Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 105: Mermaid12


After coming out of the space channel and being enveloped by a strong yet gentle mental force, Chi Ruanfan realized that he had been teleported to the wrong place.

Ice-blue crystal pillars support the dome, and a silver-white shell throne stands on the stairs.

This is the Mermaid King’s palace, where Chi Ruanfan has lived for ten years and the location he is most familiar with.

But it was in the past life.

In this life, he took the initiative to go to the Human Federation to make peace. Without his threat, the Emperor would not be desperate enough to cooperate with the Beast Tribe and assassinate the Human Mermaid Emperor.

In other words, the current owner of this palace is still the previous Mermaid King.


A slightly surprised voice came from the hall.

The next moment, bubbles surged, and a silver mermaid appeared beside Chi Ruanfan.

The silver mermaid has an extremely beautiful appearance and appears to be only ten years old as a human. However, her eyes are overly deep and peaceful, making her look like an old man who has experienced the vicissitudes of life and seen all kinds of human life.

Young appearance, old heart, mermaids like this are very common in the mermaid tribe.

A mermaid's appearance gradually becomes fixed after adulthood, and she will age rapidly just before death.

This is very similar to the top human beings with special abilities.

Or maybe, the top psychics with mermaid genes are like them.

Chi Ruanfan thought of Jinzhu inadvertently.

Jinzhu is one of the top psychics among humans, and his physical condition is almost the same as that of a mermaid.

If Jinzhu is really his partner, they can live together, grow old together, and die together. This is the most romantic thing in the mermaids' view.

"Welcome home, my little 'princess'."

The voice of the silver mermaid reached his ears. Chi Ruanfan put away the messy thoughts in his mind, nodded slightly, and called out:


A trace of regret flashed in Chi Ruanfan's lowered eyes.

Why did he suddenly think of Jinzhu? And it was something meaningless. Could it be the sequelae of the fever period

"The little 'princess' came back in a hurry, but has the gender been revealed?"

The Mermaid King asked, raising his hand to touch Chi Ruanfan's head, and his warm mental power enveloped him, combing out his tangled mental threads.

"yes… "

Chi Ruanfan kept the fact of his transformation into a male a secret from the Mermaid Emperor and other mermen, but he could not hide it from the Mermaid Emperor, whose mental strength was almost the same as his.

Before he left the Mermaid Empire, the Mermaid King already knew that he was a male mermaid.

At that time, the Mermaid King wanted to reject the marriage request of the Human Federation.

Initially, she ignored the marriage proposal that the emperor and the human envoys were discussing because the Mermaid Empire had no princess at all. She also knew that Chi Ruanfan would not differentiate into a female mermaid, and the so-called marriage proposal would only be empty talk.

Who would have thought Chi Ruan Fan would disguise himself as a female mermaid and take advantage of the situation to enter the Human Federation.

This little boy of hers always had many ideas of his own, and the Mermaid King could not persuade him, so he had to let him go.

"Although I was exposed, my trip to the Human Federation was not without gain..."

Chi Ruanfan thought for a while, and his eyelids gradually became heavy.

This kind of mental refreshment is so comfortable, like being on a bed of shells and jellyfish. I just want to close my eyes and have a good sleep.

The Mermaid King lowered his voice, "You look very tired. Take a rest first. We'll be here. Anything can be dealt with after you wake up."

Chi Ruanfan's eyelids closed completely.

He is indeed very tired.

The fever period consumed a lot of his energy, and after a few hours of sleep, he felt someone enter the Marshal's Mansion. He was forced to wake up and use up all his supernatural energy to open a space channel before he could return to the Mermaid Empire.

The energy consumed during this period is too great, and I need sufficient rest to recover.

A wing-like dorsal fin spread out behind Chi Ruanfan.

The dorsal fin and caudal fin help him stabilize his body in the sea water so that he will not be carried away by the flowing sea water in his sleep.

When Chi Ruanfan woke up from his deep sleep, he saw the gloomy-faced Emperor Li.

"Should I call you 'Second Princess' or 'Second Emperor'?" the emperor asked coldly.

Chi Ruanfan folded his wings and said calmly: "Why don't you call me 'dear brother'? This will make us seem closer and more friendly."

The Mermaid Emperor immediately showed an expression as if he had eaten spoiled fish meat. Just as he was about to make a few sarcastic remarks, the Mermaid Emperor's voice came over:

"Xiao Ruan is great. We are all family, so we should get closer."

The emperor's expression changed slightly. He managed to squeeze out a word and said to Chi Ruanfan through gritted teeth:

"Well, my dear brother, how have you been in the Human Federation these past few months? Didn't a human marshal know that his partner is actually a male of the same species as him?"

Chi Ruanfan thought it was a bad idea. He originally wanted to disgust the emperor, but he didn't expect to kill one thousand enemies but lose eight hundred of his own, which disgusted himself as well.

But he didn't show any emotion on his face, and said calmly: "The Human Federation is good, but it's not as good as home."

The emperor understood the hidden meaning of Chi Ruanfan's words and became furious:

"Are you going to stay on Mermaid Planet? Don't forget that you are already the partner of the human marshal!"

Chi Ruanfan's return made the emperor feel a sense of crisis again.

All royal family members are qualified to inherit the throne of the Fish King. Chi Ruanfan has been more talented than him since he was a child, stronger than him, and more loved by the tribe members than him.

He had finally sent Chi Ruanfan to the Human Federation under the pretext of a marriage alliance, but the Human Federation failed to keep an eye on him and let him escape back!

How could the emperor not be angry and anxious about this

Chi Ruanfan didn't want to talk about Jinzhu in front of others, so he just said:

"The one who married the Human Federation was a mermaid princess. What does that have to do with a male mermaid like me?"

"You!" The emperor pointed at Chi Ruanfan's nose and almost cursed.

Hearing the Mermaid King's unhappy cough, he put down his hand angrily, trying to control his emotions, and said:

"The human marshal will come to visit the Mermaid Empire in three days. You can go with him then."

Jinzhu is coming to visit the Mermaid Empire? !

Chi Ruanfan suddenly looked towards the Mermaid King on the throne, seeking confirmation.

The Mermaid King nodded and said soothingly:

"Don't worry, as long as you don't want to leave the Mermaid Empire, no one can force you to leave."

It is true, Jinzhu is really coming to the Mermaid Empire.

The lady who had been with him day and night for several months and whom he loved so much turned out to be a lesbian. He was also trapped by the same sex and forced to spend the fever period with him.

No one could tolerate this kind of thing happening to them.

Chi Ruanfan had expected that Jinzhu would take revenge on him after she was freed.

What he didn't expect was that Jinzhuju would come so soon.

I came back three days later... I couldn't wait even a moment.

After being stunned, Chi Ruanfan said:

"Since he dares to come, let him come. I also want to see how he will retaliate."

The Mermaid Empire is his territory, would he be afraid of Jinzhu

If Jinzhu fell out with the Mermaid Empire over this matter, he would just make sure Jinzhu had no chance of returning.

In the next few days, Chi Ruanfan resumed his arrangements in the Mermaid Empire as the twin brother of the Mermaid Princess.

Three days later, Chi Ruanfan arrived in Jinzhu.

Among a group of human messengers wearing protective clothing, Jinzhu, who was only wearing a waterproof military uniform, was extremely eye-catching. As soon as he entered the palace, he attracted the attention of all the mermaids.

"Is he a human? How can he breathe in water?"

The mermaids whispered.

Chi Ruanfan glanced sideways and met Jinzhu's gaze.

Jinzhu seemed to have not had a good rest these days. There was a faint dark blue under her eyes. When she looked at him, her gaze was scorching, as if she wanted to burn a hole in his body.

Chi Ruanfan raised his lips slightly and gave a polite smile.

He was not surprised that Jinzhu could breathe water. The genes of S-level mutants had a high degree of overlap with mermaids, and some of them could even grow fish tails.

During the fever period, he took Jinzhu to swim in the water many times and knew very well how well Jinzhu could adapt to the water.

"Human Marshal, welcome to the Mermaid Empire. This is our country's First and Second Capitals." The Mermaid Emperor introduced to Jinzhu.

She emphasized the last two words "Emperor" to remind Jinzhu that this was not the mermaid princess who was going to marry him, but a male emperor, so he should stop staring at her.

Jinzhu resisted the urge to hug Chi Ruanfan and said in mermaid language:

"I have prepared some gifts for the two emperors. I don't know if they will like them."

He kept saying "emperors", and his eyes were only on Chi Ruanfan.

After taking out the gift box from the space bracelet, his eyes were only on Chi Ruanfan.

"Thank you, Marshal. I have always been curious about the things of the Human Federation. I will study them carefully when I return."

Chi Ruanfan took the box but did not open it. Instead, he handed it to the servant behind him.

This box might contain Jinzhu's means of revenge, so he should be more careful.

The emperor felt that the harmony between the two was an eyesore, so he said:

"Marshal, why didn't you bring your wife with you when you came to the Mermaid Empire? I miss my sister who married far away very much."

Jinzhu looked at Chi Ruanfan, and Chi Ruanfan looked back at her calmly, as if the "Marshal's wife" mentioned by the emperor was not him at all.

The Mermaid King gave the Emperor a warning glance and tried to smooth things over before Jinzhu could answer:

"I think Xiao Ruan is reluctant to leave. My child is just like his brother. They both like the Human Federation very much."

At the end, the Mermaid King looked at Chi Ruanfan and said, "Right? Xiao Jin."

Chi Ruanfan listened to this name that was apparently picked casually and said, "Yes."

"Xiao Jin?" Jinzhu looked slightly puzzled.

Mermaid Emperor: "Xiao Ruan and Xiao Jin are twin siblings. The Marshal stared at Xiao Jin as soon as he entered the palace. He must have thought that he looked alike with Xiao Ruan, right?"

Jinzhu stared at Chi Ruanfan deeply and said slowly, "It does look like him."

Chi Ruanfan looked at Jinzhu with some surprise.

Did Jinzhuju have an attack at that time? He even recognized his status as the emperor.

Yes, the fact that the Marshal's wife is actually a male is a big scandal for Jinzhu and even the Human Federation.

Jinzhu would never admit it in front of others, and even helped to cover it up.

Thinking of this, Chi Ruanfan felt much better.

As long as Jinzhu didn't intend to make this matter public, things wouldn't get to the worst.

His arrangements in the Human Federation can still continue, but will be subject to some restrictions.

Just as Chi Ruanfan was thinking, he heard a melodious song and the mermaids in the palace gradually gathered together in pairs.

Mermaids like singing and dancing. When they are courting a mate, they sing courtship songs and perform courtship dances. When they encounter something to celebrate, they also sing and dance accordingly.

Singing and dancing are indispensable in the reception of the human marshal's visit.

Many female mermaids cast their glances towards Chi Ruanfan, and the braver ones had already swam over.

Before his differentiation, Chi Ruanfan was known as the "Golden Rose" and was highly sought after, but after his differentiation, his appearance became even better and his appeal to mermaids even stronger.

Jinzhu reacted when she saw two mermaids huddled together and started dancing.

He hurriedly took a step forward and came in front of Chi Ruanfan, blocking some of the sights directed at Chi Ruanfan, and stretched out his hand, saying:

"Would you please have the honor of dancing with me?"

Mermaids don't have such a polite way of inviting people to dance, and they won't invite people of the same sex to dance.

Chi Ruanfan didn't know what Jinzhu wanted to do. As he was thinking about it, he noticed from the corner of his eye that there was another mermaid looking at Jinzhu with eagerness in her eyes.

The upper body of humans is similar to that of mermaids, and Jinzhu's figure and appearance are also extremely outstanding in the aesthetics of mermaids.

It is not uncommon for a merman to take a fancy to Jinzhu and want to dance with him.

Chi Ruanfan suddenly grabbed the hand that Jinzhu extended.

When their bodies were pressed together, close enough to hear each other's breathing and heartbeats, Chi Ruanfan realized what a stupid decision he had made.

He bit his lower lip in annoyance.

Damn, a mermaid's possessive instinct towards her mate is too strong.

He accidentally marked Jinzhu as his partner, and until the mark wore off, he could not tolerate any other mermaids getting close to Jinzhu.

Jinzhu doesn't know how to dance the mermaid dance, and Chi Ruanfan didn't lead him to dance it.

The man and the mermaid just pressed their bodies together and moved with the surge of the sea.

Not long after, Chi Ruanfan felt Jinzhu burying her head in his neck and sighed softly:


Chi Ruanfan's body froze, and then he said coldly: "Marshal, I am not my sister, I am a male mermaid."

"I know."

What do you know

Do you know that she is not his sister? This relationship was fake in the first place. Even if Jinzhu had a problem with her brain, she would not be unable to see through such a crude scam.

It’s the latter sentence, which means he is a male mermaid.

Now that you know it, why do you still call him "Madam"