Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 506: finally wake up 7


"What disease does she have, can't you find it yourself?"

"Do not bother me!"

Lu Xuanji also yelled at him at the top of her voice.

"If you don't want anything to happen to your woman, just shut your mouth!"

The two spat and spat at each other, and they both fell silent at the same time.

He was panting heavily with a "ho ho" in his mouth.

Then, Lu Xuanji took out the golden needle from her arms.

He moved the needle like flying, through the clothes, it directly pierced Ye Qingli's body!

Then, there are her head, facial features, and seven orifices...

The whole body is almost tied like a hedgehog.

Jun Aohan looked at him holding his breath.

However, on the two hands he held tightly.

What came from it was clearly still the same coldness.

It doesn't get any better...

Moreover, it is still getting worse!

At this moment, beads of sweat on Lu Xuanji's forehead kept falling.

He muttered in his mouth.

"how come… "

"how so… "

"Her situation is not recorded in the medical books at all..."

"The life-killing acupuncture method I used, even if it is a dead person, as long as it is not dead, all of them can be lifted with a sigh of relief."

"Why is it useless to her?"

He paced quickly.

Seeing that Jun Aohan was upset.

Although Ye Qingli was lying quietly in front of him.

But he just could feel it.

She is leaving herself!

He had a hunch.

If I really leave this time, I am afraid that I will never come back...

However, he could only look at it stupidly.

Can't help at all!

I can't get my hands in at all!

Why are you so useless!

Back then, why didn't he study medicine!

At this time, Lu Xuanji's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I seem to remember that there are similar records of this kind of situation in the medical books left by my grandfather!"

"Where are the books?"

Jun Aohan looked at him nervously.

Afraid of getting a disappointing answer from him.

"Fortunately, this time I went back to the mountain and brought all the medical books, so I'll go get them right away!"

Lu Xuanji disappeared outside the door like a wind.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed out again quickly.

Holding an ancient book that was about to fall apart in his hand.

Turn it over in your hands.

Aofeng on the side kept worrying that the madness of the great doctor Lu would directly tear the book apart.

But fortunately, after less than half of the turn, Lu Xuanji yelled.

"I found it!"

Jun Aohan quickly brought his head closer.

On that page, only three words were written—Dementia.

"Do you have this disease?"

Although he doesn't know medical skills, he has known Lu Xuanji for a long time, and he has seen pigs run before eating pork.

Never seen such a disease!

Even Lu Xuanji was stunned.

"I only heard about this disease from my master in the legend. I always thought that it was just tricked by charlatans. I didn't expect my patriarch to record it in the book so formally."

"Soul-lost disease, that is to say, on the surface, it looks the same as ordinary people. However, it has been sleeping, but it will not wake up. I don't know when, I fell asleep and fell asleep. It's like what the world calls, It's like losing three souls and seven souls, so it's called "lost soul disease."

"I don't want to listen to your explanation!"

Jun Aohan roared.

"What I want to hear is how to cure the disease!"