Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 414: Dongze Princess 3


Wanyan Yongning's tall body stood in the shadows.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

"This is very unfavorable to our plan."

"I thought she was an easy person to control. But now..."

"Hehe, a simple-minded person like the princess is easy to guide. But once he becomes persistent, he will be very serious. Therefore, we can't be hard, we can only be soft and hard."

"Don't forget, Eldest Prince, our plan must be completed by her."

"Only in this way can it be hidden from His Majesty's eyes and ears."

"Hahaha… "

The two smiled at the same time.

Changning Palace.

Concubine Duan was looking at Jun Linfeng with some worry at this moment.

"Feng'er, are you going to attend the palace banquet with the princess tonight?"

"Yes, concubine mother."

Jun Linfeng was dressed gracefully at this time.

His tall body stood facing the sun, with a confident smile like a spring breeze on his face.

Let the maids passing by all around secretly look at him with envious and jealous eyes.

Concubine Duan had a worried expression on her face.

"She has only been in Dongze for a very short time. Wouldn't it be too good for you to have a couple with him so soon?"

"What's wrong?"

"This king is in charge of the Lifan Court, which is originally responsible for the reception of foreign countries. What's the point of going in and out with Princess Wanyan?"

He looked at Concubine Duan curiously.

"Did the concubine hear any gossip?"

"That's not true."

Concubine Duan shook her head.

"It's just that the concubine mother is afraid that you will arouse your father's suspicion. You know, he is the most taboo. You princes have contacts with other forces."

Jun Linfeng smiled mysteriously.

"Mother, you worry too much."

"Think about how wise and mighty your father is. He always takes everything into consideration."

"It stands to reason that the Lifan Academy I am in charge of is only responsible for receiving some foreign and small countries."

"In a big country like Dongze, the Ministry of Rites is responsible for the reception."

"But this time, the royal father appointed the Lifan Court to handle the reception. Could it be that the imperial father's intentions, the concubine mother, can't see it?"

"You mean he did it on purpose?"

Thinking of this, Concubine Duan's eyes lit up.

"That's right. Father appointed Li Fanyuan to handle this reception. In fact, it is tantamount to asking me to handle this matter directly."

There was a confident light in Jun Linfeng's eyes.

"Actually, this is tantamount to an opportunity given to me by my father. Or, it is a test."

"This time, Princess Dongze came to Daluo for the purpose of marriage. Everyone knows this."


Concubine Duan nodded sympathetically.

"Not only you, but several of your brothers are all thinking about this matter. Although they didn't say anything, they kept sending people to deliver gifts. They even invited the princess out to play."

"But the princess didn't agree to them, did she?"

Jun Linfeng laughed.

"Although they came this time for a marriage. But the initiative to choose a marriage partner is not in our hands, but in the hands of Princess Dongze."

"That is to say, whoever wins Princess Dongze's heart first will have the chance to be married!"


Concubine Duan couldn't believe it.

"The marriage of two countries cannot be decided by only one woman, right?"