Domineering Male God Rely on Me

Chapter 58: Mi beautiful revenge


"Mickey, you really have no conscience!" Lin Ye yelled displeasedly after hearing this. Wasn't he just for her just now? The woman who dared to say that to him, really.

He hit a woman for the first time for her, and in front of so many people, all the gentlemanly manners disappeared. She was not touched at all, so she asked why

Mickey actually knew that Lin Ye was helping her out, because her identity today is his Lin Ye's woman.

"Um... What are you talking about your fiancée?" Mickey was puzzled. Lin Ye had just turned her head for her, but there was no need to tell Mi Meili that he was his fiancée, and they weren't in this relationship now.

"What? Any comments?"

"... No!" Mickey looked at his expression, she didn't dare to say anything, so she could just let him say anything. Anyway, she didn't care about it. Just take part in this kind of occasion, and she doesn't show up often. There is no need to take the words of this kind of occasion seriously.

Maybe because Mickey was drinking just now, she felt very uncomfortable, so she went to the bathroom, and just walked to the bathroom, she couldn't help but vomited. For a while, there was a choking smell of alcohol around her nose, very uncomfortable... When she felt more comfortable, she washed her face casually and felt more refreshed before she walked out of the toilet.

When she had just walked to the door of Chu's bathroom, she saw Xue Lei standing at the door of the bathroom. The most important thing was the women's bathroom.

"Xiaoqi." Xue Lei whispered.

"Ah? Brother... why are you here?" Mickey looked around and found no one was relieved. Fortunately, no one, otherwise people would inevitably think that Xue Lei standing at the door of the women's bathroom is abnormal!

"I'm waiting for you here." Xue Lei directly explained what he meant.

"Wait for me? What's the matter?" Mickey thought of what he had said to herself before, thinking that he said he had let go, after all, today was his engagement ceremony with Song Yaxuan.

"Xiaoqi, it feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time." Xue Lei looked at her and said hesitantly. He would never have thought that Lin Ye would accompany her when he met again, and she was the female company of the president of SXL Group. appear…

Her identity made her the focus of the audience, and this identity also made him feel the gap between the two of them.

He was engaged to the daughter of Qianding Group today, and she became Lin Ye's woman.

Lin Ye basically would not attend such a banquet, let alone bring a woman to attend, and he had never had a scandal with any woman. Xue Lei understood that it was Lin Ye who only brought a woman today on such an occasion, and this woman It was Mickey, especially now claiming his fiancée to others, so Xue Lei panicked at this time. It seems that Lin Ye is serious about Mickey, but he was forced to get engaged with others...

In the past, he dared to ask if Mickey was forced by that man and if she really loved that person, but now she has become someone else's fiancée. Why does he have to question? What else can I ask? At least Lin Ye is a very good man, and will say that she is his fiancee in front of so many people.

"Brother...Did you drink too much?" Mickey frowned, she seemed to be drinking too much, it must be because of the toast just now!

"Xiaoqi, I am engaged today, will you be happy?" Xue Lei did not answer her question, but asked something else.

"Of course I am happy! Brother, I really hope you and Sister Ya Xuan can be happy, you are very good match!" Mickey said happily, what she said is true, people in the Mi family, except Xue Lei, treat everyone else There was only hatred, and Xue Lei really wanted to bless him.

"Hehe... Xiaoqi is happy!" Xue Lei said with a wry smile.

"Brother, you drank too much, I'll find someone to help you go back and rest." Mickey was about to find someone, but was stopped by Xue Lei, who didn't react, she was pulled by him and pressed against the wall.

Because Mickey had an injury on her back, she couldn't help frowning when the cold and hard wall touched her back.

"Brother, let me go first... It's not good for people to see it." Mickey was a little flustered. This is the door of the women's bathroom. People will come over at any time. When they see it, it will really be over.

"Xiaoqi, why don't you understand my heart? You know, I have liked you a long time ago, and have been waiting for you to grow up..." Xue Lei stared at her and said dazedly.

Xue Lei can't remember the exact time. When he first arrived at Mi's house, he felt that she was very pitiful, and then he had a kind of hope to protect her. As for when he fell in love with her, he didn't know, but he knew After he fell in love with Mickey, what he did later was purposeful. He hoped that Mickey would gradually like himself in the future...

"..." Mickey didn't speak, because Xue Lei's words made her not know what to say, and she was more surprised.

"Remember when you were in high school? At that time, many people were chasing you, until later those people dared not approach you. You don't know why! I asked someone to teach them a lesson , They dare not pester you anymore." Xue Lei said with a smirk.

I remember that when he knew his mind, he didn’t want to see other men around her, so as long as there were boys around her, he would find someone to teach them, but he never told Mickey about this. I planned to go on like this until I confessed to her one day, but before she had time to confess, Lin Ye was suddenly surrounded by her...

"..." Mickey changed from being surprised at the beginning to shock. She would never have thought that Xue Lei would have done so many things for her, and he seemed to be gentle and gentle, and it was even more unexpected that he would find someone to teach others. In her impression, Xue Lei was a gentle big boy. He hadn't even said swear words. He was also very gentle. He was very polite to everyone. It was really unexpected that she could fight for her.

These are indeed unexpected to her, and some can't believe it.

"Xiao...Xiaoqi!" Xue Lei stroked her face after he finished speaking.

Mickey immediately avoided, stretched out her hand to push Xue Lei away, and said in a panic, "You drank too much, I will go to Sister Yaxuan, let her take you back!" After that, she turned and left.

Xue Lei shook his head helplessly, just watching Mickey run away quickly, but could do nothing.

Mickey had just walked to the entrance of the hall, but her face suddenly felt cold. She was splashed with a glass of red wine. She was so scared that she stopped quickly, wiped off the red wine on her face, and looked at the people in front of her. ()