Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 6


Yaosen's gaze seemed to have attracted their attention. Almost no one in the Titans didn't know. Someone bumped his teammate lightly, whispered a few words, and several Cobra players also looked over.

Shao Han was taken aback when he saw them, and quickly looked away, his expression a little dodging inexplicably. Yaosen didn't miss Shao Han's unusual little action. He turned his head and saw a Cobra player walking towards them.

Yaosen felt that the person was very familiar at first glance, at least he had seen it in the introduction of other teams. The words of Coach Gou not long ago came to mind, and Yao Sen suddenly remembered that this person is Cobra's No. 3 Shen You.

Shen You stopped in front of them, glanced over Yaosen, and finally stopped on Shao Han: "Shao Han, will you participate in this competition?"

Shao Han was silent, his lips pressed tightly, and hesitation was rarely accumulated in his eyes. After a long while, he raised his eyes, looked at Shen You squarely, and replied, "Don't participate."

"That's really a pity." Shen You replied with regret, "Then meet again at the WCAD competition."

After Shen You finished speaking, he glanced at Yaosen, nodded politely to him, turned and left.

Yaosen watched them leave in silence, and turned around to see Shao Han also looking at the direction where Shen You left, and asked: "Do you know?"

"… Um."

"What's the matter?" Yaosen asked keenly.

"Nothing." The strange emotion in Shao Han's eyes disappeared, and he raised his eyes to look at Yaosen, "Thank you for the cup. There will be an opening ceremony tomorrow. Let's rest early today."

"Ah, you too."

Yaosen thoughtfully watched Shao Han leave. Whether it was for objective reasons or subjective motives, he felt that it was indeed necessary for him to pay attention to the Cobra 3.

The Titans and his party came back after a supper and stopped by in the room of Yaosen and Wang Yuxi to chat. Yaosen sat down on the one-person sofa by the side, and put his feet on the leg stool: "I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Under what circumstances will a person show an embarrassed and dodging expression when seeing another person?"

Wang Yuxiqi said: "Are you planning to switch to research psychology after retiring? It's not that I attacked you. The industry span is a bit too big."

Bai Yue: "Yao Sen, why are you asking this?"

"Just ask." Yaosen said, "Can you imagine and bring in yourself?"

Wang Yuxi: "I accidentally put a loud fart in a crowded place?"

Yao Sen: "Wang Yuxi is silent."

"Just kidding, I, Wang Yuxi, is going to become an e-sports champion. Let me analyze it for you." Wang Yuxi put down his phone and sat cross-legged on the bed. "Seriously, I think it's most likely that a person will show this expression because He met people he didn't want to meet."

"For example, who?"

"Someone who can't understand? Enemy?"

"Don't analyze it blindly, the enemy will not be embarrassed." Bai Yue interjected, "People who come here tell you that the most likely to show this expression in a society under the rule of law is when you meet your ex."

"Why are you coming here?"

"I'm not solo like you are a mother, okay?"

Yaosen was silent for a while thoughtfully. Just when everyone thought he had something to say, he drove both Bai Yue and Song Mingzhe back on the grounds that they had to get up early to attend the opening ceremony the next day. The room is asleep.

Yaosen’s sleep quality has always been poor, and his insomnia would be worse every time he changed beds. In addition, he had a little trouble that night, and the next day he had to get up with dark circles under the eyes. Manager Guo suspected that he had dark circles under the eyes. Influencing the photogenicity, he just asked the assistant to put some makeup on him.

Yaosen put on the Titans team uniform. On the way to the stadium, reporters and fans followed him. He even saw many fans holding the banner of cheering for Titans and shouting the team declaration.

When he arrived at the stadium, after Yao Sen got off the car, several cameras came over and followed him all the way. Yaosen didn't like the feeling of being stunned by the camera, and could only show a charming and polite smile at the camera.

Unexpectedly, this smile made the reporters on the side even more excited. Titans fans around the stadium, especially female fans, all screamed with excitement. The reporters all pushed their microphones to interview the Asian champion and showed what it was like to smile.

After finally dismissing the reporter, Yao Sen and his teammates entered the players' lounge. He said inexplicably, "The cameras are almost punching my face. I'm not playing games with my face."

Wang Yuxi patted Yaosen on the shoulder: "You are more sober, if you look ugly, you won't have so many fans today."

The entry of the teams is in order of points. The Titans and Noah's Ark are close together. Yaosen stood at the front of the team, and he glanced back, and Noah's Ark was just behind the two teams.

Yaosen saw Shao Han in the team. He was neatly dressed in a light blue uniform and was chatting with his teammates. It was warm in the arena, and Shao Han rolled the sleeves of his jacket to his elbows, revealing a white and slender forearm.

It was the first time that Yaohan saw Shao Han in a team uniform, and his heart felt a little hot. He pulled down his zipper, wondering if the air conditioner here was too hot, making him want to sweat.

There are some differences between this year's domestic competition system and the past. The first round of the competition is four advancements and one elimination round. Each round has four teams starting at the same time. After the first round, only sixteen teams will advance to the second round.

Most of the teams participating in this competition are youth teams or non-main teams, and veterans like Yao Sen don't seem interesting. Yaosen stared at the live broadcast of the game on the big screen for a while, and then his eyes floated to the Noah player viewing area at the bottom left to find Shao Han.

Coach Gou on the side reminded him to watch the big screen. Sometimes the director would randomly cut the camera to the viewing area. It would be too ruining if he happened to take a photo of Yaosen who was distracted and not watching the game.

Yaosen had to look at the big screen, but the camera often came to take pictures of him. Yaosen pretended to be serious and nodded from time to time.

The first round of all four games ended on the second day of the game. The results were quite satisfactory. There were no upsets and dark horses, which were generally expected.

In the second round of the eighth finals, Titans, Noah's Ark and Cobra happened to be separated into three different groups, and they are bound to meet together in the end, leaving enough gimmicks for this year's domestic competition.

The goal of the Titans and several other top Asian teams in the domestic competition is not to win. After all, they only sent a youth training reserve team to participate. The real highlight is the competition between Noah's Ark and the Cobra team.

The eighth-finals and subsequent quarter-finals adopted a two-win-of-three system, while the final semi-finals and finals were based on a five-game points system.

When it was the turn of the Cobra game, Yao Sen watched the whole game carefully.

In a four-person team, it is customary that the captain is number one, and the output-type player with the highest shooting percentage other than the captain is number two. The player with the second hit rate or the first auxiliary player is the number three, auxiliary or comprehensive player. It's number four.

But Yaosen unexpectedly discovered that as the No. 3 player, Shen You, 70% of the overall command was done by him instead of the No. 1 as the captain.

So far, the positioning of the Cobra team has been very clear. This is a team that uses a non-traditional "assisted core" model, which is different from most "captain core" models including Titans.

After the Cobra game was over, it was reasonable to say that their players should find the players to sit in the spectator stand, but Shen You temporarily left the field and went to the players lounge alone.

The wall-mounted TV screen in the lounge was showing the current team rankings. Shen You took a glass of water and sat down on the sofa. He looked up at the screen, and when he put down the cup, he accidentally touched the bottom of the cup on the table. A piece of water spilled out of the cup in the magazine.

Shen You was thinking about getting up and looking for any tissues around, but a hand holding a tissue box suddenly passed it in front of him. Shen You thanked him and looked up, facing the slightly curved smiling eyes of the owner of his upper arm.

Shen You was startled: "... Captain Yaosen?"

Yao Sen: "The command was good just now."

Shen You frowned slightly suspiciously, with a slightly confused and subtle expression in his eyes. After all, they were only playing against a youth training team, and it seemed that there was no need to use "nice" to describe it.

Shen You replied: "Thank you."

Yaosen sat down across from him and asked: "You have never been exposed to the competitive version of play, have you?"

Shen You was really surprised at this moment. He raised his head and stared at Yao Sen, not knowing what to say for a while. It can be seen from a game that he has never played an amateur game, and Yao Sen is really the first person he has ever met.

Yao Sen: "Is it convenient to ask where you trained before?"

Shen You replied briefly: "Bang Rui."

Yaosen said in surprise: "Do you know Bai Yue?"

"Yes, we used to be a training team, we are old friends." Shen You smiled faintly, "but I haven't contacted him for a long time, how is he doing?"

"Very good," Yaosen replied, "Fat and sleep well."

Bai Yue, Shao Han, and Shen You were all from Bang Rui. Since Shen You and Bai Yue are very familiar with each other, it can be basically confirmed that he and Shao Han are also very familiar... at least once.

Thinking of this, Yao Sen stood up: "I have to go back to the battlefield, and see you on the court another day."

Shen You nodded: "Tell me more."

That night, when Yao Sen was having dinner in the hotel’s cafeteria, he happened to see Shao Han sitting down by the window with his plate. Yaosen was about to go up to say hello, but a familiar figure abducted him from the dining aisle before him.

Yaosen stopped, and saw Shen You walking to Shao Han with the dinner plate, "Mind if I sit here?"

Shao Han raised his head and looked at him in surprise, frowning slightly unconsciously: "...Where are your teammates?"

"They went out to eat, I'm alone."

Shen You sat down, with a bit of guilt and earnestness in his voice: "Let’s have a meal together, Shao Han."

The author has something to say:

There is no true love rival in this article, the captain is invincible