Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 115: Infinite Stream 6


"Okay, my love." Jinzhu looked at Chi Ruanfan and said.

Chi Ruanfan: “…”

When Chi Ruanfan first heard the items in the coffee shop say this in unison, he just wanted to leave the coffee shop as soon as possible.

Now hearing Jinzhu's origin say these words, he wanted to escape from this world directly.

The light screen popped up at this moment.

When the break is over, a new game world will open in 10 seconds. You can choose to enter the game world directly or spend points to buy break time.

The moment he saw the familiar pop-up window, Chi Ruanfan clicked into the game options at the fastest speed in his life.

Goodbye to you!

As long as I run far enough, embarrassment can't catch up with me.

Chi Ruanfan disappeared in the beam of light.

Jinzhu took half a step forward with his consciousness, and after realizing what had happened, he looked at the empty sofa in a daze.

"I scared my lover."

The green ivy in the corner waved its branches to the bamboo, with a tone of blame in it.

Jinzhu pursed her lips slightly, a hint of regret flashing in her dark eyes.

"You should apologize to your lover." said the person on the table.

The other items also said, "Apologize."

"The first minute I leave my lover's arms, I miss him." said the pillow that fell on the sofa.

The other items also said, "Miss him."

Jinzhu also felt the longing spreading from the depths of his heart.

Although he was separated from Chi Ruanfan for only one minute, it felt like a century.

Is this what it feels like to be in love with someone? You want to be with them all the time.

"I'll go find him." Jinzhu said.

"Hug your lover tenderly and warm him/her with your body," Sofa advised.

"Use your body to protect your loved ones." said the store owner.

The scene in front of Chi Ruanfan suddenly changed from a modern-style coffee shop to an antique palace courtyard.

Chi Ruanfan lowered his eyes slightly, observing his surroundings calmly.

The clothes on his body turned into a gray robe, he wore a pair of black cloth shoes, and he seemed to be wearing a gauze hat on his head.

Beside him stood a few young men dressed similarly to him.

They all lowered their heads, looking extremely submissive.

Chi Ruanfan looked at it for a while, then returned his gaze to the clothes.

The style of this clothing looks somewhat familiar, as if I have seen it in that game world.

He thought back to the ancient palace world he had experienced, trying to find relevant memories.

At this time, several footsteps were heard.

Chi Ruanfan glanced sideways quietly, and saw an old man holding a dustpan walking towards him surrounded by the crowd.

"Are these the new eunuchs entering the palace?" the old man's slightly shrill voice sounded.

Chi Ruanfan then told about his current identity, and recalled everything about this world.

He was a little eunuch, just like his initial identity when he first entered this world.

In the beginning, he started as a young eunuch who had just entered the palace, and climbed up step by step, eventually overthrowing the emperor and becoming the famous Ninth Thousand Years Old.

Although that "name" was not a good reputation, it still allowed him to collect enough power of faith and exchange it for a lot of points.

"I believe you all know the reason why we came here. Being able to serve His Majesty is a blessing that many people cannot achieve in several lifetimes."

The old eunuch glanced at everyone and said, "Now, this blessing will fall on a few of you."

Chi Ruanfan's eyelids twitched.

He certainly still remembers who the emperor of this world is.

Brocade bamboo.

He chose to enter the game world immediately in order to escape from Jinzhu, but as luck would have it, he ran into a world guarded by Jinzhu's spirit.

Although the spiritual body in the copy world would not know what just happened in the main source world, Ruan Fan was still very embarrassed.

Initially in this world, he went to Jinzhu and gradually gained power.

Let’s just forget it this time.

He just wanted to stay as far away from Jinzhu as possible, even if it meant working as a gardener in the Imperial Garden for the rest of his life.

"Look up," the chief eunuch walked up to Chi Ruanfan and said, "Look up."

Chi Ruanfan's heart skipped a beat.

Thinking that he would perform poorly when the old eunuch tested him later, he slowly raised his head.

"Yes," the eunuch nodded in satisfaction, "You are so handsome, it's rare to see one like this. It would be a feast for the eyes even if you put him in the Golden Palace. You will come with us later."

Chi Ruanfan never thought that she would be chosen because of her appearance. This was not a selection of concubines!

"Eunuch, I'm clumsy with my hands and words, and I can only take care of flowers and plants. I don't dare to serve in front of the emperor." Chi Ruanfan said sincerely.

The eunuch was immediately surprised and said, "You can also take care of flowers and plants. That's great! Your Majesty has several pots of bamboo and was worried about not having a suitable person to take care of them."

Chi Ruanfan was completely unwilling.

How to take care of the plants grown under Jinzhu

Just a wisp of energy emanating from the bamboo shoots is enough to keep them green forever.

He wanted to refuse, but the chief eunuch seemed to have recognized him. He gave him an encouraging look and walked towards other people.

Forget it. Jinzhu didn't like being served by palace servants all the time. He just went to the Jinque Palace as a little eunuch to take care of flowers and plants. He had no chance to meet the emperor.

In the future, as long as you are more careful and choose the time when Jinzhu is handling state affairs to water the Wannianzhu, you will not encounter Jinzhu.

Thinking of this, Chi Ruanfan followed the old eunuch to the Jinque Palace where the emperor lived.

The old eunuch arranged the selected eunuchs and asked Chi Ruanfan to follow him, and said as they walked:

"Your Majesty is very fond of those pots of thousand-year-old bamboo. I will entrust you with the task of taking care of them. If there is any mistake, you will be punished."

Chi Ruanfan agreed but didn't take it to heart.

He didn't think anything could happen to the Wannian Bamboo.

Jinzhu is the boss of this world. What he cares about will inevitably be favored by everything in this world.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chi Ruanfan heard the old eunuch slow down his tone and say:

"Don't be too scared, as long as you do your job well, you will be rewarded. If you encounter a problem that you can't solve, come to us."

Chi Ruanfan vaguely felt that something was not right.

The old eunuch's first sentence was just a simple suggestion, but the second sentence had a hint of support.

He has no relationship with the old eunuch, why would the other party want to promote him

Chi Ruanfan glanced sideways secretly and happened to see the old eunuch's eyes full of kindness.

This... Could it be that this old eunuch is planning to adopt him as his godson

Chi Ruanfan quickly looked away.

He just wanted to be an unknown person in the palace and did not want to recognize the chief eunuch as his father and bring unnecessary trouble.

The olive branch extended received no response, but the old eunuch did not turn cold. He still smiled and took Chi Ruanfan to the back hall.

Passing through the magnificent yet empty and silent palace, Chi Ruanfan saw a pot of bamboo-like and grass-like plants on the table in the bedroom.

Looking at the wilted leaves of the potted plant due to years of not seeing the sun, Chi Ruanfan couldn't help but ask:

"Is this the ten thousand year old bamboo?"

"That's right." said the old eunuch.

Chi Ruanfan couldn't help but complain in his heart: What's the point of saying that Jinzhu values this thousand-year-old bamboo so much? How could something wither like this after being favored by the boss

This "favor" seems to be a bit of a misnomer.

“I’ll move it outside to get some sun.” If it stays here any longer, it will wither and die.

Chi Ruanfan reached out and picked up the potted plant.

"Let it go, let it go," the old eunuch stopped him hurriedly, "Although this thousand-year bamboo looks listless, as long as we leave it in the bedroom, it will survive. If we move it out, maybe it will..."

The old eunuch's voice suddenly stopped.

Chi Ruanfan looked at the old eunuch in confusion and saw that he was staring at the thousand-year-old bamboo in his arms with wide eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, as if he had seen some miracle.

"What's wrong?" Chi Ruanfan also looked in the direction he was looking.

The bamboo, which had been withered and yellow before, had suddenly turned into lush green. Its top even had flower buds arranged radially like umbrellas, and those flower buds were blooming with small white flowers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Miracle, this is a miracle!" the old eunuch said excitedly.

Chi Ruanfan's expression changed slightly.

He was no stranger to the scene of flowers suddenly blooming.

Not long ago, the same bamboo that had infected everything around him had caused begonias to bloom all over the landscape.

Ta-da, ta-da, ta-da—

Familiar footsteps came closer and closer.

Chi Ruanfan turned his head to look at the palace entrance, and saw Jinzhu, wearing a black robe with golden dragon patterns, walking slowly towards them.

Jinzhu's ink-black eyes were filled with smiles when she saw him.

Chi Ruanfan panicked.

The worst happened.

This Jinzhu obviously knew him. The other party was not Jinzhu's ordinary spiritual body, but the spiritual origin that came from the central world.

Jinzhu walked closer slowly, his eyes fell on the eunuch uniform on Chi Ruanfan, he was slightly stunned, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"What..." Eunuch

Jinzhu's voice brought the old eunuch back to his senses. He bowed quickly and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, this is the new eunuch, Xiao Chizi."

After saying this, the old eunuch noticed that Chi Ruanfan was still standing straight, and was startled, winking at him and scolding him:

"Little Chizi, why don't you come and meet His Majesty!"

"Go out first." Jinzhu said directly to the old eunuch.

At first the old eunuch thought the emperor was talking about Chi Ruanfan, and was about to ask Chi Ruanfan to let Wannianzhu go, but he discovered that the emperor was looking at him.

"I'll take my leave, old eunuch?" the old eunuch asked tentatively.

Jinzhu nodded slightly.

The old eunuch bowed and stepped back. After leaving the palace, he thought of the miracle and wanted to go back to report it immediately, but he heard a creaking sound and the door closed behind him.

The old eunuch was startled.

There were only the emperor and Xiao Chizi in the hall. When he left, he didn't feel anyone following him. Who closed the door

Is there really such a thing as magic in this world

Inside the palace.

Jinzhu looked at Chi Ruanfan, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Chi Ruanfan couldn't stand Jinzhu's gaze always looking at him, and said a little angrily:

"Don't you just want to know if I've really become a eunuch? How about I take off my clothes and see?"