Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 62


The R3 game started in the afternoon of the second day, and the Titans must make good use of the time of the next morning to resume the game against Odin.

The former professional player on the Internet directly compared many details of the NL game with the Titans in recent years. The positioning of each of their players is exactly the same as that of the Titans, especially the captain Cheng Rui. He does have a lot of differences. Yao Sen can hardly describe the similarities by coincidence.

Fans in the circle have said that the act of copying other team models to win is too disgusting; some people say that team models are actually somewhat similar. This is only utilitarian and understandable; some people think that imitating can be regarded as a kind of fight. France, NL can hit this step to show that they are capable.

However, Cheng Rui himself has been attacked by a lot of comments. After all, copying the team model and imitating the habits of individual players are two concepts. Many individual fans of Yaosen left a large number of comments on Cheng Rui's Weibo, and they have begun to put the topic "Sen-style myths cannot be copied" on the hot search list.

This incident caused a wave of waves, but the NL club was very calm. Neither the official nor the individual players have expressed any attitude, as if all the heated discussions from the outside have nothing to do with them.

At this time, Yaosen finally knew why he felt strange when fighting Cheng Rui—because he played so much like himself.

Regarding NL imitating Titans, coach Gou asked everyone to deal with it coldly. Don't just mix up the arguments of the fans. NL imitates them and can't care about it. It is the right thing to play the next game well.

Wang Yuxi was sulking all morning. He had seen the NL team uncomfortable for a long time, and the result was that they were imitating themselves, as if the methods he had trained over the years were directly plagiarized.

Bai Yue comforted him: "Okay, it's not worth angering them."

"Is their club perverted? We usually train their players according to our model? Why not just call the Titans affiliated club?" Wang Yuxi said angrily, "No! I'm mad at me! You know I don't have milk tea when I am angry. What will happen?!"

"Where the hell am I going to find you a little bit!"

"Pharaoh is calm and has resumed the game." Yaosen said on the side, "this is not a big deal."

"This is not a big deal!" Wang Yuxi said dissatisfied, "The kid surnamed Cheng almost changed his surname Yao!"

"He wants to be my son. I have no problem." Yaosen said indifferently. "Don't be angry. NL is nothing. Since they have the ability to imitate, it depends on whether they can survive."

Fortunately, Jiang Yang didn't come today. Otherwise, Yao Sen would still worry that Jiang Yang, a small explosive bag that went straight, would get together with the outrageous Wang Yuxi. Then I am afraid that the three Song Mingzhe would not be able to hold it, so he had to lift the door of NL directly.

In the replay of the game against Odin, Coach Gou carefully analyzed the tactical loopholes in Titans. Odin has always been known for his excellent tactics and superb adaptability. No one would have thought of launching a motorcycle surprise attack before the airdrop, but some omissions can indeed be avoided.

In addition, the Odin team in the whole game, including the strongest Ethan, is actually the most active only three people. But their control of the overall situation of the battlefield is so accurate, which means that there is another player in the team who plays the role of the most insightful and hidden observer.

Most people think of Ethan when they talk about Odin, because he is so strong that he is too prominent, and the other members are somewhat dwarfed. It is inevitable that a team with the core of the captain will have such a situation.

However, in fact, at critical times in many games, the most important thing for a team is not the fighters, but the observers.

Odin has been able to sit on the throne of the world's top teams for so long, and it is certainly not just Ethan's attack power and winning percentage alone.

Yaosen stared at the computer screen and fell into thinking for a while.

After the replay, Yao Sen wanted to go to the hotel gym for a while, and wanted to relax some tight nerves through exercise, so as to prepare for the game this afternoon.

He left the room and went to the corridor, where the other door on the side of the corridor was also opened. The Asian teams seem to be arranged on this floor, and that happens to be the room for the NL players.

Cheng Rui stood at the door, glanced at Yaosen, and simply greeted him, and then walked forward. There was no embarrassment or dodge in his expression, as usual.

Yaosen suddenly said, "Captain Cheng Rui."

Cheng Rui stopped and looked back at him.

Yao Sen: "Sorry, some of my fans are more excited, I hope you don't mind."

Yaosen smiled at him, a polite and correct smile but with a little coldness. Without waiting for Cheng Rui to say anything, he turned and left.

The gym is free for the team members who stayed in. Yaosen walked in directly, but unexpectedly saw a familiar figure on the treadmill.

Shao Han was jogging on a treadmill, wearing a loose T-shirt and knee-length shorts with headphones in his ears. His white and slender legs were running back and forth evenly in rhythm.

Yaosen walked forward quietly and patted Shao Han's shoulder lightly. Shao Han was taken aback, turned his head to see Yaosen, a bit of surprise flashed across his face, stopped the treadmill and walked off.

Yaosen: "Baby, why don't you call me when you come to the gym?"

"I thought you were still reviewing the game, so I didn't bother you." Shao Han looked at him, as if thinking of something, a little worry flashed in his eyes, "What are you going to do with NL?"

To be honest, when Shao Han saw the news, he confirmed why he always vaguely saw Yao Sen's shadow in the captain of NL.

Shao Han also knows that this kind of thing is not a taboo on the surface, but it is really disgusting to do it. Putting aside everything else, Shao Han also has selfish intentions. There may be no one in this world who wants to watch it more on the court than he. When Yao Sen was dazzling and invincible, something that should have belonged to Yao Sen appeared on another person. Shao Han was both angry and disgusted. He didn't want to bring this emotion to the game, so he came to the gym and thought. Exercising exercise.

"It's okay, let them go." Yaosen's tone was like indulging an antelope on his own territory for a while, half jokingly said, "I'm actually curious about fighting with someone who looks like me. What it feels like."

Shao Han relaxed a little and nodded.

Yaosen pulled him to one side of the seat and said in a serious manner: "Baby, you have to relax your calf muscles after running. Come on, I'll rub it for you."

Shao Han's calf was lifted onto his leg by Yaosen. He held Shao Han's calf with one hand and Shao Han's knee with the other hand to help him press and stretch.

Shao Han blushed slightly: "I'll do it myself."

Yao Sen: "Let your boyfriend do this kind of trivial matter."

Yaosen's fingers are very long, Shao Han's ankles are quite thin, his skin is warm and smooth, and it feels great to hold it. Yaosen was still thoughtless at first, but when he pressed it down, he recalled that he also liked to hold Shao Han’s ankle like this when he had sex, and let him play around—

Yaosen looked a little ashamed and dodged when he saw Shao Han's expression. It is probably the same thing he thought of.

Yaosen smiled and said: "It's almost done, get up baby, I'm going to'get up' if you don't get up again."

Shao Han hadn't heard the implied meaning in Yaosen's words at first. After reacting, he blushed and immediately put his legs down.

Yaosen looked at Shao Han with his face and the corners of his mouth open, reaching out to rub Shao Han's face, but Shao Han drew his lips away. Yaosen persevered and stretched out his hand to rub it, Shao Han hesitated for a moment, and did not continue to dodge, let Yaosen squeeze a few hands as he wished, with a look a little embarrassed.

"Baby, you are so cute." Yaosen bent down, leaning his chin on Shao Han's shoulder, leaning close to him and sighed sweetly and distressedly, "If we get Noah, I can't bear to bully you. manage?"

"We said that day, you have to go all out." Shao Han said, "Even if I am eliminated, I would rather be eliminated by you."

Taking advantage of no one around, Yaosen pinched Shao Han's chin and kissed him for a while. Yaosen suppressed the stupidity in his heart, took a deep breath, and leaned into the panting Shao Han's ear and said, "Student Shao Xiaozuo, I don't want you to get out of bed after the game."

Shao Han pushed Yaosen away, his ears were slightly red, but he didn't say anything to refuse. Yaosen knows very well that Shao Han has only three meanings for not speaking in front of him, one is to agree, the other is shy, and the third is to agree and shy.

Yaosen felt that he was too miscalculated. If he could be so sticky with his young leftist before fighting Odin, he might decide who would lose and who would win.

In the afternoon, the R3 group list was released. Titans did not share with Noah. On the side of the winning group, Odin met Lincoln again after the rematch.

The opponent Yaosen in this game is still quite confident that he can win, and after spending a while with Shao Han, he is full of strength and energetic on the field.

The Titans played very smoothly in this game, and the whole game ended with a three-game victory. After coming down, Wang Yuxi asked him incredulously: "Brother, did you eat Viagra, the eldest son of Awei's family?"

Yao Sen: "Can I use it?"

Wang Yuxi: "I have to ask Brother Shao about this kind of thing..."

The teams that ended the entire game in three rounds were still few, and when the Titans came out, there were no teams in the player lounge. Everyone sat in the lounge, closely watching the real-time match and scores of the teams on the big screen.

Noah currently has a 2-1 lead in three games. Winning shouldn’t be a problem; NL is also leading 2-1; and Odin’s match against Lincoln in the winning group has only ended in the second game and the score is 1-1. , The battle must be fierce.

Yaosen sat in the lounge and watched the entire R3. Noah and NL's ranking continued to rise, but Lincoln eventually lost to Odin with a score of 2-3 and fell into the defeat.

At this point in the game, half of the teams have been eliminated and missed the quarterfinals. There are still six teams in the losing group, and there are only two teams left in the winning group, one of which is Odin.

At present, it can be basically confirmed that the only throne in the winning group will be in Odin’s pocket, and the vast majority of industry views also believe that Lincoln will win in the losing group, and the final battle for the championship and runner-up will still occur in Austria. Between forests.

The R4 grouping list was also announced soon. Since yesterday, NL, who has been on the cusp, finally met the Titans head-on, and the first round opponent after Lincoln fell into the defeat was Noah's Ark.

The author has something to say:

Senge: It's almost time to let the little fans out