Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 79: The end of the world 8


Zombies don't need to sleep, and night is when they are most active.

It was too anti-zombie to let a zombie suppress its nature and lie quietly with him on a bed with its eyes open until dawn.

Jinzhu had already slept with him for half the night, and it was now his turn to do something with Jinzhu.

"Let's go hunting. There are zombies everywhere at night, so it's easier to find crystal cores, no, zombies."

Chi Ruanfan said this as he sat up holding Jinzhu and took a coat from the side and put it on him.

For people with special abilities, sleeping three or four hours a day is more than enough.

Chi Ruanfan was full of energy at this time, which came from the dream he experienced in his previous life, making him eager to become stronger.

If you want to become stronger, you can't do without fighting and crystal cores.

Zombies are active at night hunting, and they can also hunt zombies at night.


Jinzhu was like a big doll and let Chi Ruanfan play with her.

Seeing Jinzhu being so well-behaved, Chi Ruanfan couldn't help but lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

After the kiss, he quickly stepped back and saw Jinzhu's eyes fixed on his lips, staring at him quietly.

Chi Ruanfan's heart skipped a beat.

I always feel like... Jinzhu seems to understand the meaning of his actions.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Chi Ruanfan came forward again.

This time, Jinzhu took the initiative to turn her face and brought the part he had kissed before to him.

Is the ability to dissect C-level zombies already so strong

Chi Ruanfan kissed Jinzhu on the face several times excitedly, "I will get you a better crystal core so that you can reach level A as soon as possible and recover your memory."

Jinzhu still maintained the side-turning posture, but waited reluctantly until the next lips and cheek touched.

He slowly turned around to look, and saw Chi Ruanfan putting on his clothes and shoes very quickly, and got out of bed with an excited look on his face to pack his things.

Chi Ruanfan used a water mirror to transport the supplies to the car. He heard a rustling sound from behind him. He turned around and saw Jinzhu getting out of the bed and walking towards him barefoot on the floor.

"Even after upgrading, he is still a clingy person."

Chi Ruanfan carried Jinzhu to the sofa and put on shoes and socks for him.

Afterwards, he took the Tang sword from the coffee table and went out with Jinzhu in his arms.

Jinzhu is a C-level zombie.

You have to know that we have only entered the second week of the apocalypse, and most of the zombies are ordinary zombies, and D-level zombies are extremely rare.

Jinzhu's strength is definitely among the best.

The entire Y city, or even China, is unlikely to be able to threaten his existence.

As long as Chi Ruanfan doesn't fall too far behind, hunting tonight will be easy.

Walking to the entrance of the hotel, Chi Ruanfan saw huge groups of zombies roaming the streets and roads, which were as crowded as a commercial street on holidays.

"I've seen so many zombies in a long time."

Chi Ruanfan said in a low voice, not knowing how to get out for a moment.

The zombies are so terrifying, so terrifying that it makes your scalp tingle.

The life span of an ordinary zombie is only about one year, after which they will decay completely.

In the fifth year of the apocalypse before his rebirth, all ordinary zombies had died out, and the worst remaining zombies were D-level.

Chi Ruanfan had indeed not seen such a scene of zombies gathering together for a long time.

There are at least ten zombies between the SUV and the hotel gate, and there are even more zombies nearby.

Chi Ruanfan was just thinking about how to force his way in when he saw many zombies turning their heads to look at him, and they moved closer with stiff movements.

"We have to fight quickly and decisively." Chi Ruanfan held the scabbard and the bamboo in his left hand, and drew the sword out of the sheath with his right hand.

Jinzhu seemed to sense the approach of one of its kind, and raised his head from Chi Ruanfan's neck, looking at the zombies with his scarlet eyes and letting out a threatening growl.


The zombies that were originally approaching stopped and slowly retreated away.

Chi Ruanfan looked at Jinzhu with some surprise.

Aren't ordinary zombies just predatory instincts? When did they learn to seek benefits and avoid harm

Chi Ruanfan withdrew his gaze with a little doubt and walked out of the hotel with Jinzhu.

‌A zombie is approaching.

Even though their eyes were on Chi Ruanfan, they were drooling.

Chi Ruanfan opened the door of the SUV, carried Jinzhu to the passenger seat, and fastened his seat belt for him.

Then he closed the car door and sat in the driving seat from the other side.

During this process, Jinzhu didn't struggle at all, as if she had already gotten used to it all, except that her red eyes never left Chi Ruanfan for a moment.

"Let's go and look for zombies with special abilities, as well as mutated plants and animals." Chi Ruanfan said.

The zombies' hunting target is everything except themselves, even those of the same kind. As long as the other party possesses a crystal core, they are also included in their hunting targets.

Chi Ruanfan is a human being after all. Even though he suffered such a betrayal in his previous life, he cannot be treated as prey by other humans and mutants.


Jinzhu growled in response.

There were too many zombies on the streets and roads, making it difficult for off-road vehicles to drive. They were only able to move smoothly thanks to Jinzhu's roar to clear the way.

The roar of the vehicle starting up startled everyone in the hotel.

In the room on the third floor, the young man who had dared to close his eyes got up from the ground.

He opened the curtains a little and looked down, then saw a black SUV driving onto the road and the zombies avoiding it.

"Am I dreaming?" the young man muttered, slapped himself hard, and immediately gasped.

His confused mind suddenly became clear, and he hurriedly woke up the middle-aged man who was sleeping on the sofa and said:

"Brother Wang, wake up quickly. The two people who checked in yesterday evening are gone."

"What, who left?" The middle-aged man opened his eyes tiredly and confused.

The young man could not hide his excitement, "Those two men yesterday drove away! The zombies are making way for them!"

When the SUV drove onto the road, the driver's window was half open, and he was sure that the people sitting in the car were the two young men from last night.

The middle-aged man looked suspicious, "You are overstimulated, are you hallucinating?"

"No, look for yourself." The young man pulled the man up from the ground.

There were too many zombies on the road, so the vehicles were driving very slowly.

The middle-aged man was dragged to the window and saw a black SUV driving among the zombies.

He shuddered and instantly woke up.

After doubting his life, the middle-aged man hesitated and said:

"Did you hear the zombie roar? It came from that car. It sounded like... one of the zombies we were fighting outside just now."

The two looked at each other.

They didn't care why there were zombies in the car, they only cared that the human left the hotel safely and took a zombie with him.

The middle-aged man picked up the chair he used for self-defense and walked cautiously towards the door with the young man.

The young man stood behind the door and looked out through the peephole.

The hallway lights were on, but he could see nothing but the blackened walls.

Then he pressed his ear against the door again. It was shockingly quiet outside, without any sound.

The man held his breath, held the door's hand, slowly twisted it, and opened the door.

There was black fog, white steam, and water outside.

Only the blackened floors and walls proved that everything that happened last night had actually happened.

Looking along the charred floor to the end of the corridor, there was once a place where two zombies were confronting and fighting. Now lying there was the body of a zombie with a broken forehead.

"One zombie left, one died, so..." the young man could not hide his excitement.

The middle-aged man put down the chair, relaxed his body, fell to the ground, and panted:

"When it's daybreak and there are fewer zombies outside, we'll leave."

The young man closed the door carefully. "It's strange. Why would that man put the zombies in the car and take them away with him?"

"Zombies can have special abilities, and humans may also have them, such as the ability to control water, or..."

Thinking of the scene where the zombies were avoiding him, the middle-aged man's eyes sparkled and he said, "Control the zombies."

Chi Ruanfan stayed in Y City for a week.

During this week, they encountered many human teams, but Chi Ruanfan avoided them all.

He didn't want to face human nature head on.

He wanted to live with Jinzhu more than with humans.

It's just the two of them, in this end time.

In addition, he and Jinzhu also killed many zombies and mutated plants and animals, and harvested twenty D-level crystal cores.

C-level zombies or mutated plants and animals have never been encountered.

Chi Ruanfan found a map and marked out the places where the mutated animals, plants, and zombies appeared in his memory from his previous life.

These locations are mostly distributed in a linear pattern south of City Y.

Because this was the route he took when he left Y City and headed to Haicheng Base in his previous life.

"Would you like to take this route once..."

Chi Ruanfan lowered his eyes and looked at his hands. The strength of his supernatural power had already reached the critical point between D-level and C-level.

If you want to upgrade, you need more intense battles or higher level crystal cores.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw Jinzhu coming out of the store and bringing back a bunch of biscuits.

This is Jinzhu's thirteenth trip back and forth to buy biscuits today.

Chi Ruanfan looked back at the packed double-row back seat and got out of the car reluctantly. He took the biscuits from Jinzhu's arms and moved them to the trunk using a water mirror.

Seeing that Jinzhu wanted to return to the store to continue moving biscuits, Chi Ruanfan quickly stopped her and said:

"That's enough. This is enough to last us until next month."

I don’t know what’s wrong with Jinzhu recently, but she has become fond of collecting cookies.

Every time I entered a supermarket, I would not rush to the fresh food section, nor even glance at the canned meat, but would first buy out all the biscuits.

Even if Chi Ruanfan is not picky about food, he still wants to try different foods when he has a choice.

Because he ate biscuits for every meal, Chi Ruanfan became craving for Jinzhu's food.

This morning, he killed a huge mutant rabbit, and for the first time he competed with Jinzhu for the meat to roast. Fortunately, the mutant rabbit was big enough and there was enough meat.

Jinzhu lowered his head to glance at Chi Ruanfan's hands on his waist, and instead of walking towards the supermarket, he turned around and buried his face in Chi Ruanfan's neck.

While rubbing, a comfortable "roar" sound came from his throat.

Chi Ruanfan took the opportunity to carry Jinzhu into the car.

After closing the car door and leaning against each other for a while, Chi Ruanfan said:

"Zhu Zi, we have been in City Y for a long time and have encountered new C-level zombies. Do you want to change places to hunt?"

He must upgrade. Only when he reaches level C, his water-based weapons will have some lethality.

Jinzhu also needs to be upgraded and must reach level A before his memory can be restored.

Jinzhu was still rubbing his head.

It seemed that for him, Chi Ruanfan would never get tired of playing this game.

If Chi Ruanfan was not a person with supernatural powers and had not had an enhanced physique, he would have been rubbed off a layer of skin or bald by Jinzhu sooner or later.

Chi Ruanfan pulled Jinzhu away from his neck and said, "Come on, roar once means you agree, roar twice means you refuse."

Jinzhu wanted to get closer, but Chi Ruanfan grabbed his shoulders and he couldn't get close to him at all. He growled in anxiety.


As soon as the sound fell, Chi Ruanfan leaned forward and blocked Jinzhu's mouth with a kiss.

Half a minute later, he stepped back slightly, and said without blushing or panting:

"Well, I know your answer. Let's leave the city."