Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 14: Broken phone


"Okay, okay, I'm not going." Mickey gritted her teeth and hung up the phone fiercely, hum... Don't let it go.

Mickey felt that her anger was very unsatisfactory now, super unsatisfactory. Fortunately, the servant handed her a glass of water at this time. After drinking, she finally felt better.

After eating breakfast, Mickey looked around and looked at the furnishings in the villa, but she was thinking about how to get out, when Lin Ye's phone came in.

"Miss Mi, let you answer the call from Master." The servant handed the phone to Mickey's hand.

Mickey rolled her eyes, what did this guy call again.

"..." Mickey didn't intend to speak, she just waited for the other person to speak.

"Mickey, I'll let the driver pick you up later."

"So you promised to let me go to the hospital?" Mickey said excitedly, thinking that Lin Ye had figured out and allowed her to go to the hospital.

"You think too much." Lin Ye frowned, breaking Mickey's dream relentlessly.

"Then what do you want the driver to do to pick me up?" Mickey said depressed. Since she is not allowed to go to the hospital, what do you want the driver to do to pick her up? She has no interest in other things.

"The driver will pick you up and bring me lunch. There are ingredients in the refrigerator, so I watched to make it myself." Lin Ye sat leisurely on the leather chair in the office, with a smile on his face, always eating from the hotel. Food, I suddenly want to eat the food made by Mickey...

"What? I'm not going!" Mickey thought she had heard it wrong, and if she had made any mistakes, she let herself be delivered. She is not his servant, huh...

"En? Are you sure you won't come? I originally wanted you to take a look at the plan to deal with Mi Hao De, but it seems to be forgotten." Lin Ye did not get angry because of her refusal, because he had expected it a long time ago, and it can be cured. Her way.

"Okay, it must be delivered before twelve o'clock." Upon hearing of the plan to deal with Mi Hao De, Mickey immediately agreed to it without spine.

Hearing Mickey’s answer, the phone was hung up. Mickey held the phone and was very speechless, but there was no way. Really, she was asked to cook and send to the president’s office. A dignified president would even pay for a meal. I have to send it from home. Although I can't understand this weird person's thoughts, I can bear it after thinking about the plan. Anyway, he didn't name what to eat, so he just made something and sent it to him.

Thinking about this, Mickey turned and walked into the kitchen, took a look at the kitchen furnishings, and then visited the cold storage room in the villa. She was really shocked, like a child who had never seen the world, mother, here The ingredients are simply too rich, and many of them are ingredients that have not been seen in K City.

If it weren’t for the servant to explain to her, she wouldn’t even know what it was. Some of the ingredients were not available in China, but the problem was... Among so many things, there was nothing she could do. .

She can only cook a few home-cooked dishes at most, which was also learned when she ran away from home. At that time, she only learned scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with peppers, scrambled eggs with onions, and all kinds of scrambled eggs!

Mickey looked at these unknown vegetables. She had no choice but to work on the eggs. Who told her to only scrambled eggs!

"Are there any eggs?" Mickey asked the servant next to her.

"Yes, Miss Mi, how many do you want?" the servant said.

"En... Then four or five! I still need some chili, preferably a bit spicy." Mickey thought for a while and said.

"There are eggs, but not peppers. Master doesn't eat peppers."

"Really? Could you please go out and buy some?" Mickey thought to herself, since Lin Ye doesn't eat chili, she will make chili scrambled eggs, hum... At least in her eyes, chili scrambled eggs will never be eaten. Annoying.

"Um... Miss Mi... Did you make chili peppers to send to the young master?" the servant asked hesitantly, she was really worried that she would offend her young master.

"No, it's because I want to eat chili, you can let someone buy it first!" Mickey said with a grin, and when she said that, the servant felt relieved.

"Well, does Miss Mi need anything else? I'll send someone to buy it right away."

"Just buy chili, nothing else." Mickey thought, shaking her head and said.

Lin Ye said that he could just do it. He might not be able to eat it anyway. Maybe he just embarrassed himself. Maybe he had finished eating when he sent it to him.

After buying the ingredients, Mickey started to wash the peppers, cut the peppers, and let the servants help to steam the rice.

Mickey cut the chili and she smelled a choking chili. It seemed that it was not ordinary spicy. Imagining Lin Ye's black face when she saw the chili, Mickey couldn't help but want to laugh.

The chili scrambled eggs were ready soon. Mickey filled rice and vegetables in a thermal lunch box, checked the time, and went straight out. The driver was waiting outside.

When going out, the servant took a white mobile phone to Mickey.

After getting in the car, Mickey took out his mobile phone and dialed Xue Lei's number, and was about to call him to ask, but found that the mobile phone couldn't get out at all, thinking it was useless, she threw the mobile phone aside.

After a few minutes, the phone vibrated suddenly. Mitch picked up the phone for a moment and found that the phone displayed a few big characters: Lin Ye

Mickey slid down the phone screen in doubt, picked it up, "Hey."

"Where are you now?" Lin Ye's voice came through the phone.

"Just a few minutes after coming out, on the road!" Mickey replied, wondering if this phone can be used, why didn't she just call it out? Could it be that the signal just now was not so good

"Well, I'll send someone to pick you up when I'm here, just go directly to my office." Lin Ye frowned and looked at the file while calling.

"Okay." Mickey answered and hung up the phone.

Lin Ye looked at the hung-up phone, this girl hung up the phone too fast!

"Order to go down, all the senior executives of the company will have a meeting in the conference room!" Lin Ye said displeased.

After hanging up the phone, Mickey immediately pressed Xue Lei’s number, but she still couldn’t make the call. She was unwilling to dial the number she used the other day, but it still didn’t work, she dialed someone else’s. I still can't get through the phone number. Mickey is a little depressed. What kind of broken phone is this, can it only be connected and not called? Why did Lin Ye ask her to give her such a broken phone? ()