Divine Card Creator

Chapter 33: Team battles can be lost! You can't take the blame!


Hello, what should I do if the house of the Card Maker Association is demolished

People are still there, unable to run.

Waiting online, very urgent.



Lu Ming is a little bit square.

Ten cows destroyed a test passage, and a hundred cows occupied ten passages and demolished a small half of the supporting wall of the test area, which eventually caused the ceiling above to collapse, and the entire one-star test area became ruins!

If he had known this card had this effect, he wouldn't have dared to test it in a one-star area!

How can I just dismantle it for others!

This is troublesome.


Lu Ming looked at the panicked newcomers, it seemed a little too late


The manager of the test area of the Card Creators Association also rushed over, looking in horror at the ruins of the originally good one-star test area.

"occur… "

He just wanted to ask a few questions.

"what happened?!"

Lu Ming suddenly walked up to him, preemptively.

Manager: "Huh?"

"Your Card Creator Association is going too far!"

Lu Ming looked serious, "We just came to test a card, what happened? Your test wall couldn't withstand the card attack and collapsed!"

"How funny?"

"Is a one-star card maker not a human being?"

"Don't we have a slightly stronger card?"

"What is the upper limit of the damage you set? Does it mean that as long as it is a little stronger, the test wall will be destroyed? We almost killed us, don't we know?!"

"You always despise our one-star card maker and go to the two-star area!"

"but… "

"Have you ever wondered why?"

"Because your one-star test area is too poorly set up! It's too bad! It's also very dangerous! That's why the one-star card creators keep going to the two-star side!"

"Why, look down on our one-star card maker?"

Lu Ming slammed it down sentence by sentence, the manager looked confused.

How to take the initiative

According to Lu Ming's many years of experience in lol, o, and pesticides, he was the first to play '? ? ? ’ or the “what’s going on” person, will take the initiative.

Whoever is slow will be blamed!

The bottom lane duo was GANKed

It doesn't matter.

Be sure to play '? ? ? ', otherwise the auxiliary will definitely be blamed.

These days, playing games is all about hand speed, and it's all about hand speed when you throw the pot away. You can lose in team battles, but you can't take the blame!


Lu Ming immediately questioned the past.

After all, he spent money to test the cards. He is also a one-star card maker, and he uses the cards he made himself. Everything complies with the test regulations!

The upper limit of damage was set too low, which was their mistake.


It must be.

"No, no."

The manager was completely dumbfounded.

"Saving materials is not the way to save."

Lu Mingyu said earnestly, "A one-star card maker is also a human being, isn't he?"

manager:"… "

Damn, has it risen to this height

"Please wait."

The manager wiped his cold sweat.

He quickly found out what was going on, it seemed that this person in front of him, who did not know what test card made a herd of cows, and accidentally collapsed the entire test area, this, this, this...

"I want to go to the two-star test area, but it seems that I am not qualified."

Lu Ming shrugged.

"Enough is enough."

The manager gave Lu Ming a qualification to enter the two-star test area, "You can go there to test in the future, what happened today is because we didn't do well."

"The one-star test area is temporarily closed today, please come back in a few days."

The manager was very embarrassed.

As for the guys who tested today...

The manager pondered for a moment, looked at the frightened Yixing Mengxin, and said, "Give each of these children ten energy cards as compensation."

The one-star testing area is closed!

The newcomers happily received their energy cards and went back.

Lu Ming also went back.


Before he left, he also shuffled ten energy cards.

after all…

He is also a victim.

"Why are you following him like this?"

The manager's assistant was very unconvinced.

Although the upper limit set by the Card Creators Association did not take this into consideration, that Lu Ming must lose money in this matter! He demolished the entire testing area!

He also couldn't understand the manager's appearance.

Too cowardly!

How on earth did you become a manager


The manager glanced at him and said nothing.

A person who can make this kind of card at the one-star stage is an ordinary card maker? The damage limit set in the one-star test area is the limit of two stars under normal circumstances!

That card maker is absolutely not easy!

You have a sick mind to provoke such a card maker!

Anyway, when reporting this matter later, it would be enough to write that it was in disrepair, and it happened to be replaced with a new batch, so he had nothing to lose.

"I wouldn't be able to stand this if I were you."

The assistant was very unconvinced.

"That's why you are only an assistant at thirty-six years old."

The manager patted him on the shoulder and said meaningfully: "Do it well."


ten o'clock.

When Lu Ming returned to the shop, he was still in a daze.

He couldn't believe it, just a single card directly demolished the entire one-star test area! Even the top of the head collapsed!

It's so unscientific!

He obviously just wanted to condense a more powerful attack card!

He is very clear.

This new card did not reach the damage limit of the test area. The reason why it caused the collapse effect was still caused by the powerful impact and trampling brought by the herd!


Never heard of energy rendering like this

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't there be a group of bulls on it? How could such a good card turn into a collapsed mountain range

Lu Ming felt weird.

Think about the time when the lines first formed... think about that weird lightning crack...

Lu Ming suddenly entered the sea of consciousness.

"Brother Cat?"

Lu Ming said hello.

The black cat lay lazily on the mat, too lazy to open its eyes.

"that… "

"Is the change in the card surface related to the lightning crack?"

Lu Ming asked.

There is silence in the sea of consciousness.


Lu Ming shrugged.


Brother Mao is such a lazy creature, who usually only grinds his teeth and sleeps. He is in a precious recovery period. How could he waste energy doing this kind of thing

Lu Ming left the sea of consciousness.

Of course, he didn't notice that just the moment he left the sea of consciousness, the lazy black cat showed a bewildered smile at the corner of its mouth.

Back to reality.

Lu Ming made another fusion card.

thought long time.

He seriously put a brand new name on the upper right corner of the card—"Demolition Card".

He decided that this card should be honestly used as a cultivation card!

Absolutely can not be used indiscriminately!

As long as it can provide faster cultivation speed!

When his energy level has improved, he will naturally have more powerful attack cards. The most urgent thing is to prepare enough resources to upgrade him!


Lu Ming looked at the resources at hand.

It's a bit tragic.

Now he only has 100,000 oceans in exchange for selling certificates. After all, it is a guidance at the principal level, and this is already the highest price that a student of their college can give!

One hundred thousand, what to do


Although he now has a super-fast improvement speed, he is very clear that if the money is cultivated in this way, after raising some energy, he will really have nothing left!

Besides, counting the time, the lease period of the store is not long.

"It cannot be wasted."

Lu Ming pondered, this money must be put to good use.

He is short of money.

very short.

If he has enough resources, he can rush to two stars in minutes!

He now has everything to become a two-star cultivator, powerful attack cards, super fast cultivation speed, um...

Except money.

"How to make money?"

Lu Ming has been thinking about this all day.


In the afternoon, there was a loud noise outside the door.



Someone is knocking on the door.

It's time to practice!

"Lu Ming!"

"Open the door!"

"Don't hide in there and make no noise, I know you're home!"

There was an angry growl.