Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 55


Shao Han found that Yaosen really did what he said.

The next day when he and Yao Sen watched the Group C game together, as long as the director cut the picture on the big screen to the Cobra, Yao Sen began to make trouble next to him.

For a while, he scratched the palm of his hand, and for a while, he squeezed his waist, which made Shao Han's face red from time to time, and he couldn't fully focus on the game.

As a result, until the end of the whole game, Cobra Group C was second, Shao Han did not recall what he saw in this game.

The players in Group C and B are average, and there is no outstanding team. After the completion of the Group C competition, Yao Sen and Shao Han invited Wang Yuxi and others to lunch together.

Everyone entered a Chinese-style beef hot pot restaurant and chatted about the Group C competition while eating. After the beef was cooked, Wang Yuxi first put a few large pieces into the bowls of Yaosen and Shao Han.

Wang Yuxi: "Come on, you two eat more, beef to nourish the kidney and yang."

Shao Han, who was sitting on the side, blushed, looking at the beef in the bowl. Yaosen cast a deterrent look at Wang Yuxi, and signaled him not to molest Shao Han.

The shop is self-serve sauce. Wang Yuxi smelled Shao Han's sauce especially fragrant, and had to mix it in Shao Han's sauce without self-control, but he was so spicy as a result.

Wang Yuxi drank a few large glasses of water. He has been a little angry and has acne recently, and he knows that he dare not eat it anymore. He looked at Shao Han's skin that was so good that no shopping guide would bother him when he entered Watsons. He sighed deeply and sighed inwardly for the injustice of heaven.

However, as long as he thinks that Shao Han is someone who has nourishing sex life, he feels more balanced.

Yaosen said coldly: "Pharaoh, give me a reason for you to keep staring at Shao Han. If you can't persuade me, you will be done."

Shao Han lowered his head awkwardly.

Wang Yuxi: "...I envy Brother Shao's skin so much!"

"Oh, then you envy it."

Everyone bowed their heads to eat silently, without the courage of Wang Yuxi's positive and affectionate Yaosen. Shao Han pulled Yaosen's sleeves, coughed softly, and said, "Hurry up, it's going to be cold."

The afternoon is the last group D match, Odin team is divided into D group B, which indicates that the final match of the qualifiers will be the most eye-catching one.

Everyone went straight to the stadium after lunch. As expected, the stadiums that hadn't been full for the previous games were almost full. The fans of Odin’s official fan club sat together, each with Odin’s team logo on their faces.

When the Odin team entered the field, the audience cheered and thundered. Captain Ethan still looked cheerful and lively. Seeing the fans so enthusiastic, he raised his hand and blew a kiss to the audience.

Wang Yuxi sighed: "No matter how many times I watched Odin's game, I couldn't connect the unblinking world-class Fengshen player with this looking baby-faced college student."

Yao Sen: "Actually, you also feel that way."

"..." Wang Yuxi didn't know for a moment whether Yaosen was complimenting him or hurting him.

The game in Group D and B started soon. As everyone expected, a strong team like Odin had no need to hide their strength in the qualifiers. What's more, there was almost no team in Group D and B that could fight Odin. Less than ten minutes after the start of the game, Odin's scoring team ran far ahead, throwing away a large percentage of the second place, making it difficult for all teams to match.

Under the strong attack of the Odin team, the game ended in less than half an hour. Ethan threw his iconic kiss and waited with his teammates for the final Group D list, which was actually unsuspecting.

The list of the thirty-two teams that have advanced to the rematch is now announced. The final points of the Odin team even if the four major groups together are well-deserved first. The Lincoln team is second, and the Titans is fifth. Noah's Ark and Cobra are ranked thirteenth and eleventh respectively.

At the beginning of the semi-final round of the Swiss round, the players who were promoted had one day off and stayed at the organizer's event hotel adjacent to the stadium.

After reading the final rankings, Yaosen and his party walked towards the exit of the arena while chatting.

Wang Yuxi was still looking back at the game in Group D just now, and couldn't help but sigh again: "Odin is really amazing, Yao Sen, allow me to let Ethan be my male god for three seconds."

Several people were discussing Odin's performance just now, and there was a burst of cheerful footsteps behind him, and a figure in a navy blue team uniform suddenly chased up from behind the crowd, yelling "whoa!" in excitement.

When everyone looked back, they were all stunned, the expressions on their faces were colorful.

The navy blue team uniform is the symbol of the Odin team. Ethan and a few teammates stood behind the crowd, smiled and said "Hi" to them, staring at Yao Sen with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "Yao!"

Yaosen faintly recognized that Ethan was calling his surname, and was surprised.

Ethan has a golden-brown natural curl, and the dimples on his cheeks make him look a little childish. Everyone greets him with enthusiasm—Wang Yuxi is right. Ace player who has been champion for many years.

At this moment Ethan was looking up and down Yaosen excitedly, his light brown eyes filled with novelty and excitement. He smiled and said to Yaosen in English: "I finally saw you in person! You are the captain of Titans! I am old. I've long wanted to see you, and I heard that you are very strong!"

Ethan speaks English well, with a unique accent left by long speaking German.

Yao Sen is in charge of the team's academic qualifications anyway, and English communication is not a problem. He calmly and politely greeted Ethan.

Ethan: "My Chinese fans told me that the Chinese pinyin abbreviation after my name is translated into Chinese is the same as yours, and there is also a'Sen' in it! Haha, this is a coincidence!"

The rest of the Titans looked at their captain, who had suddenly started chatting with the world champion, and couldn't understand but looked at each other. Odin's players also waited behind with a natural look, as if they were completely accustomed to Ethan's familiarity.

The two Senshen chatted happily, Ethan once again expressed his infinite expectation of meeting them on the field, and the whole person was very excited.

Ethan glanced behind Yaosen and said, "Are those your players? Whoa! Your players are all so tall!"

Yao Sen felt that Ethan probably averaged Lao Wang’s height with them, and replied with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, but the one in the middle is not my team member. He is my boyfriend. He is another team named Noah’s Ark. The players of the team."

Ethan looked at Shao Han in the middle in surprise, and then at Yao Sen. Finally, he smiled heartily, and there was a bit of ridicule in his voice: "Come to Europe to get married in the future! Come to Switzerland by the way! "

"Ha ha, alright."

The two chatted for a while, Ethan sharply caught a team coming out from the corridor on the side, and immediately said to Yaosen that they had left beforehand. By the way, I wish him and his boyfriend happiness, and ran up and rushed. Embracing a person's shoulders from behind, he smiled and said, "Kevin! Let's eat together!"

It was Kevin of the Lincoln team who just came out. Ethan seemed to have a good relationship with him. The two left side by side. The Odin players and the Titans greeted him and followed his captain.

Shao Han watched the Odin team leave, and asked Yaosen suspiciously: "Is Ethan looking at me just now? What's wrong?"

Yaosen smiled: "It's nothing, it depends on you."

Shao Han was at a loss and looked at him rather speechlessly.

The announcement of the semi-final list has aroused heated discussions in the e-sports circle. The overall promotion and ranking of the qualifiers are basically expected, but there are also several emerging dark horses that have only appeared in the semi-finals for the first time this year.

Fans in the e-sports circle have a keen sense of smell. Just a few hours after the list was announced, there have been various ranking analyses and rematch predictions on the Internet. In addition to a few strong and established players, many people have paid attention to them. Focus on these new faces.

English name Northern Lights, Chinese name Aurora, this brand-new team only established early last year ranked 30th in this qualifier. Although the ranking is low, given the young team's youth, the number of NL fans skyrocketed overnight and gained a lot of favor.

On the evening of the end of the qualifiers, everyone at Titans watched the replays of the official clips in the hotel.

Wang Yuxi drove the voice chat with Bai Yue, and said: "It's a pity that you are not here. You didn't know that Ethan from Odin took the initiative to look for Yaosen this afternoon. If it weren't for being a little reserved in front of foreign friends, I really want to Pounce on it and ask for an autograph."

Bai Yue: "Come on, you, still reserved."

Wang Yuxi: "When will you be discharged from the hospital?"

"I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow afternoon and the plane will be on the next morning." Bai Yue replied, "Waiting for your father Yue to come back."

The semifinals are just around the corner, and the urgency in everyone's hearts is getting stronger. The 32 teams in the semi-finals were selected from 200 teams around the world, and their strength should not be underestimated. Let alone teams like OD and LC, even the emerging dark horse like NL must have its own advantages.

Wang Yuxi: "The semi-finals are about to be true, Yao Sen, if we draw Noah's Ark, you can't be soft-hearted. I'm really worried that when Brother Shao becomes cute on the court, you will miss the solar system with one shot. Go outside."

"Don't worry, I will fight seriously." Yaosen said, "I just try not to let them lose too hard."

Wang Yuxi: "...Does Brother Shao know this?"

The first round of the first round of the semifinals will be directly notified by the WCAD organizer on the second day to the coach in charge of each team.

This morning, everyone at Titans sat together waiting for the announcement of the grouping list. Wang Yuxi kept turning on and off his mobile phone, and muttered nervously, "Don't draw to Europe and the United States, don't draw to Europe and the United States."

Yao Sen: "Stop mumbling, okay?"

Wang Yuxi: "Nima, I'm almost so nervous, my heart is beating."

Yao Sen: "Heart is always jumping."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone’s mobile phones sounded at the same time, and Coach Gou finally sent the list to them.

Wang Yuxi drove around in a lightning bolt and looked for Titans' name in a glance. After seeing his opponent in the first round, he slapped the table suddenly, "Ha", and said excitedly: "Damn! Cobra!"

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Thank you for your recommended votes! The saved manuscripts are almost exhausted (*′?`*), I will try my best to keep updated orz