Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 116: Infinite flow 7


"Actually, I know everything." Jinzhu said.

The basic game rules of the infinite world were set by him, so how could he not know the current physical condition of his lover

He was just worried that his lover couldn't stand this situation.

But now it seems that my lover seems to accept it well.

Yu Jinzhu followed Chi Ruanfan's words: "If Xiaoruan wants me to see it with my own eyes, I will watch it carefully."

Chi Ruanfan really didn't expect Jinzhu to say such a thing, and for a moment he didn't know how to react.

It shouldn't be like this.

Jinzhu from the ghost world wanted to get close to him, but because the ghost king Jinzhu stayed in the ghost world all year round and had no contact with the outside world, she found that there was an aura emanating from him and mistakenly thought they were lovers.

To put it bluntly, it is a misunderstanding caused by information gap.

Now in front of him is Jinzhu's original consciousness.

All players who enter the infinite world will be recorded in Jinzhu's original consciousness.

Jinzhu should know that he is just a newcomer who has just entered the infinite world, and it is impossible for him to have any unclear relationship with him.

Chi Ruanfan was puzzled and couldn't find the answer.

Under Jinzhu's gentle gaze, as if she were looking at her beloved, Chi Ruanfan felt a little at a loss.

He could only keep a straight face, not letting his expression reveal itself, and then react as a little eunuch should to this situation:

"My body is impaired, how can I show it to Your Majesty and pollute his eyes?"

Speaking of being humble and lowly, Chi Ruanfan's expression clearly said "Don't even think about making me bow to the powerful."

Jinzhu chuckled at what he saw. He stepped forward and took the potted plant from Chi Ruanfan's hand, saying softly:

"In my eyes, everything about Xiaoruan is perfect."

Chi Ruanfan had nothing to say.

I didn't expect Jinzhu to have such a strong taste that he even didn't let the eunuchs go!

Chi Ruanfan's eyes swept across the flowers on the thousand-year-old bamboo.

The blooming flowers are like a peacock spreading its tail, showing off itself to the fullest, eager to get the attention of its loved one.

Just like the Jinzhu today.

Chi Ruanfan realized belatedly that Jinzhu's previous gesture was a declaration of love to him.

If we say that Jinzhu had been pestering him before and chasing him from the infinite world to the world he lived in, it was because he was the only player who had passed the level from Jinzhu, which aroused Jinzhu's interest, and she did not hesitate to tease him by expressing her love.

Now he is just an ordinary newcomer, why would Jinzhu express her love to him

It can't be just because he has the other person's scent on him, right

"You," Chi Ruanfan hesitated for a moment and continued:

"Wouldn't it be true that as long as someone has your scent on their body, you would express your love to that person?"

"Of course not. I won't leave my scent on others casually."

Jinzhu put the potted plant back on the table, leaned over Chi Ruanfan's neck, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Especially with an aura like yours... full of possession, desire, and protection."

Chi Ruanfan was a beat late before raising his hand to push Jinzhu away, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat.

This is so scary, when did he become so defenseless against Jinzhu

Even in a fatal spot like the neck, he would allow the other party to get close.

Jinzhu noticed Chi Ruanfan's nervousness and took a half step back, saying apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I can't help wanting to get closer to you. Since you don't like it, I will keep my distance."

"No," Chi Ruanfan suddenly looked at Jinzhu and said, "You can try to get close to me at any time..."

And I will always be vigilant and will never let you get close again.

Before Chi Ruanfan could finish his words, he felt a slender and strong body pressing against him.

He was hugged by Jinzhu.

Once again, he failed to react.

Jinzhu whispered softly: "The feeling of hugging the one you love, warmth, joy, peace of mind, attachment, my heart feels like it's melting, I really don't want to let go."

Chi Ruanfan wanted to push Jinzhu's hand away, but instead he placed his hand on Jinzhu's shoulder and tightened his fingers slightly.

He... he is also a man, he has those feelings too.

I want to hug Jinzhu for a long time, as if I were possessed.

For a moment, a thought even emerged in his mind: he didn't care about the rules and tasks of the infinite world, he just wanted Jinzhu.

It's crazy.

Chi Ruanfan closed his eyes and frowned slightly.

The desire to obey his heart was overwhelmed, and his reason was making him struggle.

Is Jinzhu's love real

In fact, it is very simple to distinguish whether it is real or not.

No matter how nice the words are, people's physical reactions cannot deceive them.

Chi Ruanfan lowered his head slightly, his lips touched Jinzhu's Adam's apple, and paid attention to Jinzhu's reaction.

Could Jinzhu bear it if such a vulnerable part that could be fatal fell into the mouth of another person

Jinzhu's breathing paused slightly, and then her breathing and heartbeat became rapid.

Then, he slightly raised his head, completely exposing his fatal part to Chi Ruanfan, leaving only his chest heaving, as if he was forcibly enduring and suppressing something.

Quite tolerant.

Chi Ruanfan thought about it and was in a dilemma.

He wanted to test Jinzhu's true reaction, but Jinzhu directly exposed her Adam's apple for him to bite. How could he be sure that Jinzhu's feelings were just talk

It seemed that Ruan Fan's inaction for too long irritated Jinzhu, so she leaned her neck forward and called out "Xiaoruan" in a low voice, which contained a hint of pleading and urging.

Who would urge someone to bite their neck? Are they afraid that they won't die fast enough

Chi Ruanfan felt the trembling of the Adam's apple, lowered his eyes slightly, and slowly moved the tip of his tongue with a soothing tone.

Perhaps the layout of the palace and the person in his arms were too familiar to him, and when he thought about how he had once been nine thousand years old in this world, he suddenly found it hard to be ruthless.

In his past experience, he came to Jinzhu Palace, and it didn't take long for him to coax this feared emperor into obedience.

With the emperor's favor, he was quickly promoted to the position of chief eunuch, concurrently in charge of the East Factory, and was responsible for executing the emperor's orders. Everyone in the court and the country was afraid of him.

After he seized power, he became bolder.

No sooner had the Minister of Rites submitted a petition to select a concubine for the emperor than he was placed under house arrest in the Golden Palace.

That was the turning point in his relationship with Jinzhu.

Before the house arrest, he was deeply trusted by Jinzhu. After that, he rarely set foot in Jinque Palace.

Because he didn't know how to face Jinzhu, and also because even if he met Jinzhu, she would only be lukewarm and mock him with remarks like "You are the most glorious man in the world" and "The Minister of Rites wants to marry his daughter to you".

In fact, they used to be very close, so close that they could sleep on the same bed, drink together, and would protect each other at the first moment when attacked.

At that time, Jinzhu would be so trusting that she would reveal her weakness in front of him.

It's just that he was too impatient. When he thought about Jinzhu choosing a concubine and having a beloved concubine and heirs, he panicked and made the worst decision.

Chi Ruanfan's lips lightly touched Jinzhu's Adam's apple and he called out "Your Majesty" in a low voice, and then "Jinzhu".

"Hmm?" Jinzhu opened his half-closed eyes, with a blank look in his eyes.

"Let's just leave it at that." Chi Ruanfan stroked Jinzhu's back.

This is the world they have experienced, with many memories, satisfaction and regrets, all of which are precious memories.

There was no need for him to make their relationship worse by being here.

He no longer thought about getting rid of Jinzhu. In the infinite world controlled by Jinzhu, as long as he attracted Jinzhu's attention, he would never be able to get rid of her.

I no longer worry about whether the "love" that Jinzhu talks about is real or not. Anyway, we have returned to the infinite world, and there will be no worse results than this.

"That's it? Don't you want more? I remember Xiaoruan likes me to kiss your lips more, huh? Is that okay?"

Jinzhu obviously didn't understand Chi Ruanfan's hidden meaning. He embraced Chi Ruanfan, whispered in Chi Ruanfan's ear, and quietly led him towards the dragon bed.

Chi Ruanfan hesitated whether he should refuse.

Given their current relationship, kissing seemed too much, yet it also seemed like it was the right thing to do.

Half-heartedly, Chi Ruanfan touched the golden nanmu bed rail. He looked at it in confusion and saw the dragon couch on the side.

Chi Ruanfan's eyes paused, then he turned back and questioned Jinzhu:

"Your Majesty, what is your majesty going to do now?"

Jinzhu was not panicked after being discovered, and followed Ruanfan's reply:

"The days are long in summer, and a short nap can help you calm your mind and spirit."

Chi Ruanfan wanted to roll his eyes.

If Jinzhu hadn't put her hands on his belt when she said this, it might have been somewhat convincing, but now... forget it.

He pulled away Jinzhu's hand that was pressing on his belt and said, "What do you mean by cultivating your mind? You are just indulging in lust in broad daylight."

"I just want Xiaoruan to rest for a while."

Jinzhu looked sincere, "In the last world, Xiaoruan hadn't slept well, and was forced to wake up because the game time was over. If Xiaoruan doesn't want to rest here, you can go to Dongshao."

The slightly smaller ones are all the emperor's bedroom. What's the difference between going there and being here

Chi Ruanfan wanted to refuse, but then he thought of something and took back the words that were about to come out, and said instead: "I'll go to the east to take a look."

Jinzhu was surprised that Chi Ruanfan agreed so quickly, and she agreed immediately. She took Chi Ruanfan through several rooms in the palace and came to the easternmost bedroom.

"Xiaoruan, do you want to rest here?" Jinzhu asked.

Chi Ruanfan did not answer, but just looked around the entire bedroom quietly.

He was very familiar with this room.

During the years when he was most favored by Jinzhu, he slept here many times under Jinzhu's arrangement.

At that time, there was a rumor in the palace that the reason why the emperor favored Jiu Qian Sui so much was because Jiu Qian Sui had slept on the dragon bed.

In a sense, this rumor is true.

Thinking of the past, Chi Ruanfan relaxed a little, but did not agree to Jinzhu's request.

He turned his head to Jin Zhu and said, "Your Majesty, I will rest here today. Tomorrow, the rumor that you favored the eunuch will spread throughout the palace."

Jinzhu smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as Xiaoruan doesn't want to, no one will know the secrets between Xiaoruan and me."

Chi Ruanfan thought that wasn't necessarily the case.

The reason why the Minister of Rites was so anxious to choose a concubine for the emperor was that he believed the rumors. He was afraid that the emperor would be too focused on her and have no heirs, which would ruin the country.

If Jinzhu could really control the mouths of people in the palace, how could this rumor spread so everywhere

You wouldn't intentionally pass it to someone, right