Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 20: Eight kills by sniper


Enter the game loading interface.

Lan Gong saw the ID of the dark elf on the opposite side and immediately said angrily: "Gu Ling? Isn't this the former captain of Chaoge? Great, you guys team up to deal with me!"

Chi Ruanfan smiled and said, "It seems that God is helping me."

In the next room, Jinzhu typed two words on his mobile phone: Thank you.

Gu Ling: We are family, why are you thanking me

Gu Ling: Xiao Jin, which teammate do you want to kill? I'll help you arrange it.

Jinzhu: No need, just play normally.

Gu Ling: I see, you want to kill them all, right? But snipers usually don't get close to the battlefield, so it's hard to change their camp.

Jinzhu glanced at it and didn't reply.

A few seconds later, another message came.

Gu Ling: Hiss, I just saw the couple symbol, and now I really understand it. Brother will arrange it for you.

The game begins.

Chi Ruanfan set up a sniper rifle at a tower in the bottom lane and aimed at the opposing gunner.

When a sniper aims, a clear red dot will appear on the target.

The opposing gunner was also at the national level, and he immediately dodged Chi Ruanfan's first shot by moving a little.

Chi Ruanfan flexed his fingers.

I haven't played sniper for a long time, so the feel is a little rusty.

Gu Ling followed the gunner, controlling the dark elf with one hand and sending messages to Jinzhu on WeChat with the other.

Gu Ling: You young couple’s skills are not that good.

Gu Ling: We are going to play against Team Amazing next week, tell him to stop playing around with all those random positions and practice more in the mid lane.

Jinzhu glanced at the message that popped up on her phone and secretly made a note of it in her mind.


A gunshot was heard, and Gu Ling looked in surprise, only to see that the gunner next to him had only two-thirds of his health left.

Yo, was it the gunner's positioning error? Or was it the opponent's sniper's luck


Another gunshot was heard.

This sound effect only appears when the sniper hits the target.

Gu Ling's eyes widened in shock.

Instant Sniper...

The moment the red dot appeared, the gunner was shot and had no chance to dodge.

A sniper who can perform instant sniping not only has fast hands and good accuracy, but is also extremely confident in himself.

Is the opponent's sniper quite good

While Gu Ling was thinking, he also controlled the dark elf to step forward and stand in front of the gunner.

The gunner was shot twice in a row, and now only one-third of his health is left. If he is shot again, he will die.

Fortunately, the gunner reacted very quickly and realized that the opponent was a master. He released the last soldier and retreated to his own energy tower under the cover of the dark elf.

Chi Ruanfan killed the low-health soldiers with one shot, upgraded himself to level 2, and activated the jumping skill.

After the skill was activated, Chi Ruanfan immediately held the sniper rifle and walked towards the enemy's energy tower.

The gunner returned to the city under the tower, and the dark elf stayed beside the gunner.

Seeing the sniper chasing after him, Gu Ling immediately controlled the dark elf to move between the sniper and the gunner.

"It's not enough to force people back home. Do all the new recruits have such big appetites nowadays?"

Chi Ruanfan knew that the dark elf would come to block the bullet, so he quickly released the jumping skill and jumped to the right.

In an instant, the three people's positions changed from a straight line to a triangle.

Snipers shoot in the air.


The bullet passed by the dark elf and hit the gunner who was returning to the city under the tower.

Chaoge-Chi Fei (sniper) killed the first shooter in the national server (gunner) and got the first blood.

The sniper landed, and Chi Ruanfan led the remaining soldiers into the energy tower and attacked the tower at close range.

Gu Ling attacked the soldiers while sending messages to Jin Zhu.

Gu Ling: Where did you sign this new guy? He is so good at sniping! Not to mention the instant sniping, he can even jump up and snipe in the air? I have never seen such an outrageous operation!

Gu Ling: Aerial sniping! That's outrageous! No wonder you sold your body to keep him.

Gu Ling: Let’s find another mid-lane player. Don’t delay the kid’s development. Shooter is the position he should play.

Jinzhu glanced at the messages that popped up one after another. He did not reply, but said to Chi Ruanfan who had entered the bushes: "Xiaoruan, cooperate with me."

After saying that, Jinzhu turned on the stealth and entered the energy tower, and gave a set of skills to the dark elf.

At the same time, Chi Ruanfan fired a shot.

With a "bang", the dark elf's blood was emptied.

Chaoge-Chi Fei (sniper) killed Gu Ling (dark elf).

Two messages appeared on the game's public screen.

Gu Ling (Dark Elf): Young people have no martial ethics and come to cheat and attack me, a retired old player.

Gu Ling (Dark Elf): I have remembered the two of you. Don’t let me catch you.

Seeing the news on the public screen, Lan Gong laughed, "Hahaha, you Chaoge actually started a civil war first."

Lan Gong's happiness only lasted for a few minutes. When the dark elf on the opposite side used a big move, he could no longer laugh.



Every time a gunshot rang beside his ear, it meant that he was sniped to death by Chi Ruanfan.

Jingshi Juejing and Jiang Xia received the same treatment.

As long as they are converted to the opposite camp by the dark elves, they will be sniped and killed by Chi Ruanfan.

The dark elves didn't deliberately target them. In fact, compared to the three amazing people, Gu Ling wanted to kill Jinzhu and Chi Ruanfan more.

The problem is that Jinzhu plays the role of a Night Hermit, which is suitable for solo action. Even if a team battle starts, he will be the last one to enter the game to harvest the spoils.

By the time Jinzhu entered the scene, the dark elf's ultimate move had already been used up.

Not to mention the sniper that Chi Ruanfan played. He hid far behind and fired cold shots. He also changed his position from time to time, making it difficult to catch him.

After being sniped to death three times by Chi Ruanfan, Lan Gong couldn't stand it anymore and said on the microphone: "I'm going to report you for deliberately killing your teammates!"

Chi Ruanfan laughed and said happily: "First of all, I didn't kill my teammates intentionally.

“Everyone was mixed up in the teamfight, and my aim couldn’t always be so good. I accidentally shot and killed a teammate, and I blamed myself for that!

"Secondly, look at my record."

"Fuck your accidental killing! Is there any accidental killing that is so accurate?"

Lan Gong angrily opened the status bar, and when he saw Chi Ruanfan's battle record, his breath was immediately held.

11 kills, 0 deaths, 5 assists.

In this situation...even if he reports it to the authorities, they won't accept it.

Lan Gong, Jue Jing, and Jiang Xia: I’m so angry.

In contrast to the three amazing people, Gu Ling had the opposite mood. The corners of his mouth were almost cracked to the back of his ears because he had picked up 7 kills while lying down.

The Dark Elf's ultimate skill can temporarily transform the opponent into a teammate. If the converted person dies during the duration of the Dark Elf's ultimate skill, the kill will be counted as the Dark Elf's.

This means that every time Chi Ruanfan kills a teammate, he gets one more kill.

"I'm so strong," Gu Ling said with a sigh, "My previous performance as a dark elf was not good, but it was not because I was bad. I had to blame the opponent for not cooperating with me!"

In the end, Chi Ruanfan killed five opponents and destroyed the nest in one wave, ending the game.

"Pentakill?" Looking at the pentakill icon next to Chi Ruanfan's ID, Lan Gong gritted his teeth and said:

"This logo cannot describe your extraordinary achievements. Infinite Defense should really give you a special 'Eight Kills' logo!"

There were ten players in a game. Except for himself and Jinzhu, Chi Ruanfan killed the remaining eight people.

"No, I like to keep a low profile." Chi Ruanfan said and quit the game, not giving Lan Gong a chance to bombard him with words.

Picking up his phone, Chi Ruanfan sent a message to Jinzhu: "Another 30 points of intimacy have been increased. I'm happy."

Jinzhu: "Want to play a few more games?"

Chi Ruanfan was a little surprised and looked at the time in the upper right corner. There were only 3 minutes left before Jinzhu's bedtime.

Strange, why did Jinzhu change his personality

Although he was puzzled, Chi Ruanfan did not agree to it, but said: "You should go to bed, let's stop here for today."

Jinzhu didn't reply to the message. Chi Ruanfan turned off the computer and went to bed. As soon as he lay down, he saw a message pop up.

Jinzhu: Xiaoruan, if, I mean if, if I hadn’t agreed to play this game with you, would you really come to my room...

"Of course," Chi Ruanfan typed quickly, "I will take away your quilt, seize your pillow, hug you, and make it impossible for you to sleep all night."

Jinzhu: Remember what you said.

Chi Ruanfan: “?”

A threat, right

A real man does what he says and doesn't play tricks.