Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 68: Emperor x Regent11


In Wangxi's eyes, it makes no difference who favors whom.

What surprised him was that there was a smile in His Majesty's eyes.

Even though the Regent was present and there were no surveillance agents around, His Majesty still had a smile in his eyes when he mentioned the Regent.

It was as if they were together with the Prince Regent, sleeping on the same bed, and being extremely intimate... For His Majesty, it was all very pleasant.

He recalled last night, when His Majesty had called out "Uncle Wang" over and over again, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes softly, sometimes deep, sometimes low.

There are many emotions in every sound, including surprise, nervousness, anxiety, joy, deliberate teasing, and lingering attachment... but there is no pain or humiliation.

"Your Majesty, do you like the Regent?" Wangxi whispered the guess that he never dared to think about.

“Do you like it…” Chi Ruanfan looked at the palace lantern on the table.

An emperor who holds the power of the world should not easily express his preferences, but an emperor who is addicted to pleasure and is supported and protected by others can do so.

"I like it." Chi Ruanfan said slowly, as if he was answering Wang Xi, but also as if he was answering himself.

After realizing that he liked the Regent, Chi Ruanfan became more concerned about the Regent.

Especially, he is more concerned about the health of the Regent.

The Regent was of military origin and in good health, but he was ten years older than him after all, and had more things to do every day than he had in his youth.

In those days, he only had to deal with court affairs and review memorials, and he could rest after reading the memorials in the evening.

The Regent did not sleep after reviewing the memorials, but would attend one or two events with him, and would even take time out during the day to have meals with him.

If this continues, Chi Ruanfan is afraid that the Regent will die of exhaustion at his desk even earlier than he did in the past.

So, Chi Ruanfan began to study health preservation.

In addition, when the Regent mentioned some troublesome issues in the government during the break, he also helped to find solutions.

Jinzhu soon discovered the change in Chi Ruanfan.

First of all, it’s about hobbies.

Ever since the assassination attempt in the opera theater, the little emperor lost his interest in watching operas.

Every day, he would read storybooks in the study or go fishing in the imperial garden, and he would always talk to him about ways to keep in good health.

He is young but lives like an old man.

Jinzhu obeyed the little emperor in everything.

If I were told to drink health-preserving tea, I would drink it. It would replenish my body and strengthen my essence. I hadn't felt the pleasure of that kind of thing for nearly thirty years. Now that I had the chance to taste love, how could I resist

Fortunately, the little emperor was at the age of full of vigor and vitality and was also unable to restrain himself.

It was only mentioned once, and then the two of them tacitly forgot about the health-preserving method.

Such a life still seems boring to young people who like to be lively.

After leaving Chaoyang Palace, Jinzhu summoned his confidants for discussion.

"Young people like it, it can kill time, it doesn't seem boring, and it needs to be something they can play at home..."

Several ministers loyal to the Regent looked at each other, and finally one of them asked:

"May I ask, Your Majesty, what is your relationship with the young man you are talking about

"I don't mean to offend you, but gifts should be given according to the relationship between the two parties."

Jinzhu stared at the man for a while before saying, "He's me... the one I love."

The man stroked his beard and nodded slowly.

I see. The prince is afraid that his wife will be bored, so he wants to provide her with some entertainment.

Wait, it seems that the prince doesn’t have a wife, and I haven’t heard that he has taken a fancy to any young lady.

Could it be that... the prince has already hidden a mistress in his golden house

I didn't expect that the regent who looks serious and old-fashioned has such a side.

The man pinched his beard and said:

"People who are trapped in a deep house all day are the most lonely and need company. The prince is busy with official duties and cannot accompany his beloved all the time. It would be better to give her a cat or a dog."

Others followed suit.

"Madam Xie has a cat. The cat loves to play, which makes Madam Xie smile more often."

"The family's hound gave birth to a litter of puppies. My son and daughter each took one and kept one. Our home is very lively every day."

Jinzhu listened to the suggestions of his confidants.

He knew what kind of animals the little emperor liked, so he found some and brought them to Zhaoyang Palace, allowing the little emperor to choose one he liked to keep.

Among a group of docile and beautiful cat and dog puppies, the little emperor fell in love with a white parrot at first sight.

"Uncle Wang is really smart. I've wanted to raise a bird for a long time."

Chi Ruanfan looked at the white parrot in the cage with a smile in his eyes.

In his previous life, a cabinet minister kept a bird and brought it with him to court every day. He would bring it into the palace and give the cage to the young eunuch outside the palace gate to hold, and then take it back after court.

The bird was very human-like and could imitate human speech. After it was released, it would fly back and land in the person's hand as long as the person stretched out his hand.

At that time Chi Ruanfan wanted to raise a bird.

But when the Grand Secretary said that birds need their owners to accompany them for a long time, and he was busy with state affairs, he would not have so much time to accompany the birds, so he had to give up.

Later, all the old ministers in the court had a bird cage, except Chi Ruanfan. Chi Ruanfan was so angry that he ordered that court officials were forbidden to bring birds into the palace.

Jinzhu obeyed Chi Ruanfan in everything and kept the bird if she liked it.

But from then on, the little emperor spent his days fishing and walking his birds, and acted more like an old man than before.

Chi Ruanfan didn't care what others thought and started raising parrots seriously.

I feed the bird myself every day and take it out for a walk when the weather is nice.

One sunny day, Chi Ruanfan let the white parrot stand on his hand and took it to the imperial garden for a walk.

After more than half a month of personal feeding, the bird became extremely close to him and would come when he called and leave when he dismissed it.

Chi Ruanfan thought that the Imperial Garden had beautiful scenery and spacious space, which would allow the birds to practice their flying skills.

It stayed in the palace all day, eating more and more and getting fatter and fatter, almost flying.

"Just fly around once, and I'll take you back once I fly around once."

Chi Ruanfan was discussing with the bird when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Your Majesty, I am your humble servant." The man said in a low voice.

Chi Ruanfan turned around and the familiar face of the Minister of Rites came into view.

He looked around and saw that only Wangxi was standing guard in the distance, so he asked:

"How did you get here?"

In order to meet the court officials, Chi Ruanfan deliberately avoided the routes that the court officials took in and out of the palace. The place where they were now belonged to the harem.

The Minister of Rites said, "Your Majesty, it was Eunuch Wangxi who helped."


Chi Ruanfan remembered that Wangxi had quietly mentioned something a few days ago, but he didn't pay much attention and didn't care.

I was careless.

Even though Wangxi's ability is average, with the position of deputy general manager and his trust, Wangxi can already do a lot in this palace.

It's really a headache.

The Minister of Rites did not understand Chi Ruanfan's thoughts and continued to say:

"The Prince Regent has been staying in the palace for half a month. He has failed to conceal his evil ambitions and has caused Your Majesty to suffer injustice.

"I discussed with the Grand Secretary and finally came up with a plan that can force the Regent to dare to act so recklessly. Your Majesty's cooperation is required."

Chi Ruanfan pinched his eyebrows helplessly.

At the Qianqiu Festival, he was so close to the Regent, just to tell them that he and the Regent were as close as one, and that being loyal to the Regent was no different from being loyal to him.

He thought he had expressed himself clearly enough, so why did the royalists become even more active

"Minister He," Chi Ruanfan sighed and said seriously:

"I'll tell you the truth. I just want to be in power and be a puppet emperor who enjoys himself as much as he wants."

“Your Majesty, what’s wrong…” The Minister of Rites paused and looked around in surprise.

Your Majesty suddenly said this. Could it be that the Regent is keeping an eye on them

Chi Ruanfan waited for the Minister of Rites to calm down before continuing in a cold voice:

"You are against the Regent because you don't want me to live a peaceful life. You are against me."

At that moment, the aura of having been in a high position for many years was clearly revealed.

The Minister of Rites could sense that His Majesty's last words were tinged with murderous intent.

He was so frightened that he fell to his knees with a thud. He was so confused that he dared not say anything more.

Chi Ruanfan lowered his eyes and looked at the top of his head, and said slowly:

"This is the last time. There will be no next time."

After saying that, Chi Ruanfan took the white parrot away.

Wangxi was far away, so he heard all the conversations clearly, and was a little surprised and confused for a moment.

Seeing His Majesty turn around and leave, he hurried to follow.

"Wangxi, you too," Chi Ruanfan said, "There won't be a next time."

Wangxi opened his mouth, wanting to advise His Majesty not to give up his great cause for the sake of his children's personal feelings.

But when he looked at the emperor's cold amber eyes, he could only tremble and say:

"Yes, Your Majesty."

These opportunities were given to them by Chi Ruanfan because of the friendship they had in their previous life.

If someone insisted on shaking the Regent's regime and threatening his peaceful life, he would clean them up quickly even if the Regent took action.

Chi Ruanfan didn't worry much about what happened in the court.

The rebellion of scholars did not end for three years.

The Regent was of military origin, and the military power of the Jin Dynasty was firmly in his hands. It was extremely difficult for the royalists to fight against the Regent.

The most important reason why he was able to overthrow the regent back then was that he took back the power of the imperial guards when the regent led his troops to war.

At the Qianqiu Festival, envoys from various countries were frightened, and in the short term some countries might jump out and start a war.

That kind of opportunity with the right time, right place and right people is long gone.

The palace was full of the Regent's people, and Chi Ruanfan was not sure whether the Regent knew about the meeting between the Minister of Rites and him.

He put the parrot in a cage, asked Wangxi to take it back, and went to the imperial study.

I don't know if the regent had specifically instructed this, but that time Ruan Fan was not stopped from entering the imperial study.

The Regent sat behind the imperial desk, frowning in front of a memorial, thinking about something.

Apart from this, there was no one else in the hall.

Chi Ruanfan approached with light footsteps, but was still sensed. Jinzhu raised her eyes with some surprise and joy in her eyes, "Why is your majesty here?"

"Come and see you."

Chi Ruanfan walked behind the Regent, leaned over to hug him, and gently rested his hands on his shoulder.

He couldn't tell Jinzhu what had just happened because it would involve too many things and too many people.

But he was also worried that Jinzhu knew something, and her suspicion would affect their relationship.

His uncle Wang looks like a tough guy, but sometimes he is very sensitive and capable.

The first time I saw him was when he burned a piece of paper, and then in broad daylight, he pressed him down on the table and kissed him madly.

There was a smile in Jinzhu's eyes.

He tilted his head slightly and touched Chi Ruanfan's cheek.

The two of them rubbed each other gently, intimacy revealed in the corners of their eyebrows and eyes.

Feeling the little emperor's delicate skin and smelling the intoxicating ambergris on his body, Jinzhu quickly closed her eyes and suppressed the crazy idea of doing something in the imperial study.

His eyes fell on the memorial. In order to divert his attention, Jinzhu coughed lightly and said:

"Jiangzhou suffers from floods every few years. Your Majesty, do you have any way to prevent floods?"


Chi Ruanfan rested his chin on Jinzhu's shoulder, and many memories emerged in his mind.

Floods, along with droughts and locust plagues, are known as one of the three major disasters. He had dealt with them countless times during his time in power and was already adept at handling them.

When asked by the Regent, Chi Ruanfan didn't think much and directly told him about his experience in his previous life.

“Floods are difficult to avoid, but we can only take precautions early and try to minimize the losses.

“For example, setting up charity granaries to store grain for disaster relief. Building water conservancy projects, dredging rivers, and strengthening riverbanks to prevent floods…

"By the way, the county magistrate of Yu County is good at flood control. If we give him some experience for a few years, he can be appointed as the Minister of Works."

Chi Ruanfan spoke a lot in an eloquent manner. After he finished speaking, he saw the Regent speak. He leaned over to look and met the Regent's complicated and incomprehensible gaze.

here we go again…

Chi Ruanfan was filled with helplessness.

—You asked me to speak, and I told you everything with good intentions, but you are upset again. Why bother

Chi Ruanfan raised his eyes and confirmed that they were the only two people in the imperial study.

He stood up, walked to the table, sat down on Jinzhu's legs, put his arms around his neck, and kissed his chin.

The Regent raised his hands and hugged him back.

"Uncle Wang."

As soon as he called out, Chi Ruanfan's mouth was sealed by the Regent's lips and tongue.

Chi Ruanfan responded with his eyes closed, while comparing his previous words in his mind with the burning of the secret letter. Which one was more serious and which one made the Regent more crazy.

After the kiss, both of them were breathing disordered and their clothes were messy.

When Chi Ruanfan saw the Regent holding him and moving, he came to the conclusion in his mind. It seems that the incident of burning the secret letter was more serious.

Jinzhu hugged him for a long time, and only when she calmed down did she slowly let go and lowered her eyes to tidy up Chi Ruanfan's messed up clothes.

He whispered:

"I know your Majesty is intelligent, but I am wronging your Majesty by staying in the palace."

Chi Ruanfan was puzzled. What was so unfair about staying in the palace

Jinzhu pursed her lips and said with some difficulty:

"In the future... Your Majesty, please come to the Imperial Study more often and read the memorials with me."

Reading memorials is just the beginning.

Jinzhu knew clearly that with the little emperor's intelligence and his soft heart, he would sooner or later let the little emperor go to court with him.

That's when they really started gambling.

He just hoped he could hold on a little longer.

Until he is old, until His Majesty becomes interested in him.

I believe that Your Majesty will be able to truly stand on his own by then.

When Chi Ruanfan heard that Chang came to the Imperial Study to read memorials, he was completely stunned.

The look he gave Jinzhu was particularly hurt, as if he had been betrayed by his beloved.

—It seems like I just made a suggestion, so how are you going to punish me? !

How come not only the royalists want him to take charge of power, but even Jinzhu, the leader of the regent party, wants him to do some work

Chi Ruanfan was anxious and angry, and said:

"Uncle Wang, I've already slept with you, but you still want to do this?"

Sleeping together had nothing to do with pleasing the Regent; it was his choice to follow his heart.

But Chi Ruanfan was anxious at this time, and spoke without caring about anything.

Jinzhu's drooping eyelashes trembled quickly. He slowly smoothed the wrinkles on Chi Ruanfan's shoulders and said:

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty can still go to court directly." He must start by reading the memorials.

Chi Ruanfan keenly grasped the key point and said in surprise:

"You still want to let me attend the morning court?!"

Chi Ruanfan immediately got off Jinzhu's legs, took a few steps back, and said sternly:

"I'm telling you it's possible. I'm here in the Imperial Study, and I may also attend the morning court. Just give up on this idea! Unless... unless you're too sick to get out of bed, don't even think about pushing government affairs to me!"

After saying that, Chi Ruanfan turned and left.

Jinzhu was so shocked by Chi Ruanfan's conversation that she even forgot to ask someone to hold her back when Chi Ruanfan stormed away.

The imperial study fell into complete silence.

Jinzhu sat alone for a long time, still unable to believe the meaning of the little emperor's words.

The little emperor liked reading memorials, and even less liked attending court. He also liked handling government affairs.

Yes, it's no longer in the realm of "liking", it's already in the realm of "resistance".

Why? He couldn't figure it out.

Is it really possible? Is there really anyone who doesn't love power

That person is the emperor. As long as he fights for it, he may get the greatest power in the world.

Jinzhu forced himself to suppress his thoughts, quickly reviewed the memorials, then stood up and went to Chaoyang Palace.

Jinzhu came back early today and it was not yet dark.

The little emperor was teasing his new parrot. When he saw him coming, he just raised his eyes for a moment and then looked away.

She was obviously still mad at him.

"Your Majesty." Jinzhu sat down behind Chi Ruanfan and put her arms around his waist.

The palace servants immediately looked at each other and bowed their heads and retreated under the leadership of An Yongzhong.

Before An Yongzhong left, he grabbed Wangxi, who was standing still, and dragged him away by force.

His Majesty the Regent is doing his job, what are you doing standing in here

If you really see and hear something, even if the Regent moves you, His Majesty will not keep you.

Chi Ruanfan lowered his eyes to glance at the hand on his waist, then quickly retracted his gaze and continued to hold the rice, watching the parrot standing on his hand and eating.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand." Jinzhu paused, noticing that he didn't get a response, and continued in a low voice:

"If Your Majesty likes power, why do you still stay in the palace and stay by my side?"

Simply not being able to sleep without him wasn't enough to convince him.

"Uncle Wang, do you want to hear me open my heart?" Chi Ruanfan asked.

"I want to know what your Majesty wants."

As a human being, you have desires.

Love of power, so what made the little emperor stay

Jinzhu never dared to find out the little emperor's true thoughts before, because he knew that he held all the power in his hands and the emperor must hate him.

Even though she rejected his intimacy, she was willing to do the most intimate thing in the world with him and could get some happiness from it... deep in the heart of the little emperor, there must be hatred and humiliation.

But now, he wanted an answer.

Even if the answer hurt him deeply, he still regretted it.

Chi Ruanfan waited for the parrot to finish eating the rice, put it on the table, and wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

Then he picked up the hot tea beside him and turned around to feed it to Jinzhu.

Jinzhu glanced at Chi Ruanfan, then raised her lips obediently and drank half a cup of tea.

Chi Ruanfan asked: "Uncle Wang, is the tea delicious?"

Jinzhu's attention was all on the little emperor. She had no idea that the tea was so delicious that it would be a mistake if she could taste it without poison.

He felt the aftertaste in his mouth and said, "It tastes good."

It tastes neither bitter nor astringent, with a lingering fragrance. This is mainly because the little emperor fed it himself, so of course it tastes good.

Chi Ruanfan also took a sip and said, "Only ten taels of Chuan Ning tribute tea are produced each year, and all of them go to the imperial palace."

"That's what I want," Chi Ruanfan looked at Jinzhu, stared into his eyes, and said slowly:

"Gorgeous clothes, exquisite delicacies, and... a stunning beauty."

As he spoke, Chi Ruanfan leaned over and pecked Jinzhu lightly on the lips.

Jinzhu paused slightly.

If these were what the little emperor wanted, he would certainly satisfy him and give him the best things in the world.


"I am not stunningly beautiful." Jinzhu said.

He was also extremely handsome, and his appearance was praised since he was a child. But in front of the emperor, he could only say that he was not bad.

Your Majesty's appearance is the most beautiful in the world, making all the beauties in the world pale in comparison.

Chi Ruanfan had no idea what Jinzhu was thinking. He just thought that the Regent, who came from a military background, could not accept such a description.

He changed his words and said, "Uncle Wang is handsome, brave and dignified, and I love him very much."

Jinzhu tightened his arms.

Chi Ruanfan thought he was going to kiss her, but he fell silent, pursed his lips and said:

"I am older than Your Majesty, and I will grow old before Your Majesty."

Chi Ruanfan: “…”

In such a good atmosphere, why are you struggling with something

"Uncle Wang, you may not believe this, but I am almost sixty years old."

He has seen his own face age, and he has also seen many people age. Everyone will grow old.

Good looks or good looks are just a shell.

What he loves is never the appearance.

The little emperor's words were incoherent and extremely absurd, but Jinzhu understood his meaning from his eyes.

"Your Majesty..."

Jinzhu held Chi Ruanfan's face, stared into his eyes, and said solemnly:

"The splendid clothes, the exquisite delicacies, and myself, all belong to Your Majesty.

"I will sacrifice my life to ensure that Your Majesty will live a life of wealth, honor and happiness, without worries."

The atmosphere is back.

Chi Ruanfan felt his heart beating faster, various vows like "holding your hand and growing old together" echoed in his mind, but he felt that none of them lacked some meaning.

He simply raised his hand, grabbed the back of the Regent's head and kissed him.

Jinzhu responded attentively, and did not stop even when he felt a weight on his head in the middle.

When the two of them separated for a while, Jinzhu looked through the bronze mirror on the opposite table and saw something that made him feel heavy.

It’s the white parrot that the little emperor raised.

The silly bird even tilted its head and looked at them with its black bean-like eyes.

Jinzhu didn't mind being watched by a bird. He immersed himself in rubbing against the little emperor. When he brushed his Adam's apple, he asked:

"If you put the bird outside, will it fly away?"

Chi Ruanfan opened his half-closed eyes upon hearing this, stretched out his hand and let the parrot fly to his hand, and said with a smile:

"It's already well-trained and very recognizable to the cage. Even if it flies out, it will return to the cage to sleep at night."

Jinzhu felt the vibration of the little emperor's Adam's apple and was absent-minded for a moment.

He had previously compared the little emperor to a bird in a cage, but now thinking back, he felt that he was also that bird.

He keeps the birdman and the cage, the one he holds in his arms.

While he was "raising" the little emperor, the little emperor also "raised" him.