Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 14


In those double-row games, Yaosen and Wang Yuxi still defeated Bai Yue and Song Mingzhe. The restaurant prices in Nanluowan were not cheap, and Yaosen was still conscientious. Taxi money.

After the four entered the hot pot restaurant, they "ran into" the team members of Noah's Ark who came out to celebrate the club's sixth anniversary very smoothly. Shao Han also looked surprised at how Yaosen suddenly appeared here.

Yaosen replied naturally: "Oh, after training, I wanted to come out to eat. I didn't know where to go. When I remembered you said to eat hot pot, I thought it was good, so I came over."

Wang Yuxi on the side stared at Yao Sen with a knowing ambiguity. He would definitely have to make a joke at ordinary times. Yao Sen turned his head and glared at him, beckoning him to hurry up to order food and not to force him.

The four of them chose a table not far from Noah's team and sat down. When Bai Yue and Song Mingzhe were going to seasoning, Wang Yuxi bumped into Yaosen and said, "Okay, you can even ask where they eat. come out."

"What can't be asked about this."

Noah's team members had a warm atmosphere, and laughed a few times from time to time. It didn't take long for each table to have a beer, and the celebration with a drink of alcohol was the most enjoyable.

Slowly, some people felt that beer was not enough, and with a wave of their hand, the waiter served a few bottles of liquor. There is only one anniversary a year. The players let go, and Noah’s coach and manager said nothing.

Shao Han was taken by his teammates and drank a lot. His alcohol volume was not good. Soon, the food was a little floating, and there were a few reddish cheeks on his cheeks. Shao Han was already good-looking, but now his expression was slightly drunk, making people feel hot when he saw it.

Yaosen stared at Shao Han through the misty smoke of a few hot pots, and felt that the spicy red soup he was eating seemed to be too spicy to his heart.

After ten minutes, Shao Han was completely drunk and couldn't get up on the table. The other Noah team members around are still lively, planning to sing a song after dinner in a while.

Captain Lin Lan saw that Shao Han couldn't hold it anymore, and was about to send Shao Han back first, but first put his hands on Shao Han's shoulders.

Yaosen smiled and said, "I'll send Shao Han back, you guys keep playing."

Seeing that the captain of the Titans came, Noah's players looked at each other. However, Lin Lan knew that Yao Sen and Shao Han had a good relationship, and had no comments, so she thanked him directly.

Shao Han hadn't realized what was going on in a daze, he was hugged up by Yaosen and taken away. Yaosen came back and greeted Wang Yuxi and the others, and left with Shao Han.

Bai Yue was a little inexplicable: "What is Yaosen doing?"

Wang Yuxi said: "What happened to the pure brotherhood of others? Continue to eat ours, eat more, and eat Yaosen's share."

Yaosen helped Shao Han walk to the side of the road to call for a car. Shao Han's footsteps were a bit vain, and he staggered to follow Yaosen. When Yaosen was standing on the side of the road, Shao Han leaned on him in a daze.

Yaosen was calm and calm on the surface, so he invited a taxi and carefully put Shao Han in.

On the way back to Yiyou Building, Shao Han never spoke. Some people like to talk nonsense when they are drunk. Obviously, Shao Han is the opposite.

At Yiyou, Yaosen took Shao Han back to his bedroom. Yaosen lowered his head and asked him where the door of the dormitory was stuck. Shao Han hummed for a long time and didn't understand it. Yaosen had to silently say apologetic, and found his door card from Shao Han's pocket.

Yaosen put Shao Han on the bed, Shao Han frowned and stretched out again. When Shao Han was drunk, his cheeks were a little red, and his pale pink lips became blushing.

Shao Han's complexion is pale, and the bright red after being drunk is obviously like berries falling in the snow. Yaosen poured a glass of water, took a sip first, and sat on the bedside calmly and calmly.

Shao Han behind him moved suddenly. Yaosen turned his head. Shao Han opened his eyes to look at him. After a long period of inactivity, he said, "This... is the captain's bed..."

"You can lie down at ease, your captain won't mind." Yaosen sorted out the messy hair on Shao Han's forehead, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Shao Han didn't speak, but tilted his head slightly on the pillow, as if he was looking for a more comfortable posture.

Yaosen guarded him for a while, seeing that Shao Han probably didn't feel uncomfortable elsewhere, so he thought that he would go back soon and not disturb him to sleep. As soon as Yaosen got up, the phone in Shao Han's pocket rang.

Yaosen took out the phone for Shao Han. He thought it was his teammate who called to ask about the situation, but frowned slightly because of the caller's name.

Yaosen guessed that Shao Han would not want to answer Shen You's call.

To be honest, Yao Sen didn’t need to think about it to know what Shao Han and Shen You were about before, and he also remembered that Shao Han secretly said that he didn’t want to contact him too much, but this person still called. , And happened to be met by Yao Sen.

Yaosen let the phone rang for more than half a minute, neither connected nor hung up, and the vibration finally stopped. But within a few seconds, Shen You called again.

Yaosen calmed down, feeling that he shouldn't be so unkind, and Shao Han should be the master if he could not answer this call.

Yaosen lightly touched Shao Han's shoulder, "Shao Han, Shao Han."

Shao Han opened his eyes and looked at him blankly. He looked sleepy and seemed to be able to fall asleep in the blink of an eye. However, he persisted in supporting his heavy eyelids and looked at him wistfully: "... Huh?"

Shao Han's expression was very soft, and his voice was light and fluttering.

"Shen You's call, do you want to answer it?"

Shao Han looked at him blankly, and Yaosen thought he could not understand himself for a while. But soon Shao Han frowned, and his drunkenness seemed to relieve him of so many worries. He turned over and retracted himself into the quilt. His voice sounded a little dull: "No answer... I have nothing to do with him..."

Yaosen was taken aback for a moment, Shen You's phone number hadn't been hung up yet, maybe it was really urgent.

Yaosen let out a sigh of relief and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"...Which one?" Shen You apparently quickly recognized that this was not Shao Han's voice, but he did not recognize Yao Sen's voice for a while, and his tone was suspicious, "Is Shao Han there?"

"I'm Yaosen." Yaosen replied simply, "Shao Han is resting drunk and it is not convenient to answer the phone. If you are in a hurry, I can wake him up."

"Captain Yaosen?" The opponent was surprised for a while, and finally asked, "Are you taking care of Shao Han?"


"Oh, sorry to trouble you. Actually, it doesn't matter. I would like to personally congratulate Noah on his sixth anniversary today. By the way, I would like to ask him if he will go to dinner with the former youth training team members. If he is drunk, forget it, I send Just give him a message."


"Then Captain Yaosen, rest early, too. Thank you for taking care of him. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Yaosen thought to himself that it didn't matter much, so why bother to call. And thank him? In what capacity does Shen You thank him

Yaosen looked back at Shao Han, who was sleeping, and remembered what Shao Han said just now. He couldn't tell what it was like. He always felt that there was something very boring in his heart. .

Yaosen pressed the corner of Shao Han, got up and gently closed the door and left.

Shao Han opened his eyes just after nine o'clock in the morning the next morning. He rubbed his sore head and snorted, turned over and stayed for a while, and the color of the sheets different from his own bed came into view before he suddenly sat up from the bed.

Shao Han stared at Lin Lan who was sitting at the desk playing games, "... Captain? Why am I in your bed?"

"You drank too much last night, Yaosen sent you back."

Shao Han grabbed his mobile phone and found that it was already over nine o'clock. Fortunately, he didn't need to train this morning, otherwise he would be too sad.

He immediately got off the bed and helped Lin Lan tidy up the bed. He found some alcohol on the sheets and said, "Captain, I'll change the sheets for you."


Shao Han's mind was still a little dizzy. He lowered his head to remove the sheets, and suddenly remembered what the captain had just said, and raised his head, "You said Yaosen sent me back?"


Shao Han slowly remembered some memories of last night. He didn't know if it was because he drank alcohol or didn't wash his face last night. His cheeks were tight and hot. Although he knew he was quiet when he was drunk, he had never hoped so much that he hadn't said any messy nonsense in front of him.

"Captain, why did Yaosen send me back with so many players yesterday?"

Lin Lan replied: "He took the initiative."

Shao Han lowered his head to change the sheet, and suddenly found that he had a missed call and a few messages. He turned on the phone and saw the word Shen You, his heart sank.

He didn't know why Shen You called. The strange thing was that he called twice. The first time he didn't answer, but the second time he was connected, and there was still talk time.

Shao Han didn't have the memory of answering his phone by himself, so Yaosen could only answer him once.

Shen You’s news is probably the purpose of his call. First, he congratulated them on the sixth anniversary of the club’s establishment, and then asked him and Bai Yue if he and Bai Yue would attend the gathering of the old youth academies next month.

Shen You: This is organized by the old captain, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to come

Before entering Noah, she trained with Shen You and Bai Yue in the youth training team. Shao Han is still vividly looking forward to the day when the big e-sports club throws olive branches.

Shen You is a very special person among them. Most of the trainees have been exposed to competitive games or amateur competitions before vocational training. Unlike Shen You, he only really started to enter the training base on the first day. Start contacting this game.

Shao Han and Shen You walked close, and they often went in and out together, and they were intimate.

Until one day, Shen You confessed to Shao Han.

Except for his family, Shao Han has never confessed his sexuality to anyone else. He doesn't know how Shen You saw it, and he doesn't care how he knew it, because he already had the answer in his heart.

"... I know you too." Shen You said, "Shao Han, I like you, can you give me a chance?"

In the face of Shen You's sincere and hopeful gaze, the only thing Shao Han can do is to apologize and refuse. After listening to Shao Han's words, Shen You just smiled bitterly, saying that he understood.

Shen You is not a person who is entangled in feelings. Shao Han can continue to be friends with him even when this incident has not happened. However, it is difficult for the intellectual will to be truly passed on to his behavior. He is still alienated from Shen You.

At that time they were facing the problem of signing with the club, and everyone was busy choosing where to go in the future. Shen You is a person with high professional talent. He doesn't have the bad habits of most players in their spare time. He is the first one of their group of trainees to get a professional contract.

Shao Han blessed him from the bottom of his heart, but that was all.

At a later dinner, Shao Han was too drunk and unconscious. After sending him home, Shen You kissed him, hugged him and said that he still didn't want to give up on him. Shao Han instinctively pushed him away at the time, and Shen You didn't do anything else.

After Shao Han woke up the next morning, he remembered what happened last night, and was filled with anger and regret. From then on, he knew that he could no longer be friends with Shen You.

Shao Han and Shen You had a big quarrel for the first time, and he rejected Shen You again, this time completely. Although he understands that Shen You may be difficult to let go of and impulsive for a while, he can no longer be such a false friend with Shen You unintentionally.

Shen You left after being silent, and it didn't take long before he officially entered Cobra.

Later, when Cobra received an invitation to sign a contract, Shao Han declined. Over the years, Shen You may no longer feel the same way for him, but more compensation and guilt for the friendship he has paid.

But anyway, Shao Han doesn't need it, he doesn't need his guilt or compensation, he doesn't even want to have any private contact with him anymore, just meeting in the future arena is enough.

After changing the sheets, Shao Han went to the bathroom to wash his face, and relieved his tired look all night. He felt that he should thank Yaosen face to face whatever he was doing.

When Shao Han arrived, Yaosen was chatting with his teammates in the training room. Suddenly, Yaosen saw that Wang Yuxi's eyes were a little wrong, and the latter bumped his shoulder and slammed his chin, motioning him to look behind him.

Yaosen turned around, and Shao Han stood at the door of the training room.

Yaosen slapped Wang Yuxi's head, who was smiling wretchedly, stood up and walked over, "How's it going? Is your head still dizzy?"

"Much better, I troubled you last night."

"It's okay."

"I feel like I've always troubled you recently..." Shao Han's voice was slightly annoyed, "Why don't I invite you to dinner? Do you have anything you want to eat lately?"

"It's okay to eat." Yaosen raised the corner of his mouth. "Let's compete in a single row another day."

Shao Han was stunned, then couldn't help but smile slightly: "Okay, definitely."

Shao Han saw Bai Yue sitting in the training room and called him again, saying that there was something he wanted to tell him. They couldn't stand by and listen to the chat, so they had to enter the house.

Wang Yuxi smiled and said, "What did Brother Shao tell you?"

"Thank me, and we will be solo next day."

"Single row? Then row well, don't put people on the bed."


Bai Yue and Shao Han came back shortly after talking, and Wang Yuxi actively asked them what they were talking about than Yaosen. Bai Yue replied indifferently: "Just say that next month there will be a gathering of former old players asking me if I can go."

Yaosen: "Then are you going?"

"I'm casual, but I don't think Shao Han really wants to go."

Yaosen looked at the back of Shao Han's departure, and felt happy for a while.