Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 102: Mother's message


"Mickey, does having my child make you feel so wronged?" Lin Ye punched the wall behind Mickey. This woman really made him so angry, but she was helpless!

"..." Mickey curled her lips without speaking.

"The child will be born to me well, what conditions can you mention!" Lin Ye could only say when seeing this.

"Conditions? Lin Ye, if I remember correctly, you haven't finished the deal we made before?" Mickey suddenly felt funny. He had promised her before and destroyed Mihaode, but now they have all done it. Well done, this hasn't been done yet, so embarrassed to ask her to make a request?

"..." Lin Ye said nothing, but his face was dark and ugly. He did everything he said, and it was a matter of a few words to break Mi Hao De, but Mi Hao De had the secret about Mickey's life experience. …

If he really defeats Mihaode, I believe that the old guy will disseminate this matter without care, and it will hurt Mickey at that time. He can't imagine Mickey knowing what the consequences of this incident will be!

There is a murderer's father squatting in prison. Who can stand this blow

"I used to make a deal with you just to see Mihod's collapse. Now I don’t want to. The important thing is that you didn’t complete what you promised me, so our deal will be voided from today, and there will be no more in the future. Relationship!" Mickey stared at Lin Ye and said calmly.

Mickey didn't want to be his pet, let alone his lover, and she didn't even dare to marry him. Although it was only a few months, she would be wasted. Even so, she didn't want to continue their transaction.

At the time, the agreement was signed with him because Hang Yingqiu sold her to Mr. Liu. She was very angry at the time. It has been so long, and there is no need to be angry after thinking about it. There are still many things Hang Yingqiu bullying and humiliating her, and not only For this one, Shinobu will pass...

When these things happened, Mickey realized what she really wanted. She just wanted to live a plain life...

"Mickey, what did you say?" Lin Ye almost roared out these words.

"Mickey, don't be delusional, it is absolutely impossible to sever relationship with me!" Lin Ye's expression was cold, the woman actually said that she would sever relationship with him!

Delusion! !

how can that be! Can she break it off

"Lin Ye, just beg you, let me go!" Mickey pleaded, she really hoped to be free.

Mickey wanted to leave, if she didn't ask him for help, she wouldn't be so scared when facing him again.

"Mickey, I advise you to take back your words, otherwise you will regret it!" Lin Ye threatened that this woman provoked him first. If she didn't kindly give the umbrella back then, he would not know her.

If she hadn't asked him for help on the way, there would be no deal between them...

"Have you never heard of Master Lin? What you say is like splashed water! How can you get it back?" Mickey smiled bitterly.

"Okay, Mickey, you are great!" Lin Ye slammed his fist against the wall again.

"Mickey, I advise you to take back what you just said, otherwise you will regret it in a minute! I will destroy Xue Lei and make him worse off from life!" Lin Ye threatened.

He didn't want this, and he knew that this was threatening her, but he really didn't know what to do except for this method

Is it necessary to get along in this way

"Also, your biological mother will be tortured together, and you will never see it in this life! You can say that it doesn't matter from now on, it will definitely make you regret it at that time!" Lin Ye said angrily.

"Mother?" Mickey was stunned when he heard him say her biological mother. Could it be that he found her

"Did you find my mother?" Mickey asked a little excitedly. He wouldn't say that if she hadn't found her.

"Fifty seconds!" Lin Ye checked his watch.

"..." Mickey frowned. He just said that if he didn't take back what he said, he would regret it in a minute.

"Twenty seconds!" Lin Ye was expressionless.

"..." Mickey stared at him closely, he was forcing her again, and there was no other way to choose.

"Five seconds!"

"Okay, I'll take it back!" Mickey hurriedly said when she heard the time he said, she wanted to see her mother, but it was really sinister to threaten her with this.

Hearing this, Lin Ye raised his eyebrows and asked, "What to take back?"

"Take back what I just said!" Mickey said with a blank glance at him.

"Huh? What to take back? Why don't I know?" Lin Ye said in a humble manner.

"The transaction between us will not be invalidated, we will still have a relationship in the future!" Mickey gritted her teeth. This man is so cheap. Seeing the smug smile on his face, she really wanted to punch him.

"Heh... Mickey, the water thrown out if you say something can still be recovered sometimes. For me, Lin Ye, there is nothing I can't do!"

"Okay, or you, Young Master Lin, are great, the water has been recovered, you should answer my question too, did you really find her?" Mickey didn't want to ignore him and asked about her mother.

"Yeah!" He has been investigating, and the news came from those people only yesterday.

"Really?" Mickey was surprised, and she really found her, but... Does she still know herself? So many years have passed!

"Really, Mickey, as long as you are obedient and don't think about running away, I will definitely let you meet!" Lin Ye said softly without the anger just now.

As long as she no longer thinks about avoiding him, as long as she can be obedient, he can give whatever she wants!

"Let... I'm thinking about it!" Mickey hesitated. She didn't know whether she should stay with Lin Ye. If Lin Ye didn't let her mother see her for several years, what should she do

Mickey wanted to see her mother, but Lin Ye wouldn't let her see it easily!

If you stay with him, it means that the child will be born...

"Okay, give you time!" Lin Ye said readily, and then leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

"..." Mickey looked at him in surprise, and he said to give himself time, which she didn't expect at all. She thought he would take her back immediately, even if she didn't agree with him, he would force her!

"How much time?" Mickey asked uncertainly.

"Ten days are all right!" Lin Ye said with a smile, it has been a long time, and he didn't want to endure the suffering.

"I...may I not go back with you?" Mickey asked cautiously, because giving her ten days would be surprising enough. She wasn't sure if Lin Ye would get angry when she heard this.

"Good!" Lin Ye readily agreed again.

Mickey stared at him with wide eyes, when did she talk so well

Is this really Lin Ye? Nothing is possessed!

"You can go back without me, but you can't stop me from following you!" Lin Ye smiled.

Mickey opened her mouth in shock this time, as if she saw a strange creature.

However, when she goes back with him and he is with her, is there any difference between the two

"Mickey, if you don't go back with me, I can only do this, because I have to supervise you at all times, lest you, a bad woman, want to murder her own flesh and blood, bad woman..." Lin Ye repeated the bad woman again. In fact, he was just making excuses for himself, he didn't want her to have a chance to escape again. ()