Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 13


"Ahhhhhhhh, brother Sen, can I still have time to learn e-sports!!!"

``Senge actually wanted to find a female ticket who can play e-sports, 15551 people who are dizzy and crying in 3D are crying.''

"Don't think all the time that some of them are gone. Why don't you just lick the pictures of me in the magazine a hundred times to make it real."

"I can't buy them in these third and fourth-tier cities. They charge high prices. Can anyone sell them?"

Yaosen and Wang Yuxi went out for dinner with them that night. On the way back, Yaosen flipped through his Weibo comments bored over the past two days. Flipping around, looking up accidentally, a familiar figure was walking in the direction of Yiyou Building more than ten meters away from him.

Yaosen walked forward quickly, "Shao Han!"

Shao Han turned around and held a supermarket plastic bag in his hand.

"Did you go shopping?"

"Yes, how about you?"

"Just came back from dinner."

The two chatted all the way to the gate of Block A of Yiyou Building. Yaosen inadvertently lowered his head towards the plastic bag in Shao Han's hand. A corner of a familiar magazine was exposed from some daily necessities and snacks, faintly You can still see the word "star".

Shao Han turned his head to say goodbye to Yaosen. After saying goodbye to Yaosen, he stared at him without responding. Shao Han waved in front of him and said suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

"... Ah? What did you say?"

"I said I'm going back first."

"Oh, yes, bye."

Yaosen watched Shao Han leave until Wang Yuxi and others came up and asked him why he was walking so fast. Yaosen didn’t speak, and walked forward slowly with a thoughtful look, and finally turned around and asked Wang Yuxi a dumb question: "Did you say that only my wife would buy that magazine last time? ?"

"Yeah, I just want to ask, except for your photogenic, who knows about such a little-known magazine?" Wang Yuxi replied seriously, "The famous magazines in the industry like "E-Sports" and "E-Sports" That's a manual copy, which corner came out of this stuff."

Yaosen patted Wang Yuxi on the shoulder, his expression was like a happy old father, he turned around and entered Building A.

After returning to the dormitory, Yaosen lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling meditating. Before Wang Yuxi took a bath, he saw Yaosen lying on his arm with a pillow. After taking a shower, Yaosen remained motionless in his original posture.

Wang Yuxi: "Are you meditating?"

"Don't make a noise, I'm thinking about something."

Wang Yuxi didn't bother to care about him. He turned on the computer in the dormitory and soloed his feet with others. Within a few games, he heard Yaosen calling him behind his back. He turned his head slightly from the screen, "What are you doing? Just let it go."

"I like someone." Yaosen said, "I really want to fall in love now."

"Huh?!" Wang Yuxi was taken aback, his shocked face appeared on the screen, "Who did you see?"

"A boy."

Wang Yuxi turned his head abruptly and stared at Yun Danfeng's Yaosen with wide eyes, when he was headshot in this space. Wang Yuxi didn't bother to care about headshots, so he slid his chair and moved to Yaosen's bed.

Wang Yuxi said worriedly: "Yao Sen, it's been a long time since you had a hallucination? You asked you to watch a movie with us last time."

Yaosen squinted at him: "No."

Wang Yuxi and Yao Sen have known each other for so long, he can tell if Yao Sen is joking. Hearing Yaosen's words, Wang Yuxi also understood that he was really not joking.

"You're not kidding... Who?" Wang Yuxi took a breath.

Yaosen didn't speak, just stared at him. Wang Yuxi took a step back and hugged his barren chest with both hands in horror: "Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. I'm afraid. We can't be a straight man."

"I look at the face," Yaosen said, "Understood?"

"Understood." Wang Yuxi nodded altogether. He has been roommates with Yaosen for so long. Of course he has seen Yaosen's Xiongfeng Capital. He thinks it may be a size that ordinary people can't bear. After confirming his safety, he quickly moved the chair back. , "You can't bend like this, how many people will cry to death if you really bend your wife."

Yaosen said innocently: "But I just like him."

"Is it someone from our e-sports circle?"




"Maybe it's just the sympathy between the strong? You see, don't you see it often in movies? There is always something between the two strong."

Yaosen raised his eyebrows: "What you said makes sense."

Wang Yuxi patted him on the shoulder: "Right? So I said..."

"Fart." Yaosen said, "Then why didn't I feel sorry for you and Lao Bai Lao Song Xing?"

Wang Yuxi was speechless for a while.

"I have to try you." Wang Yuxi said in a low voice, "Imagine you press the person you like on the wall, clasp his wrist, put your hand into his clothes, and watch him use it wet and shy. His eyes are staring at you, you kiss him forcibly, and he writhes in your arms..."


"How does it feel?"

Yaosen looked at him blankly: "How many fanarts have you seen?"

"Is this the fucking point? Tell me first how you feel?"

Yaosen smiled and said, "It just feels like it's almost hard."

"Then what if you replace that object with me?" After Wang Yuxi said this, he shuddered first.

Yaosen used his eyes to tell Wang Yuxi what utter contempt is.

Wang Yuxi sighed: "You are not only bent, you also have to be that person."

Yao Sen: "I know."

Wang Yuxi asked carefully: "Can I ask who it is? It's okay if you don't want to say it."

Yao Sen: "Shao Han."

Wang Yuxi was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized: "You have been talking about diplomacy before, and I am still wondering, it turns out that you want to engage their deputy captain!"

"What are you doing? I like him, I want to chase him, I want to spoil him."

"Is there a difference? I tell you that love is such a vulgar thing!" Wang Yuxi said contemptuously, "Do they know this for nothing?"

"I don't know yet."

"Then what are you going to do? Is Brother Shao bent?"

"Not sure." Yaosen replied casually, "Don't tell other people about this. Lao Bai Lao Song and the two of them can't tell me anything, so I will count on you first."

"What? Am I going to die too?"

"You're Sao Zhi, thank you."

"... You are so straightforward." Wang Yuxi looked openly. "When did you like him?"

"The first time I saw him started."

"... Damn it." Wang Yuxi sighed in a daze, "Brother Shao is mighty, the number one wrench in the e-sports circle... But Yaosen, I really admire you for being able to admit that you like a guy so readily. I want to replace it with It's me, I must be entangled to death."

Yaosen nodded and said nothing.

Wang Yuxi: "Don't worry, there are buddies covering you anyway!"

After Shao Han returned to the dormitory, he put the plastic bag in his hand on the bedside table. He looked at the "E-Sports Star" magazine where the corner of the bag was exposed, and was silent for a while, a little embarrassed and embarrassed in his heart.

He just passed by a newsstand, and accidentally saw the "E-Sports Star" on it, and found that there was an exclusive interview with Yaosen.

Shao Han didn't know what he was thinking at the time, so he bought a copy in his head.

Before training the next morning, Coach Gou summoned all four of the Titans team.

"The team selection will start next Saturday. One from the youth training team will be selected to go to the reserve team, one from the reserve team to the third team, one from the third team to the second team, and the second team to choose a substitute." Coach Gou went straight to the point, "I I have arranged an afternoon for you this week to take a training session with the second team."

The four nodded.

"Don't worry too much about the substitute. It's not for one of you, but for all of you. What if one of you suddenly got cramps or vomited blood that day?"

The four of them looked at him in silence, and no one dared to remind the coach Gou last year when they were not strong enough in willpower to say, "You have to learn to overcome difficulties when you encounter difficulties! Give me cramps! Give me vomiting blood! Fight!" It's still like thunder.

After Coach Gou left, the four of them sat down in the training room. Wang Yuxi couldn't help but sigh his time back then, "I think when I was in the second team, I was training without sleep and food in order to compete for the first team's bench. The young man is inexhaustible, right?"

"Sorry, I haven't been on the bench."

"… forget it."

After all, it is the first time for someone like Yao Sen to jump straight to the main team in so many years.

Bai Yue on the side asked: "Who do you think is the most likely for the second team?"

"Jiangyang and Zhou Zi will live together." Wang Yuxi said, "One of these two people is strong in attack and the other is stable. I am very optimistic about them."

The general e-sports team has two main players who are partial to attack and two auxiliary members who are partial to auxiliary, plus observation control, spotting and overall command. Yaosen commanded and attacked, Bai Yue assisted and controlled, Song Mingzhe assisted and added a bit of sniper, and Wang Yuxi's task was to take the head and use his showy position to attract firepower.

Wang Yuxi touched his chin and thought for a while: "But Jiang Yang is a pushy man. He has real skills, but he's just a little too anxious and erratic."

Bai Yue: "Does it float past you?"

"Where am I floating now?" Wang Yuxi patted Yaosen on the shoulder.

Bai Yue: "But to be honest, Zhou Ziyu's kid is a little cringe, too vigilant, and can't let go of it for fear of mistakes."

"It's okay, both of them will be trained by Yaosen."

Yao Senyun gave Wang Yuxi a look, and told them to start training quickly: "Today, let's double platoon. I will be with Wang Yuxi."

Bai Yue was the first to protest: "Are you asking me and Lao Song to play a game?"

Song Mingzhe's eyes were firm: "Good boss."

"It's Lao Gou who said that you two are more tightly trained in tactics." Yaosen put on the headphones and said lightly, "If you can't kill, you can rely on tactics. If you have the ability to kill both of us."

The tactical freedom of the foot bath game is very high. It provides players with all possible props and opportunities. There are not a few teams that have low combat power but rely on tactics to win.

Just when Yao Sen was about to start, a Weibo push message popped up from the mobile phone beside him. Yaosen glanced, it was his special concern Shao Han.

@NA_Left: I wish Noah a happy sixth birthday and look forward to Noah's better results in the future.

Yao Sen handily gave Weibo a thumbs up, "Today is the sixth anniversary of Noah's founding?"

"It seems to be, I saw someone in Moments talking." Bai Yue answered, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Yaosen thought for a while, "I'll start the game later, I'll send a message first."

Wang Yuxi on the side seemed to understand something and winked at Yaosen.

Yao Sen: What are your plans for the sixth anniversary of Noah's founding today

Shao Han: Rest today, go out to dinner with teammates in the evening

Yao Sen: Where to eat

Shao Han: Donglai Hot Pot in South Loan Bay

Putting down the phone, Yaosen said, "I'm going to South Road Bay for hot pot tonight."

Bai Yue: "Yes, why do you suddenly want to eat hot pot?"

"At the start, the loser treats guests."

"... I'm out of money this month!"

"Then don't lose."