Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 2: Interested in playing professionally?


I follow you because I know you can carry me.

Chi Ruanfan smiled and controlled the time mage to get closer to Jinzhu's gunner.

Jinzhu is the most competitive player he knows. No matter it is an offline competition, online ranking or entertainment match, he will give it his all.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chi Ruanfan suddenly caught a glimpse of a wisp of black mist spreading out from the grass in the river and quietly approaching the gunner.

Chi Ruanfan warned: "The shadow assassin is coming, be careful."

Shadow Assassin is the enemy jungler with high burst damage and multiple displacement skills, which poses a great threat to fragile heroes like Gunner.

Jinzhu's displacement skill has been used, and he must not let the Shadow Assassin get close to him.

Chi Ruanfan calculated the movement speed of the shadow assassin and threw a time chain to the side of the gunner.

The chains entangled the black mist, binding up a vague human figure.

The time chain can only slow down the opponent for a short period of time, but cannot completely control it.

Fortunately, Jinzhu's gunner reacted very quickly. He flashed to create distance and fired at the enemy assassin who was slowed down by the time chains.

The moment the chains disappeared, the shadow assassin, who still had two-thirds of his health, revealed himself.

The Shadow Assassin stepped on the red and blue double buffs, ignored the Time Messenger, and rushed directly towards the Gunner.

The red buff has the effect of reducing the enemy's attack and movement speed. The Gunner's displacement is still on cooldown. Once attacked by the Shadow Assassin, he is likely to be stuck to death.

"Hold on, my skill cooldown is still... 0.5 seconds." After he finished speaking, Chi Ruanfan tapped on the keyboard.

The gunner entered an accelerated state, and Jinzhu immediately took advantage of the accelerated state to distance himself from him.

The shadow assassin waved his hand and threw out the hidden blade, trying to keep the person away.

However, at the moment when the dark blade was about to hit the gunner, the figure of the Time Messenger brushed past the gunner and blocked his dark blade with his body.

"He has no skills left, beat him." The Time Messenger who was ate the dark blade was stunned for a short time, and Chi Ruanfan called on Jinzhu to attack.

Without him saying anything, the gunner had already used his cooldown displacement skill to move forward and kill the shadow assassin.

The fire mage who was lying on the ground waiting to be resurrected watched the whole process, clicked his tongue a few times, and said:

"If the Chaoge team had this kind of coordination on the field, it wouldn't be so eye-catching... Damn it, Paladin, don't mess with my lane!"

Chi Ruanfan didn't take the fire magician's words to heart.

The cooperation of the Chaoge team is first-rate even in the entire professional circle. This fire mage is probably a black fan of Chaoge.

The Time Messenger returned to the city to replenish his status. Chi Ruanfan looked at the map and reminded the Fire Mage:

"The Elf Archer went to the middle lane."

However, the fire mage obviously did not take this reminder seriously.

A few seconds later, the fire mage went out carelessly to eat the soldiers, and was instantly killed by the ambushed formation master and elf archer.

Chi Ruanfan was buying equipment. When he heard the kill sound, he took the time to send a message saying [Well done] to praise his teammates.

"The enemy mid and bottom are about to attack the bottom lane, so we need to fight quickly and make a quick decision."

Chi Ruanfan reminded Jinzhu as he rushed to the line.

"Okay." Jinzhu responded, moved into the tower, and forcibly took the priest under the tower away.

Before the enemy's formation mage and elf archer attacked, Jinzhu's gunners quickly evacuated, leaving only the soldiers to destroy the energy tower.

With four kills at the start and the bonus of double buffs, the gunner took off immediately, killing anyone who stood in his way.

Chi Ruanfan followed Jinzhu, hanging around like a salted fish for ten minutes, and then lay down on the high ground.

The next moment, the sound of killing was heard.

It wasn't the gunner who killed anyone on the opposite side, but the fire mage who fell into the opposite highland tower, and even time reversal couldn't save him.

"Too strong..." Chi Ruanfan was helpless.

They are not afraid of god-like opponents, but they are afraid of devil-like teammates. The fire mage is the biggest obstacle on their road to victory.

Looking at the five people on the opposite side who were in almost perfect condition, Chi Ruanfan said, "Stay stable first."

As he said that, he accelerated and led the remaining teammates to retreat.

During the evacuation, Chi Ruanfan saw a ranged soldier with little health left, and couldn't help but attack it twice, then he saw the five enemies who were hiding under the energy tower all rushed out.

"Really? You can't even eat a soldier?"

His teammates had already retreated, so Chi Ruanfan had no choice but to release a field of silence to delay time while he ran away quickly.

But how could he, a poor little guy who had just used up his acceleration, outrun five beings with displacement and control

At the moment when Chi Ruanfan was about to be controlled by the formation master's flash, Jinzhu's gunner flashed and used all his displacement and came to his side.

Chi Ruanfan looked at the gunsmith who appeared beside him and felt a little touched. "I didn't protect you in vain."

The gunner is the core output of the whole team. It doesn't matter if the time messenger is gone, but if the gunner is gone with the time messenger, the loss will be huge.

Everyone knew that the gunsmith shouldn't come back under such circumstances, but Jinzhu came back.

"Damn! What's going on? Aren't we supposed to retreat? Why did you two run back?" The teammates were stunned.

The two remaining teammates were still hesitating whether to go and help, Chi Ruanfan and Jinzhu had already started fighting with the opponent, 2v5.

Chaoge-Jinyi (gunman) killed Congxin Busong (formation master).

Chaoge-Jinyi (gunner) killed Xiaomaobuchiyu (elf shooter) and got a double kill.

Chaoge-Jinyi (Gunsmith) killed Don’t Touch My C Position (Priest) and got a triple kill.

Chaoge-Jinyi (Gunsmith) killed Shi Ren Shi Mo (Demon Swordsman) and got a quad kill.

While Chi Ruanfan was operating, he responded to the Paladin's question: "I found five lone ones. It would be a shame not to kill them."

Paladin: "... Awesome, too strong, you're not going to get a pentakill, are you?"

Chi Fei (Time Messenger) killed You Can't See Me (Shadow Assassin).

"Well, something like pentakill is very metaphysical." Chi Ruanfan took his hands away from the keyboard and pretended that he didn't take the kill just now.

"Haha, even without the pentakill you're still very strong. By the way, your cooperation is amazing, it's like you've been playing together for years." The Paladin was excited.

We have indeed played together for many years. We are each other's opponents on the court and good friends who can share the same quilt off the court.

A group of teammates destroyed the enemy's nest and declared victory in the game.

"I won the game easily. I seem to be in pretty good shape today." Chi Ruanfan slowly bent his fingers.

The long, slender fingers with distinct joints can move without any lag or discomfort.

Chi Ruanfan thought that his condition today was too good.

"How about... another round?" Chi Ruanfan started the game again, "The last round."

In "Infinite Tower Defense", the system will only match ten players together when their scores are similar.

Chi Ruanfan's points were too high, but there were very few high-scoring players online during the day. He waited for ten minutes before all the players gathered to start the game.

A pure white portrait flashed by.

Chi Ruanfan said: "Jinzhu is still there, but it's a pity that she is on the opposite side and can't lie down."

He didn't have any regrets. It felt great to be led down, and it was equally great to be assigned to the opposing camp and be able to PK with each other.

Seeing Jinzhu locked up the gunsmith again, Chi Ruanfan curled his lips and smiled, "Oh, arrange for him!"

When dealing with good friends, you should beat each other to death when you meet in different camps.

Chi Ruanfan opened the professional character selection panel, selected Night Hermit, and pressed the lock button.

What is the best way to kill a squishy gunner? Naturally, it's the assassin jungler.

Entering the game, Chi Ruanfan is in the Undead camp this time.

As skeleton soldiers emerged from the Undead Lair, Chi Ruanfan controlled the Night Hermit through the woods and river and headed towards the enemy's wild area.

There are fewer players in high-score games, and the Paladin I was assigned to top lane this time was still the same Paladin from the previous game.

Seeing Chi Ruanfan's ID, the Paladin ran over with a sword and a shield in hand, "Brother, counter-jungle? I'll help you."

"Okay, let's go together."

Controlling the Night Hermit through the woods, Chi Ruanfan saw the gunsmith coming from the main road and said to the Paladin:

"Brother, help me stop the gunsmith on the other side. Don't let him get close."

"Let me block a professional player?"

The Paladin was stunned for a moment, and began to regret why he followed. But since he was already here, he could only bite the bullet and rush forward, "I'll do my best."

"Don't worry, he's only level one, he can't kill you." Chi Ruanfan's Night Hermit came to the red buff.

Jinzhu's gunner moved past the Paladin and fired at the statue guards with both guns.

Their jungler was in the blue buff area and couldn't get there, so the gunner wanted to grab the buff.

How could Chi Ruanfan give up the buff that was about to be obtained

He controlled the health of the statue guard, and waited for the gunner to finish using his skills before delivering the final blow.

After receiving the red buff, Chi Ruanfan's Night Hermit turned around and attacked the gunner.

The gunner immediately went back under the second tower.

Chi Ruanfan retreated, and after leaving the gunner's field of vision, he activated stealth.

He was deceiving Jinzhu's vision, making her think that he had left.

He has used this trick on Jinzhu too many times, so it is unlikely that Jinzhu would be fooled.

But now there is a wave of soldiers in front of the first tower, and Jinzhu is definitely reluctant to give up that wave of soldiers.

Chi Ruanfan bet that Jinzhu would still risk going out even though she knew he was lurking.

The returning Paladin saw the Night Hermit standing there motionless and asked, "Are you still not leaving?"

Chi Ruanfan: "You go back and eat the thread, I'll play with him for a while."

The Paladin was slightly surprised, "You don't want to kill Jinyi again, do you? He's a professional player."

"Killing professional players is fun."

Who isn't a professional player these days

Chi Ruanfan saw the Gunner walking out from under the second tower, obviously wanting to go to the first tower to grab the line, so he immediately controlled the Night Hermit to move forward.

Footsteps... The Night Hermit didn't leave? !

Jinyi was suddenly startled and immediately fired in the direction of the red zone.

A black symbol appeared above the Gunner's head, indicating that the Gunner had been marked by the Night Hermit.

The figure of the Night Hermit appeared beside the gunner.

When the operating levels are similar, the result of a level 2 Night Hermit with red buff fighting against a level 1 Gunner is already determined.

Chi Fei (Night Hermit) killed Chaoge-Jinyi (Gunsmith) and got the first blood.

In order to improve the player's gaming experience, the five teammates in "Infinite Tower Defense" can communicate with each other through voice, but they can only communicate with their opponents through text on the public screen.

Chi Ruanfan tapped the keyboard a few times and a smiley symbol appeared on the public screen.

The Night Hermit walked away, and in the process helped the enemy jungler clear out two beast nests.

In the Chaoge training room, Jinzhu stared at the smiley symbol that appeared in the chat box and pursed her lips slightly.

He was careless. He didn't expect that the other party had taken the buff and was still waiting for him in the woods.


A team member yawned and walked in, seeing Jinzhu sitting in front of the computer, and greeted him, "Good morning, Brother Jin."

"Good morning." Jinzhu responded, opened the equipment bar without looking back, and checked the data of the Night Hermit.

The team member had long been accustomed to Jinzhu's aloofness, and walked towards his position while grabbing his hair.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

Just now... Brother Jin’s screen seemed to be gray

Brother Jin is a player whose average number of deaths per game is close to zero. Who can kill Brother Jin in the ranking

It must have been an accident, haha.

In the game, the Paladin said excitedly: "You are so strong, brother! Killing Jin Yi once is enough to brag about for a year!"

"Really?" Chi Ruanfan said with a smile, "Then I want to continue to play for a few more years."

Although he had killed Jinzhu nearly a thousand times.

Of course, he died at Jinzhu's hands many times.

Brothers should hurt each other.

After Chi Ruanfan cleared his own jungle area, he killed the enemy mid laner.

Two kill sounds rang out almost at the same time, one was him killing the opposing mid laner, and the other was Jinzhu killing the paladin.

The Paladin said: "Not very good, I can't beat Jinyi."

His operation skills were totally not on the same level as Jinyi's. Even though his economy was higher than that of the gunner, he was still killed by the opponent's operation show.

"It's okay. I'll help you kill them back next time." Chi Ruanfan controlled the Dark Night Hermit to sneak into the woods and said, "Wind Mage will go up after you clear the line."

Wind magician: "OK."

Two minutes later, Chi Ruanfan's Night Hermit went around and cooperated with the Paladin in front and the Wind Mage who came to support, and forcibly killed the Gunner under the tower.

However, the Paladin and the Wind Mage were also severely injured by the Gunner.

The Paladin was taken down by the enemy jungler who arrived later, and the Wind Mage ran away faster using his skills.

At seven minutes, the Night Hermit ambushed the Gunner in the grass behind the Dragon's Nest and killed him in one go.

—Number of gunsmith deaths: 3.

Ten minutes later, in a team fight, the Night Hermit killed the Gunner who was protected by the Ice Mage, and cooperated with his teammates to kill the Ice Mage and the Assistant.

While three opponents were dead, we pushed down a tower in three lanes.

—Number of gunsmith deaths: 4.

At twelve minutes, the Night Hermit, with the acceleration given by the auxiliary, killed the Gunner from a higher ground.

—Number of gunsmith deaths: 5.

Chi Ruanfan protected Jinzhu so well in the last round that he was just as ruthless in killing the opponent in this round.

The arc of Chi Ruanfan's mouth became bigger and bigger, "Why is Jinzhu so easy to catch today? This is too cool."

Fifteen minutes in, the opponent's auxiliary flashed to start a team fight to catch the Night Elves, and the Night Elves moved to avoid it.

The Paladin and the rest of his teammates surrounded them.

Chi Ruanfan was just about to launch a counterattack when he saw his teammates pass him and the enemy's auxiliary and rush towards the gunner.

Chi Ruanfan: “?”

Enemy support: “???”

Paladin: "Kill the Gunsmith!"

Teammates: “Kill, kill, kill, kill!!!”

Chi Ruanfan: "This... why are you staring at him and killing him?"

Chi Ruanfan had no choice, he couldn't just ignore his gunner teammates, so he had to hold back the four enemies by himself.

The Night Hermit killed four people by his skills. Looking back, he saw that the Gunner killed two of them despite being at an economic disadvantage.

"Oh, that's not bad." But that's all.

Chi Ruanfan controlled the Night Hermit to return, killed the Gunner, and got a pentakill.

Chi Ruanfan and the remaining teammates led the troops to the high ground and destroyed the creatures' nest. A golden "Victory" badge appeared on the screen.

Unlike Chi Ruanfan, Jinzhu's screen had a glaring red word "failure".

Jinzhu stared at the figure of the hermit in the dark night.

This person is... very strong.

Both awareness and operation are at top professional level.

In the last two matches, he was in control of the rhythm.

What’s even more terrifying is that this person with the ID Chi Fei seems to know him very well.

The other party knows exactly his playing style and habits, and what he will do at what time and under what circumstances.

For the first time, Jinzhu felt like she was completely seen through.

The screen entered the settlement page. Jinzhu clicked on Chi Ruanfan's profile picture to check his past performance.

id: late

Historical professional roles: Night Hermit, Time Messenger, Gunsmith, Elf Shooter, Bounty Hunter...

Except for the first two, all of them are bottom lane professions.

Jinzhu was a little surprised.

He is actually the player who mainly plays in the bottom lane

The jungler and support who have only played a few games are at such a level, how strong will the bottom lane he plays be

Although Jinzhu just played two games of Gunner, his position in the team was not bottom lane, but jungler.

Chaoge's performance this year was not good because three veteran players in the middle, lower and auxiliary teams retired one after another, and the members of the second team who were added were not mature enough and had difficulty in integrating with the main team members.

It can be said that Chaoge is currently in great need of outstanding players.

If, if this person could join Chaoge...

Jinzhu didn't hesitate, clicked the "Add Friend" button under Chi Fei's avatar, and entered the verification information:

Interested in playing professionally

After sending the verification, Jinzhu picked up the water on the table and took a sip, waiting for Chi Fei's reply.

One minute passed, five minutes passed...

There is still no notification that the friend information has been approved.

Jinzhu was about to post again, but found that Chi Fei’s profile picture had turned gray.

This is... offline

"Well, I won't fight anymore. I'm going to go out and meet those guys who arranged the prank for me." Chi Ruanfan turned off the computer and stood up, holding his waist.

"Eh?" Chi Ruanfan pressed his waist, "It doesn't hurt?"

During his five-year professional career, Chi Ruanfan suffered various injuries.

It's not just the waist, there are problems with the cervical spine, fingers, and wrists.

In the past, every time I sat down and stood up, it was a torture, but this time I didn’t feel any discomfort at all.

"Strange..." Chi Ruanfan muttered softly, walked to the door and opened it.

The next moment, Chi Ruanfan’s eyes widened.

Outside is a narrow and closed corridor, and if you look up you can see the doors of the residents opposite are covered with small advertisements.

The sound of footsteps was heard, and the old man who lived opposite and had passed away a few years ago walked up.

Seeing Chi Ruanfan, the old man asked politely: "Are you going out?"

Chi Ruanfan: “…”

I must have opened the door incorrectly.