Divine Doctor, Sweet Wife

Chapter 110: This is developed 2


Everyone still believed Gu Qingyao's words.

There are many people in the Gu family who are paid wages, but at the same time, there are also many children, and none of them work in their hometown to earn work points.

The brothers of the Gu family almost have two or three sons in each family. The older ones can earn money when they grow up, but the younger ones are still supported by their parents.

It's not easy to raise half a child to eat a poor old man. Two boys need too much food.

The older ones have reached the age of marriage, and marrying a daughter-in-law also costs money. It is normal to save a little.

In other words, Gu Yunshen is in his hometown, and there is only a daughter at home, so it is enough to have food, and it really does not need to spend any money.

Besides, ordinary people in the countryside have food, but they have very little money. Many people have no money at all, as long as they have food.

Gu Yunshen would only give her money if she was a fool like Zhang Xiaohui.

Where did her money come from

It was the slack season at this time, and the whole brigade was discussing Zhang Xiaohui's matter. The Gu family was here with Wang Mingtao, and many people followed to see the situation. Everyone heard Mo Beihan's words.

Mo Beihan frowned and said, "Impossible! It's indeed your mother who came out of a department store and bought so many things. How is it possible that she has no money? She has been outside all this time, how can she survive without money?"

Gu Qingyao pursed her lips, "Anyway, it's impossible for Dad to have money for her. Knowing that the brothers need to prepare things to marry their daughters-in-law, Dad even brought over the little money he had saved before. Those were sent back by the uncle and the brothers. of."

No one would doubt Mo Beihan's words. He said that when he saw Zhang Xiaohui shopping in the city, he must have been shopping in the city. Obviously, there was something wrong with this woman.

A woman who is away from home all day and has money to buy things outside, not only money, but also tickets!

The Zhang family doesn't have any relatives outside, so what good can happen in this situation

The members of the Gu family looked ugly and did not speak.

Everyone knew it in their hearts, looked at the faces of their family members, and kept silent.

Gu Chonghua said: "Captain, it's getting late, we... let's go back first!"

Mo Beihan walked with them.

Everyone didn't speak, and watched the members of the Gu family leave, with sympathy in their eyes.

Mo Beihan sent Gu Qingyao home all the way. Looking at the little girl beside him, he could tell that the girl wasn't sad at all.

The corner of Mo Beihan's mouth twitched, "After you go back, take a good rest and don't think too much. If you need anything, remember to tell me, and I will help you solve it."

"Your brother and I know a lot of people here, and things are easy to do, you know?"

This tone is as gentle and pampering as coaxing a child.

Gu Qingyao stopped and looked up at him, "Brother Beihan..."


"I... my mother doesn't like me, and I don't like my father. In fact, I know in my heart that my mother will leave sooner or later, so... if she really leaves, I won't be sad."

The corner of Mo Beihan's mouth curled up, "Yaoyao, you actually... wish your mother would be separated from your father, right?"

Gu Qingyao froze!

Mo Beihan rubbed her head lovingly, "You don't need to explain to me, anyway, I'll listen to you, and you can do whatever you want, okay?"

Gu Qingyao pursed her lips and looked at him silently.

The happier Mo Beihan felt, the more certain he was that this girl was reborn like him, the happier he became.