Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 67


Yaosen sat on the sofa in the contestant's lounge. He turned his head and looked at Wang Yuxi with complicated expressions, then turned back, and finally turned back, and finally couldn't help saying: "Pharaoh, don't shake your legs, it makes me dazzled. "

The race for the championship and runner-up will begin in forty minutes, and the Titans players are making final preparations in the lounge.

Just now on the way they came, fans raised their hands to cheer for them all the way, and the media reporters in the circle followed with guns and guns, capturing the faces of the Titans players who are about to compete with Odin. Second look.

The big screen of the main stadium of the league has been replaced with the logos of Titans and Odin, and the black and red team logo and the navy and white team logo are also flashing across the LED screens laid out on the periphery of the stadium. It is no exaggeration to say that the world of e-sports is watching and waiting for this moment.

Although the Titans four have participated in many large-scale competitions, it is the first time to see the huge battle of the league finals. Before the game, Wang Yuxi was very nervous. After the break room, he kept taking deep breaths.

Hearing Yao Sen said this, Wang Yuxi clutched the mineral water bottle in his hand tightly and replied: "I'm nervous! Ethan, that's Yao... Bah! Yaosen, that's Ethan! Nima makes me nervous! , The name is almost reversed!"

Yaosen patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, there are still forty minutes, so calm down."

Bai Yue also said to Wang Yuxi: "Every time before the game, you howl the most fierce, but in the end, there is no fart."

Wang Yuxi: "This time is different! That's Ethan!"

Song Mingzhe on the side said: "I don't think there is anything to be nervous about, Ethan is definitely not as good as the boss."

Wang Yuxi: "Appeared, Yaosen's brainless blowing speech."

Coach Gou sat aside and chatted with Manager Guo. He didn't talk to them any more about the game. Anyway, the words that should be said were all finished, and the rest was up to the boys themselves. Zhou Ziyu ran around, pouring tea to the four elder brothers, squeezing their backs and shoulders, looking more excited than them.

The door of the lounge was knocked, and then gently opened by the visitor very politely. Shao Han stood at the door. Noah had just finished a qualifying match for the knockout group. As soon as the match was over, he immediately came over to find Yaosen.

Yaosen sees the time for more than half an hour. He also wants to relax his mood with activities. Facing opponents like Odin, there must be a sense of urgency, plus they lost to Odin in R2. Once, the pressure this puts on the Titans players is unmatched in any game.

Yaosen stood up and walked to the door, stretched out his hand to hook Shao Han's shoulder, and said, "Baby, walk with me."

The two came out from the back door of the stadium. Outside the stadium is a small green park, which provides a resting place for spectators waiting in line to enter the stadium.

The two did not go to the crowded side, but sat down on a bench under the shade of a tree.

Shao Han can fully understand Yaosen's mood. After all, Titans fell into the defeat after being defeated by Odin at the beginning. No matter what the outcome of the game is, in his heart, Yaosen will never be replaced.

Shao Han's voice is calm and cool, with unhesitating determination and unreserved trust: "I believe in you."

Yaosen smiled slightly: "Yeah."

I came out and stayed with Shao Han for a while. Yaosen's mood calmed down a lot, just as he could quickly relax when he heard Shao Han's voice when he was insomnia and unable to sleep. Shao Han did have this magical power to make him feel at ease. .

The two stayed outside until ten minutes before the start of the game, and it was almost time for Yao Sen to go back and meet his teammates.

Yaosen pushed open the door of the lounge. All three teammates put on their team uniforms. Coach Gou stood behind the crowd and nodded towards them.

"Go," Coach Gou said, "let everyone know you."

The lights of the arena were lit, and the excited audience kept cheering and shouting. Two rows of players in different uniforms stood in the center of the stage. The mysterious black and red, and the deep and steady navy blue ignited all present. The human optic nerve.

Ethan stood in front of Yaosen, held his hand, and smiled heartily: "Finally!"

He leaned close to Yaosen pretentiously, hit his shoulder with his fist, half-jokingly said: "Actually, I wanted to ask, did you win Kevin because he beat your'pretty boyfriend'? "

"Absolutely." Yaosen blinked and smiled innocently, "He made my baby cry."

"Haha! Sure enough!"

What Yao Sen didn't expect was that the two words that he whispered with Ethan before the game started were actually listed as one of the top ten "wonders" in this league by foreign media in the future-what did Captain Titans say that day

The remaining three of Titans listened to their captain and Ethan talking in bird language, and could only shake hands silently with the players opposite him, with awkward and polite smiles on both sides.

After the players took their seats, the elevators on the stadium slowly rose, and the lights around the seats were lit up in the colors of both teams. Yaosen glanced at the auditorium from a distance, and unexpectedly saw Shao Han in it.

Yaosen breathed out slowly, clasped his hands and stretched his arms and fingers forward, and said, "The last battle is over, everyone."

Wang Yuxi was still nervous. He followed his breath, wiped the cold sweat in his heart on his trouser legs, and said silently: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous... When I return to China after playing this game, I will drink enough milk tea, Four Season Milk Qing, wait for me!"

Bai Yue: "Temperance, Lao Wang, do you think the new recruits this year have discovered that they have a 200-jin senior?"

Wang Yuxi: "I'm only one hundred and forty-two! One! One hundred! Four! Ten! Two!"

Bai Yue: "But you only have 177."

"This is the standard weight! And I wear shoes 179 thank you!"

"But I am four centimeters taller than you, and I am as heavy as you."

"Are you sure you want to talk about your weight three minutes before the start of the game?" Yaosen said, "By the way, I think Wang Yuxi, you really can't drink too much. You seem to be a little bit fat."

Just as Wang Yuxi opened his mouth to refute, he paused, took another deep breath, and said with a rare serious expression: "Okay, buddy, don't need to divert my attention to help me relax. You are here, I don't worry."

Yaosen smiled slightly, and looked at the big screen. His voice was not rushed or slow, but with unquestionable certainty: "I won't say much about tactics. Let's follow the feelings. The color of the national flag matches our team uniforms so well, at least You have to put it on again, right?"

The countdown was reset to zero at this time, and the game map type of this game appeared on the big screen.

They picked the D map. To be honest, for a team like Odin, which type of map is not important anymore, they have the strain and short-term analysis capabilities that ordinary teams can't match.

For Titans, whose experience is not enough compared to Odin, the simpler the map type, the better for them. Because the more complex the map means the more indefensible attack methods and surprise attacks, and this is exactly what Odin is good at.

They have already played against Odin once, Odin is not perfect to be absolutely invincible, otherwise they would not be able to get the score from Odin.

Yaosen filtered every scene and every attack during the last confrontation in his mind, and gave the team members a full assembly instruction, and said in a deep voice: "The primary goal is their observers. He will basically not appear on the front line in the early stage. Once determined Sniper immediately."

The remaining three answered in unison: "OK."

The four took the B forward position with attack as the main defense supplemented. Odin does not have the copper wall and iron wall defense like Lincoln. They have a sharp storm-like offensive, and the Titans' style is almost the same as theirs, and the defense is not too strong. , There is no reason to give up one's strengths and become obsessed with shortcomings.

Since you have to fight hard, try hard to come up with a result.

There is an observer in the Odin team who is responsible for observing the overall situation of the battlefield and conveying the most beneficial action information to his teammates. He is like the eagle eye of the entire team and can quickly screen out the best course of action from the chaotic situation.

The observer was well protected by Odin and was barely exposed to direct confrontation. Titans encountered Odin’s first surprise attack after the first airdrop. Ethan’s speed was so fast that Yaosen barely saw his movements, but just subconsciously dodge and dodge based on his intuition after years of training. After a row of shots that almost chased him in his footsteps, a crossbow arrow was hit in the shoulder.

There is a master who likes to use crossbows in the Odin team. The crossbow arrows have great lethality and are more difficult to aim than guns. They are killed immediately when they hit the head, and the second arrow must be killed when they hit the head.

Yaosen quickly rolled over on the ground, his muzzle flicked while moving. Even in the huge shaking and rotation of the angle of view, his moving sniper accurately hit the head of the distant crossbowman, but the opponent was wearing it. With a helmet, one shot is not enough to kill.

Yao Sen flashed into the alley, Odin's No. 1 and No. 3 confronted Wang Yuxi, Bai Yue and Song Mingzhe, while No. 2 directly confronted Yao Sen alone, except for No. 4.

Yao Sen: "No. 4 is their observer!"

Yaosen understood in his heart that Odin's tactic was to separate him from the team and then annihilate him. Even if Ethan is defeated by him in 1v1, observers in the dark can also participate in the battle at any time, using wheel warfare to consume Yaosen, and at the same time, it can also prevent the observers from joining the battle prematurely and the opponent's death.

Ethan's Yaosen's number is nothing to hide. The two fiercely clashed, and the bullet and the fire opened an invisible barrier. The voice of the narrator was high and excited. The two of them were described as fearless wolves and violent lions, vying for the power of the strong on the territory.

The observers joined the battle. Under the double teamwork, Yao Sen gradually felt strenuous. He had to let go of the offensive and retreat. The upper right corner of the screen had already shown Song Mingzhe's exit.

Yao Sen: "Don't fall in love with war! Retreat!"

Ethan saw Yaosen’s tendency to converge, and he did not hesitate to catch up. The muzzle was the fangs of the wolf who had dominated the territory for a long time. He smashed the window closest to Yaosen. During the explosion, Yao Sen's vision was blinded for half a second. In this short instant, Ethan's bullet emptied his health bar.

Five minutes later, the first game ended, Odin took the lead to score a point.

In the second game, Yao Sen was once again forced to be singled out by Odin’s fierce siege. Each of Odin’s single-player combat power was terribly high, even if Wang Yuxi could break out of the siege to support Yao Sen, Yi Sen will not give him more opportunities.

Yaosen took the lead this time to kill Odin's observers. The Odin team's actions showed a clear close, the offensive was temporarily stagnant, but they soon reorganized the positions of the various players and launched the second round of attacks.

This brief stagnation was the opportunity for Titans, but it was a pity that when this precious opportunity was discovered, it was fleeting.

Odin's crossbowman shot Bai Yue, Yaosen and Ethan restrained each other, the crossbowman outflanked for the second time, and Yaosen, who was in a stalemate, was blocked by Ethan's back and was hit in the leg.

Wang Yuxi and Song Mingzhe, who were still alive but had blood remaining, barely arrived, but Odin still had a powerful throwing weapon in his hands, and the blood of the three of them was not enough to sustain an explosion.

Flash grenades and grenades were thrown out at the same time, and the flames burst with white light. In the chaos of the explosion, Yao Sen sniped the crossbowman, but Ethan failed to give him a chance to save the situation.

After the second game ended, Odin's score had changed to "2". At this moment, huge depression and urgency enveloped the Titans over the heads of the four, pressing them almost out of breath.

Everyone in the arena is panicking. The attacking rhythm of the two teams is too fast. It is dazzling and dazzling. The heartbeats of all people gather together, almost as fast as the third game on the big screen. The countdown coincides.

Yaosen's fist was slightly clenched, and he stared at the computer screen tightly, then looked back at his teammates. The nervous, unwilling, and raging flames burned in everyone's eyes, but he couldn't see discouragement.

Yaosen was still very calm, he did not rush to lay out the tactics, this scene was recorded by countless cameras, even the two US commentators could not help but sigh, the captain of Titans was incredibly calm.

Nothing else, just because Yaosen knew in his heart that the game is not over, the Odin team will not relax, and the Titans will not fall.