Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 69: Jiang Family's Secret 1


Yun Niang fell to her knees with a "plop", "I told Miss a long time ago that I want to sell myself to seek refuge. Does Miss doubt my sincerity?"

Ye Qingli sat on a chair with her legs crossed, dangling a teacup.

Suddenly, she swept over with sharp eyes.

That gaze made people feel cold all over, it didn't look like what a little girl should have.

"You even hide your own life experience from me, how can I trust you?"

Yunniang was shocked and fell to the ground.

Ye Qingli said indifferently: "Looking at your graceful manner, looking at the silk brocade here, I am not surprised. You must be from a famous family. Why did you sell yourself to me and become a servant? If you don't ask this clearly, I will I won't use you!"

As an excellent killer in her previous life, Ye Qingli had an instinctive vigilance.

Back then, it wasn't that no one deliberately approached her to obtain information, but she saw through all of them. This also made her develop the habit of being careful.

She never trusts anyone easily!

She fiddled with the lid of the cup in her hand.

"Tell me everything about you, and then I can consider whether to use you."

Yunniang knelt down again, and she choked up and said: "Little lady, I was also from a family back then. I am a descendant of the famous Luo family in the south of the Yangtze River, and my name is Luo Yunniang. I really have no face to say why I have fallen into this situation. I She was kicked out by her husband's family..."

In her choked words, Ye Qingli learned what happened to her.

She was born in the Luo family in the south of the Yangtze River, which was also a powerful family, but later withered with the fall of the Jiang family.

However, her father had planned for a long time, and married her to a scholar before the family fell into ruin. Although the family background is ordinary, but the husband and wife are loving and can live a small life.

The only pity is that she has only given birth to a daughter and no son in the ten years since she entered the door. Therefore, the mother-in-law's complexion is not very good-looking.

Later, her husband passed the Jinshi examination and became a high official. The mother-in-law was picking her nose and eyes at her even more, and the husband's temper became bad at this time, and he no longer defended her as before.

In the end, her husband even decided to take a colleague's daughter as his equal wife!

After Yunniang heard this, she had a big fight with him. In the end, the mother-in-law actually asked her husband to write a divorce letter!

The love of more than ten years has been wiped out!

In the end, she was kicked out of the house in a really desolate manner, and from then on she took her daughter with her and wandered all over the world.

Her natal family had long since fallen, and her parents died. She could not return to Jiangnan and could only live in Fengyi City.

Her illness was contracted during a winter. He was terminally ill, if he hadn't met Ye Qingli, he could only live for a few more months at most.

She told all her grievances, knelt in front of Ye Qingli, and cried loudly.

Hearing this, Xiao He burst into tears.

"Miss, just accept them. Look how pitiful they are!"

Ye Qingli nodded: "Okay, you can stay. However, you must write a contract of sale!"

She has always been used to controlling everything in her own hands!

Yunniang shed tears for a long time before she stood up. At this moment, Ye Qingli suddenly remembered something.

"You come from a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River, do you know the Jiang family back then?"

Yun Niang was very surprised and said: "The little lady still has some friendship with Jiang's family. She went to Jiang's family back then. Is there any relationship between Miss and Jiang's family?"