Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 161: Compete for treasure 4


At this moment, Mrs. Lin snorted again: "Let me just say, Jiang Yunge, that bitch, can't teach you anything to put on the stage!"

Ye Qingli suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the enemy provoked by my mother!

Shopkeeper Xie said with an apologetic smile, "Mrs. Lin, don't be angry, I will solve this problem right away."

She walked quickly to Ye Qingli.

"Sorry, Qizhen Pavilion can't receive you today, please go to another place to buy it?"

"I've heard that the Luochuan Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the entire world with its presence in all six countries. Is this how you deal with customers?"

Shopkeeper Xie said impatiently: "Since this is our shop, naturally we have the right not to welcome certain customers."

"Miss, you'd better get out of here quickly. What's the big deal, I'll give you two pieces of jewelry outside later, and I'll just pretend you didn't come here in vain, how about it?"

There was contempt in her tone.

Obviously, Mrs. Shangshu is much more noble than this yellow-haired girl in front of her!

Xue Yong clenched his fists tightly, wanting to rush up and beat her up.

Ye Qingli waved her hand calmly: "Today, I will definitely buy this set of jewelry!"

Guo Fei'er raised her chin proudly.

If it was said that yesterday, on that occasion, she could only stand by and suffer.

So today, it's her home field!

She can bully this trash in front of her without any restraint!

Until now, she finally found the feeling of bullying Ye Qingli back then.

"In my opinion, some people are just shameless. They've already kicked them out, and they're still slavishly spending time here."

She looked at Ye Qingli with disdain.

"If it were me, I would have found a crack in the ground and got in!"

Shopkeeper Xie looked at her impatiently.

"Miss, didn't you let us do it?"

Ye Qingli suddenly raised her head and let out a loud laugh: "Thank you shopkeeper, I have something, please take a look!"

She directly threw something in her hand to Shopkeeper Xie's face!

"I heard that as long as you have this item, no matter which branch or store of the Luochuan Chamber of Commerce you go to, as long as you hang the sign of the Luochuan Chamber of Commerce, you can be regarded as a guest of honor. Could it be that these are all fake? ?”

"The VIP token of the Luochuan Chamber of Commerce?"

Mrs. Lin exclaimed, "How could you?"

What Ye Qingli took out was a semicircular jade pendant with a large "Luo" character on it. There are also a few lines of small characters written below. Anyone who brings this jade pendant to the Luochuan Chamber of Commerce will be treated as a guest of honor.

Shopkeeper Xie took the jade pendant in his hand, his expression became very dazed.

"What's this?"

She didn't seem to have seen this thing before!


Mrs. Lin laughed out loud.

"A poor man like you needs time to cheat! Who doesn't know that the token of the Luochuan Chamber of Commerce is a dragon tablet inlaid with silver or gold! When have you seen this kind of jade pendant? Make one yourself Fake, do you want to bluff people? You really laughed me to death!"

Guo Fei'er also laughed "cranky".

"Waste is waste! It will never be on the stage!"

They all looked at Ye Qingli with disdain, wanting to see her terrified appearance after being exposed.

Shopkeeper Xie shouted loudly: "Arrest this swindling woman..."


Before she could finish her sentence, a slap was suddenly slapped heavily on her face.


She was so beaten that she turned around several times on the spot, staring at stars, and fell headlong to the ground.

A man yelled coldly: "Throw me out of this blind thing!"