Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 23


"Change you?" Bai Yue was taken aback, "Are you sure?"

"Just play with them in the friendly match." Yaosen didn't care, turning his head to look at Zhou Ziyu, who was a little nervous. "You don't have psychological pressure on Ziyu. You will probably lose if you lose. You will play against other teams in peacetime. The training experience is very different. Your task is to be familiar with the rhythm of the real game."

Hearing what Yaosen said, Zhou Ziyu felt relaxed a lot. He took a deep breath and nodded firmly.

Yaosen: "I will be Lao Song if I'm not the captain, Lao Wang, you can figure it out by yourself."

Song Mingzhe is a veteran of Titans, is a half-output and half-assisted comprehensive combat capability, and has been named deputy captain. It's just that unlike the "auxiliary core" of the Cobra, the Titans team is mainly a team with the captain as the core, and he is the second core when Yao Sen is absent.

As the only pure output of the entire team now, Wang Yuxi had the illusion of sitting on three thousand harems, and immediately said readily: "No problem, I like this feeling of hugging left and right and leaning on the back! Concubine Yu Concubine Yue Concubine Zhe Concubine!"

The three assistants were silent with complex expressions. Zhou Ziyu showed an embarrassing and polite smile. Song Mingzhe, who only played the forest, didn't hear it, and the disgust in Bai Yue's eyes was about to materialize.

Yaosen left the daydreaming time to Wang Yuxi not to disturb him, and left the lounge to go to the auditorium. In fact, there is another reason he didn’t say after replacing himself—

Yaosen was worried that Shen You would go to the auditorium to find Shao Han right after the scene, and he had to stare at him before he was relieved.

He came to the third row of the auditorium, and he was relieved to see that there was no one around Shao Han, and he walked over and sat down directly beside Shao Han.

Shao Han: "Yao Sen?"

"Our team has changed from the bench."

Shao Han looked weird: "Did you change? Your team has such a powerful output substitute?"

Listening to Shao Han's praise of his greatness, Yaosen felt a little joy, his expression on his face remained unchanged, and he said, "It's an assistant."

"Then your team only has one output left?"

"It's okay, friendly matches, and Cobra also replaced Shen You."

Shao Han's eyes flashed, and he nodded without speaking.

After the start of the third game, the Cobra, with two strong shooting percentages, did have the upper hand. By the second half of the game, Zhou Ziyu's assistance stabilized, and a model with Song Mingzhe as the core gradually formed. The offensive was a little tighter, but in the end Cobra won.

In the end, the entire friendly match ended with a score of two to one.

Yaosen returned to the court and shook hands with the Cobra players. Shen You, who was back on the court, looked at him and smiled. When they left the court together, they whispered: "Very good."

Yaosen paused, looked up at him, and said after a while: "Thanks."

"But if you keep aiming at me like this, then I'll be in trouble." Shen You said meaningfully, "You can rest assured of what you worry about."

"Have I targeted you?" Yaosen smiled, his smile made no one see the slightest flaw, "It's your illusion, right."


Yaosen waved his hand: "See you at WCAD."

Then Titans opened a small fan meeting according to the process. Shao Han went to the car to wait for them when Yaosen met the fans. After all, he had no reason to appear at the Titans fan meeting.

It didn't take long for Yaosen to come over, knocked on the car window and asked: "Shao Han, there is a nearby store over there, do you want to go shopping?"

Although Shao Han himself has no obsession with surroundings, his sister has always been interested in collecting surroundings, so he went with Yaosen.

There are not many customers in the surrounding stores, and Yaosen and Shao Han didn't attract much attention when they walked in. Yaosen found the surrounding area of Noah's Ark, which even contained official portraits of members of the Q version.

Yaosen saw that there was a pair of small white wings behind Shao Han's figure, and he couldn't help but laugh. Shao Han came over and took a look. Maybe he knew that the character setting was too different from himself. He randomly pressed the card in Yaosen's hand and explained: "My picture was drawn by Xiaomeng."

"Little Meng can still paint?" Yaosen couldn't help but laugh, "This is really cute, I'll buy one."

Shao Han felt embarrassed at the thought of Yaosen holding these small cards to checkout. He grabbed Yaosen's arm and said, "Our manager has them there. If you want, I'll give it to you."

Yaosen swears that he is a kind person, but seeing Shao Han's beautiful eyebrows are slightly furrowed, embarrassed and with a small emotion, he can't restrain the point in his heart that wants to continue teasing him. Thoughts.

It's just that this idea is still put into practice. Yuguang Yao Sen accidentally caught a glimpse of a man in simple casual clothes coming out of the stadium gate not far away. It seemed that he was the fan who had just ended the meeting.

Yaosen was taken aback when he saw the man's appearance, and without a word he pulled Shao Han out of the surrounding store and walked in the direction of the man.

Shao Han was pulled out by Yaosen, confused: "What's the matter?"

Yaosen's hands were warm, holding his fingers with care. Apart from his family, Shao Han has never held hands with anyone like this.

Shao Han's palm oozes sweat slightly.

Yaosen felt the slenderness and flexibility of the fingers in his palm, and the round joints were particularly comfortable to hold. Moreover, the heat of this hand seems to be gradually rising.

Yaosen pretended not to care. He hurried to catch up with the man and patted him on the shoulder. When he turned his head in surprise, he was sure that he was right.

Yaosen: "Senior Lu Kai?"

Shao Han was shocked and forgot that Yaosen was still holding his hand and looking up at the man in front of him.

The man looked in his early thirties, his hair and clothing were clean, his figure was thin and not too tall, but he looked very young. The man looked surprised and looked up and down at Yao Sen, his voice was a little weird: "Are you the captain of Titans Yao Sen?"

"It's me." Yaosen politely stretched out his hand, "Mr. Lu, thank you for meeting."

Lu Kaizhi, after five years of retirement, he is still the world's strongest e-sports player in China. The name of Caesar is still resounding in the e-sports circle. So far, no one can replace him as an Asian representative player in the international e-sports circle.

Shao Han also wanted to shake hands, but suddenly realized that his hand was still being grasped by Yaosen, and moved his fingers in embarrassment.

Yaosen naturally let go of him, and then Shao Han stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Senior Lu, I am Shao Han of Noah's Ark."

"... Noah's Ark?" Lu Kaizhi paused before speaking, and smiled and shook Shao Han's hand. "Are you that left-handed player?"

Shao Han didn't expect Lu Kaizhi to know that he was left-handed, and nodded slightly in surprise.

Lu Kaizhi laughed and said, "Today's friendly match was pretty good."

Yao Sen: "Are you also watching the friendly match?"

"Yes, by the way, I will meet with the younger generations." Lu Kaizhi smiled helplessly. "After retiring, he is also busy at work. It is rare to have these opportunities. This industry is still eating youthful meals."

Lu Kaizhi is right to say that most e-sports players will retire before the age of 30.

"You are still young." Seeing the two young brothers in front of him seemed to be a little melancholy. Lu Kai was helpless and smiled, "There is still a lot of room for improvement."

Yaosen had always regretted that he had not been active at the same time as Caesar. Now that he saw Lu Kaizhi himself, although the opponent has retired for five years, Yaosen still can't conceal the surging face of the strong.

Lu Kaizhi: "Are you two busy? It just so happens that I'll be fine next time. If I'm not busy, should I find a place to sit down and talk?"

Yaosen agreed without hesitation, and Shao Han also wanted to stay to communicate with Caesar, so he simply called Wang Yuxi to let them go first.

Wang Yuxi wondered: "Why are you going with Brother Shao? In broad daylight..."

"What do you want?" Yaosen turned his head to avoid Shao Han's sight, "We have met Lu Kaizhi, ready to talk."

"Fuck! Lu Kaizhi?!" Wang Yuxi's voice was raised, "Are you sure it's him?"

"It's me."

"Why is he here?"

"I guess I was invited by Cobra to watch the friendly match. After all, the old players."

"Okay, then you guys have a good chat, take the Great God's scriptures and come back. You guys, any luck, anyone can run into you..."

The three of them went to a nearby coffee shop. Lu Kaizhi generously invited them to have a dessert and a few cups of coffee based on the old man's mentality. He asked, "Are you tired from training?"

Yaosen felt that Lu Kaizhi's question brought him back to the time when he was called to the office by the head teacher in high school. He discarded these thoughts and replied, "It's okay, not tired."

Lu Kaizhi looked at Shao Han, and Shao Han said he was not tired.

Lu Kaizhi smiled and said, "That means the training is not hard enough."

Yaosen and Shao Han are both speechless, and feel as if they have fallen into the pit inexplicably. Yaosen looked at Lu Kaizhi with a gentle smile on his face, and suddenly felt that it was not unreasonable for him to become the top in the country.

Yaosen: "Brother Lu, can I ask why you retired at the time? In fact, age is not a big issue."

Lu Kaizhi took a sip of coffee and replied slowly: "Because my daughter was born."


"Now my hobby is to spoil my wife and raise my daughter." Lu Kaizhi said, "So if you want to ask me to get the experience of the game, I guess I can't give you anything. If you don't practice this thing, it will be regressive, although I played it back then. Yes, now I am afraid it is only at the level of the second team and the third team."

A mere "not bad" won the WCAD runner-up, making the Cobra the only Asian team to beat the American Lincoln team.

It is difficult for Yaosen to describe what it was like to talk to Lu Kaizhi. The person in front of him was obviously warm and enthusiastic, but Yaosen could still feel a wonderful and tense pressure, as if Lu Kai could control what he was. See through what you want to say.

"Although I won't play anymore, I will still pay attention to the game. After all, I am in my old line." Lu Kaizhi looked at Yaosen and smiled. It's hard to type."

"Thank you." Yaosen stared at Lu Kaizhi's eyes and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "After that game, many people thought that my style of play was very similar to that of Brother Lu."

Lu Kaizhi pondered for a while, his eyes rolled, and he grinned: "Is that exalting me?"

Yaosen: "Seriously, Brother Lu, I really want to fight you."

Lu Kaizhi waved his hand: "Farewell, I must not be able to beat you now, so I can save some face for my uncle."