Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 70: Extra Return to the previous life


The emperor cared about him and concerned about him.

This realization made Jinzhu feel incredible.

When he was so angry that he didn't even care about himself, the emperor, who should have regarded him as his enemy, actually started to care about him.

Jinzhu deliberately sat by the window to enjoy the breeze, deliberately let the tea cool before drinking it, and deliberately sat on the couch until dawn every night.

He abused his body in various ways.

He wanted to find out whether the emperor cared about him and how long he could care about him.

The emperor's reaction was more intense than Jinzhu had expected, and the emperor's determination and patience were also stronger than he had expected.

In order to let him sleep well, the emperor even came to his room personally and slept with him on the same bed.

The emperor hugged him, and the hot body temperature was transferred to him through contact, making him lose the ability to think.

He had endured many freezing nights alone, but this was the first time he felt such warmth.

He...craved this kind of warmth.

For a moment, Jinzhu's determination to beg for mercy wavered.

He wanted to sink into despair and live like this for the rest of his life.

Can you really live like this for the rest of your life

Although it is unknown why the emperor brought him back to Chaoyang Palace and confined him there, Chaoyang Palace is the emperor's bedroom and it is impossible for the emperor to confine him there forever.

Rather than being forced to lose it in the future, it is better to end it yourself.

After the emperor told him that he could move around the palace, Jinzhu quietly left behind the palace servants who followed him and went to the coldest place in the palace.

He sat in a pavilion on the lake surrounded by water, feeling the cold air entering his body and causing pain in every part of his body.

He told himself that if he endured it a little longer, he would be free soon.

While thinking about this, he kept looking sideways in the direction of the imperial study. Even though his neck was stiff, he did not change his posture.

Jinzhu knew that the emperor would not come.

The New Year had just passed and government affairs were busy. The emperor had to work in the imperial study until very late every day and had no time to look for someone who was ultimately inseparable from the palace.

But he couldn't help but look forward to it.

What if... the emperor comes

He then stopped looking for her.

I am confined to Chaoyang Palace and cannot leave until your Majesty has ordered me to do so.

When his consciousness was blurred, Jinzhu saw a streak of yellow running towards him in the flying snow.

Just like before, he wiped the blood from his hands, walked into the cold palace alone, and looked for the only remaining prince.

The newly grown prince threw himself into his arms, hugged his waist tightly, and said, "Uncle Wang, I'm scared."

Now, he was embraced by the fully grown emperor. The emperor used his body to shield him from the wind and snow, and said with a trembling voice, "Uncle Wang, don't be afraid."

After being taken back for the first time, Jinzhu was ill for a long time, sometimes conscious and sometimes confused.

Every time he woke up, he could see the emperor.

Sometimes the emperor sat at the desk reviewing memorials, sometimes the emperor looked at him beside his couch, and sometimes the emperor lay beside him and fell asleep.

It would be a lie for the emperor to say he was not moved by what he had done.

Jinzhu has decided to live a little longer.

But he still didn't understand why the emperor didn't let him go and why he had to do such a thing to him.

He asked the emperor, but the emperor did not answer him, but told him...

Jinzhu still remembers that his heart was beating very fast and his whole body was shaking, not because of anger or fear, but because of excitement.

It was also at this time that he understood what kind of feelings he had for the emperor.

It's more than the love and care for a child who was brought up by your personal care, more than the sympathy between your former partners, and more than the respect and admiration for your monarch who is about to create a prosperous era.

He... loves him.

He cared about the emperor's attitude and coveted the warmth the emperor gave him, all because of the word "love".

I don’t know where the love comes from, but it grows deeper and deeper.

The emperor asked him to hate him, but Jinzhu couldn't.

He also had to keep his eyes closed at all times to prevent the emperor from seeing the love and affection in his eyes.

In the following days, the emperor still slept in the same bed with him, but he rarely did daily things with him, and there was a vague feeling of treating him with respect.

Jinzhu didn't know the reason and guessed that the experience that day was not good enough, or the emperor was tired of him.

His status was awkward and the emperor didn't want to get close to him, so he naturally couldn't take the initiative to get close to him. He adjusted his attitude and kept his distance from the emperor.

But he had only maintained this position for half a day before the emperor pulled him onto the couch, filling up all the distance.

After repeating this several times, Jinzhu discovered that the emperor did not like to be too close to him.

Once he showed any sign of getting close to him, the emperor would deliberately keep his distance from him.

But when he behaved indifferently, the emperor would favor him instead.

Could it be that... the emperor likes the type who is ambiguous

By the time Chi Ruanfan had arranged the post-disaster relief work, he returned to Chaoyang Palace. It was already midnight.

Jinzhu didn't know whether she hadn't slept yet or was awakened by the sound of him entering the hall.

When Chi Ruanfan entered the room, Jinzhu was lying on the couch, looking at him with her dark eyes.

Looking at Jinzhu's figure curled up in the quilt, Chi Ruanfan felt somewhat relieved.

Finally I realized to cover myself with the quilt instead of sitting there with my underwear on until dawn.

"Uncle Wang, please take a rest first. You'll come after you take a bath." Chi Ruanfan stood far away at the door.

He had just come back from outside, feeling cold from the snow and wind, and couldn't come into contact with the Regent like this.

"Yeah." Jinzhu responded subconsciously.

Then he realized that he had behaved too submissively, and the emperor liked to do things with him, and only this way could arouse the emperor's interest in conquest.

So Jinzhu deliberately put on a stern face and said:

"I won't sleep, and Your Majesty please don't come to my place again."

He stared at the emperor's expression nervously, and clenched his hands slightly in the quilt, for fear that the emperor would really fall down and die.

Chi Ruanfan's expression changed slightly.

If I don't let him come, will I be able to take the opportunity to ruin my body

He would never let Jinzhu get what she wanted.

Chi Ruanfan almost didn't even take a shower and went straight on top of her.

Finally, reason prevailed, he endured it, said fiercely "You stay here for me", and strode towards the side hall where the bath was.

After soaking his whole body until it was warm, Chi Ruanfan came back with a sullen face and lay down beside Jinzhu.

He reached out and embraced Jinzhu with a force that brooked no rejection.

Jinzhu lowered her head slightly, as if she wanted to slip into his warm arms, but she stopped because she thought of something.

Chi Ruanfan was afraid that Jinzhu would get angry again, and seeing that she was really unwilling to endure the humiliation, he immediately hugged Jinzhu tightly into his arms, and held the back of her head, forcing her to face him.

He leaned over and kissed Jinzhu until she was almost suffocated, then she let him go.

Chi Ruanfan pressed Jinzhu's lips with his fingertips and whispered:

"Uncle Wang, be good, okay?"

The last "hmm" was low and hoarse, with a slightly rising ending, carrying a hint of warning, which made Jinzhu feel numb on half of her body.

He closed his eyes, not wanting the emperor to see the emotions in his eyes.

In Chi Ruanfan's eyes, this action was a form of hidden resistance.

Chi Ruanfan was worried.

He needs the Regent to hate him a little. Only in this way will the Regent have the will to survive.

But he didn't want the Regent to hate him. They should love each other.

Eventually the idea of the Regent hating him prevailed.

You have to be alive to be able to love.

Therefore, despite Jinzhu's hidden "resistance", Chi Ruanfan forced Jinzhu to feel him.

Chi Ruanfan also knew that he couldn't put too much pressure on people and he had to give them some hope.

He asked Shui to wash the two of them carefully, then hugged Jinzhu and said:

"If Uncle Wang is bored in Chaoyang Palace, you can go to the Imperial Study Room tomorrow."

Jinzhu opened his eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, do you want me to serve you in the Imperial Study, or..."

Chi Ruanfan was about to feed the Regent with candied dates, not preparing to hit him with a stick again, so he hurriedly said:

"What are you thinking about? I want you to help sort out the memorials."

As he spoke, in order to maintain his image as a villain, Chi Ruanfan pinched Jinzhu's chin and said:

"Uncle Wang, if you listen to my instructions, I will promise not to do this to you outside Chaoyang Palace, otherwise..."

Chi Ruanfan paused deliberately, leaving Jinzhu ample room for imagination.

Jinzhu indeed thought a lot uncontrollably, and his dreams were all about the emperor wanting him in the imperial study.

But when he woke up, he knew that couldn't be happening.

The emperor was extremely serious about state affairs and it was impossible for him to do such a thing in the imperial study, unless he angered the emperor to the extreme and made the emperor want to punish him immediately.

"Is Uncle Wang in good condition?" Chi Ruanfan asked when he saw the smile in Jinzhu's eyes.

Jinzhu quickly suppressed her smile.

Having stayed with the emperor for too long, he had forgotten to exercise restraint.

Chi Ruanfan didn't care and sighed slightly:

"Just going to the Imperial Study can make Uncle Wang so happy."

If it weren't for their current bad relationship, Chi Ruanfan really wanted to hand over all memorials and state affairs to the Regent.

When Jinzhu heard what the emperor said, she knew that tonight's intimacy was over.

But he couldn't say that he was thinking of "dealing" with the emperor, so he could only follow the emperor's words:

"It is my duty to share your Majesty's worries."

Chi Ruanfan just gave Jinzhu this "candied date" as a gift, happily wrapped Jinzhu tightly in fox fur, and took him to the imperial study.

Chi Ruanfan handed all the memorials to Jinzhu to sort out, and he sat behind the imperial desk to watch the memorials that Jinzhu had sorted out.

Jinzhu looked at the piles of memorials in front of him for a while, and couldn't help but look up at the emperor, asking doubtfully:

"Your Majesty, do you trust me so much?"

"Of course." Chi Ruanfan said with a smile.

The regent might take action for him or for the courtiers loyal to him, but he would never take action for the people of the world and the country.

That's enough.

As for the court officials who entered the imperial study and saw the Queen Regent, they were somewhat shocked, but Chi Ruanfan didn't care.

With the joint efforts of Chi Ruanfan and Jinzhu, the two lived in harmony for five months.

It’s Jinzhu’s birthday.

As soon as Chi Ruanfan finished the morning court, he went to the imperial kitchen to cook longevity soup.

This was a habit he developed in his previous life. Whenever it was the Regent's birthday, he would cook a bowl of longevity soup.

Sometimes it was prepared in the imperial kitchen, and sometimes he did it himself.

When a person dies, he doesn't ask for anything else but longevity.

Unfortunately, in his previous life, the Regent died before him.

Chi Ruanfan raised his hand to rub his eyes which were a little blurry due to the steam, waved away the eunuch chief who came over, and fished the fish out himself.

He put the food into a food box and asked the eunuch to carry it back to Chaoyang Palace.

"Uncle Wang, come and try the longevity food I made."

After entering Chaoyang Palace, Chi Ruanfan took out the gun and shouted into the room.

Jinzhu got up early.

The emperor had not returned for a long time, and he was wondering whether he should ask the emperor to take him to the imperial study after court or go there himself. Then he saw the emperor coming from the direction of the imperial kitchen, and he brought back... Changshou Pills

Jinzhu was a little surprised, "Your Majesty, do you remember that today is my birthday?"

He seldom celebrated his birthday; even at the height of his power, he never held a birthday party.

However, one year after he brought the emperor back from the cold palace, the little emperor somehow found out his birthday, and one day he came to the imperial study with a food box and ate a bowl of longevity wine with him.