Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 66


The instructions for the end of the game sounded, and the logo of the winner of this round appeared on the big screen. It was a black and red team emblem composed of the abstract letter "T" and the hand of a giant.

A burst of excitement and cheers suddenly came from the players' viewing stand, and I saw Ethan stood up from his seat, whistled and clapped and shouted: "That's fantastic! Yao! You're awesome!"

Yaosen was still in a state of tension during the game. The crowd's gradual high cheers and applause pulled him back. He shook his palm, and his palm was indeed a little sweaty just now.

The narrator was so excited that he spoke quickly, marveling at the final raid. Everyone was reminiscing about the dazzling attack at the last moment of the game, and Titans fans began to shout their team declaration in unison.

Yaosen was heavily hugged by Wang Yuxi's shoulders beside him. Wang Yuxi flushed with excitement, shook him desperately, and shouted incredulously: "We won Lincoln! Fuck we won Lincoln!"

Bai Yue said slowly and incredulously: "... I'm not dreaming, am I? Lao Song, did you really blow their driver's head?"

Song Mingzhe's voice trembled a little at this time. He relied on his instinct every moment during the game. Now that the game is over, he has not recovered from his nervous state: "...should it? Old Bai, you Give me a pinch."

Yaosen held Wang Yuxi at the right time, and calmly said: "Okay, calm down, I'm going to shake hands at the end, haven't you seen that Lincoln has stood up?"

The Titans came to Lincoln, and the Lincoln players shook hands with them politely. Kevin stared at Yaosen, his expression inevitably full of unwillingness, but more admiration, he took the initiative to shake his hand with Yaosen, and said: "Thanks for a great game."

Kevin looked up at Odin and his party sitting in the spectator stand, with a rare faint smile on the corners of his mouth, and said to Yao Sen, "I hope you can show Ethan some color."

Yaosen smiled heartily: "I'll try."

Kevin turned around, ignoring Ethan's "Hey Kevin, did you just say my name" from the audience behind him, and walked towards the contestant passage with his teammates.

Yaosen watched Kevin leave, his gaze fell on another person in the auditorium, with a scorch different from looking at other people. Yaosen smiled slightly and stepped into the passage, speeding up involuntarily.

Shao Han was waiting for him at the exit of the passage. When Yaosen came out, Shao Han still resisted the urge to hug him in front of so many cameras and fans around him, but walked forward and shook his hand firmly.

The media and fans crowded around Titans. Many fans burst into tears with excitement, shouting slogans and shouting hoarse.

Yaosen quietly pulled Shao Han behind him so that he would not be hit by excited fans and the media, calmly facing the camera, smiling and fluently answering every question.

Fortunately, the media can be considered considerate of the players' need to rest, and did not pester them for too long. Fans have long been distressed to give them water and food, and let them go back and have a good rest.

The headlines of "Titans defeating Lincoln" exploded in the domestic and international e-sports media. The video of the final sniping and raid in the fifth round of the game was soaring and it was directly selected by foreign e-sports media. It is one of the most impactful game scenes in previous leagues.

This is the first league that Titans has participated in after changing the captain of the main team. E-sports foreign media have commented that the young new captain's fit with the Titans style and the degree of running-in with the members have reached an astonishing level, leading directly With Titans rushing to the runner-up position, defeating the world's veteran team Lincoln.

In the competition, Yaosen's ridiculous "Heavenly Thick Black School" also unexpectedly became popular on the Internet, and many people were curiously asking what mysterious Eastern metaphysics is.

Yao Sen's name, the name of each member of Titans is destined to be remembered by more people.

@沉迷电竞的小星: I have been scanning the news that the little giants have won the Lincoln brothers, and I am still excited now, and I can boast the fuck for twenty years in the last game! ! ! ! The Titans are awesome! ! !

By the way, some foreign friends commented that I really laughed and turned around. A large group of people are discussing the "Heavenly Dark Studies" in the words of Seng Ge. There is already a hashtag on Twitter, and the theory of causal weapons has come out [doge]爻局The seat is really good [Applause]

Randomly intercepted a few foreign media’s comments on Senge [picture][picture], everyone came to taste this original translation of rainbow fart, "a monstrously formidable and deadly dominator of battlefields", "a monstrous formidable and deadly dominator of battlefields." People admire the deadly ruler of the battlefield." All the friends who test English have taken a small book to memorize vocabulary!

There is one more thing I have to say with my own heart. After the game, Seng Zuo went to look for him after the game. Fans of Seng are faster than Seng, look! Xiao Zuo shook Sen Ge's hand! Look! Sen Ge pulled Xiao Zuo behind him! I'm fucking screaming chicken, this chicken[Animation][Animation]

"Titans are the best!!! Ah ah!!! Don't put me in the chicken coop!!! I can still call!!!"

"I really cried at the end of the game. I will always support Titans."

"My Titans can fight for another eight hundred years!!!"

"I want to blow everyone in the Titans club to the sky, whether it's the four beautiful boys of the main team, the Ziyu who worked very hard in the qualifiers, or the coach and manager, give it to me!"

"Brother Sen is the most handsome!! Brother Yue is the best!!! Brother Zhe is the bravest!!! The house is the cutest!! Brother Xi...the most showy!!!"


"Kevin: You may not believe it, I was killed by the number two opposite."

"I don't have any culture now, and I don't even understand the foreign media rainbow fart."

"At the scene, Brother Shao ran over at once, faster than our fans [doge]"

"Brother Seng dragged Xiao Zuo behind because he was afraid that he would be hit by the fans!! My mother is so sweet!!"

"Did I really get it right??"

"If you don’t wear any colored filters, I feel that the relationship between Brother Seng and Xiao Zuo is really good. When the match is won, he is the first to greet him, and Xiao Zuo’s expression is really heartfelt and happy, Zuo Zuo’s mother Fans are so heart-warming.”

"Even though Morizuo is really cute... But I still want to say that everyone is cute in private, don't leave comments on the Weibo of Mori God and Brother Shao!!!"

At this moment, in the suite where the Titans team members lived, Yao Sen's door was closed with one hand propped on the door panel. Yao Sen circled Shao Han between his arms and dropped a soft kiss on his lips.

Shao Han raised his head and stared at him deeply, his eyes gleaming, he stretched out his arms, hugged Yaosen's shoulders, and whispered in his ear: "Congratulations."

From the end of the game to the present, Yaosen has heard a lot of congratulations, but Shao Han is different from everyone else. The weight of these three words is incalculable in his mind.

Yaosen touched Shao Han's hair, put his arms around Shao Han's waist, picked him up, and put him in the bed. Yaosen deepened the kiss with him, and couldn't help but rub his hands on Shao Han's body, until Shao Han's white cheeks were flushed by the kiss, and his mouth was slightly gasping.

Yaosen smiled softly: "Thank you baby."

Yaosen’s palm is pressed against Shao Han’s cheek. His palm is warm, well-proportioned and slender, but very powerful. One hand can clamp Shao Han’s two wrists, so that when both hands are on the field, everyone can resist. Unstoppable sharp sword.

Shao Han gently held Yaosen's hand and kissed the inside of his wrist. At the end, he felt that he seemed to be a little too enthusiastic, his face was slightly red, his lips were pressed and he did not speak.

Facts have proved that Yao Sen is not afraid of encirclement, sneak attacks, or rifles. He can be calmly transformed into Shura with cold face at any time on the court, but he can’t do it in front of Shao Han. Shao Han feels that he has lost with a slight push. Shao Han His voice is so cold, but it can add fire to his heart at any time.

Yao Sen sighed, he has become a faint king.

Yaosen pinched Shao Han’s buttocks as if he was punished. Shao Han wore a pair of slim jeans. Every time he wore jeans, the slender legs and round buttocks would make Yaosen. Wei Wei insisted on showing respect, not to mention the unresisting appearance of this pair who was clearly embarrassed now, but showed the softest side in front of him.

Just when Yao Sen was about to wipe his gun and go off fire, Shao Han's cell phone rang suddenly. Shao Han gently pushed Yao Sen's shoulder away and glanced at the phone screen, and found that Xiaomeng had sent him a video call invitation.

Shao Han covered Yaosen's lips and wanted to kiss him: "It's Xiaomeng..."

The sister-in-law's conversation couldn't be ignored, and Yaosen had to stop temporarily. Shao Han tidyed up some messy clothes and hair, sat down on the sofa by the bed, and switched on the video.

Shao Meng was sitting on the bed in her pajamas, holding a puppet doll made of Shao Han's Q version in her arms. Seeing her brother picked it up, she immediately shouted excitedly: "Brother! Is Senshen here!"

Shao Han let out a voice directly, and Yaosen directly sat next to Shao Han when he heard it, and said hello to Xiaomeng in the mirror.

"Sen God! Ah! I watched the last game eight hundred times! You are so handsome! Why are you so handsome?! Why are Titans so powerful! I'm dead, I scream!" Shao Meng was so excited that he put the baby in his arms. It was so deformed that I wanted to post it on the screen and hug an idol and kiss him wildly, "I will always support you! I am a giant who is a giant's ghost! Titans will win! Titans will definitely win!"

Yaosen smiled and said, "Then borrow Xiaomeng's good words."

Shao Meng: "I'm so happy, I actually have such a powerful brother!"

Shao Han on the side coughed slightly, not forgetting to tell his sister: "Did you stay up late to watch the game again? Don't sleep too late."

"Oh, brother, I promise I will only stay up late to watch the game between you and Senshen. Let's get along." After Shao Meng finished speaking, he said to Yaosen, "Simshen! I'm waiting for you to come back! Cheer for the game!"

The final race for the championship and runner-up will begin tomorrow afternoon. The focus of attention on this yet-to-be-started game has reached an unprecedented height. All eyes follow them, eagerly looking forward to the final. The confrontation, heated discussions and speculation about the outcome of the game.

Will Odin, who has been overlooking for a long time, continue to re-elect, or will the Titans, who are up against the current, fight back and defeat into victory, breaking this long-standing strong sequence in one fell swoop—

Then ushered in a new ruler.

The author has something to say:

Finally, we are going to fight another "Sen God" boss~ This article is also coming to an end! After the end of the text, I will enter V, thank you for your valuables! (?'∪ˉ??)