Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 29


@Titans_森: This is your brother Shao’s sister, please keep your head. Brother Shao can control your sister. He can't hit you through the screen, but he can hit me.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha??"

"Are you still guessing the triangle relationship? Does your face hurt [doge]"

``The first reaction to seeing this sentence of Brother Seng was a sigh of relief.''

"Me too"

"I then picked up my Mori Zuo Tong Humanities and continued to look at it."

"I look at the photos and videos, and I think that girl looks a lot like Brother Shao..."

"Xiao Zuo is actually a sister control!!!"

"Don't worry, Mori God Shao is reluctant to hit you."

Yaosen took the time to take a look at the comments, and his understanding of the level of the fans' skin in his heart rose to a new level.

Yaosen put down his phone and went to go online to soak his feet honestly.

The next day Shao Meng came, he was watched by Shao Han to review, but he didn't want to stay in the hotel all day long. In the afternoon, he went to Yiyou with Shao Han after having a soak for a while.

Shao Han is not so relieved to let Xiaomeng stay with Yaosen alone. He feels nervous every time he sees his sister's ecstatic look at Yaosen. Although he knew that Yaosen didn't mean this to Xiaomeng, who knew if Xiaomeng would adore it and would love it.

Therefore, that afternoon, Shao Meng always felt that a cool and majestic gaze fell on him, and when he turned around, he could always look at his brother's self-evident cold gaze.

Shao Meng felt very cold.

This chill continued until Shao Han sent Shao Meng to the high-speed rail station, and Shao Meng felt that his brother's eyes were much gentler.

Shao Han: "Go back and study hard."

Shao Meng: "Brother, do you honestly have any opinion on me?"

Shao Han: "What's your opinion?"

Shao Meng stared at him complicatedly: "..."

After a long while, Shao Mengcai tentatively said: "Brother, do you... like Senshen?"

Shao Han was taken aback for a moment, and the line of sight falling on Shao Meng slowly moved away, before finally slowly saying: "...Yes."

"I knew it! You look at me like a rival! My Gongdouju has been seen since I was a child, don't you think I can't see it! What do you think, brother?!" Shao Meng widened his eyes and hugged Shao Han. 'S arm, excitedly said, "So will Mori God become my brother too? Really?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Shao Han replied with a slight embarrassment, "I just like him myself."

"Brother, I think Senshen has a good impression of you." Shao Meng said confidently, "Really."


"You have to trust your sister's vision! Based on my many years of observation, the conclusion that'good-looking men are getting fucked up', Senshen, he..."

Shao Han pushed the chattering sister into the high-speed rail station: "Okay, you go back quickly."

Shao Han had nothing else to worry about after sending away his jumped sister. He returned to the normal training schedule when he came on Monday. Yaosen still occasionally send him a message to greet him, or make an appointment with Bai Yue and the others for a meal.

Years ago, Titans and Noah's Ark held a small friendly match. After the match, the members of the two main teams went out to eat and drink together.

With eight official players and two substitutes sitting at the same table, most of Noah's players are reserved and introverted, and talk quietly and quietly.

On the Titans side, there is Wang Yuxi who is familiar with him, and Bai Yue, who is habitually chatting with him. Although Yaosen didn't talk as much as they did, he brought his own aura when he sat down. The shy Zhou Ziyu and Song Mingzhe, who was the number one fan of Yaosen, also talked more. As soon as the heat came down, Noah's team members were stunned.

However, because everyone in Titans was not reserved, gradually everyone started talking. Yaosen's magnet-like character made everyone happy to talk to him, and Yaosen also talked openly, without any restraint.

Shao Han saw that Yao Sen could chat with their team members so happily in such a short time. He obviously would talk to himself as long as he came out with Yao Sen. Shao Han felt that every cell in his brain was full of "hypothesis" and "neuropathy", but he was a little depressed in his heart that he couldn't tell.

Shao Han didn't have much appetite for a meal. He didn't say much at the table. When a group of people went back home, they also walked far behind with the close members.

Yaosen walked in the front, and was suddenly slapped on the shoulder by Wang Yuxi. The latter leaned up and said in a low voice, "Brother Shao doesn't seem to be very happy."

Yaosen looked back at Shao Han and said, "Yes."

"what happened?"

"how could I know."

"You won't coax me?"

"Coax, coax when you go back."

"Why not go now?"

"Aren't he talking to his teammates?" Yaosen suddenly paused after speaking, Fu Zhixin said, "Could it be that I was talking too much with his teammates at the table?"

Wang Yuxi said in disbelief all over his face: "Aren't you so narcissistic? You also put gold on your face."

Yaosen was silent for a while, and said, "It's a bit."

As soon as the voice fell, Yao Sen's cell phone rang. Seeing the name of the caller, Yao Sen was quite surprised. He really couldn't think of anything that the other party could rush to call him.

The person who called was Qian Hao, who had entered Aegis at the same time as Yao Sen. The two were former junior high school classmates.

Yaosen picked up: "Hello, Qian Hao?"

"It's me." Qian Hao's voice sounded the same on weekdays, but with a greedy smile, "I haven't contacted you for a long time, how about training recently?"

"What else, just like that." Yaosen replied casually, "What's the matter? Something?"

Qian Hao suddenly sighed slightly, and when he spoke again, his voice was a little sad: "Are you free now? I'm just downstairs in Yiyou."

After Yaosen's footsteps, their group was not far from Yiyou Building. Yao Sen was surprised why Qian Hao appeared in S City at this time. After all, the Aegis Club and Yiyou stopped renting venues in S City after they terminated their contract.

In addition, Qian Hao's tone suddenly became low, Yaosen felt a little strange and faintly worried, and immediately agreed: "Okay, you wait a moment, I'm coming back from outside, and I will be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Yaosen said to Wang Yuxi: "Qian Hao is here, please ask me for something, you go back first."

Wang Yuxi also knew that Yao Sen had an Aegis friend named Qian Hao, and said in surprise: "I'm looking for you now? It's almost nine o'clock. At this point, I will meet with other men alone. Brother Sen, you are not kind."

"Don't guess, people may be in a hurry."

Yaosen speeded up his pace and walked to the gate of Yiyou. Sure enough, he saw Qian Hao standing there in a daze by the flowerbed on the steps of the gate, so he walked straight over and called him.

Qian Hao raised his head and showed a slight smile, but there was a bit of bitterness and sourness in his smile.

Yao Sen: "Go into the building? It's cold outside."

Qian Hao nodded and followed Yaosen into the building. The building has an access control that is unique to the players and staff members who enter the club. Qian Hao has lived here for several years, and he usually goes directly through the gate when he comes back.

This time he could only stand at the door and wait for Yao Sen to fill in a temporary visit application for him at the front desk. Qian Hao looked at Yao Sen's back and felt soreness in his heart.

After completing the formalities, the two went to the reception room on the common floor.

Yaosen poured Qian Hao a cup of lemon tea, sat opposite him, and asked, "Why come here suddenly?"

"I just want to come here for a walk." After speaking, Qian Hao was silent for a while. His lips moved, and finally he said hoarsely, "Yao Sen, I plan to retire."

Yaosen was startled, and almost instantly understood why Qian Hao appeared here. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why?"

"You also know that Aegis can't produce much results. It may be difficult to qualify for this year's WCAD qualifiers. The players are... very frustrated. The recent training has also failed to match." Qian Hao paused. , Crouched, his face was a little gray and defeated, "Sponsors have basically withdrawn, and some players with good personal scores are ready to jump to other clubs. I originally wanted to jump, but my scores were not so good. Good clubs take the initiative to find me."

Qian Hao closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was a strong sense of unwillingness and helpless sadness in his eyes. He finally couldn't help but choked up his voice: "Yao Sen, this industry has been the limit of a mediocre player for three years. Now, I really don’t have time. I told myself countless times that I can still achieve good results and I still have a chance, but I really can’t keep going.”

He looked at the e-sports stars hanging on the wall of the reception room and took photos with the gate of the magnificent Yiyou Building. His expression was a little dazed for a moment, and then he bowed his head deeply: "I and my coach My teammates have discussed it, and my family members do not agree that I will continue to consume it like this... Yaosen, I am not suitable for this industry."

Qian Hao paused for a moment, exhaling a long breath, as if letting go of all the hesitation and obsession of these days: "I have decided to retire."

Yaosen waited quietly for him to finish speaking, and clasped his hands tightly on his knees. Qian Hao is right that the survival of the fittest in the e-sports industry is destined to be only a small number of people who can stand in the end. Unlike most other industries that can rely on time to accumulate experience, what the e-sports industry needs is crowded competition in a short period of time, and not many people are willing to wait for a mediocre player to mature.

Yaosen, as the few people who squeezed through the single-plank bridge, naturally understood this truth.

Yaosen looked at Qian Hao and slowly said, "As long as this is a decision you make after careful consideration, I won't persuade you to stay."

"Sometimes I keep asking myself why I can't be like you." Qian Hao smiled bitterly, "It's just that what doesn't suit me is not suitable. It's useless for me to find any reason."

His eye circles were slightly red: "Everyone used to say that they are good in this industry... But I still have no reason to stay."

Qian Hao raised his head and looked at his friend whom he had known for many years with confidence: "Yao Sen, you are different. You must fight to win everything... count me."

Yaosen raised the corner of his mouth: "I will."

Yao Sen is a person who does what he says.

The two stayed in the reception room for more than an hour, and Qian Hao's temporary visit time was about to come, so he planned to leave. Yaosen sent him downstairs. After talking with Yaosen today, Qian Hao's heart relaxed a lot, and the previous sadness disappeared on his face, but he was still a little sad.

He looked back at the LED screen in the lobby of the Yiyou Building, and said with a wry smile: "When I was still training in Yiyou, I always felt that I still had enough time, and I still have opportunities in the future. Later I found out that there are things that I really can't wait. "

After sending Qian Hao into the taxi, Yaosen waved at him, but the last words Qian Hao said somehow made him remember.

Yaosen realized that some things really couldn't wait.

He thought of his achievements in recent years, his team, his teammates, and also Shao Han.

He didn't go back to the dormitory directly, but went to the training room, planning to vent his sullenness before taking a break.

It's already ten o'clock. Although the door will be locked at two o'clock in the training room, no one should be there anymore. Yaosen came to the corridor outside the training room of the Titans team, but through the glass wall, he heard the voice of talking inside.

Yaosen paused and recognized that it was Bai Yue's voice. He stood outside the door and glanced inward, and saw Bai Yue standing on the balcony, leaning sideways as if talking to someone.

At this time, another voice came, calm and pleasantly warm.