Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 32


On Saturday morning, Yaosen sat on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the Yiyou Building, waiting for Shao Han to come down, humming lightly and happily.

Yaosen was wearing a short white down jacket. Underneath the down jacket was a neat black shirt. The shirt was also covered with a gray round neck sweater. **Wear slim-fitting black casual trousers, plus a pair of dark coffee short boots.

I have to say that Yao Sen is just a clothes rack, and it has an elegant and handsome taste regardless of how it looks good. Of course, it took a lot of time to pick out today's body to Yaosen. How can I neglect my first date with my boyfriend.

Shao Han came down, looked at Yaosen from a distance, then looked at himself, and felt that he shouldn't be compared... right.

The wind was a bit strong today, and Yaosen came out wearing the scarf that Xiaomeng gave last time. Seeing that Shao Han's neck was empty, he took off the scarf from his neck and put it around Shao Han without even thinking about it.

Shao Han looked up at him, most of his face buried in the scarf, looking inexplicably well-behaved.

Shao Han: "You wear it, I'm not cold."

"Of course it's not cold in the room, it's windy outside." Yaosen sorted out the folds of the scarf, "Wear it, I will warm you up specifically, I will freeze you, Xiao Meng is still worried."

Shao Han no longer refused, and Yaosen's scarf was warm, heating up his ears.

Shao Han raised his head, but suddenly noticed that Yaosen had dark circles around his eyes, and he seemed to lack sleep recently. Shao Han frowned anxiously, and couldn't help reaching out and touching Yaosen's eyelids: "Have you suffered from insomnia recently?"

Yaosen felt Shao Han’s slippery warm fingers rubbing around his eyes, and couldn’t help but turn his head and kiss Shao Han’s palm. It’s much better than before, now it’s only occasionally."

Shao Han was taken aback by Yaosen's kiss, and suddenly realized that they were standing in the hall. He was a little embarrassed and looked around nervously. Fortunately, no one noticed them in the hall.

Seeing Shao Han's small movements, Yaosen smiled lightly and pulled Shao Han out of the door.

The two took a taxi to Xihuan Road. Shao Han turned his head to look at Yao Sen from time to time on the way. Finally he couldn't help but said, "Yao Sen, do you have any other discomforts besides insomnia?"

"I'll talk about it." Yaosen knew that Shao Han was worried about him, so he was very worried. "The club will have a physical examination before, and it will be enough if it is missing."

Only then did Shao Han put a little snack, nodded, and suddenly remembered something, and asked: "You said my voice helps sleep...Is it true?"

"of course it's true."

"Then I will call you before going to bed?"

After Shao Han asked, he felt a little embarrassed. He always felt that he was acting like a baby in disguise and wanted to make a good night call before going to bed. He opened his mouth to explain, but felt that there was nothing to explain. Since Yao Sen is already his boyfriend, even if he is considered to be acting like a baby, he can be forgiven a little.

Yaosen smiled arrogantly: "Don't you have insomnia and you won't call me before going to bed? That's not okay."

Shao Han always said that he couldn't reach Yaosen, so he nodded. The taxi drivers who have always been familiar with each other may have been infected by the atmosphere in the car. They watched their noses and hearts on the way, and didn't say a word to bother them.

They booked the afternoon movie tickets and went to the Sichuan restaurant for lunch in advance. The dishes in this Sichuan restaurant are indeed delicious, and Yao Sen is so spicy that he almost doubts his life.

In order to sustain his boyfriend’s face, Yaosen ate a lot, but finally couldn’t help it. After seeing Shao Han’s noodles without changing his color, he ate a chili in a plate of spicy fried pepper chicken. Breaking power, drank a whole pot of water.

Yaosen: "... Baby, are you really okay with such spicy food?"

Shao Han ate the beef with sharp pepper. He accidentally choked when Yaosen called the baby. He coughed a few times, and his face turned a little red. Although I had already imagined what it would be like to hear it on WeChat that day, I was psychologically prepared, but I couldn't bear it suddenly.

Yaosen immediately filled him with a glass of water: "Let me say, I'm choking, drink some water."

Shao Han took a sip from the water glass. After slowing down, he was silent for a while, his ears were a little red, but his voice was not affected by the chili. It was still so cool, and Yaosen felt that the spiciness in his mouth was reduced a lot. : "Yao Sen, can you first... Don't call me that?"

"What? Baby?" Yaosen said amused. "Are you because of this?"

Shao Han lowered his head to eat the hot and sour fish fillets without speaking.

"Then what do you want me to call you?" Yaosen thought about it, suddenly feeling a little bit bad in his heart, and smiled, "Just like your fans call you Shao Xiaozuo?"

Shao Han's face turned red, and there was more shame in his eyes when he looked at him. Yaosen would accept it as soon as he saw it, and did not continue to grind Shao Han's already thin face, and smiled: "It's better to call it a baby, it's okay."

Shao Han lost his temper completely.

After the two of them had eaten, Yaosen bought two bottles of herbal tea to lower the fire and went to the cinema while drinking. They bought tickets for a recently released foreign horror film. It is said that people who watched it went back to sleep with the lights on for three nights.

Their tickets were bought in the back row of the theater to the left, and there were no people around.

After entering the venue, the two found a seat to sit down. The armrest between the two seats is not high, Yaosen can easily reach out and grab Shao Han's hand.

Not long after the beginning of the movie, screams in the theater began to come and go. Yaosen didn't feel much in his heart, absent-mindedly watching the dark and horrible scenes of the movie one after another, and gently pinched Shao Han's hand with his fingers.

Yao Sen's face was stern and awe-inspiring, and he never stopped his hand movements, either pinching his fingers or drawing the palm of his hand.

Shao Han squeezed his fingers and squeezed his mouth and let him rub it, but Shao Han's palm was ticklish, and he couldn't bear it when he scratched his palm. Yaosen shrank back as soon as he scratched, and finally had to hold the Yao tightly. Morisaku's prestigious fingers were clenched in the palm of his hand.

Yaosen seemed to be very interested in Shao Han’s left hand. Shao Han’s grip was too tight to move, and he couldn’t satisfy his curiosity as the strongest in Asia. He leaned in and said in a low voice, "Shao Xiaozuo, don’t be so tight. OK?"

Shao Han swore that Yaosen was deliberate.

Shao Han released it at once, and his opposite hand was also deeply retracted, hiding directly under his arm, not giving Yaosen any chance to touch it again. Shao Han didn't know that Yaosen would also play the yellow accent that boys all love, but it is a pity that he is the worst at it. For a while, he can only hold his cheek with one hand in depression, pretending that he can't hear negative protests.

"Okay, I shut up." Yaosen laughed, but faintly realized the joy of driving legally to her boyfriend in her heart, pretending to be wronged, spread her palm on the armrest and pleaded, "Come on, really Won't move anymore."

Shao Han gave him a cool look, without moving.



"Little Zuo?"


"Shao Xiaozuo? Brother Shao?"


Yaosen completely surrendered. In his opinion, coaxing his boyfriend is more important than saving face. He immediately opened his eyes and talked nonsense without any psychological pressure. The whole person could not help but pretend to be serious: "Shao Han, I am afraid of watching movies by myself. You hold me."

Shao Han finally gave face, stretched out his hand and covered it.

After watching the whole movie, Shao Han's attention is basically not on the movie, and even after the end, he can't remember the name of the protagonist.

After coming out of the cinema, the two of them did not rush back to Yiyou, but found a quiet small coffee shop to sit and pass the time. The two chatted and talked about the holiday arrangements.

Yaosen asked, "Shao Han, how about coming to my house for a few days during the holiday?"

Shao Han: "... Go to your house?"

Yaosen smiled and said, "My parents were going on a business trip a few days ago, and I was the only one at home."

Shao Han blinked, lowered his head and exhaled a breath of heat in Yaosen's scarf, half of his face turned a little red. It took him a while to say: "Yao Sen, we..."

Yaosen knew what Shao Han was thinking, and said: "Don't worry, we will sleep in separate rooms. If you don't want to go to my house, we can also go outside and play for two days. I promise to book a room with two beds."

Shao Han didn't know how Yaosen always knew what he was thinking, and as soon as he lifted his eyes, he could see through everything. Yao Sen is Shao Han’s first boyfriend who has a serious relationship. In this regard, Shao Han is not yet mentally prepared.

But what was in his mind was so bluntly said by Yaosen, Shao Han wanted to bury his head in the scarf, and it took a long time to realize: "...Well, go to your house."

Yaosen looked at him with a smile on his face.

Shao Han couldn't bear being watched by Yaosen, but Yaosen stared with interest as if he had discovered something novel. Shao Han couldn't in the end, so he could only stretch out his hand depressed and pull up the hood behind Yaosen to cover Yaosen's eyes.

Yaosen smiled, and he squeezed Shao Han's wrist: "Okay, let's go."

The two planned to go back to eat near the building. On the way back, Yaosen received a call from Wang Yuxi. When he saw that it was him, Yaosen knew what he was calling for.

Wang Yuxi teased: "Mr. Mori, are you happy to date? Do you still remember your brothers?"

"Thank you, I don't remember."

"Preferring sex to friends, the world is going down."

"You have said this sentence eight times this morning." Yaosen didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, "What do you want me to bring back and tell me, crayfish or milk tea?"

"Four catties of crayfish, two catties of spicy garlic, two cups of four season milk green half sugar, a cup of matcha latte, boba and more boba, all go to ice, thank you."

"Aren't you afraid of gaining weight if you eat so much at night?"

"How can I lose weight if I don't eat more!" Wang Yuxi defended, "And every time you propose to eat supper, you obviously agree to it first!"

"I don't gain weight easily." Yaosen replied happily, "and I have a boyfriend now, so I should pay attention to body management."

When Shao Han on the side heard this, he raised his head in surprise.

Yaosen hung up the phone, met Shao Han’s gaze, and replied, “It’s Wang Yuxi, he knows about us. When I had a crush on you before, I asked him about emotional issues, although it didn’t help.”

Shao Han was a little surprised for a while. What was surprised was not that Yaosen approached Wang Yuxi for counseling on emotional issues, but that people like Yaosen might even be unsure about feelings.

After all, Yao Sen always looks so easy and unrestrained. Unlike him, some trivial matters can be left out of mind and scratch your ears if you think about it.

Shao Han suddenly felt more clear and clear in his heart.

Yao Sen: "What's the matter? Suddenly looked at me and smiled."

Shao Han was sure that he didn't smile, maybe Yaosen noticed the clear look in his eyes. He half lowered his eyes and said, "I'm hungry."

"What are you laughing at when you are hungry?" Yaosen was a little puzzled, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Eat... Hunan food."

"... Is it so spicy again?" Yaosen felt a dull pain in his stomach right away. In order to save the face that he was not too spicy, he reached out and touched Shao Han's head. "It's not good to eat so spicy at night. Would you like to be lighter?"


After spending a whole day outside, Shao Han was also a little tired. He rubbed Yaosen's hand lightly, his voice was faintly tired, and tiredness and coolness mixed together, making people shocked.

Before Yao Sen had time to appreciate this rare laziness carefully, he heard Shao Han continue to say: "Then eat tomorrow."

Yaosen and Shao Han looked at each other for a long time, and finally lost the battle: "Okay, eat tomorrow." He squeezed Shao Han's cheek, sighed and said, "Always eat so spicy, and the skin is so good."

Shao Han patted Yaosen's hand lightly. He didn't show much expression to Yaosen's praise. He turned to look out of the car window, but quietly raised the corner of his mouth with his back facing Yaosen, revealing the master's inadequacy. The little joy of the outsider.

Yaosen turned on the phone and flipped through the photos. He secretly took a lot of photos of Shao Han today, but his favorite was the one when he ate Sichuan food at noon. Shao Han's lips were flushed after eating the chili, and his cheeks became a little blush. It really interprets what a beautiful meal is.

He set the photo as the mobile phone desktop wallpaper, adjusted the position of the icon specially, and framed Shao Han in the middle.