Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 101: Mermaid 8


The Mermaid Association is very interested in natural mermaids, and the Mermaid Princess who marries the Marshal is the only natural mermaid they can get in touch with.

Contacting the Marshal's wife became the Mermaid Association's top priority.

Therefore, the president of the Mermaid Association went to the Marshal's Mansion in person.

Everything went more smoothly than the president had expected. The marshal's wife from the Mermaid Empire was very easy to get along with, and "she" even understood the federal language.

"Madam, you have just arrived in the Federation, so you may not be used to activities on land.

"The Mermaid Association has a club that provides spa services exclusively for mermaids. Many mermaids in officers' families are lifetime members of the club. If your wife misses the underwater life, she can go to the club to relax."

The president calmly pulled Chi Ruanfan to the Mermaid Association.

This was exactly what Chi Ruanfan wanted.

The Mermaid Association is in charge of the reproduction and education of mermaids, and its power is no less than that of the military. In fact, because the Mermaid Association is more deeply involved in the lives of the people of the Federation, its influence on the people is even greater.

"Spa treatment? It sounds interesting. I will go." Chi Ruanfan said.

When Chi Ruanfan learned that the Federation had such an influential organization, he thought about infiltrating the Mermaid Association.

He had just been about to take action when the other party took the initiative to pave the way for him. Wouldn't it be a waste of their good intentions if he didn't follow their lead

The president of the Mermaid Association was still not satisfied after receiving the positive reply, and he praised the club's special projects, among which he also included a lot of the Mermaid Association's private goods.

Under the deliberate demonstration of the president of the Mermaid Association and Chi Ruanfan's deliberate guidance, after half a day of conversation, Chi Ruanfan had a deep understanding of the mermaid life in the Federation.

He not only knew which mermaids liked sea bathing and which liked music massage, but also knew what was taught in the mermaid school, how the mermaid breeding class was conducted, and even the management and operation of the Mermaid Association.

The mermaid attendant sent all the guests away and forced herself to return to Chi Ruanfan.

Seeing his black fishtail drooping and his whole body showing weakness and fatigue, Chi Ruanfan said with a little concern:

"Mo Se, are you feeling unwell?"

There were a lot of guests today, but his attendants and guards totaled about a hundred, not much less than the mermaid guests. He also had a robot butler to help take care of them, so he shouldn't be so tired.

Unless the fever period is approaching.

The period approaching the fever period is when the mermaid is at her weakest.

The bad news is that Mo Se’s partner is still in the Mermaid Empire.

Why didn’t you let the other party come with you at the beginning

Chi Ruanfan suddenly stopped.

No, it was ten years ago.

At this point in time, the ink color has not yet been differentiated, and there is not even a gender, so where does the partner and fever period come from

"It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's just..." The attendant Mo Se paused and said:

"Those mermaids are even more delicate than sea butterflies. Even if I use half my strength, they still can't catch the ball I throw. I have to reduce my strength to only 10% to get down to their level."

Chi Ruanfan certainly knew how torturous it was to try to restrain one's strength, "Thank you for your hard work."

Mo Se said: "These are what I should do, but those mermaids are too weak. This is not good. They can't hunt and raise cubs with their partners."

In the mermaid tribe, the mermaids who can form partners have very good relationships, so good that they are inseparable no matter what they do.

Sleep together, hunt together, raise cubs together.

While playing ball, the mermaids will chat about their daily lives.

Mo Se discovered that all married mermaids were raised by their human partners through hunting, while they stayed at home to take care of the young and wait for their partners to return.

"It's so painful to be separated from your partner for so long every day." Mo Se sighed.

To a separated mermaid, a partner is as important as sea water.

Long-term separation will make the merman feel mentally suffocated. It will not be fatal, but it will make the merman irritable and angry, and gradually become violent and crazy.

Chi Ruanfan also had a similar condition, which was only limited to the period of fever.

In his previous life, whenever he had a fever, he couldn't help but want to kidnap Jinzhu.

When he was crazy, he even used his supernatural powers to open up a space channel and broke into the spaceship where Jinzhu was.

It was a pity that his supernatural power was not strong enough at that time, and he could not lead others through the space channel, otherwise he would have successfully kidnapped Jinzhu that time.

He was merely influenced by Jinzhu's image during the separation process, and he was so obsessed with Jinzhu.

For other mermaids who separated because of love, their obsession will only become stronger.

The reason why they endure separation from their partners is simply because they have long been raised as canaries by the Mermaid Association and have no choice but to restrain their instincts.

Chi Ruanfan deliberately asked: "Don't they want to hunt with their partners?"

"They should have thought about it, but they don't know how to hunt."

Mo Se thought for a while and explained: "Humans have very strange hunting methods. Sometimes they go to a crowded building and click on the transparent light screen all day long, or they go into a huge metal box to manipulate them. There are also various hunting methods.

"After the hunt, they will receive a string of numbers called 'Federation Coins', which they can then use to exchange for food."

Chi Ruanfan knew what Mo Se was talking about.

The transparent light curtain is a virtual light screen. The people who click on it all day are civilian personnel. The huge metal boxes are spaceships or mechas, and the people who operate them are military personnel.

Mo Se had just come into contact with the Federal language, so it was not easy for him to understand so many things.

"Can't mermaids do this kind of 'hunting'?" Chi Ruanfan asked.

"They say mermaids are not as smart as humans and cannot use transparent light curtains. Mermaids cannot stay out of water for a long time and are not suitable for operating metal boxes."

Mo Se frowned slightly as he spoke, as if he felt something was wrong but couldn't put his finger on it.

Chi Ruanfan smiled.

The stronger the spiritual power of a creature, the stronger its learning ability. Mermaids have the best spiritual power among all known interstellar races.

Mo Se and his friends had only been exposed to the Federal language for a few days, but they were able to communicate with the Federal mermaids without any obstacles.

What is there about “can’t” or “not suitable”

It's just that he was deprived of the power to do it from the very beginning.

The terminal bracelet on his wrist lit up. Chi Ruanfan opened the terminal and accepted the robot butler's request to deliver food on the virtual screen. Then he looked at Mo Se and asked:

"That's what 'they' said, what do you think?"

The dark eyes fell on the virtual light screen in front of Chi Ruanfan, which had not yet been put away, and he hesitated and said:

"This thing doesn't seem that difficult to understand, and... you can add a water tank like the mermaid car to the metal box."

There is a water tank in the mermaid's car and an air humidifier in the room where the mermaid lives.

In fact, mermaids can survive for a long time as long as they are in an environment with high humidity.

Chi Ruanfan calculated in his mind the time it would take for the robot butler to come here from the kitchen, and said:

"This is a great idea, why hasn't anyone done this, has it just not occurred to them?"

Mo Se was stumped by the question.

The Federation can make a mermaid car, but doesn’t it know how to make a metal box for mermaids

"Your Highness, I don't understand." Mo Se said.

"You just came to the Federation, it's normal that you don't understand these things," Chi Ruanfan said:

"I will send you to the Mermaid Association so that you can learn about the Federation and the Federation's mermaids."

Mo Se's face showed hesitation, "I have to take care of His Highness."

Chi Ruanfan was helpless, "You are no longer a mermaid, you can take care of yourself."

He brought Mo Se and the others to the Federation not to let them take care of him and protect him, but because they could do more meaningful things.

Not only is he good at ink, he can also find a suitable place for the merman guards.

“But…” Mo Se was still hesitating.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Chi Ruanfan stared at Mo Se and said, "Just think of it as helping me explore the depth of the Mermaid Association."

"I listen to your Highness." Mo Se responded.

Only then did Chi Ruanfan watch the robot butler from the light screen enter.

Jinzhu said she would come back earlier, and she really came back earlier than yesterday, returning to the Marshal's Mansion before Chi Ruanfan finished his dinner.

Chi Ruanfan scanned the thank you message from the president of the Mermaid Association on the screen, turned off the screen, looked up at Jinzhu who was sitting in a wheelchair, and asked with a smile:

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet." Jin Zhu's eyes were fixed on Chi Ruanfan.

After only being apart for one day, he missed his wife deeply.

After what happened yesterday, Chi Ruanfan had become accustomed to Jinzhu's passionate gaze. He calmly called the robot butler and asked Jinzhu to order a meal.

After having dinner with Jinzhu, Chi Ruanfan went back to his room with him.

There was a pool in the bedroom that occupied most of the room. Chi Ruanfan jumped into the pool and soaked his whole body in the water before floating to the surface.

He swam to the edge of the pool where Jinzhu was, and covered Jinzhu's thighs with his slender fingers. He looked up and said:

"This is my first time sorting out supernatural energy for someone, so there might be some small mistakes."

"It's okay. It doesn't matter what my madam does to me." Jinzhu's eyes were full of tolerance and doting.

It doesn't matter what you do? What about completely disrupting the supernatural power in your body

Chi Ruanfan closed his eyes, suppressed his desire to destroy Jinzhu, concentrated his mental strength, and sorted out the supernatural energy for Jinzhu.

Manipulating supernatural energy is the mermaid's strong point. Chi Ruanfan can learn it completely without any guidance and do it to the best of his ability.

Jinzhu's legs were caressed by Chi Ruanfan's mental power.

It was a wonderful feeling, as if he was soaking in warm water with heat surging. Thinking that it was the Madam's mental power, Jinzhu's blood even began to boil and he quickly closed his legs.

Chi Ruanfan noticed that Jinzhu's body had changed, but he didn't care.

With his mental strength, he can definitely heal Jinzhu's leg in one go.

But he controlled himself deliberately and only gave Jinzhu one tenth of his supernatural energy.

After finishing, Chi Ruanfan deliberately leaned on Jinzhu's legs and pretended to be weak.

“So tired.”

He raised his eyes slightly, the mermaid's peerless face and watery eyes revealed a kind of coquettish taste for no reason.

Chi Ruanfan just looked at him calmly, and Jinzhu felt half of her body soften.

He was already hot-blooded, and faced with such a pitiful appearance, how could he bear it

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Madam."

Jinzhu was so distressed that she didn't even bother to comfort her legs. She leaned over and put her arms around Chi Ruanfan's waist, lifted him out of the water and put him on her legs.

The supernatural energy flowed into Chi Ruanfan's body from the point where Jinzhu's palm touched Chi Ruanfan's body, nourishing Chi Ruanfan's body.

“… That doesn’t have to be the case.” Chi Ruanfan felt uncomfortable all over.

Jinzhu is his old enemy. Who can tolerate the energy of his old enemy running through his body

He did not fight back the moment he sensed Jinzhu's supernatural energy. This had already exhausted all of Chi Ruanfan's self-control.

"Madam has worked hard for me, and this is what I should do." Jinzhu said.

Chi Ruanfan had no choice but to use his trump card. He said with a stern face:

"You poked my tail, it's a little hot."

Poke... the tail

Jinzhu reacted and her face turned red instantly.

He wanted to retreat, but he was in a wheelchair, so even if he retreated, he would take his wife with him.

Then put the lady down

But there was only a pool next to him, and not even a chair. Jinzhu could never do such a thing as throwing his wife into the pool.

Jinzhu stammered, "Madam, I don't want to..."

Well, he really wanted to, but not right now.