Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 10


Just settled in the Yiyou Building, Noah's Ark's team members are still in the stage of familiarizing themselves with the new environment and adjusting their status. The environment of the Yiyou Building is indeed much better than their previous clubs, and Shao Han is very moved that the person in charge of the Yiyou Building in charge of their settlement actually prepared a convenient game device for him on the left side.

When Shao Han opened the game this afternoon to prepare for training, he found that one side of his earphone was not ringing. He had to pause first and took the style of spare headphones in the training room. He was not used to it. It was uncomfortable to use, and it also affected his performance.

Good earphones are not cheap. Shao Han usually lasts as long as he can use a pair of earphones. He asked for a circle of his teammates and no one had many earphones. Tomorrow they could go to the E-Sports City to buy them, but the training arrangements tonight would have to be delayed.

Shao Han thought of Yaosen somehow.

Finally, Shao Han sent a message to Yaosen and asked him if he had any extra headphones. The latter quickly replied to him that he did, and he could get it now.

When Shao Han passed by, the Titans team of four people were watching a broadcast of an e-sports game together in Yaosen's dormitory. Shao Han came to Yaosen's dormitory for the first time and couldn't help but look around curiously.

There are two beds in the bedroom. On the shelf of the bed with blue-gray sheets, there are some personal peripherals and books of Yao Sen's own. They are neatly organized, and even the sheets on the bed are not wrinkled. In comparison, Wang Yuxi's bed is a bit horrible, and various charging cables and snacks are piled up with racks.

Shao Han couldn't help but said to Yaosen: "Your bed is so neat."

Wang Yuxi: "It's messed up, I heard that you are coming..."

Yao Sen coughed, Wang Yuxi changed his mouth steadily, leaning over and hooking Yao Sen's shoulders, his face was filled with the smile of professional pit captain for twenty years: "No, I mean our boss lives very exquisitely, every day. I want to drink 82-year-old Lafite while taking a bath in Icelandic mineral water. Alas, the taste of being a male god is really damn sweet."

Yaosen: "Pharaoh, I want to be bluntly said, don't be circumscribed."

Shao Han couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth, with a rare softness in his whole body. When he laughed, there seemed to be light in his eyes, shining in Yaosen's heart, with hot enthusiasm.

For the sake of Shao Han's smile, Yaosen didn't care about Wang Yuxi anymore, but just waved away his trotters, stood up and went to get Shao Han earphones.

Yaosen opened a drawer of the locker and said, "You pick whatever you want."

There were six or seven different earphones in the cabinet, and Shao Han was surprised: "Why do you have so many?"

"Some of them were bought by me, some were given by sponsors, and some were sent by brands to PR. I basically never used them."

Shao Han picked a pair casually and said, "Thank you, I will return it to you after I go to E-sports City tomorrow to buy a new one."

"Okay, are you still training so late?"

"Well, the state hasn't been adjusted recently, so I have to train for a while."

Not long after Shao Han left, Yao Sen received a message from Coach Gou, saying that they would have a short meeting for four of them before training at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, which was about WCAD.

Yaosen: "Look at a meeting tomorrow at two o'clock."

Wang Yuxi: "Huh? I plan to have a good meal with Bai Yue tomorrow at noon."

"When will you stop surfing?"

At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Coach Go took the four main Titans team members to the conference room, and one person gave a document with the logo of the Dawn Alert World Finals printed on the cover of the document.

Yao Sen: "What is this?"

"The results of the latest changes to the WCAD competition system." Coach Gou replied, "Look carefully. Some of the competition systems are used for the first time next year. We have not trained yet, so we must remember them."

Yao Sen said in surprise: "It came out so early this time? In previous years, didn't it have to wait until the beginning of the year?"

"This time the competition system has changed a lot. Tell us a few months in advance that it is reasonable." Coach Gou looked serious, "and changed from the previous two-round competition system to a three-round competition system. To be honest, this is not good for us. Next year's ranking will not be good. ."

In previous years, WCAD has always been a two-round competition system for qualifiers and finals. As more and more teams have signed up, the organizers revealed their intention to change the competition system as early as half a year ago, and it has finally been implemented.

Yaosen opened the file and scanned it carefully. After the previous year's qualifiers and finals were changed to qualifiers, there were group stages, and the winning team from the group stage could successfully qualify for the finals.

The three rounds also adopted different competition systems. The qualifiers and finals were points-based and double-loss systems as usual, while the very critical group stage adopted the Swiss round system for the first time.

Titans is a one-time strength suppression style, not suitable for long-term consumption. The emergence of the Swiss round system increased the game time and reduced the previous 32 teams to qualify to 16 teams, which undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty of qualifying.

Titans' best result in the WCAD event was that Yaosen was seventh before he became the captain, and that was the game several years ago. The WCAD tournament is held every two years, and Titans has not made the top ten after that.

The previous Asian champion team of Titans finished fifth in WCAD. After Yao Sen became the captain of the Titans last year, that team was defeated by the Titans in the Asian quarter-finals.

Coach Gou: "Your lowest goal for WCAD this time is fifth place. If you don't make the top five, I will kick the four of you from the top floor of Yiyou.

"Don't go, Brother Gou." Wang Yuxi said, "This is more than half a year before we threaten us by saying this. Our goal must be the champion, runner-up and runner-up, right?"

Yaosen: "As long as you don't waver, we will be stable."

"It's good if you have confidence." Coach Gou said, "but don't take it lightly. The reason for the fifth place in the AFC Champions League that year was because the OD of the Swiss strong team didn't participate in the upset because the original players were injured. Otherwise, they wouldn't be in the top five. Portion."

"The best place for domestic teams in WCAD is the runner-up of Cobra. That was when Lu Kaizhi, the strongest player in the Asian e-sports circle, hadn't retired." Bai Yue sighed, "To be honest, we want to take the place. It's not easy."

Lu Kaizhi, the former captain of Cobra who retired five years ago, game ID Caesar. In the years when he became the captain, Cobra has been the Asian champion, and he also led the Cobra to defeat the North American regional championship and win the WCAD runner-up. He was also the only Chinese team to enter the top three that year.

Coach Gou snorted: "I want someone like Bai Yue to pour more cold water on you."

Wang Yuxi: "What are you afraid of, hasn't Yao Sen been called Little Caesar before?"

Song Mingzhe, who had been sitting and carefully reading the rules of the game, heard this and couldn't help saying: "Our captain is better than Caesar."

Song Mingzhe blows ten lines in nine lines, and there is one particularly blown line.

"Caesar fought with me. He is very strong." Coach Gou stared at Yaosen and slowly said, "However, Yaosen will definitely be better than him, I'm sure."

The four of them all froze for a moment. Coach Gou didn't hurt them less. Sometimes he scolded them to the point that he had to wonder if he would play games. Rarely would he praise them so bluntly.

Yao Sen was called "Little Caesar" when he was just famous in the e-sports circle because his play style was similar to that of Lu Kaizhi. To be honest, Yao Sen and Lu Kaizhi are not people in the same e-sports era, and no one likes his own efforts to be named him. Although Yao Sen has not said it in his face, he is somewhat conflicted in his heart. He also regretted that he had not been able to be active in the same period as Caesar, otherwise he might still have a chance to face him uprightly.

Wang Yuxi: "Coach Gou, do you think Yaosen is playing a game with Caesars in his heyday, who can win?"

"The score in the five innings will probably be three to two."

"Yao Sensan?"

"Yao Senji."

The atmosphere in the training room was a bit solemn for a while.

"But don’t forget, what I just said was not that Yao Sen must be better than him, but Yao Sen will definitely be better than him. By next year, Yao Sen will play against Caesar. I think the score of five games will be four to one, Yao Sen. Four." Coach Gou said solemnly, "I said these to let you remember that when the four of you are not the best, there are still many people who can defeat you. But this is the most important half of the year, and it will be you. It’s time to beat others crying and crying."

E-sports has only one criterion for winning or losing. This is another industry where young blood is constantly changing. No one knows how long the current myth will be surpassed by rising stars-but as long as their names can be remembered, they will devote themselves to it. My last enthusiasm.

That day, Yaosen had been thinking about these things on the way back that day. The Cobra led by Caesar in its heyday, like the Titans, won the Asian championship and set the goal on the longer-term WCAD championship.

But that year's Cobra was still very regretful to miss the championship, and it didn't take long for Caesar to announce his retirement. In the WCAD double-loss finals, Cobra kept winning, but was finally defeated by the winner of the defeated group, which is also a great regret in the history of domestic e-sports.

At that time, it was Odin Odin, the strong Swiss team that had won several championships. The industry said that the loss of Cobra to Odin was also expected, because Odin made serious mistakes in the beginning of the double defeat. Will fall to the defeated group, really want to fight. Cobra is indeed not Odin's opponent.

The Odin team and the American Lincoln team will always appear in the finals. This is Odin’s champion, and the next is Lincoln’s champion. The two teams have never dropped out. The first three.

In the next game, the Odin team and the Lincoln team will inevitably be the biggest challenge for Titans.

Yaosen walked into the elevator, and the elevator stopped on the ninth floor. After the door opened, the person standing outside turned out to be Shao Han.

Shao Han was startled: "I'll return your headphones."

"Thank you." Yaosen took the headset from Shao Han, "Which one did you buy?"

"The new Steelseries." Shao Han replied, "Then you go back, I won't disturb you."

Yaosen thought for a while, and suddenly grabbed the elevator door that was about to close and walked out, "I want to talk to you, are you free?"

Shao Han felt inexplicably tight: "What's the matter?"

The two came to the lounge on the common floor of the building, and Yaosen sat on the sofa, leaning his head on the back of the sofa and let out a sigh. Shao Han sat down beside him, separated from Yaosen by a dozen centimeters.

Yaosen suddenly asked, "Do you know Lu Kaizhi?"

"I know, the captain of the Cobra team five years ago, the runner-up of WCAD, and the game ID Caesar." Shao Han paused, "What's wrong?"

"Do you think I look a lot like him?"

Seeing Shao Han's expression a little surprised, Yaosen smiled again: "It doesn't matter if you feel like it, anyway, I've been felt that way by many people."

Shao Han shook his head: "You don't look like it."