Does Love at First Sight Exist in E-Sports?

Chapter 69


The shock wave swept the entire arena.

No one would have thought, and no one would believe that this young Chinese team could complete a perfect reversal in desperation, smashing the sharp sword hanging above his head, and turning the point of the sword towards his opponent. Give them a fatal blow to seal their throats.

Everyone has witnessed a miracle and change.

The dazzling lights shone on the members of the Titans. At this moment, all the glory, all the light and the heat are poured out on them. The cheers, applause, and almost hoarse screams of the fans' uncontrollable excitement surrounded them, causing the four people who were still in a tense aftertaste and had not fully reacted to their senses.

The player's lift landed slowly, and Yaosen's shoulders were suddenly hugged. His three teammates rushed over and directly knocked him from the gaming chair to the ground, causing him to fall firmly.

Several people pulled him up from the ground with hands and feet. Wang Yuxi hugged Yaosen and cheered, shouting with excitement, "Win". Both Bai Yue and Song Mingzhe's eyes were red, and there were dreams in their eyes. So unbelievable, both arms couldn't stop shaking.

Yaosen was suffocated by Wang Yuxile, and his heart was beating very fast. At this moment and this moment, he knew that everything he had done was worth it.

Yaosen: "... Pharaoh, I am strangled to death by you."

Wang Yuxi finally released him, then turned around and hugged Bai Yue, crying and jumping. Song Mingzhe and Yaosen touched their fists, their lips trembled, and in the end they just said firmly and boldly: "Boss, we won!"

The Odin team did not know when they had already walked behind them, Ethan stretched out his hand heartily and patted Yaosen on the shoulder, his face was full of excitement and excitement: "Oh my God! Yao! Congratulations! You are so amazing! ! Awesome! Incredible! This game is really exciting! Hell-level exciting!"

Ethan was overwhelmed with excitement, probably because his English vocabulary was not enough, and he had even begun to mix English and German.

Yaosen smiled and said, "We are just lucky."

"Yao! I don't call the last two shots luck! You Chinese are too humble!" Ethan praised, "You deserve all praise!"

The championship and runner-up battle is finally over, but another new era of masters has begun. The name of the Titans team was shouted like a wave. They created a long-awaited myth in the e-sports world, breaking the solid high walls and turning the tide like a storm.

At this point, the ownership of the league champion, second and third place has been settled. From then on, the name of every member of Titans will be engraved into this wall of honor and will be firmly remembered by the world.

Yao Sen and the others just returned to the players' rest area, and coach Gou, Manager Guo, Zhou Ziyu and Jiang Yang who had rushed over from the auditorium immediately greeted them.

Coach Gou and Manager Guo both had red eyes. The former sternly hugged the four of them by the shoulders and said, "Boys, good job."

Jiang Yang was still holding back his tears, Zhou Ziyu leaped forward and burst into tears. Yaosen comforted him dumbfounded, and when he looked up, he saw the familiar figure in the corridor.

Only contestants and team staff are allowed to enter the rest area. There are no media or fans, only the people they are closest to and familiar with. Shao Han stood at the corner of the corridor and looked up at him.

Yaosen's heart tightened and moved for a while, and he suddenly understood at this moment how Lu Kaizhi and the kind of person he had described at the beginning was when he came down from the field and saw his favorite person.

It is the relaxation and relief after all the tension is removed, and it is also the urge to share joy and excitement, and it is also a kind of self-confidence and pride.

Shao Han strode towards him, stood on tiptoe slightly, stretched out his arms, and buried himself in Yaosen's arms and chest. He hugged Yaosen's shoulders tightly, hugging him so hard for the first time, his fingertips trembling slightly.

Yaosen put him in his arms and laughed in a low voice: "Baby, I won."

"Yeah." Shao Han's voice was hoarse and choked, and the trembling tail sound made Yaosen's heart soft again. Shao Han raised his head, his eyes were blushing, and his clear and black eyes were stained with transparent water mist. He bowed his head again. Sen leaned his shoulders for a while, wiped his tears quietly, and whispered, "I know you will win."

It is difficult for Shao Han to describe what he felt at the end of the final game. Tension, excitement, joy, excitement, various emotions piled up in his mind, and finally turned into a tight embrace. Desire.

Shao Han never wanted to hug him so much, and wanted to be hugged back by Yaosen with the same strength as before.

He knows he will win, he believes he will win, this sentence is enough.

When the Titans players walked out of the contestant passage, they were greeted by the overwhelming crowd and camera.

The media are almost crazy, they can't wait to get to know these new champions from China. Most of the fans were crying excitedly and shouting the name of the Titans.

Faced with the fans who were excited and weeping, everyone in Titans couldn't help but wet their eyes. Seeing the red eyes of the players, the fans wanted to cry even more. Several people in charge of organizing fan activities hurriedly asked everyone to give way to media friends first, and also urged reporters to make a long story short, so that the Titans players and coach managers who had been nervous for several hours could go back to eat and rest earlier.

When the Titans returned to the hotel, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

They haven't eaten dinner yet, but none of them feel hungry. Several people sat on the sofa, and they all felt lingering fears about the final game.

Wang Yuxi rubbed his face vigorously: "We... really won? We really won Odin? We really won the championship? Are we really number one in the world?"

Bai Yue: "How did your reflex arc become the champion?"

Wang Yuxi was so excited that even Bai Yue's words sounded pleasing to his ears. He slapped the sofa and said excitedly: "It was so cool at the end of the final game! Yaosen! I respect you as a real man!"

Each of the five rounds of the championship and runner-up competition has been thoroughly analyzed by the media at home and abroad, especially the misleading tactics in the last round, which was praised by domestic and foreign media as thrilling and courageous without exaggeration. Extraordinary.

The tactics used by Titans in the final game are indeed very risky. To successfully mislead opponents like Odin, they not only need to make a thorough exchange of positions and preliminary tasks, but also need a high degree of cooperation and understanding. This is nothing more than taking risks. Yes, because once the time is not well grasped, or Song Mingzhe is out too early, a little mistake can give Odin a chance to adjust and counterattack.

But they did it, they did it perfectly.

Since the end of the game, Yao Sen has received countless news and phone calls. Some parents called and said, "Son did a good job", some relatives called greetings, and there were congratulations from former teammates and friends. He even received Lu Kaizhi's hair. Coming news.

Lu Kaizhi sent a sentence: Haha, congratulations on winning! I knew you would win. I really want to see the expressions of the two guys Ethan and Kevin live!

Yaosen: Haha, thank you brother Kai

Lu Kaizhi: Oh, it really is the age of your young people

Manager Guo packed the night snack for everyone, and then went out for a drink with Coach Gou. The last day of the league is left. Tomorrow morning will be the final qualifying match, and the afternoon will be the closing ceremony and awards ceremony.

It's rare for the members of the Titans to sleep in. Yaosen called Shao Han to have a supper with him. Shao Han also didn't eat, but he didn't move his chopsticks much, just staring at Yaosen in a daze from time to time.

By the time he went to bed at night, Yaosen had turned off the light in the bedroom. When he lay down, with a little light outside the window, he saw Shao Han lying beside him, his clear eyes still did not feel sleepy.

Yaosen laughed: "Baby, aren't you sleepy?"

As long as Yaosen and the others were nervous, Shao Han was nervous for as long as they were, and he must have been exhausted.

"Sleepy." Shao Han replied softly, leaning against Yaosen, his soft hair swept lightly on his shoulder, "But I want to see you more."

Yaosen looked at him and took a deep breath, his arms tightened around Shao Han's waist, his heart felt helpless and soft, and he smiled bitterly, "I think you don't want me to sleep."

Shao Han shook Yaosen's hand and closed his eyes. The slightly cool voice inadvertently conveyed peace of mind and satisfaction: "Go to sleep."

In the morning of the next day, the qualifying round was successfully concluded. At this point, the ranking of the top 16 finalists was officially announced. Asian teams, especially Chinese teams, have achieved unprecedented results in this league. Not only are the Titans champions, but Cobra and Noah's Ark have entered the top six.

When the award ceremony was held, Shao Han stood in the middle of his team, staring at Yaosen intently. When the host read out the name of the championship team, Titans fans cheered.

The Titans players all put on national flags, and they stood on the highest podium and received the golden trophy. At that moment, Yao Sen's eyes were shining brightly, and he lowered his head again and kissed his team badge, with the same enthusiasm.

If the moment they won the championship yesterday still made them feel unreal, then the medals and trophies in their hands now are a tribute to their most tangible honor.

This scene drew a dazzling end to the sweat and blood of the game, and Titans was finally crowned king.

After the awards ceremony, Yao Sen met with Ethan and Kevin again. Ethan smiled and said: "Yao! See you next time! Next time, I won’t let you pass the level so easily. Wait. ! And you! Kevin! I won't take you lightly!"

"Sure." Kevin replied, "You too, Yao."

Since the end of the championship and runner-up competition yesterday, the news of "Titans winning the championship" has dominated the headlines of domestic and foreign media, and the domestic media has already maxed out the news of their victory. The number of video views of the final game and awards ceremony has exploded, and the major social media are jubilant. The title pictures have been replaced by their team declarations and photos, and various "Titans anti-kill" and "Titans" follow. Topics such as "awarding ceremony" quickly swept through.

@沉迷电竞的小星: The little giants won. When they saw Sen God wearing the national flag and holding the trophy and kissing the team emblem, all the fans on the scene cried. They wanted to laugh and cheer, but the tears were really tolerated. Can't help. Fans have waited for this moment for too long, and there is no need to say anything else. We have witnessed a miracle, and the next one belongs to the era of @Titans.

On the second day of the official end of the league, Titans set off for home.

When the team members came out of the airport, the fans who had been waiting for the airport suddenly flocked to the front, and a large banner printed "Welcome to Titans Triumph" was held by the fans.

Everyone returned to the Yiyou Building and stood at the door of the magnificent building. It was only after more than a week that they had not seen each other, but they already felt like they were finally home. Titans’ winning video is playing on the large LED screen of the building, and small stickers saying "Welcome Titans home" are also intimately posted everywhere.

In the past two days, the entire Titans club has been extremely busy. The sponsorship cooperation issues brought by the league championship and the handling of sky-high bonuses have kept Manager Guo busy.

The World League official has always been known for its sky-high prize pools. This time it is shocking with the total prize money of 48 million US dollars. The championship team scored more than 40% of them. Manager Guo was happy for several days. .

Besides, new youth trainees will be recruited in August soon. Now that the league has just ended, the club has launched a forecast name. The number of youth trainees registered is scary, and the server on Titans' official website almost collapsed.

The Titans Club has become a world-class club, and the value of its players has doubled several times. Yao Sen has become a well-deserved e-sports player at the top of the global list pyramid, a veritable "golden finger".

In the words of Ms. Yaosen, his seven uncles and eight aunts didn’t understand the market, thinking that the prize money for this competition was only tens of thousands of dollars. After checking it online, he was almost blinded by the money behind the prize – and it hasn’t changed yet. Into renminbi.

The league is over, and the Titans have become the champion of the high platform for the first time. What awaits them next will be more tense, more thrilling, and more torture about strength than usual.

However, before that, relaxation and celebration are the first priority.

The night after Titans returned to China, the club filled a banquet hall full of energy. The entire club, including the youth trainees and other staff, participated in the celebration banquet. Coach Gou said the two days of training were cancelled. Everyone Celebrate vigorously.

When the group set out to the banquet hall, Coach Gou found that Xiao Shao of Noah's Ark next door was with Yao Sen. Although he doesn't mind that Yao Sen brings his friends with him, he feels that this is a championship celebration after all. Let the deputy captain of the other team also follow. Wouldn't it make people feel a little embarrassed

Coach Gou quietly pulled Yaosen aside and asked: "Why did you kid bring Xiao Shao here? Isn't they embarrassed?"

Yaosen asked sincerely: "Coach, I ask you, if you won the championship when you were active, would you invite your sister-in-law to the celebration party?"

Coach Gou: "Isn't this nonsense! Of course it will! That's my wife!"

Yaosen smiled slightly and said, "Isn't that it?"

After finishing speaking, Yaosen turned to find Shao Han, leaving Coach Gou to stand alone in a daze.

At the celebration banquet, the team members who hadn't eaten authentic Chinese food in North America for a long time had a good time. Wang Yuxi had already drunk several cans of beer, and the whole person was a little airy. He picked up the bottle and poured it into the Yaosen cup, and said boldly: "Brother! Drink! Don't get drunk or return!"

Yaosen calmly pushed away: "No, I have something to do later."

Wang Yuxi didn't react at once: "What else do you have this late?"

Yaosen patted the shoulder of Shao Han, who was bowing his head to eat, and said that this was the "thing" he was going to do in the evening. Shao Han raised his head and looked at him, with doubts on his face.

"..." Wang Yuxi opened another bottle of beer viciously and poured his head up, "I can't take it anymore!"

Bai Yue: "Don't drink it, you are drunk and I am dragging you back."

Wang Yuxi's face was filled with righteous indignation, so he cried with Bai Yue: "Old Bai! Why did Yao Sen bully me so single! Why!"

Shao Han didn't know, so he looked at Yaosen: "What's wrong?"

Yaosen: "It's nothing, he's just sour."

"... um... wait a minute..."

In the hotel bedroom, the lights are not bright, only a warm yellow one on the head of the bed. Shao Han was pressed by Yaosen on the wardrobe door in the corridor, and the t-shirt on his body had been lifted by most of Yaosen, revealing a large piece of milky white skin.

Yaosen held the back of Shao Han's head with one hand, and wrapped his back with the other hand, bowing his head and kissing his lips. Shao Han drank some wine just now. He was a little bit drunk, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. He was even more dizzy when he was kissed by Yaosen.

Yaosen's kiss fell on his neck, with a slight biting force. Shao Han panted low, and the slight dampness on his shoulders and neck and the kiss-sucking touch made his body tremble—he had already felt it.

Yaosen lightly bit Shao Han’s earlobe, in exchange for a slight tremor, Yaosen’s eyes flashed with dark fire brought about by desire, he hoarsely said in Shao Han’s ear: "I can’t help it. baby."

This "baby" sound is completely different from usual, running through Shao Han's back like a burst of electric current, with wisps of warmth. Shao Han turned his face slightly, his ears were red, and he acquiesced to Yaosen's actions.

Yaosen pushed Shao Han into the bed and kissed Shao Han’s chest all the way to the smooth lower abdomen. The slender and warm fingers stroked Shao Han’s skin, and the fingertips rubbed Shao Han’s nipple, Shao Han said A short and tense breath made Yaosen feel extremely hot in his heart.

Yaosen moved his hands behind Shao Han, raised Shao Han's legs, and wrapped his hands around his hips through the jeans Shao Han was wearing.

Yaosen really likes Shao Han's jeans. The two soft flesh wrapped in a slightly rough cloth are flexible and flexible, and they can bulge out between the fingers with a light pinch.

Yaosen found out when he kissed just now, Shao Han has the refreshing soap scent of shower gel. He should have taken a shower before he came.

He took off Shao Han's trousers, Shao Han clutched the bed sheet tightly, his smooth legs were raised together, his cheeks were flushed, but his eyes flashed with dim drunkenness. This time Yaosen naturally prepared everything. He patted Shao Han's waist and whispered: "Baby, turn around."

Shao Han bit his lip lightly, and finally turned around. The smooth back, narrow waist and waist, as well as bulging round buttocks, fell in Yaosen's eyes. He could almost feel the fiery eyes falling on him, almost igniting him.

I haven't done it for a while, it must be lubricated well. A cold and slippery touch suddenly came from the back buttocks. Yao Sen's fingers had touched his private buttocks. Shao Han was breathing slowly, his ears were hot, and his body still couldn't help but tremble.

Yaosen carefully expanded for him, then leaned down and kissed his lips. The temperature of Yaosen's hands and lips was very high, Shao Han trembled fiercely, and his body softened in this temperature unconsciously.

Yaosen's fingers stirred his warm and moist hole meat. He could obviously feel that Shao Han was in a quick state today. Maybe it was because he drank a little alcohol and his body was very relaxed, so he completely handed it over to him. .

When it was almost expanded, Yaosen kissed Shao Han's slightly moist eyelashes, released her bulging sex organs, tore off the condom bag and put it on herself, raised Shao Han's buttocks, and let herself in.

The slippery and soft corridor was hardly obstructed, and the surrounding flexible muscles squeezed up, entangled Yaosen's sexual organs tightly.

Shao Han let out a high exclamation, his body was tight for a moment, his chest was violently up and down, his breathing was trembling, and he came back for a long time. Yaosen resisted the urge to ravage, and asked hoarsely: "Does it hurt?"

Shao Han still felt a little pain. His huge genitals directly stretched him open, but a little bit of alcohol in his mind made him hardly feel the pain. On the contrary, his whole body was numb, and there was an itchy place in his body.

Shao Han shook his head, his knees on the bed were still shaking, his cool voice mixed with vague desire: "It's okay..."

Yaosen walked in and out slowly, kissing the back of Shao Han's neck and shoulders. The rough genitals were worthy of rubbing the sensitive parts of Shao Han's body. Shao Han moaned softly, and the dense pleasure came from the depths of his body, which made him feel a little floaty.

Yao Sen really likes Shao Han’s voice. He wants to hear enough of all kinds of voices. For example, it’s like a cat who isn’t very close to others suddenly wants to be petted. The heart is hot and unbearable.

Yaosen's movements are very gentle, maybe he is getting used to it. Shao Han's upper body was close to the soft mattress, his waist bent down into a nice arc, his hips turned up, and he moved slightly with Yaosen's slow twitching.

Shao Han opened his lips slightly, and his mind was heated by lust and a little drunkenness. He knew that Yaosen was restraining him, and he also liked Yaosen's gentleness, but he also wanted to make Yaosen feel satisfied.

Yaosen suddenly felt that Shao Han was holding his arm on the side of his head with both hands, and a soft, slippery touch slid up his fingers and phalanx.

Shao Han’s tongue sticks out of his ruddy lips just now, licks the back of his hand lightly, and kisses his wrist bone lightly.

Shao Han felt Yaosen's sexual organs bulge in his body, trembling lightly, and pressed his hot cheeks against the back of Yaosen's hands. Yaosen’s eyes seemed to be burning with deep flames. He touched Shao Han’s cheek with his backhand, put his index and middle fingers together on Shao Han’s lips, and then pressed Shao Han’s upper and lower lips towards each other. Side separate.

Yaosen's fingers stretched in, and his fingertips gently teased Shao Han's tongue and the soft sidewall of his mouth.

Yaosen's other arm strongly supported Gao Shaohan's buttocks, and pushed himself heavily into it. The small nucleus in the body was suddenly crushed heavily. Shao Han screamed. Yaosen put his lips on his lips and couldn't hold back the voice. The raised voice resembled a pressed key with an accent, with a trembling tail.

Yaosen topped it hard and fast, the intestines were constantly contracted by stimulation, and the sound of slimy water was emitted from around the moist hole meat, the lubricating fluid was squeezed out, and Yaosen was pushed back fiercely.

Shao Han had never been done so fiercely by Yaosen. His knee was bumped and moved forward, and his whole body was covered with sensitive pink. He breathed heavily, groaning intermittently, his hands clenching Yaosen's arms like a straw, his head against the pillow, and his eyes were moist.

"Ah! Um..." Shao Han was teased by Yaosen's genitals and fingers who were teasing him from the top and bottom. He grabbed Yaosen's arm and said vaguely, "Don't... Fuck your tongue... I'm afraid of biting you... "

Yaosen pulled out his fingers and instead played with the nipple on Shao Han's chest. The thrust of his lower body kept on, and there was another tingling in his chest. Shao Han bit his lips tightly—

After discovering his intention, Yaosen pulled back his waist as if he had moved forward, and then slammed into Shao Han's sensitive part, and laughed in a low voice, "Baby, don't bite your lip."

Pleasure rushed to Shao Han’s brain. Shao Han was knocked out of a faint cry. He was suddenly turned over by Yaosen. His legs were pressed against his shoulders by his knees, his private parts opened, and his hips were deeply loved. Shao Han's acupuncture point was still biting Yaosen's lower body. This scene made Shao Han extremely ashamed. His blush was extremely hot. He raised his arms to cover it. Yaosen had already grabbed his wrist one step ahead of him.

His wrists were pressed on his knees, and he could only accept Yaosen's collision. Shao Han lifted his head back, exposing his white throat, and couldn't help groaning anymore. He felt that he was almost out of breath, and his hips were straight tingling. He wanted to slow Yaosen, but he was knocked so he couldn't say a word.

The fierce pleasure current whipped Shao Han's body. He climaxed after Yaosen had a heavy top. His cheeks were wet with tears, and his body trembled. The afterglow made his body completely limp.

Yaosen lowered his head and kissed Shao Han's lips, turned him sideways, folded a leg to his side, and started a new round of claims without much time to rest.

Shao Han looked at Yaosen, his chest was still rising and falling, and his eyes were shining with mist. He knew that he probably couldn't be kind tonight, but he couldn't refuse Yao Sen, he could give him everything, he liked him, he really liked him so much.

Shao Han unconsciously stretched out his hand towards Yaosen, wanting to find a little support in the undulating waves of pleasure, Yaosen immediately held him and clasped his fingers tightly.

Yaosen took Shao Han’s hand and kissed the back of his hand. The movements of his lips were very gentle, but his lower body was extremely fierce and tyrannical. Shao Han was out of breath, letting him put his body around, with red eyes. It is pitiful and wanting to wreak havoc.

Shao Han thinks vaguely, and he will definitely sleep late tomorrow... As for what time he will sleep, Shao Han has no time to think about it.