Divine Card Creator

Chapter 67: Have you misunderstood the Card Creator?


"Is it because of the original lightning card?"

Lu Ming took a look at the optimized texture.

The fusion of the original lightning card will suppress the performance of the texture to the limit. For the card with optimized texture, it will naturally be optimized to the limit!

It is the same as the basic texture of the cow card.

this is…

Far beyond the current stage of technology!

"If you learn it..."

Lu Ming's heart was surging.

What he saw was not just this card!

But if after learning this optimization technology, can all three-star cards be forcibly reduced in demand and used at the two-star stage

Does this mean...

From now on, he can really leapfrog to make cards? !

and also.

Lu Ming really wants to know, will the optimized texture improve the efficiency of cultivation

Why did he consume so much when he was cultivating

Because of low efficiency!

Although the existence of the demolition card allows him to soar 100 points of promotion every day, but the ultra-low efficiency makes him waste a lot of resources every time he upgrades!

If the efficiency is improved, it may be able to improve faster!

This point is of great significance.



inside the shop.

There is only the sound of pens falling gently.

For the past two days, Lu Ming has been learning about optimization.

Optimization is the same as encryption, it is rather special, it belongs to another set of knowledge in the card maker, some people may not be bothered to learn this knowledge.

This is a complete system.

If you want to learn, it may consume too much energy.


Lu Ming already has a template here.

What is optimization

In fact, it is to obtain the optimal solution.

In addition to the optimization of the texture itself, it is the optimization of the algorithm.

For example, a complex pattern may use dozens of times of technique a, so you need to draw the pattern of technique a dozens of times on the card!

Very complicated.

Also very cumbersome.

What if after optimization

You only need to draw the a-technique texture once, and the optimized texture will wrap the a-technique, and it will be called every time it is time to use the a-technique.

That's all.

These are all routine operations of programmers.

Lu Ming had a similar idea before, packaging these technical modules, but he didn't know what the "packaging" and "calling" of textures were.

Because of the lack of relevant knowledge, I don't even know how to find it!

Or maybe it doesn't exist

And now...

They appear intact on the original card.

Lu Ming began to keep trying, as usual.

ten times.

Hundred times.

Thousand times.

"Brother Lu?"

"Brother Lu?"

When Zhang Xiaopang arrived at the store, he was a little shocked to see Lu Ming's appearance. His eyes were bloodshot, his face was pale, and his body was hollowed out

"Brother, pay attention to your body."

Zhang Xiaopang said in a low voice, "No matter how beautiful Miss Bai is, you have to be restrained."

Lu Ming: "..."

What the hell is this guy thinking!


Zhang Xiaopang hesitated for a moment, "I have some kidney tonic..."


Lu Ming had no expression on his face, "What are you doing here? If you have nothing to do, hurry up and leave."

"Buy some energy cards."

Zhang Xiaopang hehe, "This time the quantity is a bit big, brother give me a discount."

"How many?"

Lu Ming asked.

"One hundred."

Zhang Xiaopang said in a low voice.


Lu Ming was a little surprised.

This is really a large amount! When did Fatty Zhang need so many energy cards

"We have a mission."

Zhang Xiaopang said quietly, "Go to a certain place in the wild to investigate the terrain, then I will make an illusion, make a card, and just hand it over to the other party."

"Just this bill, thirty thousand!"

"so… "

Zhang Xiaopang looked forward to it, "Brother Lu, are you coming too?"

This time, he actually came to invite Lu Ming.

The last time Lu Ming was in danger in the mine, everyone still remembers it, so he was entrusted to invite. Besides, this is just a reconnaissance mission.


Brother Lu probably wouldn't refuse the opportunity to make money lying down.

"Invite me to go to the wild to complete the task?"

Lu Ming was surprised.


Zhang Xiaopang scratched his head.

What's so strange about that

Isn't that how everyone came here


Lu Ming looked at him suspiciously, "Do you have any misunderstanding about the profession of Card Creator?"

What is the profession of a card maker

Auxiliary occupation! A profession with almost zero combat power!

Who is okay to go back to the wild

Are you courting death? !

"Does that have anything to do with you?"

Zhang Xiaopang was speechless.

Yes, the school's card makers seem to be like this, fatter than their illusion masters! But Lu Ming's card maker, it seems that this is not the case

The calmness in the mine, the frenzy of the cattle in times of crisis...

He still remembers it vividly.

Brother Lu is not an ordinary card maker at all!

Also, the old town was demolished, it seems to be related to cattle...

These are thick thighs!

However, Lu Ming rejected him without hesitation, and poured out bitterness, saying that the cards in the mine last time were his one-year cultivation savings, and he has been looking for someone to reimburse him...

"Is that right?"

Zhang Xiaopang was dubious.

Have I been wrong all this time


Lu Ming told him seriously, "Remember, I'm just a salted fish."

Fatty Zhang: "..."

What else can he say

"Are you really going?"

Lu Ming asked.


Zhang Xiaopang smiled wryly, "I have no money. I reserved 2,000 for myself before, but for some reason, it evaporated from the account out of thin air. It's very strange..."

Lu Ming: "..."

What a loss!

He thought it was an excuse that this guy didn't want to give money.

"How about I lend you some?"

Lu Ming thought about it, and he can still borrow one or two thousand.

"The one that doesn't have to be paid back?"

Zhang Xiaopang's eyes lit up.


Lu Ming immediately drove the guy out.

Useless goods!


Field mission

Normal cultivators, when they have no resources, will naturally take on some tasks to earn extra money. This is also the way most cultivators obtain resources.


It has nothing to do with Lu Ming.

As a salted fish card maker, under normal circumstances, he would never go to the wilderness!

What a joke!

He is an auxiliary profession!

What's more, the card texture research has reached 60%. At this most critical moment, he will not be distracted. Thinking of this, he took out the card again.



The shop is very quiet.

"Boss, here is a "Kun" card."

Someone is coming.

"It's coming."

Xiaobai went out to receive guests.

There are ready-made kun cards in the store, and she just needs to sell them to customers.

Recently, the business of "Kun" is not bad. Although the popularity has passed, Lu Ming's small shop itself can't do much business, and it maintains well.

There is no need to worry about the production of cards.

Xiaobai has now learned the lines of charging cards, Yuyue cards, and illusion cards. Lu Ming only needs to draw one staircase in batches.



Xiaobai handles most things in an orderly manner.

Time passed quietly.

Two days passed quickly.

Lu Ming was in high spirits, because the research level of this card had reached 99%, and it only needed a little bit, a little bit, to study smoothly!




With a faint brilliance, the new card was successfully produced.

"It's done!"

Lu Ming was a little excited.

He knew that this was the most powerful card he made!

"Test first."

Lu Ming carefully put the card into the instrument.


algorithm scanning—


The scan is complete.

Judgment of energy fluctuation level: three-star top.

It may contain functional modules: energy summoning, energy optimization.

“Samsung top class!”

"Energy Call!"

Lu Ming glanced over the possible functions.

This is the result of the detection instrument roughly based on the texture module, and the accuracy rate is quite high, that is to say, this card is still in the summoning mode.

Do you want to try

There is a new card, you have to try it to know the effect, right


where to try

Before testing the cards, Lu Ming reviewed them by himself, cattle herd card, demolition card, grave head card...


Although this card was a summoning card in name, the weird face of the card made him feel a little chilled. What if it was really a card with this kind of demolition effect


Never test in a store!

The Card Creator Association can't test it either!

His test area is for directional skills. His card range seems a bit strange, and it may develop horizontally.

Moreover, what if thousands of soldiers come out

There is no need to dismantle it at all!

Just fill up the Card Making Association!

It's scary just thinking about it.

"Looks like I've found an open place."

Lu Ming rubbed his head.

He thought about it, and it seemed that there was only the wilderness outside the city.


Lu Ming actually didn't like this kind of place very much.

Inaccessible places generally mean that the degree of danger may be high...


A new card, the general test

A summoning card whose face is exactly the same as the grave card! The most powerful card I have made so far, how can I not test it? !

You can't fight in the future, you don't even know what you throw out, right

just in case…

What about bedding

It's scary to think about it!

It's better to try this kind of weird card.


Must try.

Lu Ming thought for a while, and simply picked up his backpack again.

He stuffed some heavy card-casting instruments into it, thought about it carefully, and took the four-star sword repair card, and then went out into the field.


Lu Ming went there when the weather was the best.


The environment here is good.

Lu Ming found an open space not far from the urban area. This was the nearest grove, uninhabited. He thought it would be a good place to display cards.

Find a good location.

Lu Ming took out a heavy instrument, carefully stuffed the card into it, and was about to cast it, when he saw a few small black dots in the distance getting closer.

Lu Ming took a closer look and was stunned.

Zhang Xiaopang

Xia Yu