Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 7685: The real cool life has just begun 4


Seeing this situation, everyone exclaimed!

"Boss, be careful!"

They all called out the name involuntarily.

In the past, when they saw Ouyang Tian and others calling such a thin, inconspicuous guy the boss, they still secretly despised them in their hearts, thinking that these people were too worthless.

But now, Ye Qingli has completely conquered them with her own performance.

Unknowingly, they had already regarded her as one of their own.

At this time, seeing that she rushed into the enemy's siege with all her strength alone, she suddenly screamed nervously!

Some people couldn't help but wanted to rush forward to help.

However, he was immediately stopped by Ouyang Tian.

His face is serious.

"Don't worry, the boss can handle it alone."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

These are hundreds of mutated poisonous pheasants.

If it was him, he would have been gnawed to the point where there was not even a bone left.

But he said, can one person handle it

Are you talking nonsense

"Boss said she can, of course she can."

Ouyang Tian said very seriously.

He has never seen what Ye Qingli said before, and he will not be able to keep it.

"All of you stand according to your position, don't move rashly!"

At this time, Ye Qingli's voice came from the poisonous fog.

Then, the eyes of everyone looking at her suddenly widened!

Everyone looked at her figure in amazement, like a wooden sculpture made of clay!

After Ye Qingli rushed into the group of poisonous pheasants, she directly swung the Sky Phoenix Saber in her hand.

A flame rose horizontally in the light of the knife, and the sky seemed to be filled with flames instantly.

The flames blazed across the sky.

A flame covering the sky, like the sky hanging upside down, cut directly downward.

It was as if in mid-air, there was an invisible giant holding a magic knife and slashing across the sky.


With one blow, at least dozens of poisonous pheasants were chopped into pieces.

"Cut again!"

Ye Qingli struck again.

The second form is changed from vertical chopping to sweeping.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were filled with flames.

They just feel like they are blind.

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to cover his eyes.

Then, a loud "boom" was heard.

The raging flames from across the sky erupted into countless fireballs in an instant.

Each of them hit those mutated poisonous pheasants precisely.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosion sounds kept coming.

Those poisonous pheasants screamed, fell to the ground and kept rolling.

All eyes are straightened.

This move is completely an indiscriminate attack!

Group off!

"Oh My God… "

Everyone opened their mouths wide at this moment, completely unable to recover.

Is this still human

They thought before that they finally saw Ye Qingli's true strength this time.

And feel ashamed for underestimating her before.

Looking at it now, he didn't show his real strength at all before!

For her, the previous battle was just a warm-up!

Damn, is this still a human

Hundreds of mutated poisonous pheasants were killed by her so quickly

The group of people standing in the distance, before, they all had mocking expressions on their faces, ready to see Ye Qingli's jokes.

But now, their expressions were all frozen on their faces.

Facing Ye Qingli's astonishing performance.

They were so shocked that they were speechless collectively!

Even, I don't know what to say at all.

"My God, this is simply not human!"

(end of this chapter)