Divine Card Creator

Chapter 54: Things like graves


card face.

The picture is as bleak as ever.

It's just that this time it's no longer an empty mountain, with a stick stuck on it, and an extra piece of fluttering rag, like a diaper that hasn't been washed.



"what is this?"

Lu Ming is a little bit square.

This thing can't see anything!

that cloth...

Lu Ming stared at it for a long time.

Oh, instead of a diaper on a stick, there seems to be some symbol on the rag, like some kind of faith or something, so it's some kind of flag

"Grave, flag on the grave?"

Lu Ming couldn't understand this showy operation.


Judging from the last demolition card, it seems that the flag on the grave is the result of the release of this card? However, what the hell ability would plant a flag on the grave


Is there something similar

"Go and search."

Lu Ming thought about it, and went online to look it up.

Enter the two characters at the head of the grave into the product library...


A whole bunch of weird stuff jumped out.

Grave Bounce Card Set, let the dead be happy with you!

Grave Drift Card Set, the spirit of Qiu Mingshan who will never admit defeat!

Tomb Yuba Combination Set, Light Up the Darkness of Hell!

Happy water on the grave, love love even after death!

Lu Ming didn't recover for a long time.

Fuck, is there such a damn thing

What the hell!

The most frightening thing is that some products are still sold. He subconsciously glanced at the evaluation: the things are good, and grandpa said he likes them very much.

Lu Ming: "???"

Is your family so scary

He looked up, and it seemed to be the evaluation of Happy Water...

Excuse me!

Your grandpa is awesome!

Lu Ming closed the webpage expressionlessly.


His gaze returned to the new card.

ㄔ Talk about mouth.

Since the last time the card was demolished, the effect of recognizing the card's effect from the card surface is gone forever. If you don't make it, you don't know what it is? !

Can't even see the most basic things!

Huge pit!

Could it be that all high-level cards are like this

Lu Ming was puzzled.

He glanced at the card's energy requirements.


Ten thousand points!

Three thousand points more than seven cards combined!

This means that for a long, long time in the future, Lu Ming will have no chance with this card, and can only make it into a cultivation card to improve his cultivation.

This is a standard Samsung card!

Lu Ming understood.

He understood a little bit.

In the beginning, he merged with the savage rush, and the cattle card appeared. This is a one-star card with extremely low energy requirements!

Then he fused the herd card, and the demolition card appeared. This is a two-star card, and the energy requirement is as high as 1,000 points! This is also the lowest level of an ordinary two-star cultivator!

And now...

The new card requires 10,000 energy points!

This is also the minimum standard for three-star cultivators!


Under normal circumstances, his card is a standard three-star card!

Not only Samsung cards, but also the extremely powerful one among Samsung cards, because it is impossible for normal Samsung cards to consume so much energy!

Whose energy consumption will be so high? !

To know.

General card energy consumption starts at fifty points for one star, two hundred points for two stars, and one thousand points for three stars, that's all.

And what about him here

Herd card!

One star consumes 300 points of energy, is it possible? !

Demolition card!

Two stars consume a thousand points of energy, is it shameful? !

And the new card...


Let's not talk about it.

This terrifying energy consumption meant that these cards could only be used as hole cards.

too powerful!

Too extreme!

It basically belongs to the kind that throws it out, and the energy in the whole body is drained.

no doubt.

They are top cards!

"forget about it."

Lu Ming rubbed his head.

Samsung is just Samsung. Although the consumption is huge, far exceeding the normal Samsung card, it can't be used at all, but it can still be used as a training card.

"I hope you are a qualified cultivation card."

Lu Ming flipped over to the back.


He glanced blankly.

Excuse me!

I can't understand it at all!

As a man who taught himself calculus, Lu Ming is still a little arrogant now. After all, there are only one people who can learn "stacking" in one star!

However, looking at this card right now, Lu Ming was stunned for a long time before recovering.


What are they? !


Energy enters the lines, energy enters from here, and then... I don't understand... Oh, here is the crossing of lines, the energy is divided here, and then... I don't understand... Hey, here is a three-way interweaving? The energies are intertwined here, and behind it... I still can't understand it.


Lu Ming was a little sad.

The lines are still those lines, the gestures are still those gestures, he can't understand them together.

how to say

He suddenly felt like a foreigner learning Chinese!

Horizontally, vertically, swipe, swipe...

How do they become different words when they are put together

That's it for now.

It's just that the basic textures are more and more terrifying, and the combined texture techniques are more complicated.




Lu Ming took a cursory glance and found at least twenty-eight different basic card-making technologies, intricately intertwined and full of malice.

What can he say

Is it worthy of Samsung's top card? !

In fact, think about it.

Under normal circumstances, even ordinary 3-star card makers are not qualified to touch this top-level 3-star card. Only more advanced card makers can touch it!

And now...

Lu Ming just came into contact with this top-level card when he first arrived at the second star.

Get it done!

The level of self-made cards will definitely be greatly improved!

Lu Ming's eyes lit up.


Before that, it's time to buy some real basics.

Lu Ming should at least know the names of the many technologies involved in this, and what their functions are in order to gain a better understanding.


There are also some basic conceptual issues.

It is also possible to go to school to attend classes, and two-star card creators also have special courses...


Lu Ming thought for a while and decided to forget it.

waste time.

The school teachers are very good at giving lectures. In order to take care of all the students, they are very detailed every time, and try to explain every point of doubt clearly.

For a genius like Lu Ming, it was a waste of time.


There may not be much information about the two-star school!

For a school with a two-star graduation, how many two-star courses can there be


Educate yourself!

He glanced at the remaining funds now.

After being promoted to two stars, he still has about 300,000 yuan, of which 50,000 yuan has been paid for half a year's rent, and the remaining funds can be put to good use.

Lu Ming checked the relevant documents.

According to the suggestion, I purchased some necessary books, such as "Texture Optimization", "Introduction to Two-Star Cards", "Basic Improvement Concept", "Card Structure" and so on.

"Xiaobai, read these books when you have time."


"These are very important basic knowledge, and they must be learned by a card maker. You will use them soon. Tell your dad about it later, and the textbook fee will be reimbursed."


Xiaobai obediently agreed.

Lu Ming was very satisfied.

Look, this is the pro-apprentice!


After buying these books, Lu Ming started to read them.

"Hey, Master, are you watching too?"

Xiaobai was surprised.

"Well, I want to teach you after all, let's review it."

Lu Ming was very calm.

"Oh, master, come on."

Xiaobai raised his white and tender fist to cheer up Master.

"Cough cough."

Lu Ming felt guilty.

"Boss, here is a Kun card."

There was a voice at the door.


Lu Ming handed over the completed cards.

Kun's enthusiasm is still there, and the store's business is not bad. Now most of the stores, after competition and fighting, have also temporarily unified their prices.

But at this time, another guest came.

Lu Ming looked up and was immediately happy, because the guest who came this time was actually the school girl who confessed to him last time! A template for a chubby classmate's daughter-in-law!

tsk tsk...

If this girl knew, would she beat Xiaopang violently


Lu Ming asked.

The girl just looked at him quietly and didn't speak.


Lu Ming raised his forehead.

Oh, by the way, is it because of the confession last time? That's right, he is so handsome, even if he doesn't respond to the girl, he won't give up easily.

"Feel sorry."

Lu Ming felt a little embarrassed.


The girl shook her head.

She just looked at Lu Ming quietly, and then fell on Xiao Bai again.


Xiao Bai noticed her gaze and raised his head.


It seems that there is a cold wind blowing.

The surrounding air became a little cold.

Hey? Misunderstood

Lu Ming scratched his head.

So, this cute little girl came to pursue Lu Ming today, and then found out that Lu Ming lived with a cuter Luoli...

Thinking about it is exciting, can you not misunderstand

"Are you here to buy a card?"

Lu Ming looked at her.

He felt that it didn't matter whether there was a misunderstanding or not. If you don't feel something like feelings, it's better to cut off other people's thoughts cleanly and neatly.

This is respect for people.

The girl nodded.


Lu Ming handed her a "Kun" card.

Transaction completed.

The girl took a deep look at Xiaobai before drifting away.

Lu Ming: "..."

What a misunderstanding!

Girl, please be more sensible, Xiaobai is only eleven or twelve years old, even if he wants to eat it, he has to wait two years, why are you misunderstanding now!