Divine Card Creator

Chapter 58: Qualified janitor


half an hour later.

Lu Ming rushed to the detention center, and before he entered, he heard the roar of a certain creature inside.

"let me out!"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Tell you, I am Lu Ming's friend!"

"Do you know who Lu Ming is?"

"He's the one who exploded all the summoners' chrysanthemums!"

Zhang Xiaopang roared.

"Shut up!"

The person in charge of the interrogation was a law enforcement girl who happened to be a summoner, and her face turned red at the moment, "Don't talk nonsense! What kind of summoner's asshole! If you have the guts, let him come, I'll see if he dares to explode..."

"Cough cough."

Lu Ming coughed and walked over.


The law enforcement sister's eyes showed a fierce look.

"Lu Ming."

Lu Ming said in a low voice.


The room was silent.

"Pay the fine and take it away quickly."

The law enforcement sister gave Lu Ming a hard look before letting him go.


This fat man's friend is definitely not a good person.

"Cough cough."

Lu Ming could only accept these two stares, and then went to pay the money.

Careless in making friends!

Lu Ming went to pay the fine.

According to the law enforcement officers, the reason they received a report was that this guy had been tossing around with a girl all night, the voice was ecstasy, the movement was too loud, and it affected the neighbors.

"Brother Lu."

Zhang Xiaopang was embarrassed.

"get out."

Lu Ming was expressionless.

His uncle, the first time he entered this place in his life, he actually took a prostitute!


It was quiet on the way back.

Zhang Xiaopang was a little embarrassed, and didn't dare to speak for a long time.

After returning to the shop and asking Xiaobai to go back to the room to make cards, Lu Ming looked at the spherical creature in front of him, and said coldly, "Please explain yourself, what's going on?"

He wanted to see what this guy knew!


Zhang Xiaopang hesitated for a moment, "Brother Lu, would you believe me if I said I didn't go whoring?"


Lu Ming did not hesitate.


Zhang Xiaopang was moved.

He knew that Brother Lu would trust him.

Haha, he knew that Zhang Xiaopang still had friends hahaha.

"Because you can't last all night."

Lu Ming's logic was clear.

According to the law enforcers, the sound of ecstasy can be heard inside all night, how is this possible? This guy is a man who is comfortable in one second, delayed in two seconds, and lasts in three seconds!

He could easily see through such an obvious loophole.


Zhang Xiaopang was expressionless.

He didn't know whether he should be moved or hit.

"I'm just here for business."

Zhang Xiaopang felt wronged.


Lu Ming exclaimed, "So, you are not here to prostitute, but to sell?"


Zhang Xiaopang's face was dark, "Brother Lu, you will have no friends like this."

"Okay, you say."

Lu Ming sneered.


Customize Lao Tzu's women's illusion

"I took a business for a fantasy card, 8,000 yuan, to customize a fantasy."

Zhang Xiaopang rubbed his head, "Then, he asked me to make a customized YY illusion based on a photo. It took me a long time to make it. But, I didn't expect that after finishing it, they would not give me any money! Instead! Going to use the girl to pay off the debt! Do it four times for free!"

"I'm so angry!"

"Am I missing that 12-second illusion?!"

"I want eight thousand! Eight thousand oceans!"

Zhang Xiaopang was very angry.

Lu Ming: "..."

12 seconds, very real and logical.

"Then, when my eyes went dark, I didn't know."

Zhang Xiaopang was aggrieved, "When I wake up, I will be in the detention center."

Lu Ming: "..."

It's magical!

Listen, from YY illusion to special customization, is this something that ordinary people can encounter? I have to say, Xiaopang is a legend!

You must know that it is impossible for a person with a pure heart like him to come into contact with this level of things.

Just like taking drugs!

Can a normal person touch that thing

And campus loans...


This does not count.

Hey, it doesn’t count, it’s already involved, and it’s all printed on a small card, so this kind of thing must never be done, a bloody lesson!


Combining the previous and previous events, Lu Ming roughly understood it.

Case solved!

The illusion was indeed made by Zhang Xiaopang!

It's just that this guy doesn't know anything, let alone recognize Lu Ming. Those people didn't pay him, repudiated his debt, and sent him directly to the detention center.


Is the gray area also so arrogant now

Lu Ming sighed.

He called the law enforcement officer Zhang Wei. The girl who was arrested with Zhang Xiaopang was released after being fined 500 yuan. It is said that she is a repeat offender, and there is nothing they can do about it.

You see, five hundred is much cheaper than eight thousand.

"How do you know them?"

Lu Ming asked.

"I… "

Zhang Xiaopang opened his mouth, hesitating a little.

"If you don't tell me, I'll throw you back right now."

Lu Ming sneered.


Zhang Xiaopang sighed, "That day, when I passed by the Express Hotel by accident, I picked up a small card at the door, and I typed it back with the spirit of picking up money."


Lu Ming was silent.

Inadvertently, passing by, picking up money without hesitation...

You see, how delicate these words are used.

"Later, I found out that their illusion level was too low, so I used my own. They thought the 'color-changing' function was quite magical, so they left their contact information."

Zhang Xiaopang scratched his head.

This business, but a big loss.

Lu Ming: "..."

So, the guy in front of him doesn't know anything


Lu Ming stretched out his hand.

He didn't intend to give this item a free order.

"I only have two thousand..."

Zhang Xiaopang transferred the money aggrieved, "I owe the remaining three thousand first."


Insufficient balance.


Zhang Xiaopang looked blank, "It's strange, I remember there are two thousand left..."


Lu Ming sneered twice, "Here's the address of those guys. I'll contact the principal later to see if I can deal with it. Otherwise, other students in the Illusion Department may also suffer."

"it is good."

Zhang Xiaopang left his address.

"I'm going to study!"

Zhang Xiaopang was more serious than ever, "I want to become stronger!"

He is serious.

This time it's someone in the gray area, probably unwilling to kill, just throw him there, so what about next time? If it is those people in the black field...

He may be dead!

It's scary!

For Zhang Xiaopang, who has not yet experienced the beauty of the world, it is full of horror.


He walked away with some heavy steps, this incident seems to have hit him hard...

Lu Ming was expressionless.


"Make a note of it, this product owes a fine of 5,000 yuan."

Lu Ming reminded.


Xiaobai carefully wrote down the bill.

Fatty Zhang: "..."

Two stingy!

He said it so affectionately, these two guys still remember the five thousand dollars!

Think here.

He immediately ran away.


Lu Ming sneered twice.

What a ghost, such short legs can bear three hundred catties, can they not be heavy? !

The chassis is too low!


Lu Ming's gaze shifted and landed on the address in his hand.

"It's up to you next."

His eyes are cold.

He wants to see, what kind of monsters and ghosts dare to get their hands on his photo? !



Lu Ming found it here according to the address.

This is an independent commercial area with a complete business district and living conditions, but the residents of Qingming City are generally not very happy to come here.

Outdated settings, damaged monitoring, single-family residential buildings...

This is the old urban area that cannot be demolished.

Here also gradually formed its own business circle.

"This way."

Lu Ming continued to move forward.

He had thought that those people would be a dilapidated small room, where a group of people crowded to make this kind of gray cards, but he didn't expect that what appeared in front of him would be a single-family villa, the kind with a yard. Even in this old town, this kind of villa is worth a lot.


Are these guys so rich now

But think about it, the same low-level illusion, Lu Ming fruit ninja experience dozens of times, others experience thousands of dollars, can not make money

This industry, profiteering!

the door.

Two men with fierce eyes are guarding, and their strength is not bad.


I don't know anything.

If the other party is a two-star cultivator, he is right, but now...

Number of people, unknown.

Strength, unknown.

"I don't know how strong they are."

Lu Ming's eyes were cold.

In general, reconnaissance will use special abilities, such as perception enhancement, super long-sightedness, etc. There are also special composite reconnaissance cards, which include the ability of perception enhancement and super long-sightedness, and can find out all the strength of the enemy, but the price is expensive. The price/performance ratio is extremely low.

Lu Ming naturally did not.

But it doesn't matter, he has his own way of detection.

He found an abandoned floor nearby and calculated the location...


Very hidden.


He looked at the two gatekeepers from a distance, and when they were chatting and not paying attention, he threw the cards in his hand without hesitation!


There was a roar.

The herd of cattle all over the sky suddenly appeared.


When the gatekeeper looked up, his expression changed drastically. Where did so many cattle come from


He yelled.

He could tell that although there were a lot of cattle in this herd, they were not considered strong. With the strength of the two of them, it would not be a problem to stop them.


The two gatekeepers shouted loudly and stood in front of the door.


There was a loud bang.

The rushing herd of cattle stopped abruptly.


The gatekeeper rejoices.

"Press alert."

The gatekeeper stood up calmly, picked up the communicator, "The enemy was found, the initial attack was intercepted..."

The words are not finished yet.

He was stunned suddenly, because he realized that there was no need to call the police.


The gate of the villa is still strong, and it is safe and sound under the protection of their two gatekeepers. However, the nearby courtyard wall collapsed under the impact of the cattle...

Only the lonely gate remained.


Only the gate remained.

Rock solid.


The gatekeeper looked confused.


what is this

And at this moment.

A group of men with hideous faces came out of the villa. They looked at the situation in front of them blankly. One of them kicked the two guards at the door.

"Let you guard the door!"

"Let you guard the door!"

"You really only show me the door?!"

"Where's the wall?"