Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 6: Training match


The day after signing the contract with Chaoge, Chi Ruanfan got up early.

After a quick wash, I put on my coat and prepared to go out foraging for food.

As soon as Chi Ruanfan opened the door, he bumped into Jinzhu who was also preparing to go out next door. Both of them were stunned.

"Good morning, Captain Jin." Chi Ruanfan was the first to greet.

It's not even eight o'clock yet, which is really early for professional players who almost reverse their day and night.

"Morning." Jinzhu's voice was cold.

He was wearing Chaoge's autumn team uniform, a mainly white coat with a golden crow embroidered in gold thread extending from the back to the shoulders.

Jinzhu's gaze paused on Chi Ruanfan for a moment, and he said, "Your team uniform is still being customized and will be ready before the next game."

Chi Ruanfan knew how difficult it was to make Chaoge's team uniforms.

The uniforms of other teams are handed over to clothing factories, which use digital printing, laser cutting and machine sewing to produce finished products in just a few moments.

Only Chaoge's team uniforms are hand-embroidered, from the team logo to the players' names, which is extremely time-consuming to make.

"There's no rush for clothes. The next game is still a long way off." Chi Ruanfan said.

The coach may not be confident in letting a "newcomer" play.

Putting aside the matter of the competition, Chi Ruanfan asked Jinzhu: "Are you going to find food or exercise?"

Jinzhu's daily routine has always been very regular, and Chi Ruanfan can roughly guess it with just a little recollection.

During this period of time, I either go to the restaurant or to the fitness area.

Jin Zhu glanced at Chi Ruanfan and said, "Exercise."

"Exercise, then I..."

Chi Ruanfan resists all sports except e-sports. Just as he was about to part ways with Jinzhu, he suddenly remembered his poor physical condition in his previous life.

Until the day he retired, he had played professionally for a total of five years and suffered injuries from his cervical spine to his fingers.

Jinzhu has been a professional player for longer than him, but he has never suffered from any occupational disease. This is closely related to his regular exercise and fitness.

The words on his lips turned around and Chi Ruanfan said, "I'll go with you."

Now that I have the chance to start over, I must take good care of my health and extend my career life.

"Okay." Jinzhu agreed naturally.

"Come on, tell me what you practice first." Chi Ruanfan asked Jinzhu as they walked.

Jinzhu said slowly: "Stretching, equipment, basketball, boxing..."

After hearing the long list of exercise programs, Chi Ruanfan felt like giving up.

Is it too late to escape now

As Chi Ruanfan slowed down his pace, Jinzhu seemed to understand his thoughts and grabbed his wrist with the reaction speed of a top professional player, saying:

"Let's go, the fitness trainer will customize a fitness plan for you that won't exceed your tolerance."

The contestants in Chaoge all have special fitness tasks and need to perform fitness within the specified time.

Chi Ruanfan will have to exercise sooner or later, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

"No, I, I'm sleepy. Zhuzi, please let me go and let me go back to take a nap..." The moment he was dragged into the elevator, Chi Ruanfan felt extremely regretful.

He shouldn't have gotten up so early.

If you don’t get up early, you won’t encounter bamboo. If you don’t encounter the colorful bamboo, you won’t end up like this.

"Is everyone here?" Coach Feiyun walked into the training room with a notebook and said, "We will have a training match with Team Jingshi in an hour, so let's warm up first."

Hearing about the training match, Gu Zi, who was sitting in front of the computer, turned around in surprise, "Jingshi is actually willing to arrange a training match with us?"

Their team's current performance is really terrible. Some small and medium-sized teams look down on them. How could a top-notch team like Jingshi make an appointment with them

"I treated their coach to three hotpot meals to get this appointment. We should cherish this opportunity." Coach Feiyun looked around and asked, "Where is Jinzhu?"

Lulu was chewing potato chips with a smacking sound, her voice was muffled:

"I just went back to the dormitory to get my things, and I saw Team Jin and the new great guy taking a shower and leaving the house. They were probably going to the restaurant."

Meng Dong was browsing Weibo and only listened to half of it. He looked up in surprise and asked, "They are taking a shower together?"

"Yeah." Lulu stuffed a piece of potato chips into his mouth and found that the entire training room suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of him chewing potato chips.

Lulu looked back blankly and found that everyone was looking at him.

"What are you doing...Ah! No! They didn't take a shower together, they came out from two different rooms!" Lulu reacted and explained quickly.

Everyone: "Tsk..."

Lu Lu was speechless. "What I said was quite normal. How did you misunderstand? Reflect on it immediately."

"What are you reflecting on?" Jinzhu and Chi Ruanfan entered the training room one after another and just happened to hear Lulu's words.

Jinzhu looked at Lulu.

"Ahem, these are not important." Coach Feiyun took two steps forward, blocking Jinzhu's sight with his body, and said:

"We will have a training match with Jingshi later, so get ready."

As he spoke, Feiyun saw Chi Ruanfan behind Jinzhu, and was startled for a moment before sighing:

"You are the new Chi Ruanfan, right? You are so handsome."

"Hello, Coach Feiyun." Chi Ruanfan said with a chuckle.

Chaoge coach Feiyun, the man who has coached Chaoge for six seasons, is also an old acquaintance of Chi Ruanfan in his previous life.

"Very good, very good," Feiyun patted Chi Ruanfan's shoulder and looked at the team members, "You all know each other, right?"

Lin Huo and the other two were all abused by Chi Ruanfan yesterday, so naturally they knew each other.

The only team member who hasn't gotten along with others yet is Meng Dong, who went to meet his fans yesterday.

Meng Dong stood up slowly, walked to Chi Ruanfan, and stretched out his hand, saying, "Meng Dong, play the middle lane."

"Chi Ruanfan, you know a little bit about every position." Chi Ruanfan gently held the hand that Meng Dong extended.

Meng Dong frowned slightly, "It's not enough to know a little bit in a profession. It's better to master one position than to know everything."

Chi Ruanfan knew that there was nothing wrong with what Meng Dong said, at least in the current version, so he just smiled.

He has been playing professionally for five years and has experienced various version changes. He indeed knows a little bit about every position.

If you force him to choose a position that he is best at, he won't be able to choose right away.

Lulu pulled Meng Dong's clothes and whispered, "I'm almost beaten to death, please stop whipping my corpse."

Meng Dong: “?”

Meng Dong came back late yesterday and was scolded by the coach for a long time. He still didn’t know what happened yesterday.

But coach Feiyun heard from Jinzhu that Chi Ruanfan was an all-around player and that he could beat all of Chaoge's top, bottom and auxiliary players.

Feiyun didn't say anything, only said: "This time we have arranged two training matches with the Jingshi team. Meng Dong and Chi Ruanfan will each play one game later."

Chi Ruanfan: "I have no problem."

Meng Dong was stunned for a few seconds, then realized that this newcomer was most likely here to replace him.

Pursing his lips, Meng Dong looked at Chi Ruanfan for the first time.

Does a guy who looks like a vase really have the ability to play professionally

"That's fine with me too." Meng Dong said.

Seeing that his teammates were getting along well, Feiyun looked around the training room, pointed to an empty seat on the other side, and said to Chi Ruanfan:

"You sit there first."

The training room is divided into two parts.

On the right are five sets of computer desks and chairs placed side by side, which are the positions for the five starting players.

On the left are two sets of computer desks and chairs and a large screen, which are the positions of the head coach and assistant coach and the temporary review area.

Chaoge's assistant coach stays in the data analysis department all year round and rarely comes to the training room, so Feiyun temporarily places Chi Ruanfan at the assistant coach's computer station.

Chi Ruanfan didn't mind and walked straight over.

The six players began their respective warm-up training.

Feiyun thought that Chi Ruanfan would not be able to adapt to the professional team, so he walked behind him and wanted to give him some advice.

The other party was very skilled in last-hitting, running around the map, calculating damage and CD... just like an old player who has been immersed in the profession for many years.

"… "

Feiyun stood there for a long time without saying a word and then walked away silently.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

Feiyun looked at his phone and said to the team members, "Log in to your competition accounts. Jingshi will pull you into the competition room. Xiaoruan should also come and take a look."

Chi Ruanfan was patted on the shoulder before he realized that the person who called "Xiaoruan" was calling him.

“?” Chi Ruanfan was full of question marks.

As a veteran who has been competing in the professional arena for five years and a grandfather among the players, who dares to call him that

Chi Ruanfan looked at Feiyun's weather-beaten face with dark circles under his eyes, and then looked at the young boy's face reflected in the mobile phone screen on the table.

Shit, I'm so soft.

Just let it be small and soft.

Chi Ruanfan walked to Jinzhu's side and stood still.

The coach asked him and Meng Dong to play one game each. He will definitely be assigned to the middle lane. The coordination between the midfielder and the jungler is a very important part of the game. He needs to understand Jinzhu's current playing habits clearly.

The location of the training room is consistent with the seating arrangement of the professional arena, with the jungler and the mid laner next to each other, and Meng Dong is next to Jinzhu.

Meng Dong felt Chi Ruanfan standing next to him, and he couldn't help but be alert. He cleared his throat and said, "Newcomer, watch my operation."

Chi Ruanfan: "Um...try your best."

When watching Jinzhu playing in the jungle, I will try to pay attention to you.

Meng Dong adjusted his hair and said, "It's okay if you can't see it clearly. We will review it on the big screen after it's over."

Feiyun came over and said to Meng Dong, "A fire mage is coming to the middle lane."

The enemy jungler is a Treeman Priest who relies heavily on jungle monsters and is afraid of being counter-jungled.

Target what your opponent is afraid of. Fire mages can clear lanes quickly and can quickly clear the minions to counter jungle.

Meng Dong was a little hesitant, he wanted to show his strength in front of Chi Ruanfan.

But the fire mage is only suitable for cooperating with teammates to deal damage in team battles, and there is no way for him to show off.

"Coach, I want to try the melee mage." Meng Dong said.

Feiyun stopped, "Melee Mage..."

Melee mages have strong control and consumption capabilities, but their wave-clearing abilities are average, and they cannot pose a threat to the enemy jungle in the early stages.

Feiyun would not force players to use professions they did not want to use. After thinking for a while, he said:

"That's fine. At the beginning, the bottom lane duo will go to the middle lane to clear the lane first. Jinzhu, Mengdong, and Guzi will all go to counter jungle. Don't leave any buffs for the opponent."

Chi Ruanfan watched both parties enter the game.

Coach Feiyun has a good idea. If everything goes well, Chaoge can start with four buffs.

The game begins.

At the beginning of the game, Jinzhu and Guzi entered the enemy's red zone, and Mengdong entered the enemy's blue zone.

The amazing jungler saw Jinzhu and Guzi appear, and through the map, he found that Chaoge’s duo were also moving towards this side.

He immediately dropped the half-destroyed blue buff and turned to go to his own blue zone.

"Quite decisive." Feiyun commented.

How can you win in a 1v4 situation? If the amazing jungler doesn't release the red buff, he will lose his life.

Amazing Blue Zone.

Meng Dong successfully grabbed the blue buff under the defense of the opponent's middle lane.

Seeing the three enemies approaching, Meng Dong controlled the melee mage and turned around and left.

Jinzhu on the other side also took the enemy's red buff.

The situation is very good.

"Not bad," the coach said with satisfaction, "We have both buffs from the other team. We have a big advantage right from the start."

Chi Ruanfan watched Jinzhu's operation while paying attention to the movements of all professions in the overall situation.

At this time, he found that Meng Dong's melee mage stopped.

The melee mage did not go to clear the minions on the line, but stopped in the grass next to the enemy's bottom tower.

When the three enemies surrounded him, the melee mage suddenly rushed out from the grass.

He wants to fight three at once

Chi Ruanfan was a little surprised.

He was able to fight three alone without even having enough equipment in the early stage. How much confidence does that require

Could it be that Meng Dong is actually a hidden master

Chi Ruanfan turned his head to look at Meng Dong's screen.

The melee mage showed off his skills by getting close to the enemy mid-support, then instantly distanced himself and avoided the enemy gunner's shooting.

Jinzhu frowned slightly and said, "Don't let Mengdong be left behind."

Coach Feiyun also noticed something was wrong at this time, "No, Meng Dong, why haven't you left yet?"

Feiyun's voice was not loud, and Meng Dong couldn't hear what Feiyun said because he was wearing headphones.

But the microphones of the team members were connected, and Jinzhu's voice reached Meng Dong's ears. In response, Meng Dong said:

"I can show off. The enemy gunner will definitely die this time!"

Meng Dong stared at the movement of the amazing gunner, and moved his hand holding the mouse, about to rush forward, but suddenly a figure flashed in front of him, and the melee mage could no longer move.

It was the amazing auxiliary who flashed forward and immobilized Meng Dong's melee mage.

The gunner then fired two shots, clearing the melee mage's health.

Jingshi-Jiang Xia (Gunner) killed Chaoge-Meng Dong (Melee Mage) and got the first blood.

Meng Dong looked at the darkening screen and his mind went blank for a moment.

The game goes on.

Lin Huo took his own red buff and came to the bottom lane with his support, where he saw the Gunner who was stepping on the blue buff and had a higher level and economy than him.

He didn't realize the danger of the situation at first until he went out to clear the line and was instantly reduced to low health.

"Wow, what kind of damage is this?" Lin Huo quickly retreated back to the tower, intending to use the cover of the energy tower to defeat this wave of soldiers.

The amazing gunner instantly moved forward and put out the forest fire under the tower with one shot.

Jingshi-Jiang Xia (Gunner) killed Chaoge-Lin Huo (Phantom Elf).

Meng Dong had just been resurrected when Lin Huo died.

On the public screen, the amazing gunner typed a sentence.

Jingshi-Jiang Xia (Gunner): Thank you for the double buff.

There was deathly silence in the training room of the Chaoge team.

The assistant Lulu said boldly: "This wave is mine. I should have let Lin Huo block it. I was slow to react."

Coach Feiyun took a deep breath and raised his voice, "It's okay, it's just a training match, just play well."

How could it be okay? Chaoge's results were too bad. Only if he won the next three games could he get a ticket to participate in the World Championship.

And Chaoge's current state...

Feiyun sighed inwardly.

Meng Dong tried to show off several times but failed, and instead gave kills to the opponent. Lin Huo was frequently killed by the opponent.

In less than fifteen minutes, the head-to-head ratio reached an astonishing 3:15.

Chaoge 3, Shocking 15.

The only three kills were achieved by Jinzhu who ambushed and killed the enemies alone.

The first training match ended with Chaoge's defeat.

Chi Ruanfan had already been mentally prepared for the situation in Chaoge, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still found it a little hard to watch.

Chaoge now doesn’t look like a team at all.

Meng Dong only cared about himself and didn't listen to orders.

Linhuo Lulu's operation and awareness are not enough. It may not be a big deal when facing a weak team, but a strong team will seize every tiny mistake of the opponent and magnify it infinitely.

Gu Zi is considered good and can withstand pressure. He doesn’t show any outstanding features, but he also doesn’t have any major shortcomings.

Jinzhu... In one game, he spent two-thirds of his time paying for his teammates' mistakes and couldn't perform well at all.

After the game, the bottom laner of the Amazing Team asked in the room: "Do we want to play the second game?"

Jinzhu said coldly: "Hit him."

Jinzhu turned around and looked at Chi Ruanfan.

Chi Ruanfan smiled faintly, and after Meng Dong, who looked dazed, left his seat, he sat in the empty seat.

Enter the career selection interface.

Coach Feiyun came to Chi Ruanfan and asked him first: "What do you want to play?"

He still doesn't know which professions Chi Ruanfan is good at. Although he is an all-round player, he should be good at a few of each position. It's impossible for him to be proficient in all of them, right

"What do you want to play..."

Chi Ruanfan thought about it and felt like he wanted to play both of them, so he simply said, "I'll also play a melee mage."

If you can’t choose, just copy someone else’s answer and it will solve the problem perfectly.

Meng Dong stepped aside, raised his eyes and looked straight at Chi Ruanfan.

This is a provocation, a naked provocation!

Meng Dong's breathing was a little rapid. "Melee mages are difficult to operate and have a low error tolerance rate. Can you do it?"

Chi Ruanfan raised his eyebrows.

Back then, his melee mage was going to be banned. Do you think it would work

"Then you have to watch carefully," Chi Ruanfan said, and then changed the subject and returned Meng Dong's previous words to him:

“It’s okay if you can’t see clearly, we will review it on the big screen after it’s over.”