Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 16


Wake up early on Saturday morning, Wang Yuxi caught Yaosen and wanted to talk about gossip. The solo live broadcast between Yao Sen and Shao Han went viral on the Internet for several days that night. Among the fans of the round video, the real e-sports fans accounted for half, and the CP fans accounted for the other half.

"When did you get such a good viewing angle?" Wang Yuxi looked at Yaosen in surprise, "Said, did you secretly train with us behind your back!"

The main team of Titans has always had card perspective and preview training, but these two trainings have always been a big problem for professional players, especially the former.

Yao Sen said casually: "Good luck that night."

"If you have been so lucky, you will cry with joy."

"Okay, hurry up and go away. Don't be late for the team trials today."

The Titans team trials officially started today. As soon as the four Yaosen walked into the training room, they suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the room was very different from usual.

Coach Gou stood in front of the team and spoke seriously with the players, and announced today's trial evaluation method.

Except for the second team members, all the other players need to complete three rounds of solo and four rows respectively. The second team players need to complete three rounds, four rows and five rounds alternately in double rows, and four people from the first team will be their teammates or opponents.

The reason why the four Yaosen participate in the competition is actually to listen to their opinions when selecting the substitutes. After all, they really understand what to pay attention to in the game where all the masters are.

Said to be rivals, in fact, Yao Sen and the others will not fight as hard as they can, otherwise they will have to evolve into an internal contest in the end.

Hearing that they are going to play against the combination of the members of the main team, the members of the second team are all excited and eager to stand out and join the first team.

In the morning, the youth training team and the third team will be played first, and the second team will start in the afternoon. The four people from the second team made the final preparations in the training room. Zhou Ziyu sat in front of the computer with his palms sweating nervously.

Jiang Yang looks comfortable, his average performance is the highest in the second team, and his personal Asian ranking is also good. When Yao Sen, who was in charge of the guidance, walked behind him, he deliberately dumped two good snipers for the captain to see.

Yaosen didn't say anything. Seeing that Zhou Ziyu had made some small mistakes due to nervousness during his training, he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be nervous."

Zhou Ziyu was startled and missed another shot. He looked up and saw that it was the captain, and immediately apologized in shame.

Zhou Ziyu is the youngest member of the second team. He usually sees Yaosen respectfully calling the captain, polite and respectful, and almost never bows to Yaosen.

After the end of the fourth row, in the first round, Yaosen and Jiang Yang played against Wang Yuxi and Zhou Ziyu in the first round. The combination of Zhou Ziyu and Wang Yuxi should play well. After all, one is an auxiliary type and the other is an attack type.

However, in fact, the results are somewhat different from what everyone expected. Zhou Ziyu made three mistakes in the first game, and Jiang Yang was indeed superior in attack, which directly led to Zhou Ziyu's loss of the first game when Yao Sen and Wang Yuxi were playing with the Buddha.

At the end of the first game, Zhou Ziyu was very discouraged, sitting on a chair and looking at the screen of defeat.

There is still some adjustment time before the start of the second game. Yao Sen switched to a team with Zhou Ziyu this time, playing against the combination of Bai Yue and Jiang Yang.

Yaosen didn't say anything to be nervous. It would be better for Zhou Ziyu to adjust these words from his mouth. He just clearly pointed out the mistakes made by Zhou Ziyu in the last game, and the unexaggerated sentence "Just play to the usual level", on the contrary, made Zhou Ziyu slowly cheer up.

After the start of the second game, Zhou Ziyu's performance was obviously much better than that of the first game, but Jiang Yang's offense became even more impatient.

Although Zhou Ziyu was still a little nervous, he wisely chose to retreat. His shooting percentage is not as good as Jiang Yang, so he doesn't compete with the opponent on his own weaknesses. His observation of the overall situation added a lot of points to him, and finally assisted Yao Sen to win the game.

After five games, Jiang Yang won three games and Zhou Ziyu won two games.

Zhou Ziyu grabbed his hair and gave the position to the other players. He thanked the four members of the first team and the coach and sat and watched the teammate's game seriously.

By the end of the entire trial, it was almost time for dinner. Coach Gou asked all the players to sum up the results of today's game and go to eat and rest early, leaving only a team of four.

The results of the team selection will be announced next week. The coaches of the youth training team and the third team have long been aware of the game. He started straight to the point and asked the four members of the first team to talk about his thoughts on the main team's substitute.

Wang Yuxi: "I vote for Jiangyang."

Coach Gou lifted his chin: "Reason."

"Although he occasionally gets a little irritable, his shooting percentage and operation are really good. If one of Yaosen and I lose the chain during the official game, the team's overall scoring rate will not drop too much."

A few years ago, Wang Yuxi was also a person who wished to look at people with his nostrils, and looked at Jiang Yang with a sense of familiarity. “I just leave the impatience shortcomings to Yaosen for two days. Didn’t I also come back then?”

Yao Sen: "Are you interested in training as me?"

Coach Gou nodded and didn't say a word. Instead, he turned to look at Song Mingzhe, "Mingzhe, you said."

Song Mingzhe: "I support Zhou Ziyu. If he can get rid of his excessive vigilance and nervousness, the operation is actually very stable. Moreover, this child is very careful and has strong observation ability, which is a good assistant."

Bai Yue paused and said, "My thoughts are the same as Wang Yuxi's, I vote for Jiangyang."

Coach Gou never said anything. He finally looked at Yaosen with a serious expression, "Yaosen, what do you think?"

"Let me say that I am not satisfied with these two people." Yaosen replied, "Except for their character problems, Jiang Yang's operation has some competitive lace moves, which may change in a while. But come. Zhou Ziyu's coordination is a bit poor, and the interval between left and right hand functions is a bit long, which has some influence on his smoothness of travel."

Yaosen can indeed see some problems that are difficult for ordinary people to detect. Coach Gou nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"But if I were to choose one, I would still choose Zhou Ziyu." Yaosen said, "There is no special reason. Zhou Ziyu's ability to control the whole game is really good, and it is very smart, and the state is adjusted very quickly. ."

He glanced at Wang Yuxi and said, "Moreover, it is enough for our team to have Wang Yuxi floating alone. I can't control two people floating. I still need to keep the focus."

Wang Yuxi slapped the table: "Obviously you float up and I can't hold you ten!"

Coach Gou just nodded without commenting, and asked them to go back and rest first.

Yaosen hasn't found any chance to talk to Shao Han in recent days, so he can only take time to watch his live broadcast at night. Wang Yuxi grasped this point and kept teasing Yaosen all day, the "Brother Shao" on the left and the "Brother Shao" on the right made Yaosen's heart itch, and he wanted to go up and kill Wang Yuxi to death.

On Tuesday morning, coach Gou held a short meeting for the team and directly announced the results of this team trial.

Coach Gou finally chose Zhou Zi to join the first team as a substitute. To be honest, this is not what Yaosen expected. He sat on the sofa on one side and looked at the expressions of the two. When Zhou Ziyu heard his name, he was shocked. He almost jumped up from the sofa, his eyes were all red.

Jiang Yang's expression was not so good, and his expression was gloomy and ugly immediately. After the meeting was over, he got up and left without saying a word, throwing everyone an angry back.

Coach Gou didn't care about him either. It is estimated that he had been a coach for so many years and had seen any tantrum players. He continued to finish the meeting and planned to clean him up later.

Zhou Ziyu was directly called away by Coach Gou after the meeting, and before he left, he looked like he was in a dream, unbelievably stupid.

The training that day went on as usual. After the training in the afternoon, the four Yaosen planned to go out to the restaurant. On the way, Wang Yuxi couldn't help but talk about the trial in the team.

Wang Yuxi: "Although I think Lao Gou makes a lot of sense, why no longer choose an offensive substitute? What if one of me and Yao Sen loses the chain before the game?"

"Pharaoh, let's be honest," Bai Yue said, "If the forest collapses, we basically have to rely on it. There is no big difference between the auxiliary and the output. If you collapse, change the auxiliary up, three auxiliary With a Yaosen, I think there is a chance of winning. And don’t we still have Lao Song? The output assistance can be seamlessly connected."

Wang Yuxi: "..."

Wang Yuxi: "Okay, okay."

The four of them had just left the corner of the corridor, Jiang Yang suddenly walked out from the side and stopped straight in front of Yaosen, obviously he wanted to say something.

Jiang Yang was probably scolded by the coach not long ago, with some dissatisfaction and resentment on his face.

Yaosen said in no hurry, "What's the matter?"

"Captain, I can win the second game if you didn't interfere." Jiang Yang tried his best to suppress for a while, and finally couldn't help but say it. "Coach Gou just wasn't satisfied with my performance in the second game. The contest between our second team and four people, the captain, you are so partial to Zhou Ziyu, I really can't be convinced by the result!"

The three people behind Yaosen looked at each other, but Yaosen's complexion did not change much.

Wang Yuxi couldn't help frowning and said, "Jiangyang, you..."

Bai Yue pulled Wang Yuxi gently, but he didn't say anything.

"Do you think you and Zhou Ziyu lost the second game because of me?" Yaosen looked at him and said, "Then you were wrong. Zhou Ziyu's support was in place at the time. Even if it wasn't me, I replaced it with another one. Amateur players can also win, believe it or not?"

Jiang Yang's eyes widened, there was anger between his brows, but he couldn't say a word.

"And what reason do I have to favor Zhou Ziyu? He is not my relative. You should think hard about how to get rid of those amateur habits. It is also right for Coach Gou to be dissatisfied with your performance in the second game." Yaosen paused. "Spend two hours this weekend with me. I will teach you."

Before Jiang Yang could answer, Yaosen patted him on the shoulder and left with the remaining three people.

After the four of them walked out of the gate of Yiyou, Wang Yuxi finally couldn't help it, and said to Yaosen, "Are you trying to deal with him with the same trick that you used to deal with me? You also praised him."

Yao Sen: "Aren't you optimistic about him?"

"How did I know that he was so aggressive, like a firecracker, I couldn't be like him anymore."

Bai Yue laughed: "He won't turn his head and tell Lao Gou that the captain is bullying him?"

"The mouth is on his face, and he will complain to whomever he likes to complain." Yaosen said indifferently, "and I don't think he is such an unreasonable person."

Song Mingzhe was also a little dissatisfied: "The boss is giving Jiang Yang a small stove. How can he not know how to promote him to feel that the boss is bullying him?"

Bai Yue: "How can a child think about it casually? Lao Song, depending on your age, the generation gap between you and him is deep enough."

Song Mingzhe, who is four years older than the average age of the first team and nine years older than the average age of the youth training team: "..."