Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 111: mother


"You just picked it up?" Lin Ye was a little nervous.

Hearing that, Mickey froze for a moment, nodded in confusion, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"It's okay!" Lin Ye breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was nothing unusual about her.

Seeing Lin Ye's reaction, Mickey didn't understand why he was like this

Is there really any invisible'scene'

Walking to Lin Ye and sitting down beside him, he smelled a pungent smoke.

Mickey thought, sniffed hard again, and found that the smell of smoke came from Lin Ye. She leaned on him and smelled it, and found that it really was.

"Lin Ye, did you smoke just now?" Mickey was a little surprised, as if it was the first time he smelled smoke after she met him, thinking that this man doesn't smoke.

"Well, I smoked." Lin Ye said, "What? It smells bad?"

Lin Ye looked at her like a puppy and sniffed.

"It's not unpleasant, but very, very unpleasant." Upon hearing this, Mickey said solemnly, and at the same time made a look of disgust.

Mickey would see a faint smell of tobacco on men in novels. She always thought that the smell was faint and would smell very good, but every time she smelled the smell of smoke after she grew up, she felt it smelled good and bad I don’t understand why so many people like...

Lin Ye frowned, this woman actually said that the tobacco smell on him was unpleasant, very unpleasant!

"Don't smoke in the future, it's not good for your body!" Mickey's voice came again, and her words shocked Lin Ye's heart. Is this woman caring about him

"Okay, I won't smoke anymore!" Lin Ye said very solemnly, as if to make a guarantee to Mickey.

Mickey is worried about his body, as long as Mickey speaks out, no matter what, he will agree!

Hearing that, Mickey smiled. She thought that Lin Ye would not listen to her, but she did not expect to agree so readily. It was really a bit surprised.

Lin Ye looked at her face, slowly approached, lowered his head and just wanted to kiss her, but was stopped by a finger, "No, the smoke smells too much, it's not good for the child."

Mickey looked at him and stopped his movements. She wanted to ensure that the child in her stomach came into this world healthy.

Hearing this, Lin Ye was taken aback and stopped.

"What's wrong? What did I say wrong?" Mickey was a little puzzled looking at Lin Ye who was a little different.

"It's okay!" Lin Ye smiled and said softly, gently taking off the fingers that were blocking him, "You take a rest first, and I'll be back when I call."

"Okay." Mickey nodded.

Lin Ye took his mobile phone out of the suite. Mickey watched him leave, wondering if she thought too much. Lin Ye used to make calls in front of her. He never evaded him, but now... for sure. I called back with the woman just now.

Does Lin Ye really have something with that woman? Or was she too suspicious after she became pregnant

Lin Ye walked out of the room and dialed the number he had just dialed in.

"Say." Lin Ye whispered.

"Mr. Lin?"


"Mr. Lin, just... is that Xiaoqi?" the woman asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Ms. Su Yun, tell me if you have something!" Lin Ye's voice was full of impatience.

The woman on the other end of the phone was not someone else, but Mickey's biological mother, but she was crueler than Lin Ye had imagined!

Mickey was still worried that her mother would have a bad life, but that was just worrying. It was more nourishing than they thought. She went abroad and married another person abroad. Now she has a daughter and a son. A rich life!

Lin Ye investigated her. He thought she was looking for his daughter Mickey this time. What made him feel ridiculous was that she was traveling back to China. When he said he wanted them to meet her mother and daughter, Su Yun refused. What is hateful is He also asked him to help conceal that she had a daughter in China, and begged him not to tell her husband abroad!

"I figured it out, I... I hope you can arrange... to meet Xiaoqi!" Mickey's mother hesitated.

"Heh... Do you think you can figure it out?" Lin Ye sneered, "Do you think Mickey can be seen if you want? What do you think of Mickey?"

This woman refused to see her biological daughters before, but now she changes her mind to ask him to arrange them to meet

"Mr. Lin... You are..." The voice on the other side was a little puzzled.

"Nothing, I just don't think you need to see Mickey!" Lin Ye's words didn't have a hint of warmth.

"Mr. Lin, you can't do this, I want to see my daughter, what reason do you have to stop?" The other party seemed a little angry, speaking in a bad tone.

Su Yun made a lot of determination to meet with Mickey. Her husband abroad did not know about Mickey's existence, and she couldn't allow him to know about Mickey's existence. Otherwise, she would be sad in the future, thinking she had nothing at the time. Leaving, and then going abroad, with her own efforts, she has everything that she has today. It is not easy to get all of this. Only she knows in her heart that she cannot tolerate other people's destruction.

"Mickey is my woman, what reason do you say I have?" Lin Ye said coldly, "If you really want to see her, you have to make people feel that you are sincere!"

"What Lin meant..."

"Recognize her, not hide it!" Lin Ye said. He didn't want his woman to be wronged. If he continued to hide it, it would only hurt Mickey, and he would not allow it.

"..." Hearing this, there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

"It's okay if you don't recognize it, you can treat it as if nothing happened. Return to your husband after the tour, but I think your husband will know that you still have a daughter soon." Lin Ye's tone was cold.

"You... Don't Lin think it's too deceitful?" Su Yun said with some excitement, she never expected to be threatened by the other party anyway.

"Haha... It's okay to say that I'm deceiving people too much, as long as I don't do it?" Lin Ye sneered. After he hung up the phone, he didn't want to talk too much nonsense.

Looking at Su Yun who hung up, her face was full of anger, staring at the phone all the time.

After a long time, she took out a picture from a lockbox on the desk...

A child in the photo, Baitianzhao, this is Xiaoqi, her daughter...

Su Yun is very sad. She has been living abroad for so many years, and she is careful in doing things. She misses Mickey, but she is afraid that her foreign husband will find out about her past, so she dare not let anyone investigate Mickey's things!

I didn't expect Lin Ye to find me during this trip, and I didn't expect Mi Haode to treat Mickey like that. She was a jerk. If Lin Ye hadn't told her, she would always think Mickey was doing well!

After so many years, she would see Mickey in her dreams many times. Although she wanted to forget this daughter, she found that it had become a knot in her heart. It is hard to forget... ()