Divine Card Creator

Chapter 119: Idea showdown!


snowy road.

Lu Ming was still adapting to the sword intent.

Why didn't you vomit blood

Because I am used to it.

A few days ago, in order to resist Li Tiantian's charm attack, he was drawn too many times by the black cat...

There is no pressure on this small shock.


The road to succession is very long, and the sword intent behind it is very strong. It is no problem for him to walk the short distance ahead, but the latter should be unbearable.

He may not vomit blood, but he may not be able to go to the end.

Lu Ming tried to go down for a while.


The pressure is mounting.

Although the mind is also slowly improving, it is obviously not as fast as the sword intent. According to this speed, if Lu Ming wants to move forward quickly...

It is estimated that he will also leave while vomiting blood.

what to do

Lu Ming fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it carefully, he found that the black cat's lash seemed to be more effective. He wondered if it was because the black cat itself was within his sea of consciousness.

What if the inside and outside attack at the same time

Lu Ming was curious.


What if the black cat's attack appeared at the same time as the pressure from the sword intent outside


Lu Ming stepped forward.

And at this time.

In the sea of consciousness, he licked the black cat without hesitation.


A dark shadow came up.

At the same time, the sword intent also descended at this moment.


Two powerful thoughts erupted simultaneously at this moment.

Lu Ming felt like the meat in the middle of the Roujiamo, which was tightly suppressed by two thoughts, unable to move, and could only be pressed and rubbed in the middle.


Lu Ming spat out a mouthful of blood.

Blood spurting!

Blood spurting!

Wu Hongfei suddenly cheered up.


Can't hold it anymore

He just walked a short distance, right


A two-star card maker is a two-star card maker, even if he can withstand the pressure from the sword intent, it is impossible to go on this road!


I really thought too much just now.

A mere two-star, how could his mind be stronger than his own.

Wu Hongfei regained his confidence.

But at this moment, he saw Lu Ming taking out the healing elixir and swallowing it, as if he was recovering his blood, he suddenly laughed, can't he hold on


After all, he is a card maker, and his physical strength is incomparable to their sword repair.


Wu Hongfei shook his head.

He felt that it was a bit funny for him to compare himself with a two-star card maker. Yes, how could he compare himself to a two-star card maker with a dignified five-star swordsman

never mind.

Wu Hongfei looked into the distance.

His goal is to pass through this wind and snow road as soon as possible!


The pills in Lu Ming's hands, why did he feel familiar for some reason? This medicine bottle... Hey, isn't this the healing medicine I prepared


Wu Hongfei's mood became very bad again.


The healing medicine enters the body.

Lu Ming's injury quickly stabilized.


The internal confrontation continues.

The sword intent, and even the strong mind, becomes stronger when it is strong. Facing the counterattack of the black cat, it becomes even sharper, and the terrifying sharpness is frightening!


The sword is surging!

At this moment, the black cat was also furious.


It's fine to touch it secretly while it's asleep, but how dare you fight back



The powerful thoughts of the black cat rushed out.

Damn it!

Lu Ming secretly thought something was wrong, he was playing big.

Thinking of the tragic situation just now, he grabbed a handful of healing food and ate it without hesitation, and then he felt a roar in his body.


A ruptured liver keeps on healing!


Consciousness tearing apart and constantly reorganizing!



Lu Ming suffered a huge shock.

for a long time.

Only after Yueying's sword intent dissipated did he recover from the roar.

Is it over

Lu Ming was speechless.

What's the matter


He just wanted to sharpen his mind!

Never thought that these sword cultivators are violent! Even Yueying, who has been dead for an unknown amount of time, is so irritable! Shoot if you disagree!


He was almost killed alive in the middle!

Fortunately, there are enough healing medicines, and it is stable after eating a lot of healing medicines for the body and spirit.


Too dangerous!

If he had known this earlier, Lu Ming would have dared not touch it.


The benefits are also very obvious!

After the confrontation just now, the growth of his mind is amazing, more than ten times stronger than the single tempering of sword intent and the single flogging of Brother Mao!


Lu Ming concentrated his thoughts.

He can feel the power of his thoughts!

The thoughts that were originally loose and messy have begun to take shape.

So strong!

To know.

Untrained thoughts are like energy, with a huge range and a messy state, while the thoughts of a swordsman have to be sharpened and condensed into sword intent slowly. Even if the sword intent is not condensed, it will be made into a straight line. It will be sharper and easier to distinguish.

And his thoughts...


What's this

Lu Ming took a look, his face was a little ugly.

The duel between Brother Cat and Moon Shadow Sword Intent was a little fierce, and his mind was crushed into a cake in the middle, which was still big and round.

Quite skr!

What about trouble

Whose idea will be a big pie? !

Why is it sharp

Can it be sharp if it is pressed into a cake

Lu Ming couldn't complain.


It should be stronger, right

Ugly is ugly.

Anyway, the idea is relatively vague before it is condensed, and others can't see it! As long as it can become strong, so what if it is ugly

Lu Ming calmed down.


As soon as he looked up, he saw Gao Xiaoqing looking back at him in the distance. The two looked at each other, and Lu Ming seemed to see the joy in the corner of the little girl's mouth.

Lu Ming: "..."


The girl is not in a good mood either.

He's spitting blood here, why are you so happy? Then if he vomits more than ten liters of blood continuously, will this girl go to heaven directly

are you crazy!

Who are these people!

"well enough."

Lu Yan looked at her younger brother with concern.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.


He took a step forward, and his thoughts were compressed into cakes, so why bother


Sword intent descends.

The surging sword intent swept across the pancake, tempered slightly, and then drifted away, causing no harm to the pancake mind at all!

This is what Lu Ming thinks now.



as well as…


He looks into the distance.

Wu Hongfei was almost at the finish line, but at this moment he could hardly walk anymore. Instead, Zhao Yunshan continued to move forward, and he was about to overtake him. Gao Tianlang and others followed closely behind!


You've been gone for so long, now it's my turn.


Lu Ming strode forward.


Gao Xiaoqing is resting.

She just took another step and it's going well.

She is now able to slowly control the rhythm of the sword intent increase, take a break, and after adapting to the current sword intent, take two steps forward.

Very steady.

Her thoughts also increased a lot.

Lu Ming

She doesn't pay attention anymore.

Lu Ming stayed in place for too long just now, and obviously he couldn't go on.


This thought just flashed through me.

She saw a familiar figure walking by beside her...? ?

Lu Ming

Gao Xiaoqing's eyes widened suddenly.

She took a closer look, and it turned out to be Lu Ming. This guy had recovered some time ago and walked in front of her! how is this possible

"you… "

She subconsciously took a step.


Sword intent descends.

Gao Xiaoqing spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Gao Tianlang said in a deep voice, "First adapt to the current sword intent before taking the next step!"


Gao Xiaoqing was wronged.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and looked at Lu Ming in a daze. She didn't understand why the card maker's mind was so powerful? !

Is this guy really a card maker


"Yes, that's it!"

Beside Wang Xuan.

The old man followed him closely, guiding and teaching him.

Only by adapting to the rhythm of Moon Shadow and the sword intent of Moon Shadow as soon as possible can it be possible to go further!

He had a premonition that Yueying not only assessed the time to pass here, but also assessed their comprehension and matching degree of Yueying Sword Intent!


The person with the best overall score will have the chance to win the inheritance!


They have a chance!


Wang Xuan looked calm.



He stepped into the snowstorm step by step.

And at this time.

A figure floated by beside them, attracting their attention.

"Lu Ming?"

The old man was a little dazed.

Isn't this the younger brother of Lu Yan's two-star card maker

card maker...

Is it also a profession of mind cultivation

"Third Uncle!"

Wang Xuan said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about him."

"He surpassed you."

The old man couldn't laugh or cry.

Let a two-star card maker surpass, how can you stay calm.

"He's better than me."

Wang Xuan looked calm.


The old man was dumbfounded.

He took a closer look at Lu Ming's strength...

That's right.

Still a two-star card maker!

How can you, a three-star peak swordsman, say that he is better than you in a serious way



Lu Ming moved forward in the wind and snow.

At first, not many people paid attention to him, but his progress was too fast, and he surpassed Gao Xiaoqing and Wang Xuan in just a few minutes!

how is this possible? !

Even they themselves are not so fast!

This is the wind and snow road!


He is fast again.


Surpassing those two four-star sword cultivators...


Wu Hongfei's eyes suddenly widened.

He looked behind him and looked at Lu Ming in disbelief.

Lu Ming walked on the snow, relaxed and comfortable, he didn't vomit blood, and he didn't show any pain, so he easily surpassed the two four-star sword cultivators. ? ?

Are you kidding me

That's a four-star level cultivator!

Still sword cultivator!

It's fine for Lu Yan to ignore the sword intent, but why do you, a card maker, ignore the sword intent? !


The scariest thing is...

Lu Ming's speed was not slow at all. He easily surpassed the two sword cultivators, walked all the way, and finally came to them.


The world suddenly fell silent.

Wu Hongfei, Gao Sirius, and Zhao Yunshan looked at each other.

Lu Ming...

caught up.


A two-star card maker chased after the three five-star sword cultivators.

The three of them were chasing each other just now, working hard to fight for the inheritance, but now, the three of them stopped collectively and looked at Lu Ming in front of them.


They were a little dazed.

Could it be...

Card Creator is a profession that majors in ideas