Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 13: Why


Hearing that the curse over there didn't mean to end, Mickey simply hung up the phone. If she didn't hang up, she was really worried that she would be exhausted by cursing. I really don't know which style I smoked, and I would call Mi Meili, but despite this, I can guess that Xue Lei should be fine, after all, she still has so much energy to curse someone because of an accident.

If I changed it to the past, if Mi Meili scolded me like this, I would definitely return. I wouldn’t let her scold like that, but now, her mentality is different. She feels that she doesn’t want to say a word with Mi Meili, it will only waste time. And energy, let alone scolded her, and didn't want to see her.

Mickey went back to the second floor, looking at the ceiling with her eyes open, lying quietly in her arms.

When she felt that Lin Ye was about to get up, she quickly closed her eyes and started to pretend to sleep. It was not until Lin Ye got up to take a bath and then went to eat breakfast. After the room was quiet, she opened her eyes cautiously...

Going out of the bed to open a slit in the door, listening to the movement outside, and then looking to the first floor, Lin Ye is still wearing a black suit today, still looking handsome, sitting at the dining table and eating breakfast.

Mickey kept lying in the doorway watching the movement downstairs until she saw Lin Ye leave. Mickey quickly changed her clothes and went downstairs after brushing her teeth and washing her teeth. She was already hungry, especially when she looked at Lin Ye. When eating, the hungry is even worse, thinking that this girl has finally left.

"Miss Mi, you are up, breakfast is ready." The servant said with a smile when Mickey came downstairs.

"Well, where is the driver who sent me out yesterday?" Mickey asked.

"Miss Mi is going out?"

"No, let me ask him something? Is he there?"

"Miss Mi wait a minute."

After a while, the driver who drove her out yesterday came.

Mickey was not too long-winded, and asked directly which hospital Xue Lei was taken to. The driver did not hide the name of the hospital and told Mickey directly.

In fact, Mickey's purpose was to ask the driver to take her to the hospital to see Xue Lei, but the master said that without Lin Ye's permission, he would not dare to take her there without permission.

No way, Mickey could only ask the servant to call Lin Ye to get his consent.

"Hello!" Lin Ye's cold voice came after the call was connected.

"I'm Mickey, I want to discuss something with you." Mickey said directly.

"Oh~ what's the matter?" Lin Ye heard this, and a smile appeared on his face. Could it be that there was something to ask him, otherwise, how could this little woman talk about it!

"I want to go out today. I have something to do, but they said they would not dare to let me out without your consent, so I hope President Lin can agree to it!" Although Mickey's speech seemed flattering, she It's really swallowing his breath, it's not easy to attack.

"Something? Go to the hospital?" Lin Ye said dissatisfied as soon as Mickey's voice fell.

"Yes, go to the hospital." Mickey confessed.

"What are you doing?" Lin Ye said coldly, he actually wanted to see Xue Lei and dared to try.

"Of course to see Xue Lei!" Mickey said.

"No, no discussion." Lin Ye resolutely refused.

"Why? Why don't you still restrain me?" Mickey said dissatisfiedly, how could this person be like this.

"Just because I'm helping you get revenge right now." Lin Ye said triumphantly, wanting to see Xue Lei, not to mention that there is no door or window.

"Vengeance?" Mickey was stunned when she heard this, and listened to what he meant. Now she is already in action, helping her break Dad's company

"How did you do it? Did you divest directly?" Mickey asked curiously, what method would Lin Ye use? If you divest directly, I believe it will also deal a heavy blow to Mihaode.

"Hehe... How could I do such a naive thing? I registered a little capital for their company." Lin Ye said with disdain. How could he do things like divestment? It's not good.

"Ah? Are you... Registered capital again? Why..." Mickey was a little trapped. She wanted to say that she was naive. Is he trying to avenge herself? Obviously he is helping Mi Haode, is this man playing with her

"Are you trying to say I'm naive again? I don't understand this, I'm really stupid..." Lin Ye said with contempt.

"..." Mickey was speechless, she really didn't say anything this time, he said he was naive.

"Stupid, stupid, anyway, I'm going to the hospital." Mickey wasn't going to pull him off, she wanted to go out to the hospital now.

"No." Lin Ye resolutely refused again.

"Why don't you let me go!!" Mickey was really going to collapse.

"It's because I'm helping you get revenge!" Lin Ye repeated tirelessly again, with a laid-back look on his face.

Mickey was completely speechless, she only felt that she was about to collapse, and she would have to come back here again if she said more. ()