Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 544: Let me protect you from now on 4


However, looking at his expression, he is indeed too attractive...

Even she, who has always been dismissive of male sex, whenever she saw this peerless face, she couldn't help but want to touch it.

If you really stay by this man's side for a few more days.

Maybe, she is really about to fall completely.

No, you must get out of his palm before you fall!

However, this guy shouldn't force himself to stay, right

And Jun Aohan was also thinking at this time.

Telling her who she is now, it seems, is not a good choice either.

What if she really ran away in a fit of anger

Still waiting until the day of the wedding.

At that time, just... cook the raw rice into cooked rice!

At that time, how could she escape from his palm

The two of them had their own ghosts like this, and they both avoided that topic tacitly.

Ye Qingli waved her hand freely.

"Okay, then I'll be leaving in two days!"

She gave Jun Aohan a fierce look.

"It's best not to bother me these days!"

She is still busy with exercise and healing.

If you get involved with this man, don't say you don't have time to practice. Maybe I will be eaten whole by him!

She forcefully pushed Jun Aohan out of the room.

Then, I went to meditate.

She was pleasantly surprised to find that after walking through the gate of hell, her cultivation seemed to be a little stronger than before.

Tianluan Divine Art has also directly cultivated to the third level.

It seems that he is about to break through the level of acquired masters.

If you take another step forward, you will be a congenital master.

That is another realm.

However, there are nine levels of innate masters. The gap between each level is very large.

At least she felt that it would be difficult for her to reach Jun Aohan's level in her lifetime.

Until now, he didn't know how powerful this man was.

He seemed to fail to unleash his full strength every time.

When Jun Aohan returned to his residence, he suddenly saw Lu Xuanji standing in front of the door.

He was wearing a blue gown and carrying a bag.

It looked like he was about to travel far.

Jun Aohan's eyes flickered.

"You want to go?"

Lu Xuanji smiled freely.

However, in that smile, there was a touch of loneliness and desolation.

However, there was still a bright smile on his face.

"Of course I'm leaving. Otherwise, look at the two of you, are you in love here?"

The expression in Jun Aohan's eyes was very complicated.

"You still can't let her go?"


Lu Xuanji shrugged.

"Many things are not so easy to let go. Besides, I knew her earlier than you!"

Jun Aohan shook his head.

"I was earlier."

He had already seen her when he was in a coma.

Although at that time, the two hadn't met.

"Tch, I'm not arguing with you about this. You have to thank me, you know?"

He said with a stinky fart.

"If I hadn't been dismissed and I hadn't acted in time, she wouldn't have your turn!"

He spread his hands helplessly.

"I don't know what she is looking for in you? You are such a dull gourd, you can't do anything to please women. Apart from having a good face, there is nothing good about you."

He gave Jun Aohan a hard look.

"You have to cherish her, you know? Don't think that you are very powerful, just despise this and that. Otherwise, I will come back from the ends of the earth and settle accounts with you!"