Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 68


Looking at the current score numbers on the big screen, Shao Han could hardly control his heartbeat. He squeezed his fist tightly, his eyes followed closely on the field, until he saw his steady look as before, and his agitated chest slowly calmed down.

Shao Han believes in Yaosen more than anyone, believes in his light and heat on the court.

After Yao Sen arranged his tactics, the third game will soon begin. He stretched out his hand, touched his fists with the other three, and said: "Foreigners don't know how to promote and suppress, we pay attention to it."

Wang Yuxi: "Well said! Give me a boost!"

The third game sounded, and the map was B-picture. The interactivity and strategy were greatly improved. For them, who are always suppressed head-to-head with Odin, it is a challenge and an opportunity.

There are more vehicles on the map of this bureau, and all kinds of vehicles are everywhere. Yaosen glanced at the rough map thumbnails, and gradually had a vague plan in his mind. He immediately ordered: "Lao Song is responsible for staring at Odin's observers, and Lao Wang is staring at their crossbowmen. I don't believe he does every game. If you can pick up the crossbow, Lao Bai will follow me, beware of the sniper."

Bai Yue said nervously: "Odin and the others just want to disperse you and suppress you. I can't help it alone, Yao Sen, are you sure?"

Yaosen pondered for a while and replied: "OK."

Yaosen's determined words stabilized the rock that was hanging high in everyone's hearts.

The four of them dispersed after the first airdrop. Yaosen and Bai Yue were almost as bold as they approached the inner circle. At the same time, the Odin team, which has always liked quick battles, quickly moved towards them. near.

The two commentators marveled at Captain Titans' courage, but they still sweated for them.

There are more and more vehicles in the city, enough as a cover, but it also provides a hidden place for sneak attacks. When Yaosen walked through a certain alley, he looked at the rather rare vehicle in the game parked on the side of the street, and his eyes lit up, and he secretly recorded the location of this coordinate point in his heart.

Yaosen shouted: "Pharaoh, the plan has changed. Leave the crossbowman alone. There is a new task for you."

Wang Yuxi hasn't found the trace of Odin's crossbowman who made him hate for the time being, and replied: "Say it! It's better to let me kill it!"

Yao Sen: "Don't worry, absolutely happy."

After listening to Yao Sen's words, Wang Yuxi took a breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I, Fujiwara Xihai, will show off my autumn famous mountain bike skills today!"

Ten minutes later, the bombing is about to begin, and the two teams are currently still in the central area that will be designated as the bombing range. It is basically impossible to enter the inner circle within ten minutes.

Sure enough, the Oding team was halfway through, and directly used strong firepower to separate Yaosen and Bai Yue forcibly. The bombing was about to begin, but Yao Sen unexpectedly did not confront him directly this time, but chose to retreat after encountering Odin for the first time.

The Odin team bit them tightly, and was bound to kill this difficult opponent, Yao Sen. The roads and streets around here are intricate, and there are many vehicles. If the Titans can't make a quick fight, once the Titans find the opportunity to retreat, the Titans will be a major threat to fight a guerrilla warfare.

Odin's No. 3 and No. 4 chased Yao Sen and Bai Yue into an alley, one of them was Ethan. This street is a T-shaped intersection, and they are right in the vertical lane.

This terrain view is too narrow and very dangerous. The Odin team is obviously vigilant, and their observers have been exposed, and they are currently engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with Titans No.2.

And the moment Yaosen ran out of the alley, Song Mingzhe's "Observer has been killed" yelled from his earphones, and he immediately shouted, "Bump!"

The death of the observer will bring a short-term weakening of the Odin team's offensive, but this is only a flash of light, and the Titans must seize this opportunity.

At this time, Ethan could only run out of the lane. He saw at a glance that there was a tanker parked on the right hand side of the road facing them. Because there is no global perspective of the observer at a high place, he can't see it at all. At this time, behind the tanker truck, an off-road vehicle is speeding over.

However, Ethan's reaction speed was unmatched by ordinary people. He only stopped for half a second before he understood why Yao Sen had to retreat to this position, and immediately evaded.

It was just that the half-second delay was deadly enough. The off-road vehicle driven by Wang Yuxi rammed over in an instant. He jumped off the roof of the car window just before his death and rolled into the roadway.

The off-road vehicle slammed into the tanker. The off-road vehicle exploded first and directly ignited the tanker. Then, with a deafening loud noise, the entire tanker also exploded.

The audience, including the narrator, all exclaimed at the same moment. The loud noise of the explosion shattered the glass of all surrounding buildings, and the fire almost flooded the entire large screen.

Ethan and the other team member were both hit hard, the blood bar fell rapidly, and the action bar dropped to the lowest. The black smoke completely blinded them, and several bullets passed through the dense smoke and hit them.

The bullets don't even need to hit the key, because their health bars are not enough to support any more shots.

Although Wang Yuxi jumped out of the car to evade in time, the power of the tanker explosion was too great. His health bar also lost more than half of it, and he was still lying on the ground with blood skin, unable to move. He was basically a dead person.

This kind of adventurous tactics basically wounded the enemy 1,000 and hurt himself by 800, and Bai Yue also suffered a lot of injuries. Before he could heal himself, he subconsciously wanted to rush into the black smoke and flames to make up his gun.

Yao Sen: "No, I just made it up, it's dead. There are still snipers left, Lao Song, do you see the snipers?"

Song Mingzhe replied, "I saw it."

Yao Sen: "Abolish him."

"give it to me."

The third game ended after three minutes and the Titans won. The moment the score jumped, the audience was shocked and silent. The large curved screen showed the scene of the explosion just now very intuitive and full of impact. Everyone seemed to be immersed in the aftermath of that surprise attack, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

Everyone couldn't believe that the Titans had won a round with all of them alive.

Yaosen’s ears were filled with the sound of the countdown to the fourth game and cheers from the audience. He slowly exhaled and stretched out his fists towards his teammates. The remaining three people also reached out their hands in a tacit understanding. Touched together.

They won the game, but Odin still has an absolute advantage. As long as they don't tie the score, the Titans' throat will be pinched in their hands.

"Master Xi, I'm so cool." Wang Yuxi couldn't help but squeezed his knuckles, and said with an aura, "Now I think I can do ten people!"

Yao Sen: "I am not demanding, just one person will do."

The game has reached the fourth round. In the live broadcast on the global network platform, the number of online viewers for this final battle has broken through a new high. Yao Sen doesn't know yet, he has quickly added the nickname "The Little Prince of Explosions" to audiences around the world.

The fourth game is also the B picture. The Titans players have a sharper edge and momentum than the first three games. Yao Sen successfully killed the opponent's observer in a fight shortly after the opening.

Each of them is like a sharpened knife, with the blade pointed directly at the enemy's throat. Odin is also full of combat power. They are strong players who have gone through the competition. The stronger the opponent, the higher their fighting spirit. The two teams are evenly matched, and they can hardly tell the difference.

Odin wants to encircle Yao Sen, and Titans will not make Ethan so easy. Both Wang Yuxi and Bai Yue besieged Ethan at the same time, and he would also be blocked by Block. Ethan's combat power was much higher than them, even if they were two people, it was very difficult.

But Wang Yuxi and Bai Yue's task was not to kill him, but to hold him back, so as to create opportunities for Yaosen and Song Mingzhe. Yao Sen and Song Mingzhe swiftly invaded Odin's temporary stronghold. The observers had been killed, and the snipers and crossbowmen were no longer a big threat to him.

Ethan finally broke through Baiyue and Wang Yuxi’s encirclement and rushed out. Yaosen was prepared for a long time. After Ethan’s fire was turned away, Song Mingzhe outflanked his back. Ethan’s blood was not much left, and it would be difficult for a wolf without wolves. Confronted with the encirclement and suppression of two wild beasts.

At the end of the fourth game, the score became 2-2. This was an absolute counterattack and a shocking reversal. The sword of Damocles was now hanging over the heads of the two teams.

Shao Han's eyes were a bit dry and sour because he stared at the big screen for too long, but he couldn't look away at all. His heart was beating too fast, and his back was almost sweaty.

Before the start of the fifth game, both teams have a three-minute break. And these three minutes have almost affected the nerves of everyone present.

"Odin's team name is taken from the main god Odin in Norse mythology, it means violent and fierce." The commentator explained to the audience watching the live broadcast while the game was in the open, "This meaning is actually very much in line with Odin's style. ."

"But this time they seem to have encountered an equally violent and ferocious team." Another commentator answered. "This team from China will make them feel like they have never been before-completely different from their old rival Lincoln- Crisis and excitement."

In the middle of the field, after Yao Sen finished the preliminary tactics of the last round, the remaining three were a little nervous.

Bai Yue frowned slightly: "Are you sure? Will it be too risky?"

"Ethan will not give you a chance to control him again. They will definitely stop me in the last round." Yaosen said solemnly, "Lao Song has been with me for the longest time and knows my operations best. Believe me."

The three looked at each other, Song Mingzhe nodded finally: "Understood, boss."

Bai Yue took a deep breath: "It's the last round, let's gamble."

Wang Yuxi also said: "Of course we believe you. If I don't believe you, I can give you command? I have long sought the power to usurp the throne and become the captain of myself!"

The countdown was coming to an end, Yaosen smiled and said, "Let's start then."

In the final decisive game, they won the most complicated and random A picture. Picture A is different from the other three maps. In many cases, it is not outdoors but in a wide indoor area. There is no bombing area or airdrop. Only random equipment supply centers will appear on the map regularly.

This time, the map is a complex and huge cabin. Numerous containers are stacked in the cabin, and their goal is in the cabin at the bottom.

The lighting in the cabin is not very good, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of the game. The Titans quickly collected and looked for available equipment. Although it was said that there would be a replenishment center, it was actually a place where it was likely that they would directly encounter Odin. They had to be prepared.

Yaosen found a hook-and-loop launcher, which had limited usefulness indoors, but he still put it in his backpack.

Sure enough, they ran into Odin at the first supply station, and both teams showed an unprecedented offensive. Yao Sen is always the forward of the team, he is always sharp.

Odin's observers signaled the entire team to encircle Yaosen, and the fire changed its direction, blocking other Titans members from supporting Yaosen, and once again forced him out of the battle circle alone.

Ethan quickly noticed that the Titans had begun to retreat, and their snipers retreated one after another, waiting for opportunities.

The dimly lit cabin lengthened the game time and tested their endurance, but Ethan's heart was filled with unspeakable excitement and enthusiasm. He enjoys the strength of his opponents and likes such a hearty game. He has seen unique and deadly strength in Yaosen.

He followed Yao Sen all the way, and had already hit Yao Sen's plan in the third game. Ethan was naturally very vigilant. He was like a fierce wolf catching prey in the night, waiting for the chance to take the enemy's life in one fell swoop.

Twenty-five minutes after the game, the Odin team observer was killed, and the Titans' number three player was also out.

Ethan knows very well that Titans' snipers are a huge threat. Under this map condition, snipers have an advantage. Of course, Odin also has snipers. Let him see who is better.

The containers in the cabin are prone to concealed and sneak attacks, and the Odin team pursued them with full vigilance.

They found Yao Sen in the middle of the cabin near the bottom floor. He quickly shuttled through the container, making it almost impossible to find him. Ethan followed closely. He saw Yao Sen's shadow flashing in the corner, and immediately raised the gun to shoot. The bullet hit Yao Sen's leg.

The outing message appeared on the screen again. Titans' No. 1 and Odin's No. 4 were out. Now, it is the final mediation between the two evenly matched parties.

Yao Sen’s leg has been injured, and his speed will slow down greatly. Ethan’s teammates seized the opportunity to launch the final attack, but Ethan felt a little urgent in his heart.

Before that, Ethan had only played once with the Titans in the second round of the finals. He was not familiar with the operation of the opponents, but he relied on Ethan’s keen insight and instinct for Yaosen’s unique and powerful strength. , He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

But at the moment the arrow is on the line, and Ethan cannot tolerate any hesitation. Yaosen's retreat slowed down. He and his teammates encircled and suppressed, and finally approached Yaosen in a dead end where both sides were tall containers.

Ethan's bullets were accurate and deadly, and the lion seemed to be losing ground under the attack of two evil wolves. Yaosen barely had the energy to maneuver, so he was hit by the dense bullets and fell to the ground.

The moment Yaosen fell to the ground, an idea flashed through Ethan's mind, and he suddenly shouted at his teammate: "No!"

I saw that the enemy death notification that appeared on the upper left of the screen clearly read: "The enemy's No. 2 player has died, and the player ID is: Titans_喆"

Ethan's teammates realized at this time that it was not Yaosen in front of them, but the snipers of Titans. They were misled!

However, the situation was too late for him to think about it.

A swift figure jumped from the top of the tall container on the side and directly pressed Odin's No. 1 to the ground, with two shots against his backhand, one with broken armor and one with a headshot.

This is the only player No. 4 of the Titans remaining on the court, and also their most terrifying, deadly, and most difficult to conquer lion leader, Yao Sen.

Yaosen used the hook-and-loop launcher, an item that ordinary people would not think of to use in this kind of map, so he ejected to the top of the container. Odin's observers have been killed long ago, and his lurking has not been discovered by anyone.

Yaosen moved as fast as a black lightning. After he killed Odin One, he rolled over to avoid Ethan’s bullets, and then he raised the muzzle with only three bullets left in his hand, the first bullet. Aimed at the light tube overhead.

With a "bang", the lamp tube was torn apart, the lighting failed, and the vision fell into darkness. At the moment when he fell into the darkness, people's movements must have a short delay. With Ethan's stagnation, Yaosen, who had already remembered his position, fired the last two shots in the darkness at Ethan.

At the same moment, after hearing the gunshots, Ethan, who had already determined the location of Yaosen, also raised the gun decisively and shot at him.

Several competing bullets resemble unstoppable meteorites. They pierce through the darkness and point to the opponent's vitals—

This short half-second seemed to be stretched infinitely, everyone held their breath, and all the pictures seemed to be slowed down. In the audience, everyone felt a sense of tension in their hearts.

Yaosen's two bullets hit Ethan, Ethan fell to the ground, and his bullets hit Yaosen at almost the same time.

Both of them had only a few health bars left, and none of them could resist two consecutive shots. The health bars of the two dropped almost at the same time, and Ethan’s health bars were already cleared—

The audience's eyes widened. Is the captain of Titans still alive

Someone exclaimed because Yaosen rolled and hid behind a container at the moment of his death. It was almost unimaginable how he could shoot such an accurate shot while moving fast.

The sturdy container blocked a bullet for him, and the remaining bullet hit his shoulder. Yaosen's health bar dropped most of it, and there was still a small amount of red layer left.

However, he survived.

The sound of shooting still echoed in Yaosen's ears, his chest was still agitating loudly, and his palms were sweaty. He didn't think carefully in the few seconds just now, just shot and dodged based on the instinct accumulated over the years.

The dazzling light shone on Yaosen's head, and all the sounds around him slowly poured into his ears through the earphones. Yaosen raised his head and looked at the big screen, at the new number that jumped out in front of Titans.

They won.