Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 110: Infinite Stream 1


Chi Ruanfan woke up from his hazy sleep, opened his eyes, and looked at the white ceiling in a daze.

He had another dream.

In his dream, he returned to a dungeon world he had experienced before. He forgot about the game, the task of collecting faith, and even got together with the hidden boss of the dungeon world.

This dream was just like the previous ones, long and real, making it almost impossible for him to distinguish between dream and reality.

Chi Ruanfan raised his hand.

A palm-sized space passage appeared in front of him. He reached his hand into it, took out a green leaf and put it into his mouth.

This is a prop he obtained in the infinite world, which can expel the negative effects of enchantment, illusion and mental arousal.

Cool energy passed into his mind. Chi Ruanfan was trying to concentrate and calm his mind, but suddenly he felt something soft rubbing against his cheek.

He lowered his eyes and looked away, with only the thin veil covering his face.

The lips pressed against his cheek, revealing a hint of human attachment.

Chi Ruanfan pursed his lips slightly and turned towards the window.

As if knowing his thoughts, the curtains automatically opened to the sides in response to the wind, revealing the gray sky outside the window.

That person's influence on this world is getting deeper and deeper...

Chi Ruanfan looked solemn, retracted his gaze, raised his hand and prepared to lift his skirt and get out of bed.

There was a slight resistance from his hair, and it even tightened a little.

His wife seemed to want to hug him tightly and imprison him on the bed.

Chi Ruanfan glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was seven-thirty.

He tried to reason with his son:

"I have a very important meeting at 8 o'clock and cannot be late."

Resistance disappears quietly.

Chi Ruanfan sat up.

The thin hair slid down the body and accumulated at the waist and abdomen.

The corners of her hair slowly curled up, and when they brushed against Chi Ruanfan's waist, they curled up even more, as if they were shrinking in shyness.

Chi Ruanfan calmly shifted his gaze.

He was already used to such weird things.

Ever since the fog descended upon this world half a year ago, the objects around him have gradually been infected, bringing out that person's consciousness.

He bought new trousers, clothes, carpets several times...but the new items would also "come alive" quickly.

Chi Ruanfan opened his eyes, which had become warmer, and saw a pair of slippers moved to the bedside and neatly placed, with the shoe openings facing him.

Obviously, this pair of slippers was also infected.

Chi Ruanfan took off his slippers, stepped on the floor barefoot, and went to the bathroom.

During this time, the floor he stepped on gradually heated up and became softer.

The floors seemed to collectively simulate the texture of carpet.

The bathroom door opened automatically in front of Chi Ruanfan, and the light turned on automatically.

The toothbrush was spinning in the mouthwash cup, trying to attract attention, and the toothpaste cap was spinning to the top layer, almost falling off.

Chi Ruanfan stood at the door, silently watching those things that exuded vitality.

Only when the toothbrush stopped turning and the toothpaste cap screwed itself back on, and everything returned to silence, did Chi Ruanfan step into the bathroom.

Pick up the electric toothbrush and squeeze out toothpaste.

Chi Ruanfan held the toothbrush in his hand, which was trying hard to restrain its activity but still looked abnormal. He took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and then resigned himself to putting it into his mouth.

After a while, Chi Ruanfan, who had already brushed his teeth twice, frowned and forcibly turned off the vibrating toothbrush.

The toothbrush, which was set with a two-minute smart timer, seemed to have learned to change the set time after it "came to life".


When the toothbrush was put back, it vibrated slightly, as if expressing a faint protest.

Chi Ruanfan ignored it. Time was running out, so he sped up.

Try to ignore the water that entangles his fingers when washing your face, the pajamas that stick to him and refuse to come off when changing clothes, and the milk that excitedly flows into his mouth during breakfast...

Chi Ruanfan finally left the house before seven fifty.

There were still ten minutes left, enough for him to drive to the company.

The things around him always took up extra time for him, so he deliberately lived not far from the company.

As soon as Chi Ruanfan went downstairs, red flowers appeared on the landscape flower balls in the flower bed. The bright red begonias filled the entire flower ball.

Chi Ruanfan's face darkened. He looked around to make sure that there was no one else around. Then he gritted his teeth and lowered his voice:

"Are you sexually harassing me?"

Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants.

That person polluted these plants and still did that to him. It was just... it made my scalp tingle.

The wind that was gently ruffling Chi Ruanfan's hair stopped, and the begonia that was adjusting the size of its bud also stopped.

Chi Ruanfan thought that the man should feel ashamed, but the next moment, the wind started to blow again, ruffling his hair and making the begonias in the flower bed sway even more vigorously.

Other flowering plants seemed to be infected. Regardless of whether their flowering season had long passed or was still far from it, they all bloomed brilliantly, forming a sea of flowers.

All of this seemed like some existence happily admitting its guilt.

Chi Ruanfan: “…”

He shouldn't expect a non-human being to have any sense of shame.

Chi Ruanfan arrived at the company on time and entered the meeting room.

Maybe it was his cold and hard attitude that finally made that person restrain himself, because during the entire meeting, that person did not do anything out of line.

After the meeting, Chi Ruanfan returned to the office, and the secretary brought him a cup of tea at the right time.

After talking for half an afternoon, Chi Ruanfan was indeed thirsty. He opened his computer to write a research proposal while reaching for the tea on the table.

Caught nothing.

Chi Ruanfan turned his head and saw that the teacup had moved from its previous position to the edge of the desk.

Chi Ruanfan raised his eyes and glanced at the door. His mistress just went out and closed the door. He probably didn't see the teacup moving by itself.

The next moment, Chi Ruanfan heard the sound of water.

The tea sets on the coffee table moved by themselves. They cooperated with each other and brewed tea in a very professional manner.

What does this mean

She didn't let him drink the tea sent by the secretary, and she even made tea for herself.

Chi Ruanfan was very sure that there was nothing that shouldn't be in the tea that the secretary sent over. This was what puzzled him the most: why did he do this at all

"What do you want to do?"

Chi Ruanfan whispered, as if he was mumbling to himself, or as if he was talking to some formless existence in the space.

Chi Ruanfan didn't expect to get an answer.

That person's influence on this world has not yet reached the point where we can have a conversation with him.

Click, click…

There was a subtle keyboard tapping sound, and Chi Ruanfan turned around, only to see words appearing on the computer screen.

Want to love you.

Chi Ruanfan's breathing paused slightly.

After a moment, he said:

"The boss loves the player? This is the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard."

No joke.

"Oh? Is that a new game?" Chi Ruanfan stared at the screen and said:

"But I've already cleared the game. Even if you're new to the game, you shouldn't have found me."

It's not a game either.

The keyboard jumped and new words gradually appeared, as if there was someone on the other side of the computer, answering each of Chi Ruanfan's questions seriously.

I mean it.

Chi Ruanfan stared at the last sentence and couldn't help but read the three words at the top.

Do you really want to love him

What a joke, how could there be any love between the boss and the clearance player.

As if sensing Chi Ruanfan's disbelief, the keyboard keys jumped rapidly and long paragraphs of text appeared on the screen.

Already five worlds have brought us together.

It turns out that as long as there is no player identity and no task of collecting faith, we will love each other.

No matter what kind of world we live in, what kind of identity and relationships we have.

Chi Ruanfan's breath was choked.

What does it mean? What are the five worlds

You mean... those dreams he had

Could it be that those were not his dreams, but the other party used some method to affect his memory and made him experience the copy world again

How much energy would it take to reverse the time of five copy worlds? Even a boss couldn't do it easily.

Would the other party really consume so much energy to do something meaningful like this

Chi Ruanfan didn't know, but he preferred to believe that the other party had used some props on him.

"Those are all fake." Chi Ruanfan said.


As if he was eager to prove something, the keys jumped faster.

You like to hug me from the front, look into my eyes, and lean over to kiss my Adam's apple when you are at your deepest...

"Stop writing!" Chi Ruanfan slammed his hand on the keyboard, typing out a string of garbled characters.

The screen flashed a few times, and without the keys jumping, new text appeared again.

Xiaoruan, you are very panicked.

If you were convinced in your heart that all that was false, you wouldn't be so panicked. You were panicked precisely because everything I said was true.

Soon Ruan Fan turned off the computer in anger, and the screen became completely silent, with no new text appearing.

At the same time, a cup of freshly brewed tea quietly appeared on the desk, and the wall of the cup lightly touched his hand, with a friendly gesture.

Chi Ruanfan drank the steaming tea for a while and didn't move.

When his eyes moved to the screen again, all the texts he had previously communicated with disappeared, and the screen showed the research plan he had originally prepared to write.

Paragraphs of text appeared one after another, and his research plan on new artificial intelligence was gradually being perfected.

In less than half a minute, a complete research plan appeared in front of Chi Ruanfan.

Chi Ruanfan didn't know whether he should continue to be angry.

In half a minute, the man completed a month's work for him.

Should we say that he is worthy of being the strongest boss who has devoured thousands of copy worlds

He picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

It tastes very good, and it doesn't seem like the other party learned it from some dungeon world.

Chi Ruanfan stroked the wall of the teacup for a long time, then said:

"You chased me out from the infinite world and spent a lot of energy to infect this world, just to love me?"


At the end of the research plan, a word appeared.

After a moment, another new line of words slowly appeared.

If possible, I also want to be loved by Xiaoruan.

Maybe it was because of the impression he had from those dreams, but when he said the words "my little soft love", some overly passionate images involuntarily emerged in Chi Ruanfan's mind.

He lowered his head and took a sip of tea hastily, concealing his emotions, before saying:

"You don't love me, nor do you want me to love you, but I am the only player who has passed the level at your hands, and you are unwilling to let me go."


The other party seemed to want to refute, but Chi Ruanfan interrupted him:

"If you want me to go back, just say so. It's not like I won't go with you."


Xiaoruan, are you serious

"Yeah," Chi Ruanfan responded, turned his head to look at the gray sky outside the window, and added:

"But you must leave this world and stop infecting it."

The fog has covered this planet for half a year. If Jinzhu's consciousness continues to infect this planet, this planet will become a part of Jinzhu and a new copy of the infinite world.

By then, no one knows what will become of the native inhabitants of this planet.

"I'll go back with you." Chi Ruanfan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Ruanfan felt a large amount of fog breaking through the window and rushing towards him.

He could feel that the external energy covering the planet was converging towards him. The fog around him became thicker and thicker, and finally its color turned into inky black.

The black fog surrounded him, but Chi Ruanfan did not feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt... familiar and at ease.

Chi Ruanfan didn't dare to let himself relax and immerse himself. He activated his special abilities and let a layer of spatial energy wrap around himself.

"Shit! What the hell is this place? Why am I here?"

"What? Filming a reality show?"

"This is kidnapping! Get out of here!"

"Ahh! What's that outside?! It's so scary."

"I'm still alive? I'm still alive..."

Noisy voices came into his ears. Chi Ruanfan frowned and opened his eyes, and what he saw was a dozen people standing or sitting in the faint light with different expressions.

Some of them looked terrified, pacing around while yelling and cursing, some were touching their hair and muttering things like "I'm still alive", and some were standing closely to the side, looking outside with serious expressions.

Chi Ruanfan followed the gaze of those people.

Outside the light shield was a dead black silence. Something could be heard moving in the darkness, making creepy sounds.

Such a familiar scene.

This seemed to be the first world he experienced after entering the infinite world, a D-level world full of ghosts and monsters.

The conversation he heard next confirmed his guess.

"There are twelve people, eight of whom are newcomers. Isn't this like monsters delivering food?" said a woman wearing a special leather windbreaker.

The burly man next to her said, "Don't worry about these newcomers. Once the protective shield disappears, the four of us will work together to break through."

"What newcomer, monster? Do you know something?" The man in a suit asked with red eyes, frightened by the voice in the dark.

Chi Ruanfan stopped listening to the noise from the outside world. He felt the supernatural energy in his body that seemed to be suppressed by something, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

What is going on

Has the boss gotten good at time reversal these days? Did he also mix in time-related abilities when he was brought back? Did he send him back to the time when the limited world was just created