Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 44


"... You said that your fan is the captain of the NL club?" Wang Yuxi looked at Yaosen in surprise, surprised.

Bai Yue was even more surprised than Wang Yuxi: "You said he still let you in the fan game?"

"What does this person want to do?" Song Mingzhe's voice was rarely upset, his idol was despised, and he was the first to be unhappy, "Pretending to be a fan of the boss? Still letting water out? Does the boss need him to let it go?"

Bai Yue: "You can't say that. The person named Cheng Rui may really be a fan of Yaosen. It's just that he, a professional player, also participates in fan competitions and releases water. This... is a bit strange."

Zhou Ziyu couldn't help but wonder: "Why would he be like this..."

Everyone was talking babbledly in the training room, Yaosen waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, and said: "He asked me to prevent me from knowing his true level."

Wang Yuxi's eyes widened: "My God, isn't this man a dark horse master who has been hiding for many years?"

"What happened to him? Didn't I let him?" Yaosen held his head and tapped his fingers on the table. "He might have other reasons for me, because I felt weird when I was playing with him. …It’s hard to say what's the blame."

Coupled with the unusual behavior of NL's youth academy players that he met during the Laser Cup youth competition in March, Yao Sen felt even more strange.

No matter what, everything can be seen on WCAD, Yao Sen is neither annoyed nor anxious, anyway, the one that should come will come.

Thanks to Yaosen’s efforts, the members of Noah’s Ark have gradually become acquainted with the Titans members. They are also used to the Titans captain appearing in their training room every other time. Sometimes even just came to Shao Han to chat casually.

Shao Han was a little embarrassed at first, because Yaosen would always put the portion specially prepared for him in a separate bag, which made everyone often tease Yaosen and spoil him.

Slowly Shao Han didn't care anymore, and his ridicule in front of everyone became more open.

From the beginning of April to the end of May, the training intensity will be the highest. Usually, the players don't have any other entertainment. They can only adjust their busy training life by playing friendly games.

Titans and Noah's Ark recently planned to play an open friendly match, the schedule will be broadcast live on both sides' live broadcast platforms.

Everyone is already quite nervous and exhausted in training, and it is impossible to justify playing friendly matches so seriously. What's more, Titans and Noah's Ark are both team members and fans. This friendly match is still an entertainment-oriented game, allowing fans and audiences to have fun, and the players relax.

Therefore, Titans and Noah's Ark decided that they would exchange players for this game.

Baisha Live and Haihuang Live, the two players with the most signings, jointly promoted the friendly match. The news of the exchange of players' games exploded in the fan circle, and everyone seemed to have become relatives happily.

As a result, Team A composed of Yaosen, Shao Han, Bai Yue, Zhou Ziyu and another Noah player will play against Team B composed of Lin Lan, Wang Yuxi, Song Mingzhe and two other Noah players tonight.

The number of viewers on both live broadcast platforms set a new high in the game live broadcast area within two minutes after the live broadcast started. The joint live broadcast included all the players' camera images, and fans swept the screen frantically.

"It's a boy group."

"Let me have another new hairstyle of Bo Sen God!!!"

"This combination is really 233333"

"It feels like Brother Xi will pit Brother Lan and the others to death."

"Brother Xi is too skinny, only Brother Sen can control"

"Moribuki is in place!!"

"Left blow in place!!!"

"Everyone blows in place!!!"

"Wait, should I say something cruel before we start?" Wang Yuxi cleared his throat and laughed wildly, "Ha! Yaosen! Today is your death date!"

Yao Sen: "..."


"Brother Xi ball ball, stop talking."

"I want to introduce you to the ironest player in the history of e-sports: Wang Yuxi"

"Sen Ge: I announced that I officially kicked Wang Yuxi out of Titans."

"Say, Brother Xi, do you want to die horizontally or vertically"

After the game started, Wang Yuxi completely released himself, jumping horizontally on the edge of being sniped by Yaosen, and after almost getting a headshot, he finally converged a little and returned to the big team.

"What Wang Yuxi showed is the wrong demonstration of team e-sports. Don't follow him." Yaosen said to the audience while leading the team, "This kind of player is the only one that we giants don't dislike."

Bai Yue opened up all the voices: "Pharaoh, Yaosen and I have decided not to want you."

Wang Yuxi: "Who is rare for you! It's nice to mix with Brother Lan!"

Lin Lan: "..."

Yaosen smiled and said, "Captain Lin Lan, how about we trade Wang Yuxi for Shao Han?"

"Brother Lan: No, no, no."

"Sell at a loss hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

"Brother Seng actually named Brother Shao, tut tut."

"No matter which team he is in, Xiao Zuo is a group pet 23333."

"Xiao Zuo: You actually make such a deal in front of me."

"No one wants Brother Xi, I took it away!!!"

"Let go ahead!! Who says no one!!!"

Shao Han looked at the computer screen with his eyes and his nose, dispelling all distractions, as if all the discussions had nothing to do with him.

A group of people from Team A entered the periphery of an air-raid shelter. The passage was very narrow and basically only allowed one person to pass. This kind of place is easy to be attacked by the enemy from the end of the passage.

Yaosen: "Shao Han, go behind me."

Shao Han: "... How about I protect you in front?"

Yaosen: "You can protect me by going to the back, goodbye, go."

It's okay to be coaxed to be "good" in private. When being watched by so many viewers, it feels that all the barrage flying by is adding fire to his hot face, making him want to turn off the camera again. He secretly touched Yaosen's leg with his knee under the table, motioned him to converge a little, and walked behind Yaosen obediently with the gun in his hand.

"Good??? Good??? Good???"

"Brother Sen, what are you talking about?"

"Oh my god, is this the Mori God I know?"

"Sim God is very fond of Xiao Zuo ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!! Obviously it is to protect Xiao Zuo!!!"

"It feels like Seng's tone is very normal, what's the matter?"

"I feel Seng is proficient at +1"

"Everyone, I have a bold idea."

"My friends leave a web disk in the comment section"

"Brother Shao is so obedient 233333"

"Morizu is too sweet, I got the most rio CP this year"

"It's so sweet. It's so sweet. I'm going to fall to the ground."

Ten minutes later, Team A and Team B ran into each other head-on. The two teams had a fierce firefight. Both sides lost two or three players. In the end, Team B retreated first, and each waited for an opportunity to look for another opportunity.

The two teams are currently evenly matched. Team A is left with Yaosen, Shao Han and Zhou Ziyu, and team B is left with Lin Lan, Wang Yuxi and another member of Noah's Ark.

The B team personnel reached the supply station first, and the A team lurked outside the supply station. The location of the supply station is randomly generated on the map, and it has a higher probability of dropping auxiliary tools than the hospital building. It is often the player who chooses the first place to seize the opportunity.

Yaosen just picked up a hook-and-wire launcher in the airdrop. The drop probability of this item is not high. It can provide users with a one-time vertical movement of the outer wall of the building. The launch range is from the second to the sixth floor of the building.

Yaosen knew that Wang Yuxi and the others must be scattered in the supply station building. This building is suitable for sniping. Team B personnel will most likely wait for opportunities to ambush by the window. Team A is basically at a disadvantage. And Yao Sen’s current goal is to first kill Wang Yuxi, who has the highest shooting percentage of Team B, and the launcher in his hand provides him with a chance for a surprise attack in a short period of time.

The question is, on which floor of the four-story supply station Wang Yuxi is.

If it is a formal game, Yao Sen may analyze the opponent's personnel placement and psychological assumptions in an all-round way, but since it is only a friendly game, the cultivation of friendship is the most important thing, and the outcome is not important.

Yaosen suddenly turned on all the voices and said, "Pharaoh, how about crayfish for the person who loses today?"

Wang Yuxi replied in seconds: "Just to my liking!"

"I want a pound of garlic to taste and a pound of clam juice," Yaosen looked at Shao Han, "Shao Han has a pound of spicy pepper and garlic."

"Why are you still ordering food?" Wang Yuxi said, "I want a pound of thirteen flavors and a pound of kimchi flavor plus a pound of spicy flavor!"

Yaosen: "Captain Lin Lan, what do you want to eat?"

"what is the rhythm????"

"Everyone in Noah: Who am I and why did I suddenly start ordering?"

"I quit and watched this is not a food show."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am so hungry!!!"

"Why Mori God is so familiar with Xiao Zuo's taste!!"

"Have eaten together many times, manual dog head"

"Brother Shao has always been spicy and unhappy, all true fans know it."

Yaosen and Wang Yuxi talked for a long time about the supper, and Wang Yuxi has already begun to think about how many catties he will gain tonight.

"Then, let's pack it back and eat it." Yaosen said while turning on the safety of the hook-strap launcher, and asked casually, "Hey, Lao Wang, where are you now?"

Wang Yuxi's mind hasn't turned from the crayfish that is full of colors, fragrances, and flavors. In addition, he has been a teammate with Yaosen for a long time, and he has already formed a conditioned reflex to Yaosen's command. If the captain wants to ask about the location, he must answer immediately, Wang Yuxi said without even thinking about it.

"I'm on the third floor..." Wang Yuxi fell silent suddenly, realizing that he had missed his mouth, and a flash of red and green flashed across his face, as if he had accidentally eaten half of a fly.

At the moment when Wang Yuxi said the third floor, Yao Sen decisively used the launcher to eject himself to the third floor window, smashed the glass and rolled on the spot, swiftly shot Wang Yuxi in the corner and exploded his head. "Thank you, brother."

The whole game was silent for a few seconds, and even Lin Lan, who had always been steady, couldn't help but close his eyes and watch.

Half a second later, Bai Yue's frantic laughter faintly came out through Yaosen and Shao Han's earphones. The rest of them shook their shoulders and laughed out embarrassedly, each of them ran out of snakeskin. Bit.



"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I laughed at fucking death"


"Brother Xi, don't cry"

"Brother Xi is autistic"

"It's also the first time I heard Brother Yue laugh like this."

"I saw that Brother Shao wanted to laugh and held back hahahahahaha"

"Slowly divert Si Ge's attention and reduce his vigilance by using topics that Si Ge is familiar with. Seng Ge's psychology scores well."

"This is really a friendly match, isn't it a match of friends?"

In the end, the game ended in Wang Yuxi's crazy accusation and deep autism, and he sent Weibo outrageously that night.

@Titans_锡: Everyone crowdfunding the ball to help me redeem from Titans. Every day I am pressed by the top card. I unilaterally announced that I will spend half an hour with the top card friend! ! ! !

"Brother Xi is miserable, but I am hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"Brother Xi doesn't cry, he gets used to being pitted so many times."

"Xixi, you are so stupid. I am worried about how you will marry a wife in the future."

As soon as he finished posting his Weibo, Wang Yuxi was sent to the WeChat group by Yaosen.

Yaosen: @王宇锡邵涵 wants to drink milk tea, I ordered for you by the way, come down and drink

Wang Yuxi: Do you think a cup of milk tea can buy me? ! By the way! ! !

Yao Sen: Four Seasons Macchiato, with pudding and ice cream

Wang Yuxi: Let me come here! ! ! ! !