Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 72: The end of the world 1


My head hurts...

It was like being stuffed into a washing machine that was running at high speed. The world was spinning, and time and space were distorted.

Under the pain and dizziness of the job, Chi Ruanfan almost retched.

Chi Ruanfan gritted his teeth, endured all the discomfort, and tried his best to keep himself sober and calm.

He feels pain and is conscious, which means he is still alive.

Although he didn't know how he escaped from the combined attack of that group of people, he had to try his best to survive.

He still wants revenge, and he still wants to... find that person.

The discomfort gradually subsided, and Chi Ruanfan was finally able to open his eyes and look around.

The first thing that caught my eye was the overly clean ceiling. Turning my head, I saw a wooden staircase.

He was lying at the corner of the stairs and could clearly see boxes of mineral water and toilet paper piled on the steps, as well as instant noodles and biscuits scattered around.

A lot of supplies.

Chi Ruanfan sighed in his heart and suddenly felt something was wrong.

This scene looks so familiar...


A low growl sounded from not far behind Chi Ruanfan.

The sound seemed to be blocked by something and did not sound clear.

It instantly passed through the passing of time, through the dreams that had lingered for years, and reached Chi Ruanfan's ears, awakening long-lost memories.

There was a time when he was accompanied by such roars day and night.

On the fifth day of the apocalypse, her boyfriend Jinzhu went out to collect supplies. As soon as they entered a supermarket, they looked up and saw several zombies.

In the end, he cooperated with Jinzhu and killed the zombies.

But in the process, Jinzhu was scratched on the arm by a zombie in order to protect him.

The noise from the previous fight attracted more zombies to approach. They quickly grabbed some food and hid in the store lounge on the third floor.

Anyone scratched by a zombie will be infected.

Most of the infected people have since turned into zombies, but only a few can survive and develop superpowers.

He, Jinzhu, had seen the scene of the infected people's mutation many times during the five days of the apocalypse.

Among the hundreds of infected people, it is unlikely that one can survive and become a mutant.

Jinzhu gave him the knife and said that if he didn't make it, she would kill him.

Jinzhuyi turned into a zombie, but Chi Ruanfan couldn't bring himself to kill him.

He grabbed the key he found in the drawer and locked Jinzhu in the room.

Chi Ruanfan waited outside the door for a week, listening to Jinzhu's roar becoming weaker and weaker until it gradually disappeared.


Another low growl sounded, pulling Chi Ruanfan out of the nightmare-like memories.

Chi Ruanfan's body was tense, his breathing became heavy, and his rapid heartbeat was clearly audible.

He held his breath, sat up, turned around, and looked up.

He looked forward as if facing a formidable enemy, and as if anxious to confirm something.

In front of him was a tightly closed brown-red wooden door, from behind which came the occasional growls and banging sounds of zombies.

Looking at the familiar door and listening to the familiar growl behind the door, Chi Ruanfan's mind went blank.

After an unknown amount of time, the banging and roaring sounds in the room stopped.

Chi Ruanfan was startled and hurried forward, raising his hand to close the door, his fingers trembling slightly.


He called out urgently, his voice trembling with extreme tension.

The being in the room seemed to have heard his voice and suddenly growled, followed by the sound of something sharp scratching the door.

Chi Ruanfan breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head, and rested his forehead on his fingers.

Such fragility only lasted for a few seconds. Chi Ruanfan quickly stood up, staring at his own white and slender hands that showed no signs of struggling for survival, and gradually frowned.

The self who should have died but was alive and well, the scenes and roars buried deep in memory, and... a body that was completely unable to sense the existence of superpowers.

He was reborn and returned to the beginning of the end of the world.

But, why not let him be reborn a few days earlier

Chi Ruanfan looked at the food at his feet.

He had only opened a bottle of mineral water and a pack of biscuits, which meant that he had just locked Jinzhu in the room not long ago.

If it had been a few days in the morning, he would have been able to save Jinzhu.

As if he hadn't heard any sound for a long time, Jinzhu's roar gradually became quieter.

Chi Ruanfan opened his mouth, but was afraid that Jinzhu would continue scratching the door and hurt him, so he said nothing in the end.

His brows were furrowed tighter and tighter, and his face looked as gloomy as if dark clouds were brewing for a storm.

As Jinzhu's roar completely disappeared, only the sound of light breathing remained in the silent space.

Suddenly, a loud sound of glass breaking came from downstairs, accompanied by the screams of humans and the roars of zombies.

Chi Ruanfan listened attentively.

The glass door on the first floor was broken, and about five people entered the supermarket, with eight zombies approaching.

Chi Ruanfan leaned over and picked up the long knife wrapped in black brocade on the ground.

He took out the knife and slowly drew it out of the sheath.

Chi Ruanfan's eyes were reflected in the metal blade, and there was some nostalgia in Chi Ruanfan's eyes.

This is a Tang sword, part of Jinzhu's collection.

After Jinzhu was scratched by a zombie, he gave the knife to him.

This was the last thing Jinzhu gave him. It had accompanied him through the two most difficult years of the apocalypse, until he met a Class A zombie with metal-type abilities.

It was broken down by the zombie.

Chi Ruanfan held the Tang sword in his hand and walked downstairs with light steps.

At the entrance of the stairs leading to the third floor, there is a tall instant noodle shelf.

This was what Jinzhu and he had moved here together. It was enough to block the zombies whose movements were stiff in the early stages.

Chi Ruanfan reached out and pressed the handrail of the stairs. With a turn of his wrist, he flipped over and landed lightly on the steps below without even making any noise.

Five years of apocalyptic experience and countless life-and-death battles have made him agile.

Even if he went back many years and lost his muscle memory, Chi Ruanfan could still deal with it skillfully with his rich experience.

When Chi Ruanfan walked to the first floor, the sound of a car starting was heard outside, and someone was shouting and cursing inside the store, but it was soon drowned out by the roar of the zombies.

Chi Ruanfan approached quietly and confirmed the location of all the zombies through the gaps between the shelves.

Not a single zombie was missing.

These were just the stiff-moving zombies from the early days of the apocalypse, and that team didn't even manage to deal with a single one.

"call out-"

A small and crisp sound of breaking through the air was heard, and Chi Ruanfan raised his knife and slashed, quickly taking care of the nearest zombie.

The zombies were attracted by the flesh and blood and gathered together. Chi Ruanfan easily dealt with half of the zombies.

The remaining zombies reacted, turned around and roared, and pounced towards Chi Ruanfan.

Chi Ruanfan stepped back quickly, moved his legs, and suddenly kicked out a row of shopping carts.

Taking the opportunity to use the shopping cart to knock away the zombies, Chi Ruanfan suddenly approached and killed three zombies through the shopping cart.

Only the last one left.

Chi Ruanfan turned his head to look.

The zombie had already retreated to the entrance of the supermarket, and its speed was so fast that it didn't seem like the zombies from the early days of the apocalypse.

It was the one that dodged the fastest when he pushed the shopping cart over.

This is most likely a zombie that has awakened special powers.

Only zombies that have awakened their special powers can "escape". Ordinary zombies simply don't have the intelligence to escape.

Chi Ruanfan chased after him without hesitation.

This is only the first week of the apocalypse. Even if the zombies have awakened their special powers, they should only be the lowest level D-level zombies.

As long as it is not one of those superpowers with strong lethality, it is within the range of what he can deal with now.

And judging from the fact that its first reaction was to run away instead of attacking him, this zombie's superpowers were most likely non-combat.

As Chi Ruanfan started to chase, he saw a shadow appear around him.

He quickly dodged to the side.

The next moment, a car slammed heavily onto the spot where he had just stood.

Looking up at the black hole in the sky that had not yet dissipated, Chi Ruanfan's eyes flashed with understanding.

"It turns out to be the Space Department."

One of the abilities with the weakest combat effectiveness in the early stages.

It's stable.

Chi Ruanfan's supernatural power in his previous life was one of the extremely weak supernatural powers in the early stage.

Therefore, he knows the space-related abilities best, which are also extremely weak in the early stages.

The space in the D-class space system is only enough to accommodate one car.

Chi Ruanfan jumped over the car, caught up with the zombie, and killed it without much effort.

Looking at the zombies falling to the ground, Chi Ruanfan's breathing became a little heavy.

This amount of exercise was nothing to him before, but his body now can't bear it.

He looked around, and before attracting the attention of zombies farther away, he used his Tang sword to take out a transparent lens the size of a grain of rice from a zombie's brain.

After wiping the lens and putting it in his pocket, Chi Ruanfan turned around and returned to the supermarket.

In the supermarket, next to the bodies of four zombies lying together, a person... no, a newborn zombie was crawling.

He was still a human before, but was bitten and scratched by eight zombies, and quickly mutated, and now he has become a zombie.

Chi Ruanfan walked over and killed the zombie with an expressionless face.

In this world, there is only one zombie that he can't kill.