Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 81: Scumbag scumbag 4


Zeng Monan did have doubts in his heart, and swear to God, he never touched Ye Jinli with a finger.

God knows, why is there no Shou Gongsha on her body

Ye Jinli was famous for her beauty in Fengyi City. Who knows if she will fool around with other men

Thinking of this, Zeng Monan felt as if a thorn had been planted in his heart.

And recently, he's been in a bad mood.

I don't know why, since he fell off the horse in shock that day. He is inexplicably...

Stop lifting!

No matter how those concubines in the mansion stripped off to show off in front of him, there was no reaction from below him!

To his horror, he discovered that he was becoming less and less like a man!

Every look Ye Jinli gave, he felt like he was laughing at himself.

Ye Jinli was already screaming and rushed towards him.

"Zeng Monan! I have done so much for you, you broke the engagement, helped you get rid of that annoying fiancée, I did not hesitate to pay for murder, and you treat me like this? Are you worthy of me? You heartless thing! "

She pounced on Zeng Monan, pinching and biting him.

Shen Shi screamed: "You little bitch, how dare you bully my Nan'er!"

She grabbed Ye Jinli's hair with one hand and dragged it back desperately.

Ye Jinli didn't pay attention, and was caught by her on her back. She turned around, and her long nails grabbed Shen's face.

The two women fought in front of the public.

After all, Ye Jinli was still young and strong, and soon gained the upper hand. Most of Shen's shirt was torn by her, and a long bloody gash was drawn on his face. Hair messed up like a chicken coop.


Zeng Monan roared.


He was reborn and slapped Ye Jinli across the face!

"You are not allowed to hit my aunt!"

Ye Jinli was slapped to the ground by his slap, and she screamed, "You hit me, you hit me?"

This was the man who had sworn to her forever, and swore to treat her well for the rest of his life.

He actually slapped himself!

She sat on the ground and burst into tears.

At this moment, Guo Shi and Ye Yunxiao hurried over and helped Ye Jinli up from the ground.

Both of them were dumbfounded.

How did things turn out like this!

Ye Qingli shrugged and stood aside to watch the joke.

She knew a long time ago that this pair of scumbags and scumbags would not have a good life together.

But she didn't expect that the two would turn against each other so quickly.

It seems that the little tricks I used at the beginning are quite effective!

Mrs. Guo was busy appeasing Ye Jinli, but Ye Yunxiao said seriously, "Mr. Zeng, this matter was negotiated by the two families. If you have this attitude, then I will invite Grandpa to talk to Mr. Zeng."

Shen shrieked: "Don't let her enter my Zeng's house!"

Ye Yunxiao said coldly: "This matter is not up to your aunt! Mother, let's go!"

Ye Jinli was still yelling at this moment: "I won't marry him! Mother, you let grandpa arrest him and throw him into the prison! Lock him up for the rest of his life!"

Ye Yunxiao gave her a hard look, at this time, can she not marry

Otherwise, how can Ye Fu's face be covered up by changing the marriage

Moreover, she didn't want Ye Jinli to stay in the mansion, who knew if King Lu would notice her again

Woe to nip in the bud. We must marry her off quickly!