Doctor Said I Can Only Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 91: The end of the world 20


Jinzhu was immersed in the sadness of not being able to be eaten and couldn't extricate herself. Even though she sensed the fluctuations of supernatural powers from a large number of mutated animals, she was in no mood to pay attention to them.

"I wonder if there are any A-level mutant fish here." Chi Ruanfan said in a low voice.

Jinzhu suddenly stopped dilly-dallying, opened his eyes, and looked back out the window thoughtfully.

Having watched Xiaoruan eat crystal cores many times, he knew that it would be uncomfortable for a psychic to eat crystal cores of the same level, but it would not be painful to eat crystal cores of a lower level than his own.


If we find a stronger crystal core and let Xiaoruan upgrade first, then Xiaoruan won’t feel pain when he eats it!

Jinzhu's eyes lit up and she jumped up from Chi Ruanfan in an instant.

"Bamboo?" Chi Ruanfan's mind suddenly disappeared and he immediately looked up.

Jinzhu paused slightly, bent down, and rubbed Chi Ruanfan's face lightly.

Her eyes were half closed, with thick eyelashes covering her scarlet pupils, but she still exuded a kind of eerie tenderness.

"I'll go help Xiaoruan find an A-level crystal core." Jinzhu whispered.

After saying that, Jinzhu turned into black mist, passed through the window, and rushed towards the largest transformed fish.

"Hey, another one's here."

Chi Ruanfan used his special ability to condense a water mirror and stepped into it.

Whenever this happened, he was especially thankful that when he was upgraded to level B, he gained the ability of space teleportation, so that at least he could keep up with Jinzhu and fight alongside him.

When Chi Ruanfan walked out of the water mirror, it became dark all around him, as if he had gone from day to night in the blink of an eye.

Ice steps condensed under his feet. Chi Ruanfan stood on the ice steps and looked around.

The sky above the entire Haicheng was filled with black fog. It was the first time I saw Jinzhu using so much black fog. It was even more spectacular than the last time I saw it in the C City Research Institute.

But where is Jinzhu

The movement of the black fog was very gentle, without any fluctuations in supernatural powers caused by fighting.

Chi Ruanfan sensed carefully and finally saw a giant mutant fish and brocade bamboo on the top of a skyscraper.

Jinzhu was controlling the black fog to dig out the crystal core of the big fish.

Chi Ruanfan: “…”

We agreed to fight side by side, so why is the battle over as soon as I arrived at the battlefield

A water mirror appeared in front of Chi Ruanfan. Chi Ruanfan walked in and appeared next to Jinzhu.

"Only B-level."

When Jinzhu saw the B-level crystal core being swept out by the black fog, he was so angry that he kicked the mutant fish's corpse.

It's so big, but it's only B-level!

‌ He also wasted a lot of his supernatural powers in order to kill with one blow.

Chi Ruanfan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although what he wanted was an A-grade crystal core, what was with Jinzhu's tone as if it was "just garbage"

"It's a very good harvest. We spent half a year searching and finally got 5 B-level crystal cores." Chi Ruanfan said.

B-level crystal cores will still be very rare even after a few years.

"I must get an A-level crystal core for Xiaoruan."

Jinzhu just said one sentence and then merged into the black fog and disappeared.

Even the B-level crystal core was handed over to the black fog and delivered to Chi Ruanfan.

Chi Ruanfan hurriedly put the crystal core into the space and used the water mirror to chase after him again.

When ‌ appeared beside Jinzhu, Jinzhu had already dealt with another mutant fish and started digging out the crystal core.

This time it was a C-level crystal core, and Jinzhu's face became even worse.

Jinzhu frowned, kicked the more than ten-meter-long mutant fish away, raised his fist, and squeezed it hard.

Black fog came from all directions, enveloping the mutant fish corpses in the air and devouring them completely.

Chi Ruanfan's eyelids twitched when he saw this.

Obviously, Jinzhu's temper, which had just been calmed down for a while, came out again.

"Don't worry," Chi Ruanfan said to comfort him, "The higher-level mutant fish may still be in the sea and haven't come here yet."

"Yeah." Jinzhu lowered his eyes and nodded obediently.

Even when he was at his most irritable, he would never show his anger towards Chi Ruanfan.

At this time, mutant fish appeared in all directions, front, back, left and right.

Some of them spit out bubbles condensed from supernatural energy, while others suddenly swung their tails and accelerated towards Chi Ruanfan who was holding the crystal core.

Chi Ruanfan quickly put the crystal core into the space.

There is no affection between the mutant fish. Even if their companions die in front of them, they will not avenge them.

On the contrary, they will swarm in order to snatch the crystal cores of their dead companions.

The behavior of the mutant fish school completely angered Jinzhu.

"Xiaoruan, go back to your room and rest first. Wait for me to bring the crystal core back."

Jinzhu mobilized the black mist to block Chi Ruanfan's body, buying him time to escape using the water mirror space, while he himself attacked the mutant fish rushing towards him.

Of course Chi Ruanfan couldn't just leave like that.

He followed Jinzhu on the icy steps, and long swords made of icy cold appeared around him.

During the last six months of the apocalypse, except for the first month when he was taking care of Jinzhu, Jinzhu took care of him for the rest of the time.

The food crystal cores were always delivered to his mouth. When encountering mutated animals, plants, and zombies, Jinzhu would often have already solved them before they could even make a move.

In this life, I can say that I have been protected by Jinzhu and become a greenhouse flower.

But I was not born in a greenhouse from the beginning. I had been struggling in the apocalypse for five years. The skills of using superpowers and fighting methods were deeply engraved in my mind.

At this time, it was performed without any sluggishness.

The mutant fish were either frozen into ice sculptures, or pierced into sieves by ice swords, or split into two parts by the water mirror space...

Jinzhu secretly glanced at Chi Ruanfan standing on the ice crystal phoenix and licked her lips quietly.

What should I do? I want to eat Xiaoruan even more.

Can't eat small soft ones, uncomfortable, beat the fish hard.

Chi Ruanfan's face was solemn.

There are simply too many mutated fish, and their special powers will eventually run out. We can't go on like this.

Chi Ruanfan looked down at the city below.

What met the eye was a chaotic scene, with people fleeing out of the city in panic, and those with special abilities fleeing with their families and carrying large and small bags.

‌ couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Where have all the water-based mutants gone

The water condensed by the psychic is extremely attractive to mutant fish.

If you encounter mutant fish breeding migrations, the best solution is to organize water-based mutants to use the water condensed by their supernatural powers to build a channel in the air to send the mutant fish far away from the base.

Haicheng is in a mess right now, but no major superpower teams have organized water-based superpowers. Chi Ruanfan can't help but feel suspicious.

He turned to look at Jinzhu, who had gone crazy with killing.

Fortunately, Jinzhu's level is high enough, so he can easily deal with these D-level and C-level mutant fish.

Chi Ruanfan said loudly: "Zhu Zi, I'll go down and take a look. I'll come back later. Be careful."

"Okay." Jinzhu agreed while grabbing a mutant fish that looked like kelp and pulling it to both sides, tearing it in half.

The scene was too bloody, so Chi Ruanfan quickly looked away and walked quickly into the water mirror.

"Have all the people in the temporary residential area come out?" The captain of the fire-type superpowers said into the intercom:

"We can't stay in Haicheng anymore. Take emergency supplies and move to the Oasis Base next door."

"Why can't you stay?"

Chi Ruanfan was puzzled: "The damage to the base is not serious. After the reproductive migration, can't we just repair it properly?"

"Did you know that this is the reproductive migration of mutant fish?"

When the fire-type mutant heard the familiar voice, he put down the intercom and said unhappily:

"This is already the third round this month. The number of mutant fish that appeared is more than ten times that of the previous two rounds. I don't know if there will be a follow-up... With so many incidents every year, which base can withstand it?"

As the captain of the superpowers was talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The voice was familiar, but it didn't belong to anyone on his team.

He turned his head suddenly and saw Chi Ruanfan who was less than two meters away from him. His body tensed up instantly, with a look of doubt and uncertainty.

"You are... a mutant?" The mutant captain was surprised, but also felt it was natural.

No matter which time they met, Chi Ruanfan was always clean, and his eyes never showed any fatigue from the hardship of surviving in the apocalypse. Instead, he glowed with confidence.

Such a person could not possibly be an ordinary person.

"Yeah," Chi Ruanfan responded casually, and directly asked the most concerned question:

"Why don't we gather water-based mutants to build a passage to lead the mutant fish out of the base?"

"Build a passage?"

The captain of the superpowers frowned slightly. Although he didn't understand the reason, he still asked:

"You mean, the water is spilled into the sky?"

Chi Ruanfan nodded slightly to show his affirmation.

Although it's a bit simplified, it's basically the same pattern.

The captain of the mutants laughed.

"You probably don't know that the ability of a water-based superpower is only to release water into buckets and pools. How is it possible to transport water hundreds of meters into the air?"

"Is this difficult?" Chi Ruanfan was full of question marks.

The distance limit for D-level psychics to use their powers is relatively large, usually only about a hundred meters. C-level psychics can easily reach a thousand meters if they burst out with all their strength.

“Isn’t this difficult?”

The captain of the superpowers and Chi Ruanfan stared at each other, but finally couldn't help but said:

"Water powers are different from other powers. They have no combat capabilities and can only gather water. You can't compare them with other powers."

Chi Ruanfan understood.

All the water-based mutants in the Haicheng base have been ruined.

I guess we usually just collect water and never do or have the opportunity to do other exercises.

No matter what kind of supernatural power it is, if you only use it in the most basic way for a long time without training, it will eventually be useless.

At this point, Chi Ruanfan had no choice.

It is impossible for us to stay here forever for the sake of Haicheng base.

Jinzhu likes to collect crystal cores. When Jinzhu recovers his memory and he has dealt with the "old acquaintances" from his previous life, he will accompany Jinzhu to every corner and collect crystal cores with him.

Thinking of this, Chi Ruanfan looked up at the black fog rolling over the city and said:

"Let's go. When we get to the new base, let the water-based esper practice more."

There is no difference between putting water directly into the pool and sending it a thousand meters high and then making a circle back. The water is still the same water, but the training the psychic receives is completely different.

Chi Ruanfan only said this because he and those water-based superpowers had the same superpowers.

‌Just this sentence.

After saying that, a water mirror condensed in front of Chi Ruanfan.

‌ walked in.

The water mirror disappeared.

The next moment, a passage made of flowing water appeared out of thin air above the city, spanning the entire Haicheng base.

The captain of the psychics was stunned, his mouth opened so wide in shock that it almost dislocated.

Just after he said that water-type ability users cannot compare with those with other abilities and absolutely cannot transport water to a height of hundreds of meters, a waterway instantly appeared.

Chi Ruanfan used his actions to show everyone that the water system is no weaker than any other system.

The psychics and the crowd who had not yet escaped from Haicheng took the same action as the psychic captain.

Everyone looked up at the spectacular waterway that spanned Haicheng, and at the huge mutant fish that scrambled to swim into the waterway.

"Are we still leaving?" someone asked in a low voice.

"Let's go," the captain of the superpowers retracted his gaze and said:

"Evacuate now while the mutant fish are no longer causing damage."

A psychic's energy is limited.

The reproductive migration of ordinary fish will last for more than a month, and the mutant fish's will probably not be much shorter, so that person won't be able to hold on for long.

What's more, the other party told them to leave.

Chi Ruanfan built the passage alone, not for Haicheng.

It was because Jinzhu overused his supernatural powers and the energy stored in his body was used up.

"Eat slowly, don't choke."

Chi Ruanfan stood on the ice crystal phoenix and said to Jinzhu who was sitting beside his legs and chewing on the crystal core.

I'm afraid he is the only one in the world who can chew crystal cores like candy in order to replenish energy.

Jinzhu nodded in response, but did not slow down the process of eating the crystal core at all.

‌ has already killed the leader.

I will never give up until I get the A-level crystal core.

In the following time, Chi Ruanfan and Jinzhu took turns dealing with the mutant fish.

When Jinzhu's supernatural power was sufficient, he rushed into the school of fish and killed them all. Chi Ruanfan stood by and did not act rashly.

When Jinzhu's energy was exhausted, Chi Ruanfan was responsible for building a passage to lead the mutant fish away, while Jinzhu was tapping crystal cores to recover.

Even when he was destroying the crystal cores, Jin Zhu had to keep an eye on the mutant fish.

If you see one that looks strong, immediately pull it down and beat it up, then dig out its crystal core to see if it is A-level.

Just three days passed and the Haicheng base became a deserted city.

Chi Ruanfan was sitting on the ice bird and eating canned food when he suddenly sensed a powerful supernatural energy spreading.

That aura is at least A-level...

He took a deep breath and immediately controlled the ice bird to fly towards the source of energy.

Jinzhu is in that direction.

I'm afraid that it has already run into that A-level mutant fish, so I have to go and help quickly.

Chi Ruanfan arrived at the source of powerful energy. In the thick black fog, only Jinzhu was standing quietly.

And that powerful aura came from Jinzhu's body.

There is no A-level mutant fish.

Instead, Jinzhu broke through to level A on his own.

Jinzhu is too strong. Even among opponents of the same level, he can win by crushing them.

With such powerful strength, no one can push him to the extreme, making it difficult for him to upgrade through battles.

The three days of fighting day and night finally allowed Jinzhu to break through his limits and be reborn.

The ice bird stopped quietly, and Chi Ruanfan walked closer on the ice steps and came behind Jinzhu.

He quietly gazed at Jinzhu, who was surrounded by black mist, and his breathing became extremely light, but his heartbeat quickened uncontrollably.

Wrapped in black fog, Jinzhu slowly opened her eyes, and her scarlet eyes looked fixedly at Chi Ruanfan.

Jinzhu wanted to ask whether Jinzhu had recovered his memory. He wanted to ask many questions, but all of them were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

After a while, ‌‌ just called out tentatively:


The black fog moved slightly, and Jinzhu suddenly appeared in front of Chi Ruanfan as if teleporting, and hugged him tightly.

Chi Ruanfan subconsciously hugged Jinzhu back and felt Jinzhu rubbing his neck gently.

This is Jinzhu’s favorite posture after turning into a zombie.