Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 30: Let them die


For the first time Mickey suddenly felt that this money was really not a good thing, it was too harmful, and it turned out that it was a very dangerous thing to be around the rich.

Mitch looked around and found that this was an abandoned warehouse, very large and empty.

Next to her stood a man staring at her. The middle of the warehouse was empty. In a corner was a coffee table and a few stools. Several men were sitting playing cards.

Because Mickey was tied up, her body was very uncomfortable. She wanted to move her body. As soon as she moved, she was stepped on her foot by the man next to her, "Don't move, it's better to be honest."

"I'm already like this, where do you think I can go?" Mickey frowned in pain.

"Stop talking nonsense, and seal your mouth again." The other party said fiercely.

Hearing that, Mitch closed her mouth obediently. She didn’t want her mouth to be blocked by a rag. Besides, it’s better for her to talk less. After all, a weak woman is still very scared. She can’t think of herself. There will be a day of kidnapping.

Because she was splashed with cold water just now, Mickey was lying on the ground completely wet. Her body was very uncomfortable. She was wearing short sleeves and shorts directly against the cold ground...

"Take a few photos and send them to Lin Ye! Tell him that if he wants someone, he can only bring money by himself." The person called the boss ordered.

Then, I saw someone walking into Mickey with a camera, shooting her randomly, especially the expression on her face.

Mickey looked carefully and found that the person taking pictures of her was a young man. Unlike her imagination, she thought it was at least a middle-aged person doing this kind of kidnapping.

"Boss, what if Lin Ye doesn't come by then?" one of them asked.

"Then she can only die!" The man looked viciously at the woman lying on the ground.

Mickey's body stiffened, and the rich side really didn't treat her well.

The man dropped the cigarette in his hand, knelt down and looked at Mickey blankly and said, "If Lin Ye doesn't come, it can only be said that you have followed the wrong person, and you don't have to thank me."

Mickey raised her face, looked at the other side and asked calmly. "What do you want to do? Me and him are not what you think."

"I don't want to do it, I don't care who you are, I just want to get back what should belong to me." The man looked at her harshly.

Mickey looked at him suspiciously, what does this man mean? What does it mean to get back what he deserves? Could it be that Lin Ye took something from him

"So, you'd better not think about running away, or pray that he can come and save you obediently, otherwise..." The man didn't finish his words, but Mickey could guess what was behind him.

"Show me tight."

"Yes, boss!"

The sky is getting darker and darker, and Mickey shrinks uncomfortably at this time. At this time, her stomach also hurts, which is really worse...

With a bang, the computer on the table was swept to the ground by Lin Ye, making a broken sound.

Lin Ye's face was very ugly at this time, with blue veins on his forehead violent, and his mind was full of the photos of Mickey who had just sent me. The picture of Mickey, who was tied up all over, was drenched and his face was pale!

"Check it out for me, fast!" Lin Ye slammed a fist on the table beside him in anger, scaring a group of busy computer personnel into a cleverness.

"Lin... President Lin, we really tried our best to find their location!" the technician said nervously.

"Don't talk nonsense to me, don't even want to live if you can't find out tonight!" Lin Ye cursed out of control.

The other party just sent a message saying that he wants to trade tomorrow, but he doesn't want to wait for a minute now, a group of bastards, unless you don't let yourself find it, otherwise no one wants to live.

Early in the morning, one o'clock.

At this time, Mickey was cold and hungry, and accompanied by a stomachache. She really felt that she was about to lose consciousness slowly, but she wanted to last until the last moment. These people don't know what crazy things they will do at any time. .

Bang... a loud noise

There were two more bangs. Mickey was shocked. She was about to lose consciousness and woke up. This sound... is it a gunshot

"Damn, I was attacked, hurry up and bring that woman to Lao Tzu." Just the next second Mickey was dragged up.

Bang Bang... There was another gunshot, and the people around her suddenly fell. She tried to see the situation around her, but found that it was difficult because of the smoke, but she could clearly see the people who were still guarding her during the day. , But now fell under her feet, covered with blood...

Mickey moved to a corner seat based on her feelings, and suddenly found a knife lying not far from her. She was surprised and hurriedly moved her body over there.

What she didn't know was that there was a gun facing her head at this time. Just as she was about to touch the knife, suddenly someone rushed over and pressed her to the ground.

The whole body was frowning in pain, but in the next second he heard gunshots around him.

"Don't move!" A familiar voice suddenly came from my ear.

Mickey froze, this is... Lin Ye, he is here.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of gunshots kept coming from her ears, but Mickey lost consciousness at this moment and fainted in Lin Ye's arms.

There was another gunshot, and not far from Mickey, another man with a gun fell down.

"Are you all okay?" At this moment, a man in a police uniform holding a gun appeared in front of Lin Ye.

"It's okay!" Lin Ye said coldly.

The police moved quickly, and all the people involved in the kidnapping were controlled within a quarter of an hour!

It was not until the surroundings calmed down that Lin Ye moved his body a bit, and forced her to stand up, and found that Mickey had fainted at this time, and it was too late to untie the rope tied to her body and hugged her to the hospital.

In the hospital, Mickey was being examined on her body.

Lin Ye looked at him with a cold face. At this time, Mickey's face was pale, and the appearance of lying down in a **** made him feel distressed.

"Ms. Lin, Miss Mi is currently suffering from a high fever, coupled with the lower abdomen pain caused by menstruation, the body is weak, and the bruises on her body will heal in a few days." The doctor said after the examination.

Regarding Mickey’s high fever, Lin Ye knew it the moment he picked her up, but menstruation, how could he, a big man, be aware of these things? The bruises on her legs were very serious and they were all caused Those people tied with rope caused bruises on their faces, legs, and feet.

Lin Ye swears in his heart that these people will die miserably, and pay a tragic price. After not seeing this little woman for a day, she was tortured into this appearance by them!

"Master, let the nurse bandage the wound for you!" Ye Zheng on the side glanced at Lin Ye's shoulder and suddenly said.

Hearing this, Lin Ye frowned. It seemed that at this moment he suddenly thought that his shoulder was also injured. The reason why he directly threw Mickey down was because there was a gun facing her at the time, and he did not expect that the bullet fired from that gun was actually After bruising him, that bullet would almost hit him in the bone.

"Good." Lin Ye replied.

In the senior ward, Mickey hadn't woken up yet, her face was pale and ruddy now.

Lin Ye sat on the sofa beside him, took off his coat and asked the nurse to bandage him!

Lin Ye's extremely handsome face made the nurse who was bandaging him look blushing, and he bandaged him carefully, lest it hurt him.

"Alright?" Lin Ye said impatiently.

"Quick... Almost all right." The little nurse said with a blushing face. Her movements were gentle. He didn't expect that he would think that he was slow. He raised his head and glanced at this handsome man in confusion. It was really hard to guess. Could it be that Do rich and handsome men look like this

"Hurry up!" He urged. Now he can't waste his time here. There are more important things to do than dressing up the wound. He will clean up the group of people one by one, so that they will die. .

"Got it… "()