is a resource carefully prepared by two five-star practitioners!

And now...

It's all his!

With these, his strength can be raised to a higher level!

So what if there are no resources for inheritance

If not, create it yourself!

"how did you do that?"

Lu Yan was curious.


The invisible restriction and so on are all nonsense, she only saw that after her brother released some cards against the restriction, the portal disappeared.

"It's nothing."

Lu Ming said honestly, "Don't the portal need energy... I cut off the energy."


He cut off the energy.

The essence of the melting card is to absorb energy, so Lu Ming used the melting card at the portal, cutting off the energy of others directly!


Naturally, a portal of this level cannot be cut off by Lu Ming.

If ten melting cards are used together, the power will be cut off for ten minutes if you die, and a steady stream of energy from the illusion will restore the portal to normal.


He just waited for the time to come!

What if the time has come and the conditions have not been negotiated


Ten more!

It's that simple and rude.

Lu Yan was silent.

In my impression, she participated in this inheritance because she was worried that her younger brother would be bullied and wanted to train him. Now why does she feel that her younger brother is bullying others



Must be an illusion.

And at this moment.

An aura appeared in the distance, and Lu Ming's eyes lit up, "Fat... oh, no, someone is coming."